Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)

Deaths Armon, Jonas Matthews, Irving Allen. Norma McCarthy, Bacon, John William Bartusek, McDermott, Helen Dr. Clarence McEneany, James Muntrimas, Anna Brayer, Flory. Nash. H.

Carpenter, Raymond Crane, Mary Martha Cullen, Mathilda William F. Marion Price, Charles Eggenwiler, Peter Randazzo, Hail, Stuart Christopher Hartman, Richard Ritter, George Jerome, Mary Roberts, Lloyd a Liutwieler. Lily Savage, Helen MacArthur. Lewis Snell. Mabel Martin, Albert D.

Sutton, Gilbert Entered into rest, at her ALLEN. Vermont 28, 1948. Norma: Allen. She is survived by one brother, Ormal Austin. -Services from the Trott Funeral Home, 683 Main St.

Wednesday afternoon 2 o'clock. Interment, Riverside Cemetery. CARPENTER Tuesday, June 29, 1948. Mae T. H.

Carpenter of 171 Edgeview Lane. She leaves her daughter, Mrs. G. Edson Miller: one son, C. Ward Carpenter, and three grandchildren.

-Friends are invited to attend a memorial service Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock at Hedges Memorial Chapel. The courtesy of no flowers would be appreciated. Monday, June 28, 1948, Miss CRANK. Crane of Walworth, N. Y.

She is survived by several nieces and nephews. -Friends may call at the Hawk and Mepham Chapel, Ontario, N. Y. where funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m.

Interment Marion Cemetery. EGGENWILER. died Peter Sunday Eggenwiler morning, June 27, 1948, at the Rochester GenHospital. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Dorothy Eggenwiler; and daughters, Mrs.

Clara Garritz of Ithaca, N. and Mrs. George Brown of El Segunda, one brother, Joseph Eggenwiler of Butfalo, N. five grandchildren, and one great grandchild; three nieces and nephew. He was a member of B.P.O.E.

Lodge 24 and a member of the Loyal Order of Moose and a member of the Entertainers Club. -Mr. Eggenwiler is resting at the funeral chapel of Ryan and McIntee 207 Chestnut may call. Funeral Thursday morning. July 1, 1948, m.

from the chapel and 9 a. m. at St. Peter and Paul's Church. Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, HALL Tuesday, June 29, 1948, Stuart A.

Hall of 180 Wildmere Road, aged 62 years. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Harriet Hall: two daughters, Mrs. Doris Wingerden and Mrs. Dorothy Wingerden; two 8008, Stuart and Douglas Hall: four brothers, Donald, Edward.

Leighton and Marion 1 Hall; five grandchildren. -Friends may call at the, Farrell Colonial Funeral Home, Ridge Road West (near Memorial Bridge). Funeral services Friday at 11 a. m. Interment in Woodlawn Cemetery, Canandaigua.

JEROME Mary Weaver, of 1650 East Tuesday, June 29, 1948, widow of the late William Grant Jerome and daughter of the late John De Witt Weaver and Nancy Cartter Weaver. She is survived by one brother, Albert W. Weaver of Buffalo, N. one sister, Laura Weaver Durgin of Evanston, and seven nieces and four nephews. -Memorial services will be heid from the Jeffreys Funeral Chapel, 32 Chestnut Friday, July 2, at 2:30 p.

m. Kindly omit flowers. MAC ARTHUR Monday. June 28. 3945, Lewis T.

MacArthur of the Ridgeway Apartments, 401 Ridgeway Ave. Survived by his wife, Mrs. Marie MacArthur. -Friends may call at the Farrell Brothers Colonial Funeral Home, 51 Ridge Rd. near Memorial Bridge: Funeral services Thursday morning at 9:30 and 10 o'clock from the ProCathedral of the Sacred Heart.

Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. MC DERMOTT-Monday, June 28, 1948, Helen (Bahmer) McDermott of 8031 Pennsylvania Elmira, N. Y. formerly of Rochester, N. Y.

She is survived by her husband, John A. McDermott of Elmira, N. a brother, Albert A. Bahmer of this city. -Friends may Hedges and Hoffman Funeral Home, 141 Scio St.

(near East Main), Wednesday evening. Funeral services Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, Rev. Frederick G. Gotwald officiating. ment Mt.

Hope Cemetery. MUNTRIMAS- -Anna, aged 77 years, of 577 Hudson June 29, 1948. Survived by one daughter, Mrs. Irene Flugel, nephews and nieces. -Friends may call at the John C.

Morcan Funeral Home, 645 Hudson corner Alphonse where services will be held Thursday morning at 8:30 and 9 o'clock at St. George's Church. Interment, Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. NASH H. Raymond, Saturday, June at home in Detroit, Michigan.

He is survived by a son, Norman J. Nash; a grandson, Michael, of Detroit: one sister, Mrs. John H. Magee; two brothers, Arthur LaVerne Nash, and Dr. Stewart Nash, all of Rochester.

-Services will be held at Howk Mepham Funeral Home at Ontario, New York, on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment, Ridge Chapel Cemetery, Williamson, New York. Friends may call after 3 p. m. Tuesday.

OPHARDT-Mrs. Martha Unterborn Ophardt of the Lawrance Clarkson. N. entered into rest Monday afternoon, June 28, 1948. is survived by three sons, Alfred, Walter and Vernon Ophardt, all of Clarkson: three grandchildren: two sisters, Mrs.

Louis Homuth of Clarkson and Mrs. William Koch of Heela, South Dakota: two brothers, Ernest Unterborn of Hamlin and Carl Unterborn of Holley. -Funeral services will be held from her late home Thursday afternoon, July 1st, at 1:30 and from John's Lutheran Church, Hamlin, at 2 o'clock. Interment Parma Cemetery. RANDAZZO- Entered into rest on Monday, June 28, 1948, Christopher Randazzo of 76 Ferndale Cres.

He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Rose Randazzo: one son. First Lt. Joseph S. Randazzo of the U.

S. Army; four daughters, Mrs. Alphonse Sardone. Mrs. Raymond Bollard, Mrs.

Samuel Fortunato and Mrs. Thomas DiPrima: also five grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at The Menges Funeral Home, 309 Portland on Thursday morning 9 o'clock and at 9:15 o'clock at at Corpus Christi Church. Burial will be made in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. J.

Boyd Winchell FUNERAL SERVICE 595 Genesee St. Genesee 137 Cady St. 1123 R. J. Rowlingson, Lic.

Mgr. Rochester's Most Beautiful CHAPEL HEDGES 271 UNIVERSITY AVE. JUNE 21, 1947 U. S. WEATHER BUREAU 29.59 29.68 29.86 29.94 1011 1008 1065 Low 09.11 1017 30.03 1014 1002 1020.

Bismarck: 1017 Boise Buttalo Bost HIGH fork Chicago San Francisco Denver Kansas City HIGH Los Angeles Charleston Fort Worth Low 1014 1011 LEGEND 29.86 COLD WARM FRONT FRONT Miami STATIONARY FRONT OCCLUDED FRONT 30.03 Do ARROWS SHOOT GENERAL Brownsville FLOW OF WEATHER STORY: Moist, unstable tropical air front north of Lake Superior will move toward the from off of the Gulf of Mexico is over the area southeast. Scattered showers and thunderstorms this map. The cold front located just west of Lake are being reported throughout the eastern part of lie Erie will move in an easterly direction. The cold the country. BARTUSEK Entered into rest June 28, 1918, Arthur Bartusek of 381 Titus Ave.

He is survived by his wife, Cornelia Bartusek; two sons, Louis T. and Anthony, one sister and one brother in Hungary; four grandchildren. He was a member of Fame Lodge 945, -Friends may call at Corbett's Funeral Home, 532 Lake Ave. Service Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Interment at the convenience of the family.

BOTT- -Monday, June 28, 1948, Dr. Clarence J. Bott of 29 Center Ter. He is survived by his wife, Julie a daughter, Mrs. John Leonard of Belleville, N.

his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bott: granddaughter: two brothers, Elwen and Thomas, and two sisters. Mrs. Thomas Newcomb and Sister Angela of the Dominican Sisters.

Hawthorne, N. Y. -Funeral Thursday morning at 8:30 from L. W. Maier's Sons, 870 Clinton Ave.

and at 9 o'clock at St. Frances Xavier Church. Interment in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Sheldon June Doyle, 28, former- 1948, ly of 6 Mt. Pleasant Pk.

She is survived by her daughter, Mrs. Wilfred Dolman; four granddaughters, Mrs. Robert Belt, Mrs. Clifford Herman, Mrs. Robert Eshelman, and Mrs.

Harold Steve; also five greatgrandchildren. -Friends may call at J. B. Winchell Funeral Home, 596 Genesee where funeral service will be conducted Thursday arternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment, Riverside Cemetery.

HARTMAN-Richard J. Hartman, son of Joseph and Marguerite Gruntler Hartman of 105 Seymour Road, Tuesday, June 29, 1948. Besides his parents he leaves his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G.

Hartman and Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Gruntler. -Private funeral services will be held at the convenience of the family.

LUITWIELER- -Lily May Luitwieler, formerly of 38 Birch Crescent, June 28, 1948. She is survived by her niece, Mrs. Daisy Morgan of Ithaca. Services at the N. J.

Miller's Son Funeral Home, 1625 Mt. Hope Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, Fairport, N. Y.

MARTIN-Monday, June 28, 1948. Albert D. Martin of 226 Winton Road North. He Albert leaves his wife, Marion; one son, J. Martin, and his brother, Norman Martin of Toronto.

-Friends invited to call at Hedges Memorial Chapel where services will be held Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment Mt. Hope Cemetery. MATTHEWS Monday, June 28, 1948, Irving E. Matthews, 14 Arnold Pk.

He is survived by his wife, Hattie Matthews; his daughter, Mrs. Norman B. Strong; two grandchildren, David Strong and Mrs. Robert Todd, Williamsville, N. and two great-grandchildren.

Friends are invited to call at Hedges Memorial Chapel where services will be neld afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment, Pittsford Cemetery. MC CARTHY William Patrick, 7 Henrietta Tuesday, June 29, 1948. Survivors are 5 brothers, Michael and Albert, Rochester, Charles, Shortsville, Dennis, Victor, and Edward, Canandaigua; four sisters, Mrs. Bart McMahon, Mrs.

Emma Barry, Mrs. Francis Patridge, Rochester, and Mrs. Cora Brien, Fairport. Services at the New Murphy Mortuary, 535 Oxford on Thursday at a. m.

and 9 o'clock at St. Bridget's Church, East Bloomfield. PRICE- Entered into rest Monday at Veterans Hospital, Canandaigua, N. Charles A. Price, a veteran of World War 2.

He leaves two sons, Fred and Ledra; three sisters, Mrs. Nellie Jackson, Mrs. Ollie Bradley, Mrs. Lula Wilson: two brothers, Clarence and Dewey; an uncle and aunt, Jack Price, Mra, Mariah Bengham; two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Mildred Walker Price, Mrs.

Fred Price: several nieces and nephews; three grandchildren. -Friends may call at Latimer Funeral Home, 179 Clarissa where services will be held Friday, July 2, 1948, at 1 o'clock. Interment in the Le family lot, Myrtle Street Cemetery, Roy, N. Rev. Charles Kearns officiating.

MC ENFANY-At St. Mary's Hospital on Monday, June 28, 1948, James B. McEneany of 4 Flora St. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Frances McEneany; two sons, James A.

and Raymond F. McEneany; two daughters, Sister Clara Mariam of the Sisters of St. Joseph, and Mrs. Joseph D. Picciotti: one sister, Mrs.

William McDonald; seven grandchildren. -Funeral service from Henry D. Halloran Sons, 341 Plymouth Ave. So. Thursday morning, at 8:30 and 9 o'clock at the Immaculate Conception Church.

Interment in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. OTTO -Monday, June 28, 1948, William Otto of 347 Monroe Ave. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Emma Otto; one son, William F. Otto three daughters, Mrs.

Anthony Esposito of Cincinnati, Ohio, Mrs. Andrew Schuler Jr. and Miss Anne E. Otto: two brothers and one sister in Germany and five grandchildren. -Friends invited to call at Hedges Memorial Chapel where services will be held Wednesday afternoon 3 o'clock.

Interment at the convenience of family. SCHOLL -Tuesday, June 29, 1946, Theresa Scholl of 44. Dorbeth widow of Conrad Scholl, aged 86 She is survived by one son, Charles: Reinschmidt, four daughters, Mrs. Albert Mrs. Reil.

Min. Mrs. Paul Veneron of Penn Yan and Mrs. George Cotter: nine grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren. -Funeral Friday morning at 9:45 from L.

W. Maier's Sons, 870 Clinton Avenue North, and at 10 o'clock at St. Michael's Church. Interment Holy Sepulchre Cemetery. Road, his 1948, home, 134.

Windsor Sutton. June He 29, Gilbert Warren is survived by. his wife, Pearl Sutton: one sister, Mrs. Gertrude Bahr: three brothers, Eugene, Henry and Ernest Sutton. -Friends may call at Fiske Handy Parlors, 105 Lake Ave.

Services afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment White Haven. Inamire Naule On. ESTABLISHED Funeral Service AT CHESTNUT COURT ST. Mrs.

Otis J. Nagle, President (Unlicensed) R. Kenneth Crawford, Licensed Manager OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROCHESTER SPECIAL MEETING Monday, ad June 28, 1948 12:30 P. M. Present- Samuel B.

Dicker. Mayor of Rochester. Councilmen Mills, Doane, Erwin, Kreckman, Niger, Van Schlueter-8. Absent-Councilman Ruppel-1, FROM THE COMMUNICATIONS CITY MANAGER June 26, 1948. I.

Louis B. Cartwright, City Manager York, of by the virtue City of authority in me of Rochester, New vested by law and Section 70 of the Local Law "Amending Generally and Supplementing an Act Constituting the Charter of the Citv of Rochester' adopted by the Common Council July 28, 1925, and pursuant to the Rules Order of the Council do hereby call a special meeting of the Council to be held in the Council Chamber, room 30, City Hall, on Monday, June 28, 1948, at 12:30 o'clock P. M. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, for the purpose of receiving and taking action upon lution authorizing the City Manager to make application to the New York State Youth Commission for continuance of State aid to the Youth Bureau in the Department of Public Safety. Respectfully LOUIS B.

CARTWRIGHT, City Manager. To Councilmen Samuel B. Dicker, William A. Doane, Ross Erwin, Norman A. Kreckman, Frank C.

Niger, Gregory F. Mills, Frederick J. Ruppel, Henry L. Schlueter and Frank E. VanLare and City Clerk Thomas P.

O'Leary. Received, filed and published. INTRODUCTION OF AND ACTION UPON LOCAL LAWS, ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS. By Councilman DoaneResolution No. 48-24.

Whereas, it is the intention of the City of Rochester continue the Youth Bureau established in the Department of Public Safety, and Whereas, the City of Rochester is about to submit application for the continuance of such project to the New York State Youth Commission for its approval, and if Approved, to apply subsequently to the State of New York for partial reimbursem*nt of funds expended for such project as provided by Chapter 556 of the Laws 1945. Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that such application Louis is B. in all Cartwright, respects approved and Manager, is hereby directed and authorized to duly execute said application and forward it to the New York State Youth Commission for its approval. Adopted unanimously. ADJOURNED THOMAS P.

O'LEARY, City Clerk. Relief Happy' for Worn Out Feet due When to your fatigue, feet are don't aching. suffer. hot and Get tired, fast 0000 soothing, cooling, happy reliet the way thousands do. Apply 01L-0-50L-the effective Inhibitory antiseptic.

Ask Druggists for MOSSO'S OIL-O-SOL tor's wonderful stainless, invisible antiseptic- -promptly relieve itching, burning of Skin Rashes, Eczema, Pimples and similar surface skin and scalp irritations. Zemo ALSO aids healing. Backed by amazing record of continuous success! First trial convinces. ZEMO PROVES WONDERFUL FOR ITCHING SKIN RASH! First applications of Zemo doc- CORNS WARTS CALLOUSES Actual photograph showing two of many callouses removed. First application relieves soreness.

At all price WEMETT'S SALVE 1612 S. San Pedro Los Angeles 15, Calif. NEW FEMALE SUPPOSITORY "Finest formula of its kind!" Careful women rely on safe, effective Madrigal (Female) Suppositories 88 dependable aid to Feminine Hygiene. If your druggist cannot supply promptly. send $1 for box with complete, illustrated directions.

Mailed in plain wrapper. Carl- ton Chemical Dept. M-6, 79 Bed- 5 ford New York 14. Madrigal (Female) Suppositories TRY THE RUB BY OUT OF 10 TO EASE YOUR MISERIES When you the best help you can get! suffer bad pains you want) PAINS So take a tip from more than 2,000 other sufferers. and aches of Use A-535! SPout of RHEUMATISM of them wrote us that they: NEURALGIA liked A-535.

thepnew NEURITIS TER than BET; ARTHRITIS Antiphlogistine Rub the lini; ments, balms 'or: analge- STIFF MUSCLES sics. formerly. For, QUICKER RELI more THOROUGH RELIEF, just rub on GREASELESS, STAINLESS Another fine ANTIPHLOGISTINE product at your drug store in handy. tubes or jars. DOCTORS RESPECT -THE ANTIPHLOGISTINE When you cant, Sleep don't count sheep count on Tums for 'TUMS the tummy CANDY FAT LIKE TUMS To feel better, try one or two Tums after breakfast.

QUICK RELIEF FOR FUSSY STOMACH DUE TO ACID INDIGESTION, GAS AND HEARTBURN ANNOUNCEMENTS Entertainment 3 hodge Grili-1479 Lyell Cine foods and beverages. Glenwood 7291. Pearl M. Dodge, proprietor. Lost: and Found, Strayed 6 locker- -Three months old.

black-white, lost June 25, vicinity Island Cottage Road. Child's pet. Reward. Charlotte 1858-W. 934 Edgemere Drive.

-Baby play pen. Sunday, Webster Park. Owner may have same by payIng for this ad. R. Latal, 467 Tarrington Rd.

Mound Black Daschund. Charlotte 1924-J. (2) Lost in vicinity of Greece. male and female. White.

black and brown markings. Female about 22 inches nigh, male about 18 inches. Answer to Spot and Jack. Both licensed. Male-112408.

Female112407. Reward. Char. 2257-W. 1 lasses Lost between corner Spring St.

and Exchange and Court House. Call Martin, Main 4052. Docketbook- Blue corde envelope type. Bryan Drug Store, June 29. Generous reward.

Charlotte 0743-W, Main 3242. prescription Sun Glasses- Lost, downReward. Gen. 2040-J. Durse- Ontario Lost.

Beach black parking Marocco. station. Vicinity tained 2 wallets. identification, Indiana resident. Reward.

Stone 0128-L, Stone 2552-X. Lady's black onyx, diamond center. Lost Sunday, June 27, vicinity St. Andrews. Portland Ave.

Reward. Call Stone 3865-X. Fox Terrier White-brown. Lost Sunday, vicinity Jay-Glide St. Reward.

Genesee 1009-R. Wallet- Avenue -Black, section. lost Reward. possibly 603 in Dewey Dewey 00 Ave. Tatch- Lady's Tavernis, keepsake, lost downtown ares.

Reward. Stone 4569-R. ristwatch Lost, lady's Hamilton. Vicinity Twelve Corners. Valued AS keepsake.

Reward. Helen Buell, Main 7070.. Ext. 513. Monuments and Cemetery Lots Cemetery, facilities memorials, at your large service.

display, Trott 1120 Mt. Hope. Personals otice is hereby given that I will not be responsible for any debts contracted for by anyone other than myself. Dated this 26th day of June, 1948. Michael Barezak (Brady), Brockport, N.

Y. person who faund three U. S. Treasuty Coupon bonds, numbers 81915, E81916. F81917-H, will please communicate with me.

A generous reward given. 215 Seneca Parkway, Glenwood 3237-J. Totice is hereby given that I will not responsible for any debts contracted for by anyone other than myself. Dated this 28th day June, 1948. Signed, Francis T.

Messier, 484 No. Goodman St. Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Lillian Seeley, 26 Joslyn Place, Rochester, New York, kindly contact the Scranton Lackawanna Trust Company, 506 Spruce Street, Scanton, Pa. ny girl in trouble and In need of friend, call or see Mira. Major Brunner.

Salvation Army, 67 North Main 4543. Business Personals 8 A luminum stoves, rags, Junk, papers. scrap Best iron, prices. turnaces, Quick pickup. Stone 0405.

Boats Fish boat are at biting Skinner's. at. Braddock' your forsets- Brassieres, foundations fitted by corsetiere. Katherine Corset Shop. 603 Temple Stone 3238.

resses- Greatly reduced for immediate clearance, all sizes. Zweig's, 240 Rosedale (off Monroe). Monroe 5337. Open 9 to 9 1ggs- Home dressed poultry, retail or small wholesale consumers wanted. Delivery service, Culver 5770-R.

yes Examined- Glasses ritted. Charles G. Pfeifer, optometrist, In charge. Credit cheerfully extended. Gamler's, jewelers and opticians, 104 E.

Main, corner N. Water. Funerals At reasonable prices. L. Service and quality unexcelled.

C. Kennedy. 1601 E. Main St. any kind done in your home.

Genesee 3203. Dermanents- -Given at home, 9 years experience: machineless or cold waves. at your convenience. Monroe 1334. Dermanents- Your home.

Cap haircuts. Beauty work. Stone 4451-J. heumatism-Miller'8 Rheumatism PreR scription for arthritis. neuritis, sciatica.

muscular aches and pains. Miller Drug 1160 Clinton Ave. corner Ave. D. Main 8709.

Rugs cleaned: Upholstered dyeing, furniture, repair beautifully Nu-Way Rug Cleaners. 339 Rutgers. Monroe 8913. Summer House Cleaning- Why worry? Attic to basem*nt. Stone 0182.

Washing Fluid- McDonald's, Delivered Main right 3027. to your 11 moles, warts. unwanted hair. Permanently removed, ninth year, 9 n. 6:30 Thurs.

and Fri. 27 Clinton So. F. Friedman, St. 5880.

ome Owner wanted. who is interested in a beautiful sample siding job to be used for advertising purposes Culver 5168. save on Rite-Step and FootMothers shoes for children at Rosenberg's, 221 North St. Open evenings. pay metal.

highest Stone 4626. prices for rags, paper, About nalf on your goods: silks, woolens, cottons, drapes, slipcovers. Manhatten Silk Stores. 387 East Main next to Wegman's. AUCTIONS Auction Sales 12 Anctioneers, Levy.

Auctioneer -Estates and Emanuel of furniture (established 25 years). For best results phone Main 4376. Yeorge Begy Auctioneer. Stone 2782. City Auction House, 267 North St.

actioneer, appraiser, liqul- dator tor stores, merchandist, tures, machinery, etc. Stone 7039. Remember sale to attend Wednesday, the June Westbury 30 at Es- 1 m. sharp, at 265 Melrose corner of Rugby Ave. See last Sunday's Auction ad for detailed information.

Arnold J. Bloom. Auctioneer. Glen. 2315, uction: Thursday, July 1st, 1:30 p.

at the Auction Salesrooms, 12-14 Aqueduct St. (off 29 E. Main, near Four Corners). Removed from Park Ave. and Meigs St.

sections, fine lot of maple furniture and furnishings including lot of storage goods of an estate. Frigidaire and Maytag elec. washer in good order, maple desk and fine cedar chest, maple coffee and drop leaf tables. odd maple chest, vanity and dresser, book rack, pr. Hollywood beds complete; green and blue Matelasse dav.

and chair, down filled, like new: 6 pc. Calif. dec. breakfast set including corner cab. barrel and lounge chair, 2 Duncan Phyfe mah.

drop leaf tables: 9 pe. wal. D.R. suite, 60 in, buffet, oblong table, 6 chairs and china cab. in fine condition: occ.

and Windsor chairs, odd rockers, glider, willow chair and rocker, spinet and writing desks, pc. white pore. kitchen set. 24 in. porcelain kit.

large size kit. elec. cleaners: 9x12 floral broadloom rug, like new: other rugs, small antique chest, antique mah. comb. bookcase and chest, 9 pc.

burl wal. D.R. suite with oblong table, pc. wal. B.R.

suite complete. 4 section bookcase, odd dressers and chests. RollA-Way bed, pr. galv. rinsing tubs and stand, Kitchenware, dishes and other house furnishings.

The above is a fine lot, good opportunity for young couples and all interested buyers including dealers. All goods must be sold for just what they bring, nothing reserved. Available parking stations in vicinity of auction, chain seats for buyers in large salesrooms. Emanuel Levy, Auctioneer, Main 4376. AUTOMOTIVE Cars Dismantled 14 '36; Chev.

Chrysler, '36; Dodge, 33-'36; DeSoto. '35; Ford, Hudson, Olds. Plymouth. '32-'37: Packard, '36-'37; Stude, '36-'37: Terraplane, '33'-37; Willys '37: Pontiacs, Nash, '35-'37. Globe, 2485 Dewey.

Char. 2065. Open eves. Auto Accessories. Parts 15 A uto Seat Covers To fit all cars.

Closing out entire stock at wholesale prices. Bay Auto Sales, 374 Bay St. A uto floor Seat mats, all cars. Also up, Esso installed; truck cervice. 16 S.

Washington, Main 2423. Auto used Cooling radiators, Radiators reconditioned, -Large stock for of change. New radiators. Cores installed. Radiators cleaned and repaired.

The Radiator Shop, 462 South Ave. ise Sanders- For rent, disc sanding machine for auto body work, for rent. $2 Phil's Auto Parts, 216 Central Main 4058. ufflers- 'Cail pipes, springs, seat covers and brakes, sold and installed. Meadows Service Station.

278 State. Great Covers- For all cars. '35 to 48. De Bree Motors. 424 Ridge at Dewey.

uto Parts: Clutch and pressure plate assemblie for all cars. Schuber Auto Parts Inc. 558 Lyell, Glen. 6775. Closed Sundays and holidays.

A uto Friday. Parts. 8 to Store 5:30: hours Saturday, Monday 8 to through 4:30. closed Sundays and holidays. Schuber Auto Parts, 558 Lyell.

Glen. 6775. A uto Auto Parts: Parts New 358 and Lyell, used. Glen, Schuber 6775. Closed Sundays and holidays.

AUTOMOTIVE AUTOMOTIVE Auto Accessories, Parts 15 uto Parts: Relined brake shoes and drum turning. Schuber Auto Parts 558 Lyell, Glen. 6775. Closed Sundays and holldays. A uto pipes.

Parts: Largest Mufflers, stock tail and exhaust in the City of Rochester. Schuber Auto Parts 558 Lyell, Glen. 6775. Closed Sundays and holidays. Deaths Record Heat JOHN M.

GUION To Ease Off FUNERAL TODAY slightly cooler weather today. The Weather Bureau's forecast calls for fair skies most of the day and probable showers in the evening. Yesterday's highest temperature was 93 degrees, a record for June 29. Previous high for the date was 92 degrees, set in 1942. The low, 70 degrees, came shortly before midnight.

Temperatures a. m. 74 a. m. 73 6 a.

m. 72 8 a. m. 75 10 a. m.

79 12 noon 85 Rochester and vicinity will have LOCAL OBSERVATIONS The highest temperature yesterday was 93 degrees, against 92 the same day in 1942, and 59 in 1902: the lowest 70, against 73 in 1933. and 48 in 1885: the mean 81, against 82 in 1933, and 54 in 1902, and an average of 69 for 78 years. Low High ROCHESTER 72 93 Albany 68 88 Atlanta 72 91 Boston 60 80 69 88 Chicago 68 76 Denver 52 81 Detroit 71 84 Duluth 57 73 Kansas City 66 88 Los Angeles 60 88 Miami 85 New Orleans 83 New York City 72 93 Phoenix 72 114 Philadelphia 71 97 Pittsburgh 56 67 90 78 Portland, Me. St. Louis 67 83 Washington 73 93 Deaths 19 p.

m. 89 A p. m. 91 5 p. m.

93 00 p. m. 82 10 p. m. 74 12 midnight 70 ARMON Tuesday, June 29, 1948, Jonas Armon Baden Street.

He leaves his wife, Sarah Armon; two sons, Sol Charles Armon of Buffalo and Harold Armon of Rochester; one daughter, Miss Miriam Armon of Rochester; one grandchild; two sisters, Mrs. Louis Brodsky of Rochester, and Miss Lee Armon of New York City; and one brother, Garson Armon of Detroit. Mr. Armon was a member of the Rochester Linas Hatzedek Society. -A funeral service will be conducted this afternoon o'clock at the Parsky Funeral Home, 1125 St.

Paul Street. Burial in Britton Road Cemetery. BACON- John age 92, of University Rochester, on June 29, 1948. He leaves his wife, Mrs. Rosa L.

Bacon; a son, Mortimer a grandson, John all of Rochester, and a granddaughter, Mrs. Baker of Webster, and five greatgrandchildren. -Friends may call at the Tinklepaugh Funeral Home after 2 p. m. Wednesday.

The funeral service will be held on The Thursday, Richard July 1. North- 1948, at 3 p. Rev. rup will officiate. Burial in Webster Rural Cemetery.

BRAYER- -Mrs. Flora Renaud Brayof the late Frank C. Brayen 1948. of 487 She is Flint survived Monday, by June 28, one son, Edward F. Brayer of Washington, D.

one sister. Mrs. Herbert Sauers: three brothers, Peter, Jo: seph A. and Leo F. Renaud; four grandchildren.

Deceased was a member of Rosary Society of St. Monica's Church, 'Branch 62 L.C.B.A. of SS. Peter and Paul's Church. -Friends may call at C.

F. Scheuerman Sons Funeral Home, 712 Main St. West. Funeral Thursday morning at 8:45 o'clock and 9:15 o'clock at St. Monica's Church.

Interment in Holp Sepulchre Cemetery. CULLEN-Mrs. Mathilda Vogt Cullen, Tuesday, June 29, 1948, at her home, 129 Woodward St. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. William T.

Kelly and Mrs. William L. Grimm: three sons, John Walter G. and Fred P. Cullen: four grandchildren; one sister, Mrs.

Charles Zimber; one brother, George Vogt. Deceased was a member of the Rosary Society. Services will be held Friday morning at 8:45 from the home and at 9:15 o'clock at Corpus Christi Church. DE VITO- Sue Sapere, entered into rest Tuesday afternoon, June 29, 1948, at her residence, 31 Wilder St. -Announcement of funeral later.

Arrangements by Polvino Bros. Funeral RITTER Tuesday, June 29, 1943, George A. Ritter of 122 Tremont St. J. He is survived by one sister, Mrs.

B. Williams of Sarnia, Canada. -Friends may call at J. B. Winchell Funeral Home, 137 Cady where funeral service will be conducted Friday afternoon.

Interment in Mt. Hope Cemetery. ROBERTS- -Entered into rest, June 28, 1948, Lloyd (Whitey) Roberts of 907 Buffalo Rd. He is survived by his wife, Lillian Vowles: two sons, Ronald and Francis; his parents, Mr. and Mrs.

Frank H. Roberts; one sister, Leonard Eleanor R. and Roberts; two brothers. Edwin D. grandmother, Mrs.

Letta Scorse. He was a member of Etolion Lodge, and Lalla Rookh Grotto, Gates Presbyterian Church. -Friends may call at Corbett's Home, 109 West Ave. Services Thursday afternoon at 2, Rev. Edward Stokesberry assisted by Etolion Lodge.

Interment, Mt. Hope Cemetery. SAVAGE Monday, June 28, 1948, Helen Irwin Savage, at her home, 26 N. Main Churchville. She is survived by her husband, George Ellsworth Savage: two sons, George B.

of Windsor, Richard I. of a niece, Helen Egbert Wingate of Essex Junction, Vermont. -Services from the Union Congregational Church, Churchville, Thursday, July 1, at 2:30 p. m. Interment Churchville.

The family requests no flowers. Franklin, and St. Petersburg, papers please copy. SNELL- Entered into rest Tuesday, June 29, 1948, Mabel Snell. She is survived by her husband, De Forest Snell: two daughters and one son, Mrs.

Fallon and Walter Snell Mrs. Robert I Hall of Belmont. N. of N. Chili: two grandchildren: one brother, Archie McFadden of Rochester.

-Friends may call at the home, 4215 Buffalo Chili. Interment Friday m. Services from the North Chili Methodist Church at 2:30 p. m. Interment North Shill, Buffalo papers please copy.

Seneca Falls- Honorary bearers for John M. Guion, 77, retired cashier of the State Bank of Seneca Falls, whose funeral will be conducted at 2:30 p. m. today in the home, 43 Bayard St. will be directors of the State Bank.

They are Fred L. Story, Maurice Hayssen, J. C. Davis, A. L.

Moses, Peter M. Doran, Dr. Emil J. Bove, Francis J. Souhan and Milton R.

Sanderson. Active bearers, all employes of the State Bank, will be John A. Brady, Samuel H. Salisbury, Douglas L. Spaid, Bert H.

Kuney, Leo W. Brown and Leslie L. Lind. The Rev. M.

Dennis Lee, rector of Trinity Episcopal Church, will officiate at the rites and burial will be in Restvale Cemetery. Mr. Guion who had been associated with the State Bank here continously since 1902, died late Sunday night (June 27, 1948) in his home following a long illness. MARIAN M. CHAMBERS Lyons- Marian Margaret Chambers, 11 months old, daughter of Charles and Marian Earl Chambers of 11 Montezuma Lyons, died in the Geneva General Hospital Monday (June 28, 1948) after an illness of only a few days.

A funeral service will be conducted in the Monte: 1a St. home by Rev. Henr. J. McKnight of the Broad Street Lutheran Church at 2:30 Thursday.

Burial will be in South Lyons Cemetery. The child would have been a year old Saturday. FREDERICK L. PERKINS Auburn- (P) -Frederick L. Perkins, 14, son of the Rev.

and Mrs. Louis L. Perkins, died Monday night after his first day's work on the A. E. Short farm near here.

MRS. AGNES B. O'BRIEN Canandaigua-Mrs. Agnes Bagley O'Brien, formerly of 111 Hubbell and wife of M. C.

O'Brien, of Corning died Monday (June 28. 1948) after a long illness. MISS MARY A. CRANE -Miss Mary A. Crane, 88, died Monday (June 28, 1948) in her home here.

CHARLES F. WALTERS Charles F. Walters, 82, of 324 Cravenwood Greece, died yesterday (June 29, 1948) in St. Mary's Hospital after a short illness. GEORGE DANIEL.

MARTI Canandaigua George Daniel Marti, 80, resident of Davenport, Iowa, who has spent his winters in Canandaigua with his daughter for several years, died in Thompson Memorial Hospital Monday (June 28, 1948) after a week's illness. He was a retired farmer. ELMER ALBRO Batavia--Elmer Albro, 69, of the West Shelby Road, Oakfield, died suddenly yesterday morning (June 29, 1948). Genesee Dealers Boost Milk Price Batavia Effective tomorrow, the price of milk in Genesee County will increase a cent a quart. A dealers' announcement to this effect was made yesterday.

Regular pasteurized milk will advance to 21 cents and the Guernsey grade to 22 cents a quart. Dealers attributed the increase to a state-mandated 40-cent-perhundredweight boost to producers for Class 1 milk. No change in the price of cream is yet indicated. At the same time, fears of shortage of milk by fall were expressed. These were based on a trend of dairy farmers taking advantage of the high beef market and selling light producing cows.

"There was a time," one observer noted, "when a dairy farmer would try to save every bit of production in his herd. But, now, if he has a three-quarter producing cow, he's likely to ship it for beef. High cost of help and feed are reputedly other factors affecting the dairy picture. Stag Dances Set At Stardust Room Effective July: 2, the Stardust Room in Edgerton Park will be on its new Summer schedule. Wednesday night programs will not be changed.

There will be free dancing for all Police Athletic League members from 7 until 10 p. m. Under the new policy stag dances will be held from 9 until midnight every Friday. Music will be provided by Pat Basset and his band, Auto Rental 17 Rent a new car, station Surprisingly wagon low or truck. Rent by day, week or longer.

"Walk in. drive Auto Rental 306 East Main 8341. Automobiles for Sale mericar-1941 sedan. like new. $695.

Reliable Auto Sales, Winthrop Street, Stone 1170. A respect, mericar-41 $795; sedan, '36 perfect in every Plymouth sedan, radio, heater, lovely condition, $395; Ford $179; '35 Pontiac 2-door, $149. Beisheim's, 2307 Ridge Rd. W. Duick-1946 super 4-door sedan.

Radio, heater: very 1ow mileage. No trade needed. Fully guaranteed. Monroe Auto Sales, 260 South Ave. Big inside showroom.

Buick Beautiful gray convertible finish. club coupe. Black top. Air ride tires. Hurry! Monroe Auto Sales Studebaker Dealer," 260 South Ave.

Open eVenings. Buck sedan. Fully Roadmaster All conv. club equipped. the extras.

Fully guaranteed. Cream finish, white wall tires, red upholstery. Excellent trade-in allowance for your car. Open to 9 p. m.

Skyway Motors, 65 Monroe Ave. Buck-1946 back 4-door guarantee. sedans, Whiting-Bu- 48-hour ick, 30 N. Union (between East and University avenues). uick-1947 sedan, 1,200 miles, $2,695.

Union Motor Sales, 41 South Ave. Buck-1947 small finish. model Will 4-door sedan, the satisfy most exacting buyer as only driven few hundred miles, new car guarantee. Priced now at only $2,495. A real bargain the first quick buyer! Churchill Motors, 110 Mt.

Hope Ave. Open evenings. Buck tically 48 super station wagon, pracnew. very attractive price. Ralph Pontiac, 626 W.

Main. light, grey finish, white side wall 47 convertible coupe, beautiful, tires; other extras, new car guarantee. Ralph Pontiac, 626 W. Main. Branch, 290 Lyell.

36 4 door, radio, heater. Ralphs 4-door. special sedan, beautifut condition inside and out. excellent motor and tires, priced at a hollday special. See this, you'll drive it home from Astman Motors.

740 Lake Ave. Open nights, daily. Bank rates. -1940 special sedan. reconditioned.

Regular Archer 90-day guarantee. Archer Motor 350 Monroe Ave. Duick-1938 sedan. $545. Meacham Pontiac.

Pittsford, N. Hillside 2886. sedanette. We have two. Belkirch 169 Mt.

Hope Ave. Quick-1941 club sedan. Has two-tone finish. that popular special model. Priced at only $1.127 Pincher's.

37 South Union. -1940 super club convertible, has 1946 engine. In perfect condition. One of those rare convertibles. Whiting- Buick, 30 North Union.

sedan, clean inside and out, one of the finest in town. Maplewood Motors, 250 Lake Ave. Buck 1941 cean, special all sedan, rebuilt motor, very equipped. Real buy. only $1.195.

Cheapies 1936 Plymouth sedan, $199; 1937 Ford Tudor, 85, $299; 1947 Crosley convertible, $695; 1936 Chevy sedan, $175. Guaranteed Motor Sales, 1168 Lyell Ave. Glen. 0102. uick- '38 sedan, has had only one owner.

Looks, runs and drives better than -war cars. The best we've ever had to sell. Well worth the money. Rochester Motors, Bulls Head, W. Main at Genesee.

Buick equipped, 47 sedan, almost best brand model. fully new. sell cheap; also '47 super sedanette, $2,589. Many '41'g and to choose from. Rochester Motors, Bull's Head.

W. Main at Genesee. Buck 1948. -Super driven convertible, few sold miles. new Jan.

All very extras, finest. newest A kept, most sonvertible for sale in N. Y. State, Come see It. Reasonable price.

Soid by Hines who sells only the finest of automobiles. Thirty-five years honest dealing. 176 Monroe, corner Savannah. Buick 36 coach. A real buy, $295.

Schoen, 68 Genesee. Buick 1941 special two-door like sedanette, radio. heater, defroster. buy! 404 Alexcondition, motor, new. ander.

Quick-1947 sedanette, the hardest to model. Can pASS as new car! two-tone finish. radio. air heater, $2,495. MeEvoy, 336 Broadway.

1947 super sedan. Driven about 3,000 miles, Beautiful blue finish. Radio, heater, white wall tires, ete. As near new as they come. New car guarantee.

Bank rates. 24 months to pav. Trades accepted. Cliff Tarrant Sales, 282 South Ave. Duick 1946 super 4-door.

low mileage, very clean. special this week. CheVrolet. 1941 club coupe, and two 2-door6, exceptionally good condition, bargain. Plymouth 1941 4-door.

a steal. Chevrolet. 1940 town sedan, radio and heater, extra nice. Dodge, 1947 custom club coupe, radio. heater, white wall tires, new car condition.

Chevrolet, 1916 Fleetmaster 4-door. radio and heater. priced right. Drive out to the bargain spot of Western New York and gee many other outstanding buys. Ridge-Portland Sales.

Ridge at Portland, dealer finer automobiles. Stone 0105. Open evenings. Duick-1938 coupe. My Cather was original owner.

48.000 miles, It is yours 1f you are the first person to RiVe me $425 cash. 2124 Monroe Avenue, Apartment 2. 6-8 p. m. No dealers.

1936 fordor. New paint Job, new tires. In excellent condition. Come over and look it over. Norton Auto Sales.

306 Norton open till 9. 1918 roadmaster Radio, nylon 4 door slip covers, sedan. Dark green. white side wall tires. Charlotte 0072.

super 4-door sedan. The most popular light grey finish. immaculate interior, perfect tires and motor. Just the car for your vacationing pleasure. Peiced below market value at $1.395.

Fritsche-Koener 20 No. Fitzhugh St. Open Mon. and Fri. eves.

35. motor. new $95 front down. end. "4th 5 new Special." tires.

good Rudman Motors, 512 State. '37 car is a convertible, club coupe fireball with red. a This rumble seat and a baggage compartment. Be in style this Summer. Drop out to Ridge Motors today or tonight.

2423 Ridge Rd. W. Buick original 1942 black special finish. sedan, See radio, this heater, one for beauty. Marsh Drummond, 5809 East Main St.

1939 special in four door excellent sedan. Has light finish. running condition, reasonable. Shepard Motors. 583 East Main.

Bush 1941 condition. super Has four-door new (cont sedan. end. In etc. Weekend special price.

$1.095.00. Whiting-Buick. 30 North Union. (Between East and University Avenues). Stone 0714.

Buick-1942 price for the weekend. sedanette. $995.00. Whiting-Buick. 30 North Union.

(Between East and University Avenues). Stone 0714. radio and heater. new paint, a perfect special club coupe. Has car.

"The bargain spot," Court at Union. Bucks sensational everything! smashing See ad Hallman's in D. and C. Sunday and N.onday. June 27-28.

Over 100 clean cars at guaranteed savings to $400. No trade-in needed. Best deal in U. S. A.

Hallman's three used car locations, 23 29 South Union, 218 East Ave. Buick condition, 1942 special tires, 4-door, radio good and running heater. $1,250. Inquire 47 East Fairport, 6 p. m.

to 8 p. m. Phone 262. 1948 sedan. Just about as new as they come.

Beautiful blue two tone finish. Many extras. White wall tires. Trades-terms to please. Cliff Tarrant Sales, 282 South Ave.

Vadillac-1947 convertible, 6,000 miles. Union Motor Sales. 41 Union. Vadillac '41 sedanette, heater. radio, plastic seat covers, beautiful black finish.

Attractive price. Ralph Pontiac, 626 W. Main. 1948 Futuristic sedanette. Shiny black finish, whitewall air-ride tires.

Radio and air conditioning. Skyway Motors, 55 Monzoe Ave. Open evenings. model 62. 4-door sedan.

Radio, heater, white wall tires, etc. Dark blue finish. Fully guaranteed. Real low mileage car. Monroe Auto Sales.

260 South Ave. Big inside showroom. Open evenings. Cadillac mil 1947. model Beautiful 62 sedan.

blue. Out- Very standing buy. Dake Sales. 195 South Ave. Cadillac 946 model 1162" sedan, has two-tone (inish.

radio and heater, hvdramatic transmission. guaranteed, $2.995. Valley Cadillac (used car divis1701 East Ave. Vadillac 1941 7-passenger sedan. Prigood condition, black finish, clean interior.

vately, owned and operated. Unusually Valley Cadillac (Used Car Division), 1701 East Ave. Automobiles for Sale 13 Vadillac-1940 sedan. Fleetwood body. new paint job, radio and henter: in very good condition.

Bargain Spot, Court at Union. vadillac-1937 sedan. Best offer. Must be sold. Gen.

0635-W. Vadillac 4-door sedan, model This car 1s like new. see It and you'll appreciate the condition of this high class car at 2 tow price. Valley Cadillac (Used Car Division), 1701 East Hillside 3094. Chevrolet finish, 1939 coach, beautiful metallo new seat covers.

good motor and tires; yours for only $695. Easy bank rates. "We're easy to deal Akron Motors, Broad corner Lyell Open evenings, Glenwood 6250, Chevrolet 1936 Standard coupe, good condition, $225. 482 Central Avenue. thevrolet-1935 sedan, a fine running and priced at only $193.

$10 dowa. easy deal with!" Akron Motors, Broad corner Lyell. Open evenings. Glenwood 6250. thevrolet 1941 special deluxe models, choice of two.

one 4-door sedan with very low mileage and we can say the same about the 2-door. Either of these cars will assure you of thousands of miles of carefree driving. Priced rignt at Fincher's. club coupe, radio, heater. $400 down.

15 mo. to pay. Shepard Mctors. 583 East Main. Chevrolet-1941 4-door and 2-door sedans.

Large selection. fully reconditioned. better than a post-war car. Rochester Motors, Bull's Head, W. Main at Genesee.

club coupe. Has only 6,500 miles and is as good as most new ones, $1,995. McEvoy, 336 Broadway. Chevrolet-1948 Aero sedan. Driven only 112 miles.

Radio. heater, white wall air-cushioned tires and other extras. New car guarantee. Bank rates. 24 months to.

pay. Trades accepted. Clife Tarrant Sales, 282 South Ave. Thevrolet-1941 special deluxe sedan. Has full equipment and only driven 36,000 miles by elderly person.

Have one town sedan left too. $1,095. McEvoy, 336 Broadway. Chevrolet- 48 Aero sedan. Also tutone Fleetline sedan.

Will be sold below market. Big trades and 24 months to pay. Many '41 and older ones to choose from. Rochester Motors, Bull's Head. W.

Main at Genesee. Chevrolet-'41 convertible coupe, fine condition. Schoen, 68 Genesee. Thevrolet- 40 club coupe, fully teed. Schoen, 68 Genesee.

sport coupe. Runs perfect. No oil, good mileage. Cheant Good transportation! $345. MeEvoy, 336 Broadway.

Chevrolet- -1936. Sporty looking coupe. New grill, original gray finish. portation for a song! MeEvoy, 336 Broadway. coupe, Bite folah, cream wheel, chrome rims.

A snappy good looking. fine running car. Only $927.00 at Fincher's, 37 So. Union. Chevrolet-1946 Club Coupe, the condition is guaranteed while it lasts, $1,695, no trade required.

Cool Chevrolet, 360 Culver Road. Thevrolet-1946 town sedan. radio costing better than $150.00 with short wave, etc, Driven Just A feve thollsand miles and it has that new car appearance. Fincher'1, 37 So. Union.

hevrolet-1940 5-passenger coupe in excellent condition. $895. Meacham Pontiac. Pittsford, N. Y.

Hillside 2886. faevrolet-1947 convertible club coupe, light ivory color, red upholstery, every conceivable extra, tew miles. formerBelkirch owned by lady, bargain at $2,395. 160 Mt. Hope Ave.

Thevrolet-1940 deluxe town sedan, blue finish, has not been abused, $899. Cool Chevrolet, 360 Culver Road. Thevrolet-1947 Town Sedan, loaded with extras $1.949. Just turned 10,000 miles. Cool Chevrolet.

360 Culver Road, Chevrolet-1938 deluxe two-door Sedan. One look at the tires, motor and genera! appearance of this car and you'll want to buy it right away, Priced right at Fincher's, 37 South Union. Chevrolet-1947 like club coupe. Has radio, new. bargain spot." Court at Union.

Chevrolet-141 4-door special deluxe, Jet black, radio, heater, extra clean, low mileage. Hurry out to Ridge Motors, 2423 Ridge Rd. W. 7 everything! See Halfman's sensational price smashing ad in D. and Sunday and Monday, June 27-28.

Over 100 clean cars at guaranteed savings to $400. No trade-ins needed. Best deal in U. S. A.

Hallman's three used car locations, 23 and 29 South Union. 218 East Ave. Chevrolet equipped. 1948 No Fleetline trade Aero sedan. needed.

Skyway Motors, 'Late model 55 Monroe Ave. Open evenings. Thevrolet-1940 coach. very clean, $895. Regular Archer 90-day guarantee.

Archer Motor 350 Monroe Ave. 1940 special deluxe 2-door, owner, upholstery like new. heater, beauiful tan finish, bargain. Marsh Drummond, 589 East Main St, special deluxe tudor. radio, heater, 2-tone blue and gray.

Marsh Drummond, 589 East Main St. Chevrolet- 1938 sedan, new motor, new front and new paint. Union Motor Sales, 41 South Union. hevrolet 1910 special deluxe sedan. New tires, only $875.

Quality Motors, 68 Chestnut St. thevrolet- 2 door, mechanically perfeet, clean inside and out. Maplewood Motore, 250 Lake Ave. Shevrolet 1947 Aero sedan. $2.045.

Meacham Pontiac Inc. Pittsford N. Y. Hillside 2586. Chevrolet- -1941 special deluxe models with radios and heaters.

3 to choose from. 2 beautiful club coupes and club convertible coupe. Priced to sell before the Fourth. Churchill Motors, 110 Mt. Hope Ave.

Open Shevrolet-1947 two door sedan. Looks runs like new. $475.00 down. 24 E-Z bank nayments on the balance. Doyle's big lot.

560 East Main. Chevrolet for -See late Meacham models: Pontiac, down Pitts. two years to pay. bank rates. Hillside 2886.

Thevrolet-1947 station Wagon. all equipped. fully guaranteed. Just like new. Monroe Auto Sales, 260 South Ave.

Open eveninge. Chevrolet-1937 master deluxe town dan. In excellent condition throughout. and loaded with extras. Priced to sell fast.

Good allowance for your old car. Hause Motors. Willye -Overland Distributors. 435 Clinton Ave. So.

Open daily 9, closed Sunday. Main 4739. tudor Why run the risk taking a vacation in the old car with the possibility that you will have lot of repair bills to pay out while on the road? Buy this guaranteed beauty today and be set for A long time to come in economical and care-Cree driving. Priced sell. for this one! Hause Motors.

Willys-Overland Distributors. 435 Clinton Ave. So. Open dally 'tIl 9, closed Sunday, Main 4739. hevrolet-1938 sedan.

New paint. Excellent tires. and a swell running motor. that will give many miles of care-free and economical driving. Hurry Cor this one today! Easy terms arranged.

Hause Motors. Willys-Overland Distributors. 435 Clinton Ave. So Open daily 'til 9, closed Sunday. Main 4739.

Chevrolet- Ford. Plymouth, a etc. We have a large assortment at present time. of and '47 models. All cars drastically reduced and will be sold at E-Z bank rates.

Only down required, and 24-month terms. Nearly all have radio and heater. See us now for a better buy. Churchill Motors. 110 Mt.

Hope Ave. Open evenings. Aero sedan, fully equipped, like new: attractive price, with or without trade. Ralph Pontiac. 626 W.

Main. Open Monday and Friday evenings. club coupe. Driven only 254 actual miles, dark blue finish, every available extra. Same as when it left the factory.

New car guarantee. Bank rates. 24 months to pay. Trades accepted. Open evenings.

Cliff Tarrant Sales, 282 South Ave. thevrolet-1946 Fleetine Aero sedanette 4-door sedan. Fully equipped. Can be seen inside at 260 South Monroe Auto Sales. Open to 9 p.

m. thevrolet 1948 Fleetline Aero sedan; 8:90 1948 Fleetmaster 4-door sedan. Immediate delivery. Monroe Auto Sales, 260 South Ave, Open evenings, Chevrolet, 1946 ruby maroon convertible finish, club coupe. radio, heater, plastic seat covers.

Hurry! Hurry! Skyway Motors, 55 Monroe Ave. Open evenings. thevrolet-1947 club Conyertible coupe. heater, white wall tires, fender skirts and many other extras. Original 9,000 miles.

Plan your vacation with this sporty car. Open evenings. La Duca Motors, 855 St. Paul, opposite Hickok's, Main 3387. Chevrolet- 1937.

good condition, tires, $275. 501 Driving Park Ave. Chevrolet-1941-1940, 2-door, 4-door sedans, 10 to choose from. Priced from $895 up. All with heaters, Many with radios.

Excellent transportation. Monroe Anto Sales. 260 South Ave. All cars inside. "Uptown Studebaker Headquarters." Chevrolet-1916, 4-door sedan.

This car new and fully equipped. Real buy. Monroe Auto. Sales. 260 South Ave.

Rochester Wednesday, Democrat June 30, and 1948 Chronicle 29.

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


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Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.