Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (2024)

Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (1)

Ric Molina

I've been covering gaming since 2012, and some of my work has been featured by large brands, including, Forbes, Rock Paper Shotgun, and more. I've been obsessed with Destiny 2 (and now Diablo 4) for years now, and I hope to provide new and returning players with the guides and resources I wish I had when I first started.

  1. Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (2)

    John1337 on September 9, 2022 at 11:48 pm

    D2 will be unplayable garbage until they stop queueing keyboard andouse players with controller users in pvp and move to balanced (meaning fixed) loadouts and builds for pvp. They also need to put back all the PVE content they stole from paying customers and remove at least 2 to 4 hundred layers of RNG.


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (3)

      Johns a nonce on September 14, 2022 at 2:59 am

      ahahh sit


      • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (4)

        Fynn7023#4949 on December 25, 2023 at 11:10 am

        Duality is only a year old, would be nice to farm some more loot there


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (5)

      Zavalas left pauldron on September 27, 2022 at 4:18 pm

      Ahahaha you should read your terms of service and limited software license agreement…. You own nothing. Never did.

      Get over it.. cope more


      • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (6)

        John is right on February 7, 2023 at 1:35 am

        I own whatever i pay for. Nobody reads that crap lol. It’s theft.


      • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (11)

        James 6969 on February 7, 2023 at 2:02 am

        Paid for everything and never realized it was only half a game. Nobody reads EULA’s lol. Couldn’t tell you what anything is about. Not watching 8 hours of youtube videos explaining all the campaigns and seasonal content that never should have been removed in the first place either smh.

        You just make it into two games and put the first half offline and make it downloadable to ppl. Pretty simple really. There is no excuse and you’ve drank the kool-aid. If i’d have known i’d have never given them a dime. There honestly should be a class action lawsuit. A precedence needs to be set so other scummy companies cant get away with this in the future. EULA is irrelevant. You paid for a product and you no longer have said product. You are not paying for access to a service. They are not an internet or streaming provider.


        • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (12)

          Wyatt Bieker on February 16, 2023 at 2:34 am

          Why so mad? Lol


        • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (13)

          Gorgoroths left ballsac on March 6, 2023 at 2:38 pm

          I read the EULA. Only dumd retards don’t. Oh you didn’t? That makes you one.


        • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (14)

          Anon on April 10, 2023 at 3:36 pm

          Cope harder


        • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (15)

          Hud on June 10, 2023 at 7:33 pm

          If you don’t wanna read shtuff then don’t complain about said shtuff, you agreed to it your fault


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (16)

      Me on October 3, 2022 at 1:51 am

      Pc players get matched against pc players. Console players get matched against console players. In the roaster you can see if they are on your console or the other which is displayed by a controller icon. I play a lot of pvp and I rarely suspect people of actually playing on mouse and keyboard on console, it is usually on playstation and really unusual. Maybe you should practice more ? If you are on pc and complain about players playing with mouse and keyboard then oufff get a console lol


      • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (17)

        Jim1337 on February 7, 2023 at 1:52 am

        No they do not. It’s fully crossplay. They can’t tell what you’re using and they don’t care. Everyone uses Chronus, Xim etc. and many M&K users migrate to console to get the leg up. It’s a total crapshoot.

        Played a GM with guy running a full auto bottomless mag Gjallarhorn the other day. He said it bugged out on him in the team chat lol. Nope, he was jumping and moving like he was obviously on controller and tracking targets through cover…and that was in PVE lol. No sweat.

        I promise you 15% of the ppl you are up against at least have wall hacks. Don’t be naive. Just look at all the streamers who get caught hacking…now imagine how many never do. That applies to everyone else too. If you think Aztecross and all those guys are rolling vanilla well bud i have a few things i’d like to sell you…

        Everyone knows it’s victimless and you aren’t gonna get caught unless you are really stupid and overdo it. If you aren’t hacking in that game you are handicapping yourself. Fact.


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (18)

      dog on November 30, 2022 at 1:23 am

      GUYS ITS A JOKE!!!!


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (19)

      xe6h on January 17, 2023 at 12:05 am

      Sounds like a skill issue, Just get gud kid lmao


      • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (20)

        Jake Seresin on February 7, 2023 at 2:19 am

        I am good rooster. Very good.

        The whole point is skill is irrelevant on an uneven playing field. They do that so unskilled ppl can pat themselves on the back when they two tap someone from behind.

        You need the same movement, health/sheilds, loadouts and abilities (or at least a carefully balanced sandbox) to have skill based PVP (also everyone needs to be on the same input devices as well)

        That’s why old shooters like Quake 2 and Unreal Tournament 3 are the kings. Physics based projectiles, long TTK’s and fast movement. Everything was right there in the map accessible to everyone. Even playing field.

        Went to a Quake 2 tournament in Edmonton Alberta back in the day. A guy walked in with a PS one mouse and keyboard (look it up, they were a thing). He ordered it from Japan, they couldn’t disqualify him cuz it was a Playstation branded input device. He mopped the floor with everyone of course (it’s an objectively faster and more precise input) and walked out with the 5000 dollar grand prize.

        This is not a new thing. If you think you have any real skill playing random crapshoot PVP like D2 think again. I’d bet dollars to donuts on the irony of you being one of those “skilled” players who responds like this then turns around and cries about the SBMM (lol what a misnomer)


        • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (21)

          Ksteal on February 8, 2023 at 11:28 pm

          If you don’t like it then dont play pvp smh


          • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (22)

            Quark on February 8, 2023 at 11:35 pm

            If you search it up, there has never been a quake 2 tourney in Edmonton Alberta, and even if there was, there is no proof that kid even went to one like how we gonna believe you

          • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (23)

            FYoMamma on February 10, 2023 at 8:08 am

            What Quark f*cking said, my guy.

    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (24)

      HJ0HN50N on April 25, 2023 at 6:37 pm

      Thats call of duty. You’re thinking of CoD. Go play that.


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (25)

      That guy on May 30, 2023 at 12:35 pm

      When it comes to PVP I completely agree, people will tell you that you only get matched with pc if you have one in your fireteam, but that’s a complete lie. Using mic I’ve had several match made teams have pc players on my team, and after messaging my opponents found out that some of them are pc players. If the game doesn’t find a match in 30sec-1min it widens the search and adds PC to the pool. Screw that id rather wait longer then face up against aim bots


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (26)

      morons on October 11, 2023 at 9:29 pm

      maybe try fortnite. doesnt sound like this is for u


      • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (27)

        Jeigh on May 5, 2024 at 12:21 am

        Lmao, Fortnite takes a lot more skill than Destiny at competition levels. You have to have multiple skills, not just FPS skills. There is a ton more strategy, since you’re literally playing w/chess tactics, when it comes to building & editing. And you’ve got no radar telling you where the enemy is, plus you’re playing in multiple directions, not just straight forward. And Fortnite has dynamic movement, where Destiny only gives it to certain character builds & exotics. Everyone can fly around infinitely w/Spider grapple in Fortnite, or whatever new movement tool (it’s literally flying w/wings right now) instead of one or two grapples w/Destiny Strand. I’m saying not only does that make Fortnite’s PvP more fun, it makes it more difficult.


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (28)

      ODIN on November 3, 2023 at 5:36 pm

      the whole sunsetting thing was a lose lose situation. without it destiny would be around 150 GB. I think really the only thing people miss that was sunset, was forsaken and maybe red war.


    • Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (29)

      Bob Geoffries on May 26, 2024 at 6:03 pm

      They don’t, the only way console players join pc players is if they are in a party together before queueing, so if you are playing solo you will only join those on the same platform as you, crossplay is only fully enabled in the open world sandbox not the crucible, Bungie stated this ages ago.

      If you’re a console player you most likely came across Xim users and you can blame your console devs for that not the game devs.


  2. Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (30)

    Y;all Are Weird on March 14, 2023 at 4:28 am

    Idk what these people are blabbering about. Thanks for the info Ric!


  3. Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (31)

    Sworrd on June 17, 2023 at 6:22 am

    if yall keep fighting im gonna have to step in


  4. Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (32)

    ok bud on July 20, 2023 at 2:18 am

    i dont think that i have ever seen more people who who dont do their research about things before they blame the creators before this


  5. Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (33)

    Nezarec, sniffer of thighs on January 23, 2024 at 1:16 pm

    Some of these people here are the reason theres instructions on shampoo bottles, and the tutorials beeing unskippable.. this is wild


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Destiny 2: Raid and Dungeon Rotation this Week (2024)


How does weekly raid rotation work Destiny 2? ›

Every Tuesday at 5 PM GMT/10 AM PT/1 PM ET marks the weekly reset in Destiny 2, bringing a new featured Dungeon and Raid into the rotation. The featured Dungeon and Raid each week offer additional rewards, such as Pinnacle Gear drops, Artifice Armor, and farmable loot, encouraging Guardians to complete them.

Are weekly rotation raids farmable? ›

Just like in past seasons, Into The Light also continues the tradition of having a different featured Dungeon and Raid every week, which players can farm for unique weapons and armor.

What is the current easiest raid in Destiny 2? ›

Summary. The Destiny 2 community suggests Deep Stone Crypt (DSC) as the best raid for beginners. Vault of Glass (VoG) is praised for its straightforward mechanics and is another recommended option.

What is the hardest d2 raid encounter? ›

Good old Last Wish Raid from Dreaming City is still considered the hardest Raid in Destiny 2. There are several reasons for this: Each encounter has unique mechanics throughout the whole mission that are not repeated anywhere else. A considerable number of symbols, many of which may be similar to each other.

Is Warlords Ruin farmable? ›

Warlord's Ruin can be farmed for unlimited loot, allowing for multiple runs per week. But keep in mind that like we are already used to in other Destiny 2 raids and dungeons, the Warlord's Ruin Exotic can only be farmed once per character per week.

Can you farm a featured Dungeon? ›

You can only farm either the weekly dungeon (Ghosts of the Deep this week) OR the most recent dungeon (currently Warlord's Ruin). All other dungeons are once per character per week for gear.

Can you farm weekly raid exotics? ›

Can you farm the raid exotic when it's the featured raid? If you mean the Weekly Rotator Raid, then yes you can farm for the exotic. BUT, there is no bad luck protection so you are farming at default drop rates.

Can you farm dungeon exotics? ›

It doesn't matter whether it's the rotator or not. This is entirely false, you can 100% farm for a dungeon exotic (if it drops from the final boss and isn't quest related like Wish-Ender or Xeno) if it's the featured dungeon.

Can you only loot raid bosses once a week? ›

You can kill a boss as many times per week as you like, but only loot it once per difficulty. Anyone can join anyone's instance. Bosses are never locked to you, and you can always go back and kill them later even if you've skipped them by joining a group that had progressed further.

Will they make a Destiny 3? ›

Destiny 2. Most likely everything that was going to be in D3 is going to be rolled into the future of D2. Bungie has recently stated that after the split, D3 is not in the plans, even in the future.

Which raid has the best loot? ›

Some Raids, like Vault of Glass, are easy and have poor loot quality, while others, like Garden of Salvation, have frustrating mechanics and lackluster loot. Last Wish is considered the best Raid in Destiny 2, with challenging mechanics, great loot, and a beautiful setting. It is highly regarded by the community.

Are dungeons easier than raids Destiny 2? ›

One of the greatest achievements in Destiny 2 for a solo player is to complete a dungeon on their own, without the help of a fireteam. Dungeons are sort of like mini-raids, with mechanics and encounters, but much less demanding than actual six-man raids.

What is the easiest dungeon encounter in Destiny 2? ›

The easiest dungeon in Destiny 2 is, by far, Shattered Throne. The first dungeon Bungie released, Shattered Throne, is a relic of the past. The mechanics don't hold up today, offering little combat challenge.

What is the hardest dungeon in Destiny 2? ›

1) Ghosts of the Deep

Ghosts of the Deep competes closely with Duality for the place of the most challenging dungeon in Destiny 2. This dungeon offers great weapons and legendary armor as loot, and it is one of the most visually pleasing raids as well.

How many times can you run a raid in a week Destiny 2? ›

You can do the Raid 3 times each Week. once for every Character. ex: Titan cleared it, but ur Warlock/Hunter can still get Loot. And again after the weekly reset!

What does it mean if a raid is on rotation? ›

Bungie finally did something to bring new life to the older raids and dungeon: A weekly rotation. Every week, a different raid and dungeon are part of the weekly rotation, which means they become fully farmable, on top of also offering a Pinnacle reward each.

What does the weekly reset do in Destiny 2? ›

Every time the Destiny 2 weekly reset happens on Tuesday, lots of activities and challenges change or reset, letting you continue the loot grind and face new enemies or focus on new locations.


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