Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)

THE HARTFORD DAILY COURANT: FRIDAY. MARCH f.O. 19 IS. 20 Third Army Infantrymen Take Up Positions Analyst Views Trading Scene OWARA MOTOR CO. Good Friday Services In Citv Listed FDR Told Manpower BiUShaky Faces 'Real Fight in Senate Administration Leaders Predict 653 Conn.

Blvd. -A i Eniiinqpmp Mimumma, Three-IlOUr Kites Uegin V. IJl-U UA. long: Will Preach Special three-hour Good Friday services will be held in three Hart- ford churches, tocav, commencing at noon. At Christ Church Cathedral.

Rt. Rev. Frederick Budlong. Bishop of Connecticut, will preach on the general tonic of "The Master's Words from the Crcs." He will also give the noondny sermon today at the Catnedrsl at 12:10 p. m.

st-rtWs at the Cathedral Good Fri- day include, ante communion. 8 a m. and mornine prayer at 10. In the evening at i.ju. tne iatnearai vunr-will sing.

"The Message from the: Cross." Al Central Baptist Church. 14 ministers, in teams of two each, will carry through a three-hour The service is sponsored by the and musical interludes will allow those who cannot stav for the entire three hours to come and go at will. The public is invited At St. Monica's Church, morning praver and ante communion will be ot 11 a rvi nirh a throo hnur rrie noon A service! service: nreua! on will of Stations of the Cross and raHnn fnr Vaster Pnmmiininn i.ac' Other Good Fridar services, in elude a baptismal service tonight at Union BarjtUt Church of which Rfv Dr Jackson the pastor Com will have a special service at 4 for members of the primary and nf the rinirrh i Announces the Return of MURPHY MOTORS REPRESENTATIVE California's "High Dollar" Used Car Buyer Who Created a Sensation a Month Ago With His High Price List On All Cars' HE WANTS TO BUY YOUR CAR ANY MAKE. MODEL, YEAR OR CONDITION PHONE DRIVE OVER OR WRITE TODAY AND SELL YOUR CAR THE MURPHY WAY This Is Your Chance To Sell Your Car On This High Market -FOR CASH TAKE ADVANTAGE OF CALIFORNIA'S CAR SHORTAGE NOW! Drive Your Car In Today And Ask For The MURPHY BUYER WHO PAYS UNBELIEVABLY HIGH PRICES This Offer Good For Dealers Or Private Owners "High Dollar" O'MEARA New England's Largest Ford Dealer 653 CONN.


The only real feature of the market yesterday was its excessive dullness. Less than half a million shares had been turned over in the first four hours. The industrials moved in a very narrow range all day. al- though they did regain the 154 level bv the close Thev were up .27 of a point at 134 06. Rails moved within a narrower range, up .16 of a point fm Jhp day There were a few exceptions to the general run of inactivity and dullness.

Grumman Aircraft sold ur to a new high at 36. Sinclair Oil: fe0t up t0 16u It is expected that the company will put out a very; fine report some time during April The market acted reasonably well vesterdav. considering the holiday.1 which for many will prove a triple one. 4 f'nnipu I) I 1 I I 1 1 ljUUlto Rockne's Methods For Battle Drill! With the Sixth Armored Division' in Germany. Lieutenant Colonel; Frank K.

Britton. 117 New-field Ave-; nue. Hartford. treats his. Ninth Armored Infantry Battalion; members with the same pie-game! care Knute Rockne used to give his footballers.

That accounts to a great degree That accounts to a great degree for the splendid manner in which: thev receiitlv breached a wide gap in the Siegfried Line in 24 hours. in the Siecf The the important: "hi ton- be tense- But they werea because Colonel Britton had seen to it that a 300 yaids Tbl lines. There an old barn tlle mot le UOUgngiriS, SUITlllg k. Allen. Canton.

Ohio. OVon thn Wind, n-rte- ia.j ci the outlying suburbs of Frankfort, Police Court For allegedly smokine in bed and! Thursday morning. Sebastian Gion inaao oi iu notcnKiss street. Mia I School iAnn Sheridan, was shown, with said the Third Army's Fourth At immanuel Congregational; But "thlv I Armored Divisi0n had at sfr stuck 12 miles farther on and was will be held at 1 p. m.

The sen ice th projector bv sergeant John; within less than 100 miles of the i- jiraw tr oil vi-i cr npAn I a nf Tnp j.s ciiy. ine Italian Longregauonai Church will have a service at 8 p. m. Med Um euris thrr7renaration for coiresponaent, was "notrung out Sarah Delisa. soloist, will assist the goT Awide tiel et ln Senior Choir with special music, por two davs before Army and the Volkssturm fight Rev.

Natale Ricciardi will preach kickoy tne men ca-sted on fresh side by side with nothing to lose but on the topic, 'The Meaning of southern fried chicken and! their lives." Church will; roast i Associated Press Correspondent hold a service at 11 a. m. with Rev.l Colonel Britton, son of Mrs. Ar-'0011 Whitehead declared in a dis-Dr. Warren S.

Archibald thur Bonin of 561 Main Street, was' Patch from the field that the point Grace Episcopal Church will hold recently the captor of a villaee in near Paderborn reached at 5:35 The along the read adjoining protective wall the third Three infantrymen of the Fifth the Main lies prone from Signal Corps Radiophoto. First Armv (Continued from Page 1.) border of Czechoslovakia, m. m. (Eurdpean time) and armor German resistance collapsed in! front of this powerful sweep by the one British and two American armies, and a field dispatch said the situation had become a rout in front of the United States First Army. At the current rate of advance.

British and the United States! Armies mieht come together imoe aiS: ope" ln" the big factory cities of the Ruhr. The United States Seventh Army on the southern end of the front had crossed the river Main on an piht-milp front iust son'h of thP Sift I lLtl ening to outflank the Black Forest, most formidable sector of the Siegfried Line, with a push along the 'Neckar River. Canadian forces at the north I navm previously lea nis armoieaiaS rolling on with nothing in frontCU1' saia wai wursing men tank force in the capture of Rhein I hnl it were not sufficiently represented, Durkheim. the first Rhine city to v. and that here is an immediate need be taken bv the Sev-pnrh Armv .1 Armies ear Juncture.

fnr johnr Partv Hp mm that. the mass of the presanctified and; Doneean. rector. At the Church of the Good Shepherd, a service including the Litany and ante communion will be held at vua" veneration oi ine oium, ai iu a. m.

St. John's Church, West will have a service from 2 to 3 p. m.i with a sermon bv Rev. Harold Hand I i At Trinity Church, at 10 a. m.

a 'starting a fire at Milner Hotel! service including the Litany, ante! which brought out three engine! communion and sermon bv Rev land two truck companies early! the Westphalian Plain in little jail, execution suspended, and i fined $25 in Police Court by Acting juuse josepn j. rrantoia. Other charges, dispositions and: continuances were: James Geneatte, 46. 72 Retreat, Avenue, theft of goods exposed for sale, 60 days, judgment suspended; Ralph Cooper. 42, 67 Westbourne Parkway, passing through a stop light, nolle: and Verda M.

Hall. 27, is Chadwick Street, cohabitation, April 10 under $200 bond i Raymond Cunningham will be giv en: and at 7:30 p. m. evening prayer; Story of the Cross." At Christ Lutheran Church, of wnicn ttev. jonn navascn is paAiur.i an English service will be held at 10:30 a.

m. with Rev. Theodore Mar-1 tin of Holyoke, preaching onj the topic. "Jesus Died for Our At Emanuel Lutheran Church, an; English service of Holy Communion; win De neio at a p. m.

At Grace Lutheran Church, at children's service will be held at 2 p. m. ana at a p. m. a communion corvlro onH CArmftn "Tho Prnec Tn.l service and sermon, "The Cross To day," by Rev.

F. W. Teichmann. pastor. Our Savior's Lutheran Church will hold an English Communion service at 8 p.

m. with a sermon, "The Call of the Cross," by Rev. John Christensen, pastor. The West Hartford Lutheran Church will hold a Lenten service at 8 p. m.

with Rev. Martin C. Du I i East Hartford Buy or Sell Good Sound Used Cars Alwavs a Good Selection On Hand to SKI. I. Always Cash on Hand To BL SI'K Hartford Buick Co.

80 Washington St. 2-0151 Call Is For Any Information Plastering 26A Plastering and Lathing First class wotkmanshlp at prices within your means All work guaranteed Call anvtime Repairing and Refinishing 29 Chimneys Cleaned and Repaired Brick steps repaired also out door fire- Call 2-6768 Cellars Guaranteed wafer proofed all work done from inside: also alterations of all kinds Howard. Wlndwr 724 Roofing Insulation 29A For Hoofing II you want a contractor apply it and would like to arrange monthly payments call Ed Cosham, Capitol City Lumber Company. 5-0111. Sewing Machines 30A We Kepair All make of bewlng machines We rent machines monthly and by the hour We oay cash for your old machine Singer Sewing Machine Co.

963A Farmlngton H. 32-5581 Watch Repairing II Watch Repairing And remodeling reasonable prices; written guarantee. Alto alarm clocks repaired Quick service Watch Hospital, 6 American Row opposite Old State House Window Cleaning SIB Walls, Woodwork Windows washed, floors cleaned, waxed: house cleaned before occupancy. Household Service. 6-3655, EMPLOYMENT Vo employer may hire any full lime male worker unless by referral from the United States Employment Service.

Help Wanted, Female 32 A Pastry Cook Wanted to bake Pies and general restaurant baking. Elderly woman preferred See Mr. Brown at Hull-Dobbs, 108 Farmlngton Avenue. A Recent High school graduate for clerical work In small insurance of-tlce Good starting salary, excellent opportunity. For appointment call 2-8163.

Assistant For technical subject file ln library In a research and development organization Knowledge of engineering subjects helpiul but not essential Box 3475 Co.uant Attractive Women For sales positions In various departments Pleasant working conditions. Apply Superlntend- ient's Office, Main Floor. Wise-Smith. Available Part-time afternoon, 12:30 to 5. Apply ln person.

General Distilleries, 81 Homestead Avenue, Bookkceper-Stcosrapher F'or small manufacturing concern. Must be experienced. Reply ln own handwriting stating age. qualifications and salary desired. Box 9510Courat.

Calete ria Women for full-time work with or without experience. Apply at Employment office. Southern New England Telephone 50 Jewel Street. Cashier For restaurant work. One who is experienced preferred.

Full time, permanent. Apply Employment Office, Sixth Floor, Brown Thomson'. Clerk-Typist For" small office. Apply In person between 10 and 11:30 a. m.

General Distilleries, 81 Homestead Avenue. Clerfc-Typlst Experience not essential. Apply at Holo-Krome Screw Corporation. Elmwood, Just off Newlngton Road. Experience not required.

Office, modem industrial plant. Telephone 3-523j between 8 m. and 5 p. m. Excellent Opehfiigs For 2 file clerks'.

Good salary, pleasant and congenial working conditions. Apply ln person at 320 Ann Street. 2d floor. Experienced Photograph colorlat One who can work with opaque nd transparent oils. Excellent possibilities for good earnings to the right Individual Inquire 320 Ann Street, 2nd floor, Mr Hatfcr.

Experienced Secretary Stenographer Automobile business preferred, but not necessary. Good salary excellent working conditions Post-war employment assured. Box 3453 Courant. Fountain (ilrl Experienced for luncheonette, good meals, hours and aalary. Apply Supt Office, main lloor, Wise-Smith's.

tilrls For comptometer woffc, girla for clerical work In office, girls for stenographic work In buyer's office, women for cake production line and women for cleaning. Apply Wednesday through Friday from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m.

to Mr. Charm, First National Stores, Park and Oakland Avenues. East Hartford. Girl Wantcd-Oeneraf stenography, ami office clerical work. Edlphone experience preferred, but not essential.

Apply Plimpton Mfg. Company, 3Ann Street. Girls To operate envelopefoldlhg machines end printing presses Apply Plimpton MIg. Company, 3Ann Street. Hairdresser $40 Per woek7 plus" commission Vacation with pay.

Pleasant i atmosphere and associates. Apply Oi- 1 on Beauty Salon, 902 Main St. Sets New March MarkSf 'd The thermometer, reaching 86.2 efbSed Insid Einerich Ger Neighbors reported Carature was degrees at 3 p. m. Thursday, broke! Dawlea inside Emmeiich, seen Monday while burning all records for the month of March iman nver port and Ierry pomt- rubbish in his yard.

When police since the Weather Bureau began ZTTTr: broke into his second floor apart-keeping weather data in 1905. I)r. Cross Will Present fund it mied with 11- Purie eas which had escaned take up positions behind a barricade two of the men crouch behind their street. (Associated Press Wirephoto Hartford Release of Mortiane. People's Savings Bank to James E.

Butler. Thomas J. Spellacy to Marnaret Peck. Dime Savings Bank of Hartford to Thomas J. Spellacy.

lease. Irving I Katz et al to Mtchele Spi-nclli. 671 Blue Hills Avenue. George St. John to Russell G.

St. John, 64 Clark Street, Clark Street rear. Warrantee Deed. Nellie L. Pado to Loretta C.

Reed. SIasoii Avenue. Glenna E. Waters to Abraham Rutt. Church Street, corner Trumbull Street.

The Magnolia Realty Company to Jacob Eresnerhoff. Main Street. Joseph, Waschnlg and Cecilia K. Waschnig to Paul Eib and Maria M. Eib.

63 and 65 Glendale Avenue. Charles F. Brazauskas and Anna B. Brazauskas to Anna B. Yuslnas, 37-39 Wilson Street.

Hyman Cooper to Rebecca J. Rose, 95 Canterbury Street. Merrltt A. Alfred to Joseph O. La-chanee et ux.

Huntington Street. Mortgage Deeds. Charles H. Knoll to Society for Savings, 83-85 Mapleton Street; S650O. Abraham Rutt to Glenna E.

Waters, Church Street corner Trumbull Street. $30,000. Paul Eib and Maria M. Eib to Joseph Waschnig and Cecilia K. Waschnlg.

63-65 Glendale Avenue. $10,000. Margaret Peck et al to Dime Savings Bank of Hartford. 91 Wethersfield Avenue. $4400.

Francis A. Bazlnet et al to Joseph Swaye, 243 Saybrooke Street, Wethersfield Administrator's Deed. Estate of Josephine DeLucle to Fiances Shlro. 510-512 Hartford Avenue. Mortgage Deed.

George E. and Eva M. Keller to Joseph Swaye. 510-512 Hartford Avenue, Quitclaim Deeds. Caroline F.

Couch to Lawrence A. Howard, lot 9 Clearfield Ridge. Lawrence A. Howard to Sterling and Caroline Couch, lot 9, Clearfield Ridge. Wilfred DeLude to Frances Schlro.

510-512 Hartford Avenue. Frances Schlro to Joseph J. GriUo. 510-512 Hartford Avenue. Release of Mortgage.

Riverside Trust Company to Walter and Heien Blois Hartford -Connecticut Trust Company to Chloe C. Clark. Bruce Realty to Wilfred and Josephine DeLude. Warrantee Deeds. Eastern Realty Corporation to David G.

Turner, lots 3 and 4, Robblus Drive. Joseph Grillo to George E. and Eva M. Keller. 510-512 Hartford Avenue.

John Olson to Thomas Leonard, property on Prospect and Willow streets. Army's College Tests For Youths Announced Boys who are at least 17-years-old and not more than 17 years, nine months, will be eligible to enter col- lege in July or later at government expense under a revamped Army specialized training reserve program announced by the Army. Scnooi and at most secondary schools and colletres in the state April 12. A student must have been born after September 30, 1927 and before September 1, 1928 to be eligible for the April 12 test. If qualified, the student will be called to regular military service some time after his eighteenth birthday in accordance with Selective Service requirements.

Seymour to Take Part In 'World Peace Forum President Charles Seymour of Yale University will take part in a round table discussion over the Blue Network and Station WHTD Monday from 10:30 to 11 p. m. ln the first -presentation of the "World Peace Forum'' preceding the opening of the San Francisco Peace Conference, it was announced Thursday. The discussion will be led by Sumner Welles, former Undersecretary of State and now the Blue Network's advisor on international affairs. Senator Claude Pepper, Democrat, of Florida will also participate in the discussion and a fourth member is yet to be chosen.

Massachusetts Stocks BY TIFFT BROTHERS xBld xAskea i Berkshire Fine Spinning Boston Woven Hose Chapman Valve com Mass Pow $2 pfd Miller Falls Co com do pfd Monarch Ins Spgfd Rockland Light As Power Springfield Cias com United Elastic Corp Western Mass Realty Papers i 22 24 39 41 36 38 19 21 3 i 1H 97 55 7'i 9' 4 24 26 20'i 22'i 264 28'4 Washington March 29. (AP.) Two top-flight Administration senators toir" President Roosevelt today the manpower control bill is in for 'a real fight" ln the Senate. Majority Leaaer Barkley and Senator Thomas. Democrat. Utah, leader of Senate forces backing the compromise bill, made no attempt to hide from the Chief Executive the obvious fact that the bill, passage of which he urged yesterday, is in a.

very shaky condition. "We just reviewed the general situation witn him, and I told him there was real fight on," Barkley informed reporters. Thomas said the two didn't go Into details in their White House parley, but he reminded reporters he had always taken the stand that passage Oi a strict control bill was problematical. The bill which cleared the House by a scant seven votes and has been before the Senate two full days would authorize War Mobilization Director James F. Byrnes to freeze eny or ah workers to their jobs, prescribe employment ceilings for individual plants, and regulate or prohibit hiring of new workers, all under penalty of a year in jail or $10,000 fine.

Opposition to the bill grew more outspoken as the members, particularly the junior group, began to realize there was a possibility if riot a probability it would be defeated. The Administration obviously was sparring for time. Numerous members were out of town, and it was doubtful they could be brought back before the showdown, now slated for next week. Elderly Woman Injured By Unexplained Fall Mrs. Mary Cook, 70, of 11 Julius Street, who fell in her yard and may have a fractured left hip, was taken Thursday evening to St.

Francis's Hospital where her condition was regarded as not critical. According to hospital authorities, she did not know what caused her to fall. Classified Advertising Telephone 2-3131 ANNOUNCEMENTS Personals Itozers Jacqueline F.llzubrth. "Jackie Rogers, born Mar 22. 1898.

or anyone her address, please write box 341-X Courant, Business Personals 7A Chapln'n Greenhouse 161 White Street Cut flowers floral Drays corsages potted plants dish gardens roses carnations, snaps, daffies. Iris orchids, gardenias Camellias Come out and CPA I1 Cold Wave Specialist Speclaiizlngin ouia wave permanents ana ocner branches of beauty culture Mr George Dembar. Stylist Gloria Ororge neauty salon Asylum btreet. Room 71 53533 Roll Your Own Now available to you Is a speedy cigarette rolling machine complete with simple Instructions Lick that cigarette hortaite now! SI .00 tarings yours as fast as It can be mailed. F.

W. Meyer. 1508 Carew Springfield 4 Mass Travel IB Two Riders Wanted From Middletown to Pratt Whltnev Aircraft Roval Typewriter or Underwood. Elliot. Fl.sli- er company.

Phone Middletown 129-W2. Strayed Lost Found 10 Lost ration books; Mrs. Roue c. wendua. A book 5D-52.

Stanley Wendus. B-Book 5D-52. Rockville, Conn Lost Pass Book No. 158390, Mechanics havings Bank. Application made for payment.


128723. Mechanics Savings Bank. Application made for payment. MART C. SPENCER.

Lost Black eye-Kiass case contaihlfig: glasses between Gillette and South yvjmneyjstreetsReward Call 57225. I Hav Applied To f.he Capitol National Bank TrusS Co. for payment onjost Pass Book No.21447. Lost Pass Book No 1 421 94. Mechanics Savings Bank.

Application made for payment. LLEWELtYN T. SPENCER. FOR. JOHN F.

SPBNCKR. Lost-Pass Book 10.740 Riverside Trust COj Application foi payment. Lost Ration book" No 3" Mrs June A Ford. 10 Porterbrook Ave AUTOMOTIVE Autc-nobiles II Buick 9 to choose from, all years. models and body styles.

All have (rood tires. Most have radios and heat-ters. Cash, terms and trades. Capitol Motors. Inc 368 Main 7-8144.

Open evenings. Chevrolet, 1939 Station wagon, radio. heater, excellent condition. Llpman Motor Sales. 535 Prospect Ave.

32-4494. Open evenings Chevrolet. 1937 Coach. Heater. Five good tires.

In excellent mechanical condition. Terms and trades Robin Motors. 1872-1880 Main 6-4028. Chevrolet, 1935 Two drior sedan. In excellent Mechanical condition.

Five good tires. A very clean car priced to sell at S225 Robin Motors, 1872-1880 Main St.6-4.028. Dodge-8 to choose from. aU years. models and body styles.

All have good tires. Most have radios and heaters. Cash, terms end trades. Capitol Motors 368 Main 7-8144. Open Ford 24 to choose- from, all years models and body styles All have (rood tires.

Most have radios and heaters Cash, terms or trades Capitol Motors. 368 Main 7-8144. Open eve- fiinge. Mercury, 1939 Two door sedan. Radio and heater.

Five good tires. A real nice car. Terms and trades. Robin Motors. 1872-1880 Main St.

6-4028. Oldsmobller 1938 Model L-38. 4-doo'r Tourlnc Sedan, gray finish, equipped with radio and heater. Orody Chevrolet Isham Road. West Hartford.

3-5274. Oldsmoblle 6 to choose from, all years modeLs and body styles. All have good tires. Most have radios end heaters Oarui, terms and trades. Capitol Motors 368 Main 7-8144.

Open evenings. 4 Packard, 1938 Conv. CouSle. 1938 Olds- mobile 4-door Sedan. 1937 Oldsmoblle Coach.

1940 Oldsmoblle Club Coupe jMany others. See Harrington before "elllng or buying. 375 Wether'leld ve iTel. 7-2781 Established 1917. Open i evenings.

Packard. 1914 Super sedan. Heater Mechanically excellent. Very good tires. Finish In good condition Market-tin Oarage.

188 Capcn St. 6-8902. I Pontine." 1936 "cvllnder 4-door" sedan' black finish, eoulpped with radio and neaier. ttrnay iniinui Rd. West Hartford.

3-5274. Pontlac--6 to choose from, all years. models nd body styles. All have good tires. Most have radios and heat-era.

Cash, terms and trades. Capitol Motors. 368 Main St. 7-8144. Open evenings.

Large Selection Of 'a' model cars In all makes and boC styles alwavs on hand If vou need cn don't forget to ee us as our prices low and the assortment Is great Meara Motors Oo.u 653 Conn 8-2171, Biiirk Is the practical used car tobuy Purchape your Buick where satisfaction predominates Hart Buick Co Farmlngton Ave Tel 7-9195 Nfelsen's-Foid sales nd service. Excellent repair facilities available 122 Washington St. 2-0231 When Purchasing A -used car make sure you buy from reliable dealer You do when you purchase at Orody Chevrolet Isham Road. West bOO t'sed Crs-To select from. Ail makes.

ear and models All priced below celling Cash or terms. Capitol Motors. 368 Main 7-8144. Open kulns. Academy A Ward to Poetlfrom a partly opened stove-jet and hJforth their yellow displays.

phrubs andc "bushes put' for the month of March, and this month is expected to end Saturday with an average temperature of 46 degrees. 11 degrees above normal. Since 1905 the month of March has niun Trv tho Mftrrhcirio I 'nnimmi lr Youth service at 4 p. St. George's Greek Orthodox Church will hold a service of "Salutation of the Virgin," at 7:30 p.

m. There will be sonss by a trio. Mrs. iiii nun vmiiopumus, Vlahopoulos and Katina Vlahop i it i a- At Emanuel Methodist Cnurch a Fnd 6 been recorded 10 times as having nls 'orli- The presentation will average temperature above normal! take place on May 18. Mr.

Auden. Somewhat cooler weather hasinow professor of literature at been predicted today College, is the husband hovering about the' 73 ifjka Mann, daughter of Thomas Infantry Division, Third Army, River in Frankfurt, Germany. As sighting his machine gun down the Debate on Forum of Air For and Against Labor A Labor Party of the United States, no organized labor, and two intermediate ideas were advocated Thursday night on the Connecticut Forum of the Air broadcast over WKTD. in a discussion of the topic, "Organized Labor's Role in American politics." William A. Shute, master of economics and mathematics at Choate School.

Wallingford, was against organized labor and said that he felt the laborers of th ecountry were in the minority, but that because of the wealth of such groups as the PAC they were able to procure votes and political positions. On the other hand. Alfred E. jTong, Socialist leader in Connect! the method of endorsing candidates of one or the other powerful parties is not enough, that there is no guarantee that such candidates can or will carry out the wishes of laboring people, and that men who are actually in labor must be elected to represent this group. Timothy J.

Collins, president of the Connecticut Federation of La- bor. and Harold V. Feinmark. secre tary-treasurer of that organization, advocated the nresent set-uo nf pn- dorsem*nt of candidates bv labor organizations as at present, with a few minor changes. Escaping Gas Causes Ansonia Mans Death Ansonia, March 29.

(AP.) A slightly open gas jet cost the life of John Carature, 72, of 24 Rock-wood Avenue, sometime Wednesday night. When he failed to report for work at the American Brass Company i Carature dead in bed. Medical Ex- aminer William H. Treat returned a finding of death by accidental as Compromise Parley On Coal Collapses Washington, March 29. (AP.) Secretary of Labor Perkins an- nounced after a series of; conferences with John L.

Lewis and the bituminous coal operators that the latter had rejected her last min Lewis and the Lnited Mine Work-1 ers had agreed to Miss Perkins's proposal which dropped Lewis's 10-1 jcent-a-ton royalty demand, his ma- Mnr ha rcrn ininc nnint Miss Perkins said the case would be certified tonight directly to the War Labor Board. th initial steo toward possible government seizure. IE. Frank; Hathaway Wounded at Iwo Jima street, and E. Frank Hathawav.

of stafford Springs. He Wis now recuperating in a naval hospital in Oakland. Calif. Having attended West Middle and Hartford Public High Schools, he was employed by the OPA prior to join in? the service April 12, 1944. He had been overseas since August, 1944, with the Fourth Marine Division.

Torrington Fire Ruins Easter Food Supplies Torrington, March 29. (AP.) Fire early today in the Meara Block in Center Square caused damage estimated bv Fire Chief Edward F. Goodman at "over $10,000." Chief damage was to the building and to 1400 Bank of NY 1 10 Bankers- 430 48', 123 106 39 39 51 52', 91 1775 334 16 57 101 41 11 440 48', 109 41 41 53 94 1815 342 17 59 104 43 12. 150J 62 49' i 161 28 79 'i 31 119 SI 74 4 Brooklvn 4 00 Cent Hanover 1.40 Chase 1.30 city 1 80 Chemical 2.40 Corn Exchange 3 00 Empire Tr 80.00 First Nat 12 00 Ouaranty Tr COJ- 10 Irving 1.00 Manhattan Co 2.00 Manufacturer 3 50 New York Trust 1.50 Public Nat Title 00 .10 Trust 1405 Insurance Companies. 2.50 American Surety 60 1.40 Federal 4 2 Fidelity to Deposit 1 20 Great American 1.20 Home 3.50 Mass Bonding 1.50 50 New Brunswick" 1.40 Prov-Wash 1 40 Security 4 Spring 1 50 2.00 Fire 1 60 (J Ouarsntes 47', 158 28', 26', 77', 29 32 33' i 116 37 'i 40 72 Hre Service Reduced.

Northern Ireland has started re iductlon of Its National Fire Service, hPlrt Vt i.iTn rpv Tnhnlaegrees mark- As a harbinger 0f held at 7.4o p. with Rev. John A ht scattered raJn nay be Johansson assisted by Rev. N. J- expected New York.

March rmcc. nt xto, former governor of Connecticut, will present the Award of Merit Medal; ana a cash prize of $1000 voted bv the American Academv of Arts and Letters to Wvstan Hugh Auden. British-born poet, in recognition of wmous novelist, xne award is marie only once in five years to a living in this country who is neither a member of the academv nor of the-National Institute of Arts and Letters. Xamed to Customs Court. ITok on a I of the United! Birth Records i S51 Missing: in Break At Park Street Store A total of $51 in coins and silver Chilstrom and the choir.

Court Uoholds Claims Kenyon Firm New Haven, March 29 fAP.) Federal Judge Carroll C. Hincks. in a 44-page decision filed today, found evidence of infringement in a pat- Htt dav SnA-f rH ny Representative JetJ Johnson veJ tessen 1044 par st hi Democrat from OWahoraa, was Ihf b.AhA"ffi nominated by President Roosevelt! Trucks 12 New Ford Trucks Available for Immediate delivery. Also complete line of u.ed trucks In all makes and models O'Meara Motor 6bi Conn K.H. 8-2171.

We Have on Hand 1SK19 Chevrolet '2-ton Canopv. Chevrolet Dump: 1940 Chevrolet 160" 1 '2-ton semi-van; 1336 Dodge model LF-37 chassis and cab; 1939 Brockway ISO" chassis and cab. 1939 Willys Package Delivery Can furnish Immediate delivery on new 1945 Chevrolet 9134" wheel base trucks, 1 through 6-ton registration. Grody Chevrolet Isham Road. West Hartford.

3-5274. Trailers I2A Trailers Anu locations for rem or trailers for sale "Trailer City" Jensen. 585 New Park West Hartford Trallrrhomej New Used Bought Sold Parts Accessories Service. Information 9 vears experience David Moore East Hartford 8-1581 Auto Accessories 13 Just Arrived 100 new Ford healers While they last only S22.50 Plus installation O'Meara Motor 653 Conn Blvd 8-2171 Wanted Automotive 17 A Bis Cash Price tor your car No matter what you have been offered see us Harrlugton-Palmer 305 Broad St Alwavs" Top Prices Paid for all makes of used cars and trucks Capitol Motors. 368 Mam Any Make or Model We'll pay an honest lair cash price for your car General Auto Sales.

904 Farmlngton Ave 3-5261. Asylum Avenue tiarage 748 Asylum Ave. "Top celling" prices for all cars. Trades and Terms. Open evenlpgs Tel.

Buick Sedanette 1941 or 1942 'model, from private party Telephone Wllll- antic 9481. collect. Caft Wanted -High cash prices paid Outstanding balance paid off Cashln Auto. 460 Conn East Hartford Tel. Cash" Paid At "Once For used cars sell now while we are buvlng LAiS Motors.

Dealers nAlbany Ave Cash For Your Car All makes Contact Hartford Buick Co. 80 Washington St 5-1151 Here's" Why We can and do pay such wild prices for your car 1 Low overhead country location 2 No buying salesmen commissions to pay. 3. No arm chair executives to nay 4. My wife won't let ni hire a well nald beautiful secretarv Phone 8-1818 now.

Get New England's wildest cash price for your car. Immediate cflsh No red tape No legal price toohlft.h. Jack Smith Will oay high prices for your cars 714 Conn Blvd. East Hartford 8-2782 1941-or 1912 Packard Clipper and Mercury wanted Will pay top dollar Gengras Motors 128 Allyn St Tel. 7-8151 Sell Your car to us Take home the cash.

No red tape Colonial Motors. 80 Washington St. We're Not Shopping We're willing to pay top celling price for any good clean used car. In any make or model Sloate Chevrolet 1214 Main St. Hartford 5-1181 SERVICES 0FFERE0 Floor Refinishing I8B Floors Laid Scraped and reflutshed Old floors renewed All work guaranteed Telephone Hartford 7-3447 or residence Slmsbury 420-6.

Carpentry 18-C Call Capitol City Lumber Company 5-0111 for kitchen and china cabinets tiled wall boards, new ceilings, etc. We can recommend reliable carpenters to Install and can arrange monthly pay ments Carpenter "WorkOf ail" kinds Alterations modernising and repairs Excellent wor- at reasonable prices Phone Oscar Anderson. 3-4343 Carpenter General ho.ve repairs and alterations of all klnr Contract or ho irlv rate Work guaranteed Csll BUI 8-224 Stucco Repairs I9D Stucco All stucco expertly repaired by specialist. Free estimates. Call 2-6768.

Exterminators 21 A Dependable Service Reliable exterminators of vermin, roaches moths rats and mice The Blrchard 8ystom 173 Church 2-7219 Electrical Appliances 2IA Washing Machines And vacuum clenn-ers repaired by experts, all work fullv guaranteed Reasonable prices. 198 Church St. 8-23P6. Radio Repairing 2IC Call L's For Radio Repairs Quick and efficient service Console niBdels picked up and delivered Franklin Elec-trlcitl Appliance. 2-0020 Heating Plumbing 22 Plumbing and Heating Jobbing And renalr promptly attended to Water services renewed Price as of March- 1942.

Tclephone.32-8871. MUlward. Plumbing and Heating Repairs and alterations promptly attended to Frank A Coburn. 90 Homestead Ave. 7-4021 Established 1910 Moving Storage 25 George K.

Dewey Ai Co. 335 Trumbull Street Dependable service since 1809 Local long distance furniture and piano moving Full or part loads to and from all 48 states Modern furniture storage warehouse Call J-9225 "Lei Dewey Do It When Von 'Want The beat ln mov ing, packing, storage or crating be sure It's the Austin A Chambers agents North American Van Lines "Serving 48 States." Weekly Maine to Florida removal Tel Manchester J187 or Hartford 9-1423 Mattresses 24A Levy Hat Acme Bedding Co. now st 421 Front St. Tel 7-7465 Bedroom lilies, beits. springs, pillows.

Bearing and Auto Pa'rte Con3nvlNewe11 revealed- Hertford Hnsnitai Private E. Frank Hathaway, 3d, From p. m. '8 to 5 i wounded in action on Iwo Jima March 29. 1943.

'(February 27, according to word re-DouKherty. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth 35'iiceived from him by his parents, Mrs. street.

Kast Hartford, daughter. Beatrice Hathaway, 173 Ashley "Ough" skylight and ratvsacked the rear of the store, Detective Local Market Banks. al 75 Cap Nat a.0 Conn Invest Manae Bid 52 334 43 44(1 165 a6 00 First National as.i IK) HHrtfnrcl-Conn Tr a1.00 Htfd Nat n4 00 New Britain Trust park st Tru5t S10.00 Phoenix St 25 Rtvertrl Trim a7.00 West HUd Trust Bonds. 84 30' 28'j to 50 300 200 Conn Pow 5 1956 l'J6 Coira Pow 3'4 1975 PiQ'j Htfd El 3U 1971 109 Sou Tel 5 1948 108 msiiranee Stocks a2 50 Aetna Casualty 1 75 55 'a 50 39' a ki no Aetna hire al.50 Aetna Life al.40 Auto Ins 20 Conn Genera) a2.50 Htfd Fire al.60 Htfd Steam Boiler a2 00 Nationul Fire ln a3 (V) Phoenix 16 00 Travelers Public Utilities a2 55 Conn LP a2.20 do pfd 40 do pld 2.25 Conn Power 82.15 Hartford Flee Hartford Gas com aS2 oo do pfd a. 80 Holyoke Water 6 oo South r.

Tel 2 00 Unit Illuminating 53', 43 37 58 la 103 41'j 5'i 84'a 545 106 44 i 50' 'a 86 1 565 49 51 56 'a 58' a 61 'i 42 44 53 55 38 41 52 H'l 19'jl 128 42'a 44'a ira. ueorge iua Fsrmington venue, west Harttord. and Mrs. Winston. 18D son.

Smith. Mr. Houvp street tnastonbury. daughter. KrUkelskl.

Cornora Hnri Mrs F.rnniK 270 Manchester Road, Olastonbury (Jausthter. Starrett. Mr. and Mrs. William.

26 Ferndale Drive. Manchester, son. Klerstead. Mr. and Mrs.

Clarence S6 St. James Street, West Hartford, daughter. Roane. Mr and Mrs Richard. 48 Warner Place.

Wethersfield son. Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney 73 Beverly Road.

West Hartford, son. Swett. Mr. and Mrs. Joslah, Gun Mill Farm, Bloomfleld.

daughter. At St. Francis's Hospital. March 28. 1915.

Bouchard. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse 835 Park Street, daughter. Bowen.

Mr and Mrs Francis 111 Somerset Street, Elmwood. daughter. FaufPl, Mr. and Mrs. George C.

1611 Main street, son vsmrnrmrt. corpora) and Mrs. large stock of Easter food 101 Mllwood Road, East Hartford. plics in tne Growers Outlet occupy- Lsrson, Mr. and Mrs.

Leonard C. 40 1 lnK tne ground floor. Sharon Street, son Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton 474: Hudson Street, daughter.

I I i 5 and IllS. Schwenssler. Mr. and Mrs Julius 1X' 130 Orlswold Road. Wethersfield.

daughter mcisneiu. By CONNIVG 4vr, ro AND BALLARD or Harttord. In the suit, which was tried in Federal Court here last June, the Long Island firm alleeed a patent which it purchased May 25, 1943 from John Meduna, involving the anplication of metal suray to metal surfaces, "was and is being used illegally bv the defendant companv." Judge Hincks. found eight of the Long Island Citv firm's claims of Infringement had been nroved with a final decision on three other claims pending. Granby Paul Movre.

AAF, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arlon Moore, has recovered from pneumonia and is on duty again at K.essler Field, his parents report Paul's brother. Pfc Herbert Moore, is a patient in England General Hospital in Atlantic City, N. J.

Herbert lost a leg in action ln Italy, A recital bv Mrs. T. G. Case, or-1 ganist. and Miss Miriam Silcox, cell-! ist, will be given in South Conre-j gatiunal Church Sunday at 10 :45 a m.

The "Magdeline" will be sung by the church chorus and a mixed; ouartet. Miss Betty Bcrriman, worthy ma-i tron of Day Star Chapter, OES, has! pppointed the following Adah. Hilding Olin: Ruth Mrs. Edwir. Newton; Esther, Mips! Muriel Shaw: Martha, Mrs.

Ly.il1 Shaw: Electa, Miss Maude chaplain, Mrs Harold Peck; mar-: shal, Mr Roger Stowell: organist, Mrs. Leslie Longley; warder, Mrs.) Ralph Granger and sentinel. Emil: Schramm Livestock Market Chicago March 2 AP.) Sheep ruled moatly steady with fat lanihs Helling from 116.60 to 116.83. Mbrral recelptu amounting to 11.000 salable head boosted the week total to 25.500. which was above full weekly totals for the past five weeks.

Absence of strictly choice cattle halted the top price at 116 75 with fed steers and yearling bulking $14 50 to 119 50. Choice hellers slso were scarce, the best selling at 115 75. Cows were 25 ents lower, the supply compoed mostly of canners, cutters, and com-rnnn beef grades. Salable receipts were 80WV Hogs were gt celling prices, 11 (too receipt, shippers took 1000 and packer received 50O0 direct Help crippled children (o help themselves. Buy Easter Seals now.

Above Quotations are approximate and should not be considered actual bids and offers. New England Utilities BY Ml-R RILL CO. Bid Asked 15 16'4 on to', 17', 19', 2.V4 27-'4 42', 84', 87', 35'. 37 25 8'4 3H4 33. i I I ickv 3 51 'a 43', 2 3' 4'4i 47 50 34'a 175 103 113 2R 110 120 25 53 5'a 6'a 37 'a 3H'a 34'a 52 55 I H'-a 15'J 43'', 45''- 10'a 32 36 28 30 34 3fi 12 14 38', 41', 53 55 no 62 72 36 'a 38 10 13 135 141 48 J) 8 10 5 I storks.

biillniene. Mr and Mrs. 31 Harwich Street, son Whltaker Mr and Mrs .1 44 Bunnlde Avenue East Hartford, son. Foreign Exchange New York, March 29. (AP.) Closing foreign exchange rates follow (Great Brltiiln In dollars, others ln cents): Canadian dollar In New York open market 9ii per cent discount or SO.IS'U 8.

cents, unchanged. Europe: Great Britain official buying S4 02. selling S4.04. Latin America: Argentina free 24 03. 02 of a cent lower; Brazil free 5.25N; Mexico 20 65N.

N-Nomlnal. Treasury Balance Washington. March 29. (AP.) The position of the Treasury March 27; receipts 1305.201.650.91; expenditures 0441.. 781.648.57; net balance 115.137.310.379 47; working balance included I4.

374.388,-085 09: customs receipts for month 67: receipt fiscal year (July I) 133 691 060.130 02: expenditures fiscal vear I72.2A8.755 186 97: excess of expenditures 38. 575 695.058 65; total debt i tllJ 1QB itn Cl7 DA i.HjiakH aviia. Ivlous dsv gold asseU Manufacturing i nm MHiciware a2 50 Arrow-Hart Hi'g Automatic Refrm 10 Billings Ai Spencer 3.00 Bristol IJii.s. Colt's Patent alOOO Collins Co s.VOO Fafnlr Bearings 1 10 Ouardlan tnv old s5 c5 Hart fc Hartford Empire 7S Mxrtlnrri Mines pfd 60 Hendey Mach 1.50 Landers. Krary a2 50 New Brit Mach 400 Marllii-ltoekwell al 25 NUes-Bement-Pund 2 2S North a 45 Peck, Stow Wll a4 00 Perkins Mach Co al.87';, Russell Mfg Co 2 00 Scovtll Co a 60 Bllex 2 40 Std Screw 2 25 Stanley Works 10 00 Taylor A fenn a5.00 Terrv Steam Turb al.OO Torrlngtoii 1 50 Union Mfg 7.00 8 Knveloot Old 2.00 VeeUor-Root 30 Whitney Blakt Wh.tlnrk Mf Ad.tusred rx-iignts ft'h 'in I March 19, in la 12tuo ending Bangor H.vdjo Elcc.

Brockton Oa.s Lt, vtc. Central Vt. Public Serv. Eastern Utll. Assoc.

Lowell Electric Light Lynn Otis At Elec. vtc. Mass. Utll. Assoc.

pfd. Newport Electric Co. Providence Oas Light Rhode Is. Public Serv. Babies Shoe to Be Rationed.

Washington, March 29. 'AP.) BeRlnninB May 1. all babies' leather shoes will require a ration stamp. The OPA made this announcement today, simultaneously with a disclosure bv the Office of Civilian Requirements that it hopes to obtain the production of 150,000,000 pairs of high-quality fabric shoes with synthetic rubber soles for adults. The OPA action puts babies' leather shoes, size, to 4 (worn by i babies before they learn to walk) on the same basis as other leather shoes.


Hartford Courant from Hartford, Connecticut (2024)


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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.