r. i neArUoaa Republic U2-Housthod JTST 1 l42.Heusehe!d ILJIlii WE RENT PIT mj SSTC, V-: "tw Baldwin clc jtJ T-S iwTfJi 1 42Houtehoid 'rTr i or singer, auto, zig-zag ra5riv. -r UbtUlVttlj V' L. 71 V. IA5T 5 Cmt fnni Houseful i'0- cri- i ivai li-s" Li nl vi i ct.
-8 $29.95 UP UJI lr tUilNtii KETuKNED ffO ttOCtL HOME "TRACE atontic sw far VACATE BiG JOHN'S TV USED ORGAN CLEARANCE rn-i iJKto Tf. T- troc t. Ij lutt Avenue. 10 2J STEEL CARPORTS ct. or nam MHm 'i- motes a tml.
hr; ru.fce'. imm 1f no Eoe4teM canaiKA. ma rc. 1 vja ir.icn.r.t Mti hrj E. A corijr PRIVATE lunK amm BALDWINS CONNt BAICAIN Wks s.ie r.
ii'C cat 'o. i i i All f'fcC-AiCN'CS MuKUTZEKS tTE t-TmCAAS SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY $185 r4e HUWI i -SE OS f-iRST- ALl'EO Ar'i-JC3C tAOoH ThS tOCiTiO ONCE CB. It. Mkf I WCE iOST AND lC DOCREUSTERS 1 1-O" tHE EABLVB'RDSl Vaster tMO'oni la 0'r hMutnut. Lto rxn C-i'-ii 3 IJl orr.
t1 -4a m.rrar. frMIB province! bcdraoni let IF a tut- M'KM ALL ORGANS HAVE NE siv la bcvcbe nea. rauam tran nei v-- Tf a tor ft Sui ANTE 1 1 4 ARf AVAIL. WITH aC fllik? peacaxy firm r'Tr irm mti njl t)4 unorftOa. PRE.WUM TIRE Irjl-M 4 twin.
A (yvaoeni inn. CMm honanl BQLES OWN aim fi beds re.eraor. treer. VuO Kn Mfc iVb r. i I Ok fc ni i i fti I MODEL HOME RETURNS 1 Cnmc.e Hsuu'irt furnitur 4 Es oof Hava-tl FC8 ONlY Perfection Furn.
JV.tg. Co. ar'i iir $at Sun. CARPET Oa.ntit pjrchw "(lv Sinuous nv mn coors, nstifl SO n. an cc.ars.
$5 tr.ya.ieo, 4. CARPETS ft Htr So TAPPAN Gas Rang Ar oean e-S 4 moH -renty Dealer mH'eie 4. ip-mav m'r- ierior( w. pravincial tsttr 'ee 4. iP'inav riv-- iriorM( u.
Pro. metal rc I Hil t. 0 4 till CS-E 'lA-SO. 3 E- n8 on be iJNlfiTf xt- 2 open ea r. d'-K'-'t or mount.
t-dM. k. Sn East Rancho O.ve WH S-fim I 9V in cftes'. sojio ioe ctit i I Vi SjNGER" Ecric xM Ilk ntm. ART'S FENCES iS5' (llJ WOC.D ASC.NABl -OE LI Y.
by 11 Mt pr- or by tie co 1 I AR 17 LA AN A. ING SMJ? 1 St JtfTI ACERCYiE. Bauaht sold. nit) an repairs. IP yas-ASaa iiiS'i SACRiFICETNaw It NEW fARPFT TAEfOtl Vtl MriTuftsriTu.iriTri 'Wall eall tiaieles Hint.
DrLrrJ unww twa. Oit tin iim onhr jtli in money ttomrn. Prmti til CALL AC AL 1414 I 7 1 -r Snt arnileaaaH tularies -fevPLETEH rl-HflfSril Pno Rent To Own PUn iMMjitMM 1 Off Serj fsresies I vol only li iD Pff 4W (RfDiT tS HERE! oa ra'Kje rv jc uicen. 2ritsa 1 tobees tuc-eies tubaies iiiu riett, sleet caoswar. Ut.ilU3 wt.neall it rtc rri a ii StL Cm j-4 fH W.
CENTRAL Ofc f-iMertioav Automatic aiasner, emtinanous refriaarator. 3' aai 'NYLON Lasan di.an and chair. SAV.E DAY DELIVERY Central Liquidators 4001 SO. CENTRAL tstst: sttsut? ssssnstssst sstssstnssss 5 II m. CROSSTOP refrigerator Est Mr.
SEWiNG machine, priyat party. yy.t FURNACES, doset J0 145j at'l SSS praccal ly new. PIOS FED FKCISE TAX aO DN ON APPROVED CREDIT MANUFACTURER'S TIRE OUTLET (USED ORGAN SALEI A a hawa moid a manv mw LOW- (Dtond, ftixwf. m4pe pc ti. rm.
v' snen and dxprs t9 BUY NEW. BUY NOW! NO OPFf RFFU5FD NO EnCHANGES NO REFUNDS ALL SALES FINAL U4-Musical HOUSEFUL 'i efc-" tpinet pro tiCVCiC Ko'n ITrn Atmrf. GAFFKE ro9 40 a tu meari. FULL HOUSE Sales. Sarvko REY 4 GULBRANSEN or a ana thai overstacAaa.
THEY MUST buy raan ar plan. your CARPETS Irv "tie. oout iu cri 5C ny.on in 4rj JiJ.JJ CtS S4ie cice Sos 'ike i.5 Eft cwimc 2 9 lijv, b'tonhoies FR'G'EAiRE 0r Cs-ni moroaims IS luD-c. u-a tt- If.S'-5 Usea DAr Ees JM Cot i5? 5 Or PEARBCRN vt'ea ril'. ri Der.
t.i cen'iai. un. 1 5 iwrnii A felt'l In I Dill I WILL Mil P4-4MS, ALL YOU NFED FOR JUST bt OLD NOW. PIANO 5 Al IIS North 7th Street NOW ARMY SURPLUS STORE GEN MARINE WOOL BLANkETS PEREECT CONDITION 5 Used Oxfords. Soied, Heeled ti 510 E.
Jefferson AL2-242! STORAGE ROOMS ALL ALUMINUM $59.50 1916 W. Grant 3308 V. Buckeye Rd. 705 W. Camelback IESTEV TrtOAAS BR accessories.
CUSTOW CRAFT VEG CO. i Jl'3 IKOIAN SCHOOL Welcome Newcomers i P'ANO WANTED AL 3-S451 DISCc*nt FURNITURE LIQUIDATORS 41C1 S. CENTRAL -lLOyVRE COST PLUS $10 i sj 5 lUIIWtl. 4 JJM) la aV I I C.IVF ANY fUSTTVER A Sons, 'til OPEN SUNDAY 10-4 Dariaoed Freight Depot Across street Tricn4s Va'i 44TH ST.J E. THOV AS FRIGIDAIRE 5-aoor retr.oerto--reezer combination, trot irf-t ton compai-tmenti, 12 cu.
Ct Sj tae I II or S'O monthly Oeoer. 80S Central. Son. 12 5 OUT OP STATE CREDIT OK rvS TIME AROUND BOOKS Sal. Thousands of he'd sa Enceilent condition.
i LO kE 1-427 i after 4 a m. WURLITZE PiAfiOS For the finest values see LOWREY WAS IvS i AS H2VS ICS Slavs Slavs SiaS t'evs t28vS J4S SJ2S8 I 1 'X' IF TM CFFEK IS Open ee Bays til NOT rHAT I SAY IT IS Don tm any name fcrana Tv serev- rerr.s. rtW r. "ArLt iMwf f-ee Mart 4T1 Elk Hoy REPRiGERATC fien. wor Ptr-Sect.
Gu'an-eea 1 SO free iv-ry. C4ier. U4 E. 2'-STX 1964 SINGER ZIG ZAG DIAL SEW uvti it ina t. Indian School lunn BALDWIN FLOOR CLEARANCE SALE i tv cover used (wots and sets all! I avS'taiegories.
'i price, one wt-ek only. yvs Anion lroef new and used book 13V5 store, open 1 days lam to mid ievS night. Al Book. Slot lilt ta-l 11995, Van Buren 'Originally purctiased Au. '64 arou Includes: Living rm bed rm fOi ors 4' YD LiP 'uar.
TaDlev lamps, dishes, vacuum i. CARPET cleaner. etrs ORIG. PRICE WAS WURLITZE WURLITZER HAMMOND erstor, t'MJer. ane untn you have compared C1.1 prces Garein-teed cost us 10 on any mad! GCfilNb U.5 'th St AL 4 1 'C'I SERvEL ootan retriye'atar, 0 fly arranty.
Sat or ta monthly. Deaier. E.5 Central. Sun 1J 5 Save hundreds of dollars on New 1 Used Pianos 4, organs Hatrher Rd r37 $4 SAVE 4O0, BUT II NU nm ALUMINUM AWNING. Front of tlOv SJJ SJS5SSI t-vy oestsns vt buitt uo ONLY S337.69 or S4 23 wk.
No down. Mane ofer. VALLEY SALVAGE- tSSSESt tt "J4 "TELEVISION. ecellnl pic tu'e cabinet. t5 tst iSS.SSS on'y te t.mn Pymts S' It no 544 iSt SSt Sit S'l MFGR.
7PM McDoweM J53 16' OFFICE FURNITURE SALE TODAY I WESTERN LIQUIDATORS I Jfl I 2ith Street Vfc-lvJ VOLVO 14 engine and Irans- I mission. 967 42 i I FIRE ESCAPES steel trusses" Cheap. Valley Salvag 123J IStottsdale Rd Tempe. 743(I0 UPRIGHT piano, antique white'and best otter lakes. Also 7' metal I bed utility trailer.
Make otter. li.J I2j5 Scottsdat Rdj Tempe 967-4100 5 OLDS engine, complet 272-1117, 'REMINGTON electric typewriter. '64 WHITE ZIG ZAG OPEN MON. 1 THURS. TIL ALLEN PIANO-ORGAN 132 E.
CAMELBACK 264 6563 WANTED Spinet studio OR con. sole piano for cash CR 4711. SACRIFICE Portable TV. IV IJt model, i-tbbi SS VS.S UliSSS VS tss SSS ISS SSSSUS SSS HI JU tss Ul Sit Ht tt ISA tt ttttt ISt tit SSSSilS tssts sst tst tst tss tss sssssst ss4 tt sssssn SSiit uusst.t $25.50 $90. Adorn machine.
150. Stand vd Gwrn. Tafc trace Free rome trial. Dealer Eves. IMPERIAL FURN.
SHCAROCIA "DIRECT TO YOU" PIANOtunlngu SI. USED ORGANS-PIANOS No pymt. til 1V65. will separate Cash rf you hv it, credit If you We must clear our floor to meet th want it. committment dat tor remodeling 1 Central Liauidators 0nc' oooortonity fo! ARIZONA'S OLOFST tional cost.
nni central lederman's music co 4UU I JU. LliiII KML un NORTH CENTRAL 277-T253 PIANO, small uprighL Excellent. FREEZER, Westinghous Frost-I95. Witt's, IS00 East Van Buren. tree, whit uprignt 15 cu used 3 Sunday 12-S P.m.
months 264-6949 OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO NEW SPINETS $495 typewriter, J5S. All cell-nt. WH a-565 GRANITE for lawns, driveways AL 3 2826. il. copier cti-meier unit.
25 33J0 or 253-0002. Used mo. for demos Buttonholes, rror.oqrams, tin nH)l oesnns. Eves. 3-080.
Dealer Vxl2' USED RUGS $9.95 Pads 13c M. vd. All li In Stock. '7 I INOLEJU Li IS Baldwin, conns, Lowrey spinet or gans, Thomas transistor, built-in PUT NO ONE CAN BEAT GLOBE, "On of th Oldest, Lt'sest, Grandest Arizona." OVER 40 YEARS IN PHOENIX. Fre Delivery BANK TERVS NOTHING DOWN 3 YRS.
TO PAY west Mission i an (NWi. ADDING Machines TYPEWRITERS HARD VAPLE Showroom Sample! Hand tA-io'eo Lly Rm set In Mome fabric. 3 solid map) tables, 7 m. inias! 1 map' lamps. 7 pc solid map.e D'hRm outlet hutch.
Vaster BedRm Maple dresser w' ganery mirror, chest-orKhesf, Book- Leslie, tun pedal board, aav Su1 HAMMOND ORGAN 4 PIANO STUDIOS Larg selection low prices. t2 up.lp'''", Ji. wevi Buy rent. CLARY 1014 W. "Tv yVe' Wind er boulevard YE 9 1341 CARPET HOUSE 1514 6Vn Bur 400 Off Danish or Maple SPECIAL AUaiON $8,000 WORTH OF FURN.
Italian Provincial BR set by Links Taylor Mapl 4 poster twin BR set Satin Brocao couch by Heritage 11-piec French Provincial dining room with -ft. break front t-Oriental Rus Provincial coffe It end tables. 4554 E. Thomas, of Thomas Mall Adams. AL 3-29U0 Positive'y lowest scoont prices In mouic inM.wii.wvi...
Beautiful walnut flnlsh-full SI notes i HOUSEFUL OF FURNITURE pric inc. bench, delivery lessons WE FINANCE EVERYONE B.n roil ca oar pea, nne liana, na D-aum town Check our prices mea com-, BEAUTIFUL small blond upright Piano. Excellent condition Slit. Mavco. YE 7-3371, A 1-962.
Used Baldwin Acrosonic spinet piano. Mahogany finish. I yr. guarantee S595. ROLES Piano 4 Organ Co.) 4510 N.
This See these today 48 mo terms e.ceotionally fine quality furniture ARIZONA PIANO STORES world 4. Auto washer included. This group OK from anywher in th tame day. Ooen Mon. thru Thurs.
'til normally sells for Now buy i ct Ar i ott showroom floor for S592. total or LU I FIREWOOD ARIZONA FIRFWOOD SERVICE COMPANY Free Delivery 271 7531 "LEAD LINED TANK 3x4x4' $50 VALLEY SALVAGE 1235 Scotlsdale Rd. Tempe 967-6)00. New elrc indicating cah reg, 5 totals $500. guar.
Used regs t80 up. New model elec typwrtr. Sav SI50 Used tvo $40 Add marh Ij5 WINDOW retrig. units -used. 2730166, ALL Aluminum c.irporf.
In sections. 10.24' earn 9324 North Central 1934 WILLYS B8.M glass front end, trailer complete less engine. 277 2197. FIREWOOD. Free delivery." 423039 AUTOMATIC transmissions, all makes, se.il lobs.
$24 50. Brock Aula Servic. 3154 Grand Avenue 279 4460, CASH REGISTERS For stores, bars, servic station. Large selection of used clean Nationals. Low price.
Buy-rent leas. nT hed with matrhina PHOENIX 500 W. Indian School Rd in" (M1 b', malttims WE5A 900 E. Main Frl. Sat.
5 30 Sun. 13-3 tx 10 per wk. Complet Houseful: DELUXE. 4 PC Corolan Nylon Quilled Sectional, PLENTY Or FREE PAKK.INS Ex- JnKn. i.7 I BOLLER concert grand piano.
A i r-nn' a- -yen' t.i,Ia ten sssttttt OPEN SUNDAY 12 TO 5 STORY CLARK USED SPINET CUSTOM RANCH STYLE Fully guaranteed 1565 low terms AM 6-1869, ONE OF THE OLDEST MVC DUTo TO faoles. 2 44 Lamps, HuQe Dres-i tSSAliSSSt tables, matchTng cottee table, 2 dec- Jms pc'uon sts usst LARGEST IN ARIL Modern J-4-5- Room Housefult for ier and Landscap Mirror, Bookcase n.u nT4 tENOR saxophone, used very lit S249 S32 S469-S55T Complett. tie. 946-0040. MARTIN 3311 N.
16th St. chest on chest. full bed. Hotel Royl trained service. CLARY Bed, Quilted Bok Soring and Inner-spring Mattress 15 yr.
Guarantee, Dresser Lames, 3660 DmeM with, matching chairs. Original pricel Free lessons 500 Indian School Rd ARIZONA PIANO STORES ELECTRIC StSt tl isi tst DEER hunters special. Three Kelt Factory guitar and amplifier 'box spring, innerspring mattress MACHINES, 1014 W. Spanish ttts tt si tstssi tt tt ti tttt JSS St sss tt ss st st tt tt stss st tt tt tt st ts tt ss sts ttst tt st ss st st tst PLUS twin bedrm set, 2 WH 6 0646. all or none.
$40. 1020 North 72nd imperial furniture distributors 3417 west Mcdowell I matrhina hi-hov chest. 2 sets genuine SI .095 00. NOW S4V7 64. ONLY 4.r7 iWeekly.
NO MONEY DOWN. SSWiSSSt tmtm MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS ALL TYPESOUT OF PAWN At Fraction of Original Cottl I THE JEWEL BOX LOT 550 Place. 46-7944, Scotlsdale. NEW bucket seats for Volkswagen, Beige In color. Make otter.
265-4223. POLYETHYLENE PLASTIC from tlil .4 1 1 I rujr ISSSUtSttttSStt'StltSSSSttSSSttttntttS Houseful Maple, at Ms RENT-TO TRY RENT-TO BUY New at "SCHROEDER'S" $10 Monthly Desks by Hen red on Maple drop leaf dinette GE double door refrigerator Maple den furnitur 3 Televisions 2 Occasional chairs by Simmons Crystal Lamp tamps, Chaise Lounges, wrought Iron outdoor furniture vacuum cleaner, bric-a-brac, glass, china, pots a. pans, appliances, linens, clocks, pictures, wall plaques, rocking chairs, Victorian Antique Chair. This furniture is all of th very highest quality and must be sold to th highest bidder. Sal will be held on the premises at S45 W.
WINDSOR (2BLKS. SOUTH OF THOMAS ON 7TH AVENUE). TIME 1 P.M. Hotel Royal box springs, innerspring I mattresses. PLUS 3RD BEDRM.
full siie bed, spg. matt, dresser. Family size dining rm. tet, Ige. family size refrig.
Iqe crosstoo freezer, new guar. THIS ENTIRE i FURNITURE 3333 SO. CENTRAL 41 South 1st Avenue ou.z 5ritor pools Del Re Surplus, 44111 S. Cen CERAMIC THE Wall til closeoutt, ungraded 30c SP. Bulnos Trimmers from 2c Ea Wall til 1st grade closeout 0c SF, Trimmers 1st grad from Sc Ea.
ARIZONA TILE JOBBERS 34J W. Adams St. 2534)331 NEW Portable Typewriters $44 Rowland's 4S0 N. Cent. AM S-9369, ICE LAKER, like new at low price.
1800 lb day York Frosty Ribbon, complete. Guaranteed. 278 5546. PIANO. Bahv C.ranrl Cr.ll.nl MAYTAG automatic washer and finest.
Hardrock Mapl less than 45, separate Maytag clothes dryer, cost days old Quality Furniture. Ridlcu-j S5I9, take for both or S8 monlri lously Priced. Early American Sofa Dealer, S05S. Central, Sun 12-5. maket into a bed with matching club CARPET.
52 sa. yards of lovely Chair Nylon, Swivel Patchwork tralBR1409 47 E. Dunlap Wl1201 Great Big Block Long 3 Acr Mon. 17-S Thurs. 'til 9, Sun.
ft Thurs. 'til 9. Sun. ALL MAPLE HOUSEFUL ORIG SS95. Witt's.
1500 East Van Buren! Store South of Bridg Scotsman Ice Machines SOLD LESS THAN 30 DAYS AGO, 1436 E. McDOWELL 254 3221 Sunday 125 p.m Phoenix Mkt 4 Restaurant Equip Any condition. FOR $2168- CAN BE YOURS FOR OLDS Ambassador trumpet, good! PIANO wanted. AS LITTLE AS $8 43 PER WK. NO.Conditiotv, $60, 274-378U.
BR 5-4811, carpet taken uo from luxury apart- Quilt Rocker, Tables, Lamps, (I-Tr cno 2 Need quick sale and will lows, Huge Dresser, Framed Mirror, ifiTni. excellent i sacrifice for fraction of orloinal cost Bookcase Bed, Quilted Innersprlng irjov. today. t2 so. vd.
terms. Will install, Mattress and Box Spring 15 Yr. ment Co. Low down EZ pay no interest, 12 payments. 4317 E.
Mc Dowell 275-4441 USED PLAYER PIANOS FROM $549 VINYL asbestos til 8c. Acmi MONEY DOWN, NO PYMT 'TIL BALDWIN Acrosonic splnetllk 1965. FULL PRICE NOW BEING'new inside and outside. French pro-SOLD FOR BAL. OF ONLY $846 .69.
jvincial style In rich burl walnut. WE FINANCE EVERYONE. ALLjCR 9-1412. CREDIT OK FROM ANYWHERE IN PIANO. $125l 9056 North loth TRUCK BODY, steel dump.
8x16 AL 3-442S with pad for SI. 50 sou. yd. additional. (Guarantee 7 Pc.
Maol Dining Decorators, 1017 E. Camelback. 1 room with Hutch and Base. Origin- HOUSEHOLD furnitur and apple Onen 16 lallv Sold for SI385 00 NOW ONLY $150 VALLEY SALVAGE CO, 1235 BRAIDFO Fully rebuilt, guaranteed, ill with Rinky-Tink. See our new player Scotlsdale Rd.
Tempe 967-6300. 23" TELEVISION" A ences. 947-5515. I I 00 L-RCA automatic S56 9 73. NO MONEY DOWN AND 4022 East Lincoln Street.
MAGNA VOX stereo AM-FM radio, iwasher, sacrifice S37.50.946-0054. jONLY S5.49 Weekly, big six speaker set. 10 yr. warrantyl TWO nauqahyde club chairs, one' I OUT OF PAWN EVERYTHING ft ANYTHING' girl bike. $10 each.
I BOY and BR 5 255. THE WORLD 1 DAY CLEARANCE Drive. GUARANTEED. Cross over the, TEACHER will sell excellent "wood bridge ft 5 short blks to the great, clarinet. Slightly used.
With case, big, block long warehouse with THE 277-8533. CHECKERBOARD FRONT. LIKE new Bazincl red-whlt pearl pianos tun stock of player rolls OPEN MON 4 THURS 'TIL 9 HARMONY HOUSE 1500 E. THOMAS on diamond siyius fiavs any Reasonably priced. Wl 3-9366 nJ; i Rpa price 15119 marked down our Budget Dept.
Used, Trade Sunday, Nov. 8th SCOTTSDALE AUCTION WH 5-0741 nrd Ins, Model Home Returns. I WE FINANCE StttSti NEW Swan 240 AC PS, $350. 264 2JV5. CORVETTE three speed with' linkage.
t20. AP 8 2200. POLAROID camera," t.35.AM5 386j For CENTRAL LIQUIDATORS 147-Miscellaneous MODEL HOME RETURNS 13 Comolete Housefuls Furniture 1-2-3-4 BPs Pick Your Houseful. FOR ONLY $3 WK. Perfection Furn.
Mfg. Co. YOU NAME IT WE'VF GOT IT! WHY PAY FULL PRICE? CALL 252 5777 THE JEWEL BOX 41 SOUTH 1st AVENUE DEMOLITION site clearing and tree removal. 258-1274. to sell at $269 or $2.50 Per wk.
Dealer, 805S. Central, Sun. 13-5. TWO bcx springs and mattresses tor single beds. Two modern occa-t soinal chairs.
Reasonably priced. Good condition. 277-1764. 170 Bass accordion. 254-0220.
OPEN SUNDAY "12 TO 5 CONN ORGANS NEW USED Sil I DIVAN and chair. SB. Doll hnnnv SSSSiiSSt Stt tst tst FRED Arizona Oldest Furn. Liquidators 4001 SO. CENTRAL Daily 9 9, Frl Sun 'til Sun.
11-6 miscellaneousjtems. 266-5476. HEAR ONE TODAY ARIZONA PIANO STORES N. 33rd Ave. 277 6801 99 SAT.
9 6 SUN. 12-5 2T" SILVERTONE portabl telei4018 vision. Excellent condition. $70. Hrs.
SE HABLA 5PANOL Aluminum Awnings 8X20' $94.85 Carports 10x20' $115 45-All sizes. Alum. PHOENIX 500 W. Indian School Rd CHE5T of drawers. Gold living room suite.
Platform rocker. 253-4824 BEST drill press; workbench with vise, $20; battery charger, 12 volt, $50; brake bleeder, $12; indus- SSSSSS tSSSSSSS Jt'S SSSlt sts tt st ts sst tt ts sstts ustsssst ss st st ss st tSSitSt tt tiSSt tttt ss 937-2026. SSSSSitt wesa 900 E. Main REFRIGERATOR, washer, dinette, new single bed, mis Storage Rms. 4x6' $59.50, 4x 8' $79 50.
i BABY chitfarobe, 48 Excellent. CLARINET, Pedler, ebonite, ex- 6425 W. Van Buren, 936-3075. Mfgr. New cellent condition.
pads. Satur CHEVY. Four speed. $150. 254 2548, IBM electric typewriter.
1964 model. Nearly new. With desk. 266-1584, PHILLIPINE mahoqany gun case. Excellent condition.
BR66215. 40'o OFF TV-radio "tubes. 5881 West Indian School at 59th Avenue. 22 5900. TRAILERS, Power "saws.
Wheel', barrels, el cetera. Will finance. 942 5097. Bankruptcy Auction EXTERMINATOR Kits Save rrv WMkiiav. after t.
rerriger- davs, Sundays, FURNITURE cellaneous.ysW. "HARDROCK maple round six chairs. Contemporary walnut: framed couch. CR4-9580. DUlitr tic-OA AAA.PAA rariin 4 Easy do-it-yourself.
Non poisonous. herrv I inn Rari "TO. workbench, U. 0-03T. HI DAB ED $50.
Divan $20. Stove Refrigerator $20. Freezer $65. i Piano $85. Al's 825 North 7th Street.
I LIKE chair, $160. See saw, mm vise, $25; 2922 E. McDowell Rd L.U1IWK, i wo pick up wim case qramte surface plate, 12x18; watch- ins an bugs Guaranteed. Free de livery. 2663997.
FIREPLACE" wood, delivered inaner lame; araiiing set, $15; 9-9, Frl. Sat. I 2701 North 24th Street. speed changer. New cost $329.
take Open tla nr uenlilv Hosier HD5 Sun. 12 5. GULHKANbtN grand, t-xcenent Ben Howell movie camera, $JS: Three used automatic washers, condition. AL 4-5719 after 12 Satur GRAND OPENING Thurs. Nov.
5th of Frontier's Warehouse Showroom 4621 N. 7th St. Kodak 35mm, $20; lots ot miscellaneous machinist tools, chucks, mi- pertect condition. Priced right. cromeiers, gaga blocks, etc.
10- TELEVISION, $18. 744' East Polk. 253-1 201 USED double box springs, mattress Two small chests. 7143 North 7th Street. NORGE 2 speed, 2 cvde automatic washer, real nice $49.95.
3403 N. 7lh St. 265-9303, dealer BARGAINS! Beautiful divan, chair $79. Used dav $19. Studio couch bed, 539.
Occ chair, $5. Club chair, $10. Platform rocker, $15. Good bdrm furn. Chests, desks, dressers.
Bookshelves, $8. Rollaway, $19. Dinett set, $19. 7 pc dinette set, $29. Wardrobe closet, $15.
Bed complete $19. Glassed china cab, $39. Mahogany glassed corner cab, $69. Large otficl desk, $49. Swivel office chair, $10.
Television $39. Refrig. $29 $49. Ctnu 410 ft. CIO AAnvtaa vuather Sl9 Central, Sun 12-5.
i "SE HABLA ESPANOL" KELVINATOR-Foodarama 17 cu. tt SS SSS I refrigerator-freezpr (12' SS SS SSitSS freezer), slight dent Cost $39, take Z5-B7V6. 90,000 BTU gas furnace complete with controls, duct work. 30 gallon I water healer. 2520 East Baselinel Road.
ENCYCLOPEDIA Brlllanica" set' like new. Original price $400; Willi p.m. only 9203 North 9th Avenue (rear). day, all day Sunday. MARTIN D-28 guitar perfect condition.
2507East Monteclto. KAY bass.967-3507J BACH Stradivarius trumpet $175. 948-6771. ELECTRIC guitar and amplifier, $65. New electric guitar, three pickup, FLEX shaft or nder.
20 and CR 7-2938. LIKE new wringer washer, electric stove. 266-1034. AUTOMATIC Kenmor washer. Portable sewing machine.
Four pair lined drapes. 4216 North 15th Drive. 279-2815, SS SS SS tt St 5'6o or sio monmiy. save. Dealer, gallon butane tank.
Starred level sttts tsssst sacrifice; make otter. 253 9892 or and tripod, welding regulators. Electric, trailer brake control. Large 203' North Central. tt tt it JS5S St 0U3 o.
v-erjirai. oun. n-3. SS SS EIGHT oiece dininq room set, two piece sectional, miscellaneous. 1304 SSSSS ttts i West Luke.
AUTO PARTS SALE STARTS AT 1 LOCATION The Arizona Auctioneers M. Burack AL 8-6981 M. Kramer Slorage rooms 4x8 $59. Newly constructed. Other sizes.
BR 4-2424. 15th Ave. Broadway. Dealer. tst sst ss sst ss tt tt tt tt tt st ts ss ANTIQUE diamond ring.
Below ap 575. Wilt's. 1500 East Van Buren. praisal. 279 3147.
truck rear view mirrors, small vise, cabinet makers wood vise. B8.D screw gun, HP motor, IV electric Sunday 12-5 p.m. PHILCO REFRIGERATOR, MAY-HONEST COUPLE with good iTAG TOPLOAD WASHER. 7258 E. credit rating to take on 3 Gorgeous jwiLSHIRE, SCTTS.
drill and saw, 1 national model 210 ENGINE SALE 3 LEFT Reg. $97.50, $59.95 sale price 4' a Continental 4 evele TWO BIG AUCTIONS I MONDAY WARE'S AUCTION Grand Opening Specials USED torcn cutting attachment, 1 smal (JUST SOUTH OF WESTWARD PONTIAC) Auto, washer $69. Vacuum, $I5. 1 Rooms 01 LlKe mew nnooern rurne Tod Sales 3800 N. 7th St.
264-9041 portable gas driven air compressor, other miscellaneous items. 511 West TWO housefuls furniture. 1959 Lowrev 25 pedal wLeslie Save Hammond 25 pedal w2 spkrs Save Phono, $15. Radio, $5. New 9x12' tu re.
can naraiy ten me CREDIT MGR. RETURN. 2 pc. liv. rugs, $15.
Cedar chests, $15. Homg had been out of the store. IN- room set, tables, lamps, dresser. GIRARO RC-88. four "speed record winasor Avenue.
Pontiac four door hardtop, loaded Save Thomas console piano 1951 Chevy, two door. Set wedding Plaver Late model, like new. Walnut MOUNTED tra In set. EasyThSirs. 3811 W.
Ind. Sch. 278-0489 9 a.m. Medium grade furniture. Dar, stools, zv.
organ, $iv zv. LLUUta iu riece mirror, bookcase bed, box springs, Unfln. furn. Maple furn. Secretary Piece LIVING ROOM.
35 Piece jmattress, marproof dinette. Only base $50, 278-0394. $395 fauibransen piano rings, 21 diamonds. 939-2565. uinene set.
i wo children rockers. aesx, sjy. oeauiuui secuuiidis, inue-1 isiicnen. iuu gei evciTiniug 11011. isuv.
mo aown. tc Terms WELDER. 300 Al incoln. portable. $1495 $435 PINK PURPLE FRONT Children's folding table with three chairs.
Two end tables. Ironing Chamberhn model 300 Chamberlin Rythmate Wurlitzer grand piano Ottering many Nationally Advertised Brands, One-of-a-kind Specials, Floor Samples, Hallcraft Model Home Furniture, Thomas Organ demonstrators at hug reductions-bargains on Starck and Janssen Pianos. a-beds, tables, cabinets, i-urnnur the Pictures on trie wail to tne for complete home sold separately Rugs on the floor. Easily worth 4012 SOUTH CENTRAL FURN. $1195 MISCELLANEOUS 258-0478.
TIRE SALE General Argyle Sure Flyfe Tires board. Child's desk. Portabl cooler. Hercules engine, with starter, trailer mounted, excellent condition $495. Wheel balancer, Hunter, like new, very cheap.
RELIABLE, 2301 W. ln-Twice the price. WILL TAKE $349 $295 wurntzer sideman iiw est cypress, al 4-7748. KENMORE automatic washer, RCA Whirlpool electric stove. Both one dian School.
NO MONEY DOWN-BANK TERMS- tahle. 42" ala tnr. fni.r paiiu Chamberlin 400 model $1995 Thomas AL-3C organ Demo. Full 4 Ply First Line Tuneless wicker chairs, $35. Zenith phonograph MAYTAG wringer washer, used 60 days, take $58 or $1.50 weekly.
Deal- SIZE BLACK WHITE year 010. private party. 276-6762. SACRIFICE three rooms of beau Lowrey Leslie Speaker $295 NEW auu rau.u, u. rock lumpier ano motor, like new.
$35. 933-3674, 11025 tiful Danish modern furniture less than three months old. Includes stun worm i lUTnjjrive, Thomas Organs, vr guar from $499 Chamberlins from $495 Thomas pianos from $595 ning Danish living room group. j-i st i up-uttennauser heads, ra- $13.95 $14,95 $16.95 $13.95 $14.95 $16.95 700x13 750x14 800x14 850x14 670x15 710x15 760x15 800x15 maqniticenr oeoroom suite th 1 er, 805 S. Central, sun.
12-5. FRIGIDAIRE electric range, A-l condition, clean $24. Dealer. 3403 N. 7th St.
265-9303; HlDEA-BED. Early American, 379-3391. CRIB. Gas stove. Recliner chair.
$15.95 $16.95 $17.95 $18.95 $14.95 $15.95 $17.95 $18.95 complete, $175. Front-end wheet alignment equipment, Hunter lile-a-line, almost new, complete, $395. Scope, Heyer, extra tube, excellent condition $395. Light plant, Onan, 3500-watt, aircooled, almost new, $350. Boring bar, Van-Norman No.
944S, $145. Black 8. Decker vaTv refacer, good condition, $195. Gasoline powered 1 '2-ton low tern-perature refrigeration unit, $350. 24 refrigeration unit, $350.
24" DiArco hand brake, 36" Famco 16-gauge shear. No. 500a Rldgid pipe thread- tras and wonderful modern dinette qiaior, 4riarneaas, ottery467l4. GARAGE Sale." Rollaway bed, oval OPEN MONDAYS 'TIL 9 P.M. Don Olds Music Co.
thru Thurs. 'til 9 Frl. Sat. 5:30 Sun. 12-5 PLENTY OF FREE PARKING ONE OF THE OLDEST LARGEST IN ARIZ.
set witn very comfortable chairs. Need quick sale and will sacrifice 135 W. Main St. Sctsdl 945-3202 appliances, misc. New linoleum, builder's bathroom fixtures, 3 storage lots, good used carpeting, etc.
7 p.m. Beautiful Zenith Stereo with multiflex, like new Thomas Electric organ. Metal file cabinets, 2 office desks, new 8. used living room sets, sectionals, bedroom sets, springs mattresses, bunk beds, sewing machines, vacuum sweepers, lata model refriger-a ranges, washers, chest type freezer, TV's, occasional chairs, dinette sets, carpeting, rockers. Lamps.
Pictures, mirrors, Early American beds with new mattresses, chest, dressers, and misc. Items. OPEN SUNDAY 1 to 5 FOR INSPECTION at viu.e. ll I UOUY IUI- niture, sho skates, Nauganyde couch and chair, hammock. Remington 12 for fraction of original cost every Rug.
Cheap. 275-8684. thing today $260 or $8 monthly. MUST sell fine furnishings, like gauge pump, deer rifle, 4 cycle power A A Decorators. 1017 E.
mower, electric eoger, knic-knacs. Camelback. OpenJ-6 p.m. new. Singer Zlg-Zag, mangle.
944-7612 SUB-ZERO commercial freezer, "14" TUBE TYPE 670x15 $12 95 710x15 $13.95 $14.95 760x15 $15.95 $1695 B00xl5 SI7 95 JDNE 120 bass accordion. YE 7-o6S0 PRACTICE Piano. Real good condition Inside and outside. Rear 350 West Portland. UPRIGHT piano.
Good condition, SJ75. 254-2286. UPRIGHT piano Good $5 Witt' '57 Chev Nomad Wagon, small appli near new. $295 Small cat with AUTOMATIC washers, choice of six, $45. All real good and guaran- upright, $340.
274-6000. ances, many more items. 8502 East Al aualitv furniture, reasonable, sage urive, scoftsdale. 947-6819. hydraulic blade bucket, $495.
Small riding tractor with attachments, excellent condition. McCul- S5SS ipea. some two speed, two cycle limited Supply all prices tax. No Money Down Instant Credit wewtmghouse 30" electric range, ts st ts Three glass top tables, 10' refrig- erator, large oak dining table, 8' cartop boat and motor. Boy's bike.
Electric train, race car sets, ss loch post hoe auaer. like new. nice new, sou; good gas range, $15 1500 East Van Buren. Sunday 12-5 PJm. MARTIN trumpet and case wany Malor Credit Card.
Largest ttst refrigerator, crosstop freezer, auto sor chair, maple desk, large square corner table, lamps, Simmons hide- $249.50 Portable rotary exploration drill, complete with 100' of steel. 25 Bedroom Suites on Display 200 Chairs of all types Nationally Advertised 5-Pc. Dinette Sets $33.00 and up OPEN MON. THURS. FROM 9 TO 9 DAILY 9-6 CLOSED SUNDAY EASY TERMS -36 Months to pay.
Frontier Warehouse Showroom 4621 North 7th Street Phone 277-1178 Tire Location In the West. SOUTHWEST TIRE SALES matic defrost in Bottom, $49.95 SS tS $5 St ts ss ss stss ssss Tradewell Furniture, 706 North a-bed, kitchen table and chairs, reo- sswsssss wood table, benches, lawnmower, 8 mm camera. Typewriter, miscellaneous. 601 East South Mountain Avenue. Space105-D.
2 STEREO speakers JBL S'3-enclosed in walnut cabinets Perfect condition. 943-9077. 1J1 So. 24th St. 273-1656 Avenue.
781 W. MUST sell Conn organ, Minuet, Ijke offerWH 6-8306. BANJO five string Gibson. Excel FIREPLACE WOOD like new. 9x36 South Bend lathe, lots of toollnq, late model, excellent condition.
Steel storage lockers, industrial type, $14.95 each. All steel portable storage building, 8x10, good condition, $145. Maury's, 3323 E. Washington. MOTOROLA portable TV, 1965 model, used 45 davs, still has 11 mo.
warranty left. $12 per week. Dealer, April cut Juniper, free delivery. FURNITURE 3333 SO. CENTRAL lent shape, with case.
Private party VJ7-02I4. 805 5. Central, Sun. 12-5. win sacrifice at $125 for quick sale.
DIATHERMACIOUS filter, 20 square feet. Complete pump and motor. $100. WH 6-1706. V-jr-UIV, WALL HEATER, $29.50 yard tools, large doghouse, Simmons chaise lounges, portable kitchen; table, baby swing, small swimming pool.
1721 West Flower, iust oft Flower Circle O'KEEFE ti MERRIT range, griddlehi broiler, simmer burners. Cost S329. Take $68 or $8 mo. Dealer, 805 S. Central, Sun.
12-5, Automatic washer $29.95. 3403 N. l'z TON heat and air conditioner. Good 36" gas range. 939-7380.
TALKING Christmas cards. Healy SERVEL refrigerator, $35. Apart i UPRIGHT piano, very good condition, includes bench and delivery, ft 201 Ind Sch AM 6 3126! 502 East Washington LOVELY maple hutch, cradle, baby chest, deacon's bench, maple rocker, cricket chair, trunk, nice radio- range, S20. Gas neater, TWIN Serta perfect sleeoer. Box ment gas mavco -JJn, ap 8-9626 ton GE refrigeration and mattress.
White provin- SINGER AUTO ZIGZAG MOVING-house lull of furniture, Tilt nil n-y rs -i A fi I A SI5. 1'? $75. CR 7-9094; 266-0481. cial headboard, like new. 1st COME 1st CHOICE 1000 NEW USED FIFrTPir fJIIITAP SL AAAD ipnonograpn si 8, 26 pr, drapes, cur KPWINA MACHINF J' "7 tains, 80 piece set blue ovenproof SALE.
Electr train. 7th St. 265-9303, dealer. SINGER AUTO ZIGZAG VENETIAN blinds. Sacrifice com-! plete houseful.
Custom made. Ver-i Just like new, makes all designs Viwi-ii. aiitnmatiAllw R. iltnnhnloe cpui. nn DlCVCieS, GARAGE tovs, br -ca-brac, er.trir SPECIAL $70.
dinnerware $20, china, misc. 944-0869. 19' Al IIMINUAA lichlnr, hnaV Cmaii COUCH. Croslev refrigerator. Oc oven.
HI-FI. You name it we have rJP'i-rSM tSI, motor and trailer. 8103 North 11th It. 6339 East Mitchell Drive, csionalchairs. 2038 East Sheridan TV'S, 17" Raytheon, $20; 21" Sil- buttons, biind stitches, embroiders.
Guarantee. Total price $41.25 or $5 mo1Agent2581L89L SEWING MACHINE 'tical and horizonal with cornices. IJust like new, makes all designs, $150 takes all. 935-4433. I automatically.
Buttonholes, sews on 17" PORTABLE TV, works fine, I buttons, blind stitches, embroiders. $35 942-4935. ruis! II Olisinu: HUI-IS. KULLiiKflCfl. STUDENT GUITAR $16.88 1000 case.
150 vertone, $50. 943-1046. E. Refrigerator $25. 1619 East SAy'Ns! mm Kiifiit AUTOMATIC water softener, like new, $50.
279-7889. ADDRESSOGRAPH and araDotVDe FURNITURE BARGAINS Spender lens, magnifying hoodl 7079 Guarantee. Total price $41.25 or $5 Agent. 258-1891. Mint conditon; sSi firm Idition.
$225 firm Mohave. UNIVERSAL gas range, living room suite, miscellaneous. 947-61 46. WHITE, Gold trim bedroom suite.i LATHE, 11 Logan. Many accessories $725.
AC VTVM $20, 274-9681. FENCE CLEARANCE SALE Chainlink, installed, 79c ft. redwood, MOVING to small apartment. Sell CREDIT TERMS MONTHLY PYTS tnv. $.15.
Simmons de-a" with file case. 9056 North 16th Drive. East Fillmore. AL 8-2149. COMPLETE MIRANDA "SLR out Ing beds, dressers, lamps, tables.
BEAUTIFUL furnishings of Shadows home. Wieman, Baker, bed, $65. Power lawn mower, $25. 939-8079. FAIRWAY LOAN CO.
288 --4-5 fit, incl. 50mm 1.9 auto. 115mm 3 complete. Spring Air mattress, box spring. 277-0250.
and custom tames, commcces, cnesis, Simmons Hide-a-bed sofa 5 pc. dinettes Kelvinator foodarama refrig 100 used mattresses $6, $8, $1.47. Also 10x20 alum, patio awn- "Tior.F riesk. S20 Small desk. $15.
washer, dryer, etc. 2321 West Ben ndqe Lane. ELECTRIC Servel Wonderbar re friuerator. $25 253-5816. corner cabinets, lovely 8' 2 sota.
Ji.m.T -z-8 waisJ 'ewel $94.50. Storage $59,50, INNERSPRING mattress with box cAnpH fl TijuooH Arnpt Ina. $10 up finder, filters, sunshades, adapters. Sunday 273-0714. upholstered dual neadooaro upnuisierru uum uumu, Dealer, Mon.
icnoirs, h.kr... $519 Motorola console stereo 249 1 To Settle Estate $J0. 278-6812. 279-8944, 'complete, etc. Priced tor immediate.
vl -r. EXERCYCLE, like new. 2 "speed. $350. 272-3158.
GUITAR. $10. "Ping pong table; $12. Wl 3-5687. 1959 FORD motor." 4521 East Mon-tecito.
BROWN Wig 100 European $60. BR 6-5894. GOSPEL TENT davenport, reasonable. 3065 CPPriAl 9 soeerl. 2 eve e.
nt Dr nnnalc nn m. sale. PINGPONG table, aluminumleqs i.i..u.j tnam hark Km Rathrnnm mall Inlt w.v. ww, IU 1 7 1 1 1 H.C1 1 UTT filter automatic washer, guaranteed. ment.
945-7074, saddle leather bag, case, etc. $430 value, complete outfit $325. Consider trade lor Nikon F. AM 5-1816. WE remodeled.
Have building materials, doors, windows, lumber, gas range, etc 9634 North 3rd Drive. Archery bow, assorted games. Excellent condition. 937-1560. New 7 pc.
living rm group New 4 pc bedroom group New bunk beds matts 2 pc naugahyde liv rm set Virtue Bros, dinettes SEVEN oiece dining room suite. 38 Must sell mahogany colored Baldwin cS orgasonlc spinet organ, with bench. $39.95 3403 "MOTOROLA-cor6rTvT new WH 6-9402. Chrome. $25.
5821 CneeryLynn. LL BTaybTil cemenf Used very little. Paid $1400. Will mixer. 'sell to highest bid over $650.
Can do-it-yourselfers. $65, perfect for WALNUT double bed chest, table. Maple single bed, chest. Factory 2nds '2 price! Wl 3-5328. 60x90, b'ue w-orange trim.
Complete RCA TV, uprignt manoganv closeout, wood cabinet. Reg. price' cabinet. New picture tube $70. (,2.
Take $319 with trade or S3. 50' AM 5-0137. per week. Dealer, 805 S. Central, IRONRpfE irbner with 2 open Sun.
12-5. ends, big 26" roll. Reg. Price $129. GOOD working Ref.
and stove MODEL HOME RETURNS 83 Complete Housefuls Furniture 1-2-3-4 BRs Pick Your Houseful. FOR ONLY S3 WK. Perfection Furn. Mfa. Co.
Many used bedroom- setsP $38 up'1 1 J' Sundays. For further Information 3315 North 17th Avenue. SKILL pool table, professional 278-6664. sfs SIO SOfas $39.95 model, $50. Akal tape recorder, $200.
Petri 1.8 camera, $45. Multiplex Take $8 or $2 per week, ueaier, $35 936-3938, muucL nsjvc kciukimo adaptor, $20. AM 5-6232. 2145 West 14 AAA Lire CAT CUM 11 2667380. GLOBE-Food slicer, excellent condition, Reasonable.
272-1217. RESTAURANT equipment and fixtures. Except hot water heater. Lock, stock and barrel, Two three ton Carrier air conditioners. Lease expires December 31, 1964, Chile Bowl.
Buckeye, Arizona. 386-4842. LATHAM BLOWER, complete. 4018 N. 33rrl Ave 577-6S01 B3 Complete Housefuls Furniture unit, 300 chairs, lighting fixtures, poles, PA system.
GMC truck ft trailer. Can eseen while erected. WO 4-5897. 1960 GMC tandem dump. Marlon 12 yard bed.
Hydratrack, 1000x20 tires. Exceptional low mileage, $5500 Shop made tandem lowboy, $350. Tandem 26' flat bed trailer, heavy rtlltv. SS75 Over 9r.n nnri near! Hrirl, call 261-2648. MUST Sacrifice Complete "Stock New and Used Pianos.
All Sizes. From $50. Piano Warehouse. 2301 North 10th Street. Sunday Noon till Five.
PIANO, Silngerfand Mandolin, three student guitars, three i size Hazelwopo. CRIB, "high chair, stroller, rocker, lump chair, baby swing, Infant seat. Slaihtlv damaged compressor. $75.1 cAr-picirc i 1-2-3-4 BRs Pick Your Houseful, 200 Guaranteed rebuilt appliances refrigerators, washer, stoves, TVs, freezers, (some like new) SAVE AS MUCH AS 75' wHwra zr for only $3 wk training chair, bicycle, tricycle, car, muii v-i OHM. usru irM 40 GALLON Rheem table top eiec- than 3 months.
Must sell immedia- Perfection rum. Mfg. Co QUALITY home furnishings. Au wagon, te r-4J6. CHEVY 327 intake manifold with L.u' "irr.l i'T "n.w'" 4018 N.
33rd Ave. 277-6801 electrics. CR 7-8384. MANY HOUSEFULS ash. $40 witn exchange ot two bar tumn haze mink stole New double0n pallets.
30,000 gallon water tank, 5prin2' Sunday 15 P.m.ielevated 60', complete with 8" pump. i MAHOGANY babv muiniib. usi sen wv. juii uryinai cusi, toady sirs ur SO urc no CIT 0 4 CIIM 19 5 vibrator. New condition.
S30. 4902 month. Dealer, 1433 E. Van Buren. -i' su West Bethany Home.
iSun 1-5. I FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, clean, grand piano, condition. rel carburetor and intake. Chevy 456 Lyon Healy. Good 1202 East Palmaire casing and switches, $2500.
Over ''Jc. i rs A r- FOUR 900x16 truck tires. MACHINES New 1964 cqnuiiiotw SILVER hlne Mink pocket sloe. used corral lumber. Walk $199 805 5.
Open This Week To You The Retail Public With Saving Up To 65 COME IN TODAY STOCK LIMITED 22-JIj. UK; PARLOR organ." old, Mason and auto, zig-zag demonstrators, name: small dresser, Italian "vvi.io. tread. Good shape. 945-0229.
Perfect condition. $275. 9456814. in freezer 6'x8', $200. 1,000,000 BTU Hamlin.
Needs repairing. Make gas furnace, $750 802 West Aio, HEATHKIT ham radio receiver oner, iia-sfvj. Tucson. Phone 622-6046. a set.
Like new. $25. 1830 West Clar WANTED A Scotch bass drum rear end, new rinas, pinion. '55 to '59 Corvette valve covers, $15. 39 North 3Jst Avenue, FOUR" 670x15 tires.
Two 6 00x15. Three 650x13. Two 750x14. Take your Pick, $3.50 each, some white walls. Two piece sectional divan, light grey, $10, 2330 North 13th Streetl252-9255.
COMPLETE kitchen. American metal cabinets, doubleslnk, CR 4-7756. USED autumohile endtnes. endon. brands.
Does everything without at-: AM 5-1006. tach. Full guar. Take trades. $32.50.1 MUST sell beautiful television, In cabinet $50.
2721 N. 241h St used less than 4 months. Will sacri- 279.4179. Store. I ice this wonderful console TV for VACUUM CLEANER SALE Elec-Inaction of original cost.
Today $120 trolux. Kirbv. Hoover, etc. Like'or S6 month. Dealer, 1433 E.
Van NEAR NEW TVs 1963-64 MODELS GUARANTEED FURNITURE WAREHOUSE LATHES, $65 to $500. Bench Mil s. change and Installed. Cliff's Auto Wrecking, 2525 West Buckeye. drill press.
2123 West Vista Ave. not over 30 Inches across and over 12 or 13 inches deep. Also some 78 records from the 1930's. Write, quote price, J. Hamilton, Box AL 8-Z304.
BOOKS Approximately 200 col wi. 'new Guar if, VI to $16 sn Take Buren. Sun 1-5. Emerson 23 AUTOMATIC washers and refrla- i.iouiirjiriwwniiuur aI wV.Tib 99 Jfl A1 DliryCVC raunr.livi lege texts. New.
Some slightly water- I'flues. tt ill SI. wrtiiM. S.UMUIU UUIH. w.
irnutii.il 1043, Youngtown, Arizona. ation, $275 t. a. lull, I. erators, reconditioned, guaranteed.
damaged. Excellent condition, at nook. Ten linear feet. Including for. on cor.
of So. Black Canyon Hwy, Emerson Color TV 1963 has RCA "'ri VIOLIN. $75. 7037 Wf wnn copy lenses Washer. Has large' mica 'able Only $189.50.
Easy terms. MAYTAG auto, nri ei An 7.imi tiasn 4. mm Klvere proiector $40. AL 2-2977 AL 2-1261 Open 'til 9 P.M. Monday ft Thurs.
fraction of original cost. See them at Nxt-2-Nu Shop, 309 South Marshall Way. Scottsdale. 9452875. Arr'nofitftN 5llver screen $15.
17" TV $15. students 1501 East Missouri. I Li I 12 cnassis tzvo wnn traae. Motorola 23" table model, $85 t. GE 23" console, 1964, $135 Daily 9-6 Sunday 12-5 tub.
Water temp, control. Was $279, take $88 or $7 mo. Dealer, 805 S. Central, Sun. 12-5.
weainercrari or Mrizona. 1134 casi Indian School Road. 265-9056. MOVING, household 12-5. modei, zu.
im. zotn st Traneri A B-12, Tandem axle. Bargain. 4714 TWO piece beige sectional, $75, MELROSE RADIO ft TV Evfs'Kionsoiiood Freight Scratched White SIX string Spanish guitar, WH 6-1144. bast Sheridan, 264-4359 Stauffer reducing machine $35.
4342 N. 7th Ave. $75 and up Preterred Service, 279-3724. SINGER Select $44.50 OR $1.50 PER WEEK Button Holes, blind hems, fancy pat-erns all built-in. No money down, no payments 'til Jan.
'65. Dealer AM 6 4426. Eves. WH 5-2096. REPAIR wire lamps, designing ot lamps from your old vases or treasured articles.
Silver repair, antique repairs. Sold on consign- 944-8070, like new bedroom sets, solid Authorized RCA ft Zenith Dealer SPEED-Queen automatic washer. condition, $35. 274-7968. $27.50 OR $5 PER MO.
LIKE "new "Dinette set" wlthbuffet U1 $50. 252-1385. 2022 West Wilshlre' 'l, nrjV. Free home trial. Dealer, 945-2096.
BANJO, five string, $45. Tenor, $2f. Witt's. 1500 East Van Buren, Sunday 12-5 p.m. mapie, also mahogany.
Foam mattress set. New rollaway bed, 1 COMP HOLLYWOOD beds, 2 mats, 2 box springs, 2 set legs ft 2 headboards, Reg. $98 NOW $49.50. FULL SIZE mattress, box springs, headbd, legs. Reg.
$79, NOW $39.50. KING SIZE mattresses, box spring, legs, headbd, Reg. $149, NOW $79.50. OCC. CHAIRS, Choice Naugahyde or Nylon, Reg.
$27.50. NOW $12.95. 4 PC. SECTIONAL, all nylon, reversible cushions, 2 end tables, cot-fee table, Reg. $298, NOW $168 2 PC LIVING RM, bed.
divan, chesl, Oria S179. NOW $68 50. AM 6-3470. $60. 5645 West Camelback.
EARLY American furniture. "Five oiece dinette, tnfa and chair, lamps. UPRIGHT piano, good condition. SIMMONS twin Holywood bed. $30.
Me'al headboard, $2. Maple corner table, $10. Cobblers coffee table, $10. Miscellaneous. 2214 East Sells Drive.
FOR sale. 8127' Chandler and TODAY ONLY FORCASH Singer con. sew. mach. 75.00 2-Draw.
steel tile cab $25.00 Student desk wlamp 7.50 add. mach. 45.00 Steel wheelbarrow 4.00 2 Metal TV stands, ea. $2.50 2 Small radios, ea. 4.00 1600 W.
Elec. Heat, fan 7.50 Canvass camp cot 1.50 Sunbeam 2-blade mower 45 00 Coleman 2-burn. stove 10 00 Lg. Coleman Ice chest 1000 2 Coleman lanterns bth 15.00 Most Are Like New Space 120 Holiday Soa 10401 Cave Creek Rd. LI KEJnew.
Simmons hlde-a bed.l MOV NG MUST SACK CE i or Best ofler. AM 6-3116. Price power printing press. AL 3-6484 Avenue, tables, beds. All perfect condition.
1435 East Highland Dlx Danish rminH riinina tAhla JL 4 LIKE new. Wurlitzer mapl telnet 75,000 BTU forced air, closet type! Must sell Immediately. Excellent am 5-0722. o.j. 111 MAHOGANY drop'eat table, 4 chairs.
2 lounge chairs, rose daven furniture cnairs-tiaker Oysrer White 4 piece piano, wi J-IUJ6 turnace, excellent condition. With new thermostat. $60. 2027 East port, other miscellaneous. 1342 East SIX" year babvbdmr.month 266-0227, 943-H6I.
Jih fS2l B2SS uf, Pickups, crib. teeterBabe. training TREASURES AND TRUCK Stor- 5.h.fl'r'? Excellent condition your iHubbe 1 Street Monte Vista. AL3-8040. FLEA Market of Paris.
2136 West 950 YDS. CARPETING. Pick color, $1.50 yd. hiah cha r. CR 4-4486.
age clen-out trom Phoenix home osi y-ji iu. Console and walker, I UPRIGHT freezer. spinet Baldwin AcronsTc ..11 an rhun FR DA RE refrigerator. Two including uneniai rugs, inaian r-oi- dwuh. turquoise table model TV.
Will couch-one chair, 2 bar piano. Excellent condition, $700. door with top freezer, $75. Two twin tery, linens, crystal, furnilure, etce- ment. 2275 East Indian School Road 277-9501, dealer.
HAMS. Expert" alignment, trouble shooting and wiring. Specialize in Heath and other kit equipment. If it "doesn't work" call WH 6-3167. DRUG FIXTURES Complete RX dept.
36 scat Bulman lighted wail shelves. 7' counter, etc. Delivery late J)ecember. YE 3-1051. LOAD leveler shocks, new, fit any GM car.
1702 West Coolldge. HAMS. Pertect DX-100. Grid "block DRAFTING table with lamp, filing Marimba. 2 octaves.
6 pm. Sunday-Mon- T.J Miisser student mattresses, hnx sorinas and frames. 1 tera. 10 a m. to Encanto Phoenix.
Antiques, brlCjbrac. 2 CHINA wash basins. Chrome legs and fixtures. 2 wall medicine cabinets. All like new.
Maroon chair. $2 DN 2 WK. delivers any item 4018 N. 33RD AVE. desk.
CR 4-5152. BEAUTIFUL four piece beige sec-tiona'. $1 45. Two matching overstuff 4-Jrs( perfect condition, $10O. WO 7-4844.
Five months old, 0, 945-5567. day at 49 N. Country Cub Drive, chests" lamps n.ih rif ua case, oak hand carved desk with three matching chairs, sectional AM 6-UU6. uilimcirciuT uw wrier ntrnnge organ, wonoer- QUALITY furniture and amiques. nwi, ed living room chairs, $50 each.1 (Va blk.
S. of Ind. Sch. Rd.) S. of Ind, Like bookcase, dish cabinet, portable sewing machine, typewriter, rollaway 977.nl Round walnut coffee table, SIO.
Two xeasonaoie. "mir.i 00 imc. "w-'phiwriphrAM-FM Very Call than 4 month Mint sell lmmrii.lt Reasonable.JjR 5-1263. APT size gas" ranqe, ilS-trailer Court space31 212 North32 Street. pea.
al 4-ivo. "LOOK A LITTLE ft SAVE A LOT'avxado iafm.fi "AUTOMAT Needs Less than ly and will sacrifice for fraction 0i ,00 commejrodf 67-6339 FINAL SALETLast two day; Work Wr 9.9 Sat 9-6 Sun. 12-5 'or me halt price. Twin beds. 3-oiece sec- original rnst Tnnv tna SIUD Piano 44" hah.
heanll. walk-in utility building delivered 3602 tional, dinette, lamps, etc. 4444 month. AftA Decorators, 1017 Eful light mahogany finish," vVy. good Lots'of Tlon.7 an5" othe? Bassett triple dresser 'th tilt back he.
$15 v44-6svj 1 tHE" BIG RELIABLE keying, new final loading, Vernier VFO. Try it. Only $125. Doyle Ross, ji.ri. ivi cameioack.
sun. -5. ryiayco, tc tram parts. Must so. 4404 North North X.
1 UVI Ul I I I -1 I I 1 VAN CLEVE AUCTION MAYTAG, automatic washer, 2' Bargains, 21 taoie GAS range, automatic clock tim- Black canyon. benches, metal legs, all wood, welding tables, large storage cabinet, shelving wood, metal, all shapes and sizes. Must be moved by Wednesday. Open Sunday 9-4. Dexters.
3337 ast Washington. 275-5155. YOUNGSTOWtTmeta! kitchen r- rcio. WURLlfZE'? sp'tnet pTa'no, mahog K7TVS, 1338 West 14th Street, Tempe. MAPLE bedroom "set," one bunk bed, two chest on chests, one book speed, 2 cycle, like new, $65.
30 41 "oilman, sz4.su. 41 ieniin er, chrome oven and broiler, glass TOW bar, usecf once quality furniture. All Ilk brand new. Private. 944-7730.
OCCASIONAL chair. $5. Hollywood twin beds. Like new $40. BR 5-2923.
guarantee. 3403 N. 7th 5t. 265-9303, i new ei door, like new, $65 Occasional table model, $59, new set warranty North 25th Street, AM 5-5296 any. Lik new.
Sacrlflc for $700 273-0336. FRIDAY DAY ft NIGHT WE PAY MORE CASH OR SELL ON CONSIGNMENT i Z4' crosiey console, $59, new set chairs. nl 974.11 dealer. EARLYHa Ian orovinclal console case, one desk, $40. Compact vacuum cleaner, $10.
Daveno and chair. $10. Parts and frames of several TV Center, 415 North "oaav WOOD CLARINETSPEClALj K1NGSIZED Simmons Beautvrest Teak bar, Chinese Empress wall se us ano sav hanging, new brocad robe, mlscel bed, dresser, mirror, Maple canopy bed, complete. Whirlpool automatic 6-, t- u-JSW Wt Cheery Lynn PACKARD-BELL Console TV 21 Inch, good condition $75. $33 West.nn fj, condition.
Inets, good condition. Reasonable priced. Will deliver. AMJ-3503 A. 6.
DICK model 418 eiecfrTc mimeograph. 20" Remington type SCHOOL MUSIC SERVICE ODen Thurs. 'till m. laneous linens. -74-2395, washer.
All lust new. BR, 6-328V e. i -vju. 11 vvrT liv nr 4 Ul su remington 17 typewriter. Long 1239 E.
McDowell 252-2555 S134 W. Glendal Av. Tt i-iuu j37 COMPLETE price, beautiful Easttlde Buyert BR 1669( Rockport Maple dinette table and 4 AMERICAN kitchen, cabinets, 1 captain chairs. Purchased from Lou Ijnk, bar, 4650 North30th Place. Regester.
Bargain. AM 4-2586 or wRTlNGHOUlS automatic wash.i 274 5353. er, ft matching dryer, $35 each. 30 FOR SALE two 9x12 (Roval Kr- day guarantee. 3403 N.
7th mam Omental rugs. 94J-8902. BEAUTIFUL 23 in, walnut TJcon- SINGLE bed. $20. Club Chair and ----j ---r.
WESTINCHOU "laundro. carriage. Elite. $25. Traverse curtain writer.
Paper trimmer, tniott ad' dresserette. Coftee maker, 939-7263. AL7OST navu wflhar nafvy ararwf Ottoman, $30. 266-7380, rod; water proof cartop luggage car in fiiim "MW ouiy automa te washer 947-3134L "$20. AUTOMATIC Holpolnt roner.
'64 bicycles. 948-0600, P.m. NEW "456 Posltractlon thlrdrnenv ber lor Chevy. Call 276-6131. CONCRETEmlxerElecfrlcTFx.
ce'lent condition. 7149 North 6th Place. OLYMPlA ty'pewrller7T322North 9th Street. 30.06 MILlYAftYconvYrstorl with blrdseye maple stock, 2' CRIB, waxed birch, lik new, rler. CR 7-9752.
310 East Medlock. fiiocnw 11 -Vi ur Need piano or organ. 554-1151. Zigzag automatic. Diamond brld.il BLUE serge suit.
44 lonq. Stau(fer couch. Polaroid Land camera. Make VlOClN reoaVlna. 14 knrth f.n.
weexiy. ueaier, aos 5. centra crosstwP freezer, deluxe, excellent; Sun. 12 5 condition. $75.
1070 Cinnabar, iipBir.l4rnim-tlrin-xrTb set. Sacrifice. 947-3190. 96'-6473. REFRIGERATOR.
11' Admiral Good condition. $75. Other miscel whirlpool automaiic wasner sole works oertect. modern 2 piece TANDBERG 64 tape recorder, Teli irni. Zw4-9jw.
otter. BR 53037 Sunday after 12 ar 1-. funken radio console, like new con PLAYER piano, combretely rebulFf, tW Ar ak 1 Mfc NT s'ove. vino room laneous items. 7513 Kimsey Lane, Scotlsdale.
dition. 1861 Papago, Luke Mousing ir.w;." AIU chair. Chrome kitchen set. Double electrically operated, $395. Mayco weaver scope.
Almost new sawsm th. It JJl, Ar 9626. MAYTAG Automatic Washer New. Hollywood bed. Two end tables and ALUMINUM storage rooms, custom built.
4x6x6', $64.95 with floor, Quality 9p4-4807, 1956 or later 4 barrePcarburetor, nrf m.nllnlrf IQK1 rkn.lu (Heavy duty, large Size). Still has so'a and chair, record cabinet. Wal- 2 Mo. Warranty. Cost is $289-Take nut servicer, ciean apartment size L75 or 16 monthly.
Dealer, 805 S.l refrigerator. 944-1611. entral. Sun. J2-5.
I MAHOGANY room HOUSEFUL of furniture, 1852 Eight chair', Table BultfJ. 5100. East Earll Drive. 10-12 a.m. 827 East Wash- "LEAVING" towrOhre oiece bed- inglon.
with attachments and stand. 14" r.i,v.irnj. new. iiitiit, ga-i lamps. Keciining cha r.
All tor on Has only small freight damage, You I au iowa ic waier sonener. uioer refrigerator, works fine. 3302 East Garfield, GRAND PIANOS wotjld have to pay $289 (or "TP' antique tea uun North 11th Street, venport, STEtNWAY PARLOR washer elsewhere. We ar asking IV. 'rV.
1 J'f. Vw5I KELVINATOR cart, mil Malina to ok) rold adapter. $55 com- HOUSE cooler, complete. BR 58884. BELL TX500 crash helmet with only I oT $2 per week Dealer, jC; Drive, AM 5-4625.
Sunday or, Good alter CHICKE RING MAH, one and real bargain, $25. $1595 plet. Engine guaranteed. Rebuilt. room, 3 piece living room, Bend.x BEAUTIFUL new (our piece sec 6 pm.
weekdays. AL 3-B9J7 Central, Sun, 12-5. visor and green bubble shield, $15. REDEWILL'S less than 1200 miles. 420 West mangier, GE itandup freezer, Maple tional.
Hi-fi, like new. table, 9l2 oval rug, pull-out dining gas range, whlta top DRAPES, modern design. Brown. AM 6-6919 DELUXE Saturn Insinkerator dis- Tuned competition exhaust tor Mobile Lane. green, melon colors.
7 pair fits rod MODFRN Danish (ruitwood posal. Retail value $, tor ssq. MAN'S Gabardine too coat, suit. Austin Healey 100 or 3000 series, $io 14' Chrlscratt boat and Montgomery bandsaw complete with motor and stand. 9.19-4.130.
PRIVATE party Delta homecraft shop complete with accessories, also hand saw. Like new condition, $100. Airway vacuum cleaner, all attachments, $45 Ofllce desk with typewriter well, Walnut, $75 95, Secretarial chair, 512 50. Room cooler, carryall type, $10 Universal cottee pot, $10. Miscellaneous.
AM 6-5460. 145 RANSOM concrete mixer on "4 wheel heavy duty tlret A uteal at $500, Florence Maintenance Com- sport coat, size 44, Boy's clothing, dining set, 6 armchairs, dropieat Biono 9iss JfP cone taDie, ju xju one pair fir rod ZJ2J East Weioon alter 12. Tfluie, iy. rnqig. priunugroMn.
rin elleneout 10620 103rd Av. Sun City. 933-1620 FRIGIDAIRE $6d. $5 Wl 3-4951 Ward tactory trailer, $125. BR 5-3091, 1IZ 6 944-7037.
taoie, nutcn cmna caDinet, jim. AUTOMATIC washer, Westing. jjis East oarneid. $10. 1949 ford pans.
Engine, trans-: 50 SQ. yds. worn rug, usable nieces with pad See at 3810 East Twin size brass headboard. WH 51717 after 10 a.m. Frlgidair automatic washing me.
ss on. rear end. CR 9-7921 GO KART $85. HP air eompr-s- OPEN MON. ft THURS.
TO 2918 NORTH CENTRAL NEW Thomas Coronet organ mode" BT-1 Walnut. Still In factory eartor 277-4953 'LIKE "new Holiday d'ef*cktTTlbvy' rey organ. Walnut, Leslie speaker. AOC, costs $1200 lak $900. 945-4885.
ACCOR Tmtirfr9iSXiG. Weldon, 11 a.m-1 p.m. chine WH S-1723, TEACHERS deskT l40. Sldedraft $40L Bum tor $40. Both lor $90.
nouse, gooo condition, $2, 9 4 7-3096 WALNUT dinette. Six Turquolv covered chalrs.Llk9new. 939.6055 KIRBY. Like new, sor, like new $175, Radial arm was 1175. Range hood like new $8.
3500 1963 REFRIGERATOR, stove 9 46-7915. HOUSEFUL "of earpf, $50. 946-7955. BABY bed. $15.
"Good "condition. 2514 West Northvicw. Wl 4-7562, RCA Whirlpool Automatic washer, New 1964 Model has vear war ranty. Only $139 or $7 per month Dealer, 805 S. Central, Sun, 12 5.
BLUE crib," mattress," chest, diaper can, hamper, lamp, high chair, perfect Condition. $35. 948-3234. MUST sell fine home furnlshlnos. Reasonable.
372-5111. cooler, $25, Twin oeo complete, $70 watt power plant $700. 9.2 Wisconsin oeiuxepripioairt electric gryer, 1., AAA 4.7774 n. any 3004 Elizabeth, Florence. moior, like new $115.
Oxygen and Acetylene regulators Small air 1 868 5698 BLOND twin bedroom set. Four pieces. 1100. Call all day Sunday or after 5:30 p.m. weekdays, QR IMti SOLID walnut sofa.
Good condition. $75. CR 4-4793. SIMMONS HIDE-A BED. Cost iK6.
excellent condition. First 175 takes. 174-2259. Reasonable. 9J6-2679 alter noon.
312 Norm 5'h Avenue SACRIFICE. MUSfSFLLTODAY MAN'S'H. Freeman i SorTVaclt pin striped suit, site 40 Worn ORIENTAL rugs. Karastan. 12'xl6' 10'H' NeaMy 1 PIECE Breen and brown, sectional sofa.
Good condition. $50. 3'4 rst Plcadllli'. 1W4 P(4ILCO' ttYr eo, cabin, Ciodel with AM-FM radio and 20n rtordt. 72 3347.
TELEVISION. Excellent. Reasonable. 947-4195. "ANTIQUE china closeC'Vlctorlan style.
Curved glass front, Excellent ondltlon, 53 South Alma Sctiool Road. Space C-3, Mesa, Arizona, LIKE "new, dinette" leaves and 5 chairs, 944-5387, GRETSCH Chet Atkins "guitar with New. Hide-abed, lounge chair to compressor $5. 278 1748 alter 12. PORTABLES (TV COMMERCIAL gas Frlalator deeb wrlterl.
Italian marble urns. Sicilian fryer, $75. 1947 Chrysler, good trans- doorbell, Persian lamb latket. Mlv pnrtatlno far, JA4-7a, rlln antique. Cash.
WH 5678. twice Cost near- $100. 511 for $18, Attn turn nice pair slacks. IS arh wnn western cast, used very utile. $600 value, steal at 967-1530 ma'cn.
i ni tables, cofiee table. 1-4 AM rtls Wxt Turliev I ana m. zee-su. VIOLIN.