The Goffs Advance from Goff, Kansas (2024)

30,000 fail we to from of and day claim of you're quote use all make to in Kansas help 10 Tam line ready and and you Santa and Sleepers OIL you rate your and building. day. present after have of to of rates, City. and to Santa the from as stock to the including start arrival- inquiries. Dry tell excursions well Fe St.

ou as you in the your Vol of WELL the Local News. B. ABBOTT, PRESIDENT. J. S.


GOODRICH, ASS'T CASHIER. The State Bank of Goffs GOFFS, KANS.AS, Incorporated November 27, 1891 Began Business March 0, 1892, DIRECTORS 4. 0k ISON, B. B. PAT REILLY JOHN DRABON, KENISON, ABBOTTIAS.


John 8. Clifton, Wm. E. Mc Kibbin, Chas. Konison, Daniel Butler, Loretta Snodgrass, Scott Hopkins, V.

M. Wilson, 0. 8. Goodrich, Mrs. Henry Swartz, J.

T. Buening, John Denton. George Calhoun, E. B. Lucy Ellis, L.

D. Allen, Mrs. Jacob Meyer, Stahl, Peter Hamilton BUY THE 20 WHITE OAK STOVE A NOD OAK DEUCE WHITE'S THOMAS WHITE ILL. STOVE OR CO NO QUINCY MOLINE And Save Fuel and Vexation. Our New Heaters and Cook Stoves are now ready for your inspection.

MAHLER COX. A GO NOW! OCTOBER 20, TEXAS, OKLAHOMA, INDIAN TERRITORY. There and Back at Low Rat68. $20 CHICAGO $18 CINCINNATI $13 ST. LOUIS $15 KANSAS CITY Proportionate Rates From Intermediate Points.

Stop-overs. Final Limit, Nov. VIA- Missouri, Kansas Texas R'Y: Ask Nearest Ticket Agent Or write to GEORGE MORTON, sal Passenger and Ticket Agent, M. K. T.

K. C. Mo. $25.00 CALIFORNIA This is the Rock Island's rate It is in effect daily. Applies to Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego and hundreds of other points in California.

Corresponding reductions to Salt Lake City, Ogden, Spokane. Seattle, Tacoma end Portland, Tickets are good in tourist sleeping cars, and you. can go west via Col. or El Paso F4s you prefer. Full information at any Rock Island Ticket Office or by addressing J.

A. STEWART, Gen'l Agt. Priss. Kans as City, Mo. -Dr.

Corwin and wife attended the horse show at Kansas City last week. -W. C. Jessee and family visited relatives in Soldier Sunday. -Remember the dates for S.

L. Hubbard, the photographer, every Monday afternoon. -Gas lights were put in the new postoffice building this week, It is now ready for occupancy. -We wish to announce that we have a special proposition to offer now on insurance on live stock. Cheap Rates.

Investigate. WATKINS ALLEN. Mrs. M. Jackson, who was taken very sick two weeks ago, is up and around again.

She was in town Monday shaking bands with friends. She wishes to thank all her friends and neighbors for the kindness they showed toward her during her illness. -Gottlob Trache died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. F.

Thieme last Friday night. He was born in Germany in 1829. He made his home with his daughter for a number of years. The funeral took. place Sunday and the remains were interred in Fairview cemetery beside those of Mr.

Thieme, who died last week. MANAGER WANTED in this ty and adjoining territory, to represent and advertise an old established wealthy business house of solid financial standing. Salary $21.00 weekly, with expenses additional, paid each Monday by check direct from headquarters. Enpenses advanced and horse and carriage furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address Secretary, 600 Monon Building, Chicago, Ill.

Do You Want to Yawn? Feel cold shiverings, aching in the bones, lack of energy, headache and great depression? These symptoms may be followed by violent headache, high feyer, extreme nervousness, a condition known as malaria. Herbine cures it. Take it before the disease gets a fair hold, though it will work a cure in any stage. J. A.

Hopkins, Manchester, Kansas, writes; "I have used your great medicine, Herbine, for several years. There is nothing better for malaria, chills and fever, headache, biliousness, and for abl blood puriying tonic, there is nothing 28 good." 50c at L. A. CORWAN'3 Maple Shade News. -Rev.

Fisher and family left here Thursday morning for Tonganoxie. where they expect to visit with his parents for a few days on their way to their home in Auburn. Mr. P. L.

Gibson and wife and of Larkan, were visiting with his sister Mrs. James Johnstone driving from there Friday, and returning Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. Powers of Wetmore were visiting with her sister Mrs.

L. A. Davis, Saturday. -Walla Clelland returned home Tuesday morning, after serving a three years term in the army. -Jack Denton is nearly home with the house he has been moving from Wallace Grove's place.

A. E. Goes Right to the Spot." When pain or irritation exists on any part of the body, the application of Ballard's Snow Liniment will give prompt relief. "It goes right to the spot," said an old man who was rubbing it in, to cure his rheumatism. C.

R. Smith, Propr. Smith House, Tenaba, Texas, writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment in my family for several years, and have found it to be a fine remedy, for all aches and pains, and I recommend it for pains in the throat and chest." 25c, 50c and $1.00 at L. A. CORWIN's, Bancroft Items.

Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Warrington were in Bancroft Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Taylor were trading in Goffs Wednesday.

The Bancroft people are delighted to know that they are to have another lecture by Rev. Sawyer soon. Mrs. Abbott of Goffs visited with Mrs. Poynter and Mrs.

Taylor the first of the week. Chas. Dyer, Mr. Hill's nephew, who was quite sick last week, isslowly improving. Mrs.

Ward of Bancroft has been visiting her mother, Mr. Sams of Goffs, this week. Mrs. Maltby of Oklahoma was visiting in and around Bancroft this week. She is suffering from the effects of a 4 runaway near her home in Oklahoma seven weeks ago.

Her shoulder was dislocated and her face badly cut. Her daughter was also quite badly hurt. Mrs. Wm Mohringer and son Herman spent a few days visiting friends near Wetmore this week. Mrs.

Poynter, we believe. is in better spirits. Mr. Poynter returned Tuesday from Pottawatomie county, where he has been helping to erect a house and barn on a farm of J. E.

Wilcox. Some of the Bancroft people have been enjoying the evenings lately playing flinch and trix. Clyde Wilcox has been down to his father's ranch in Pottawatomie county. The schoolboys are very grateful to the citizens of Bancroft who have presented them with a football. They certainly receive a great deal of pleasore from it.

We are glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. Bostwick are back in Bancroft after a two months visit in Oklahoma. Mrs. Sami.

Labbe spent a few days in Seneca last week on account of the illness of her mother. She returned Sunday. Rules for Teachers I. L. DayhoN, state superintendent of public instruction, has complied and abbreviated the state laws affecting the teachers of the state and is sending them to each of the teachers.

He believes this will be beneficial to the teachers and tend to better the condition of the schools. The following laws regulate the actions of the teachers: Must keep a dally register of attendance and district board and county at close of reporerintendent term, or as often as may be, in his judgment, necessary. To hold professional certificate must attend 90 per cent. of the county Institutes and all of the county associations, and must also take the state reading circle work. A teacher who is a husband, wife, son or daughter of a member of the district board may be employed only by unanimous vote of the board.

May not collect any month's wages until the truancy report to the county superintendent has been filed. The teacher exercises joint authority over pupils with parent on the road to and returning from school. Cannot compel board to employ a janitor. (The board cannot compel the teacher to do the janitor work.) Must keep a classification register to show the complete standing of each pupil in the school. The teacher may be dismissed by county superintendent and district board conjointly.

Must teach a month of 20 days, and seven hours a day, including intermissions. Must report all cases of truancy or habitual absence to the county superintendent. May suspend a pupil temporarily for cause, but must notify the board immediately. In a joint district the teacher must hold a certificate in the county having jurisdiction. Must exercise due diligence in taking care of the school property.

May not collect last month's wages until final report it has been filed. Must hold certificate covering time of any contract. Cannot be a member of the board where employed. Must properly classify and grade his school. A state normal diploma is a certificate to teach.

Has jurisdiction over the play ground. Cannot collect pay for holidays taken. A Handsome Couple COD Great Western Oak, Round Oak, The Best Imitation. The Genuine. The question of buying heater will soon be upon you, course the BEST.

There are other good heaters. but the BEST there can not be but one BEST. Long years verdict public prove it. We have all kinds of Stove Pipe and fit it up free show largest line of Stove Boards we ever carried. Don't tore busing.

Chas. Kenison Bros. CLEAN MERCHANT AT COST Sounds pretty fishy, doesn't it? But that is just what preaching at present. My chief argument is. I want to dispose of my stock of goods, and put in a bright, clean stock in the new brick recently leased of L.

Clelland and in order to do so I am selling my Goods, Shoes and Notions at wholesale prices. So far all who have purchased during this sale have saved 15 to 30 per cent on each article. I have some good on can values which double money, and would advise that you come at once: get ground your floor and get the cream of the bargains. For instance: CALICO AT JOBBERS' PRICES, 4 cts. per yard, all you want; no limit to Purchase.

Groceries at the lowest prices, and all merchandise exchanged for produce at the highest market prices. This is no WHOOP HURRAH Sale which is so often advertised by dealers, but simply a straight business sale, MERCHANDISE AT COST until the entire stock is cleaned up by purchasers who appreciate bargains. $5.00 spent here will mean $7.50 worth of the other fellow's goods. Yours very truly. (At Casterline present) in Building.

the A. M. OWENS. Fine Bunch Hogs J. J.

Klippe, a farmer near Robinson, was the conductor, superintendent, trainmaster, president general manager of a train of hog wagons that unloaded a carload of hogs at the Robinson stock yards. There were 13 wagons and each held five hogs. The total weight was 18,000 pounds and the bogs averaged 281 pounds apiece and brought $5.50 per hundred; the total SUm lacking $10.55 of making an even $1,000. All were Poland China yearlings. Paid $122,400 for a Farm.

Moses Harvey, a prominent farmer and stock raiser, has purchased the Usher near Wallula, in Leavenworth county. The farm is one of the largest in the eastern half of Kansas, containing 2,040 acres. The consideration is said to have been $122,400, or $60 an acre. Negroes With White Wires. At Topeka three negroes were confined in the city jail on the charge of drunkeaness.

They were visited by their wires, all of whom are white women. It evoked a discussion which discloses that not a few negroes at. Topeka are married to white women. 30.000 from Other States. B.

T. Gerow, stale free employment agent. estimates that over harrest hands from outside of the state were employed in the recent wheat harvest. Discouraged with Broom Corn. The farmers of Rice county, which has been called the broom corn section of the world, are becoming discouraged with the crop.

From One Hire of Bees. One hive of bees near Lebanon yielded D. A. Atkins nine gallons of honey. The weight of it was 85 pounds.

W. C. T. U. Membership.

The report of the W. C. T. U. state treasurer shows there are 4.000 members in the state whose dues are paid up.

At Emporia Since 1857. George W. Fredericks, who came to Emporia in 1857 and was one of the first members of the Lyon county bar, is dead. A Branch for Westmoreland. If the proposed Topeka-Manhattan electric line is built a branch will extend from Wamego to Westmoreland.

California Very Low Rate. Only $25.00 Joseph. Atchison Leavenworth, stations in Kansas. On sale every November 30. 1903.

The same intermediate points whose regular rate is higher, Through Pullman Tourist New Mexico. Arizona, and California every PERSONALLY CONDUCTED three times a week. You're going to California? Now is the time to Don't wait until travels. Write me, and I'll about the trains, equipment, hours departure fact, will sell roll facts that'll be of great before you start. C.

L. SEAGRAVES, Passenger Agent. The Atebison: Topeka Railway TOPEKA, KANSAS..

The Goffs Advance from Goff, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Kelle Weber

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Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

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Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.