The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Experienced. Best pay. Apply Mr. Robinson, Carter'a Shoes, 1680 Main St. SHORT ORDER COOK CYPRESS CAFETERIA.

1820 MAIN SPFLD. SALESMAN Permanent position. salary and commission selling oil heating equipment fuel oil. Splendid future for young married man, Car necessary. Bor Union Omice.

RAMPI.E MARKER Ero, in fancy leather goods. tor interview stating experience and salary expected. Rox 2171. Union Office WANTED WEAVERS and loom fixers On wide drapers and C-4's. Good wages and working conditions.

Monument Mills. Mass. Tel. Housatonic 11. YOUNG MEN over can earn weekly At start in our business.

Rm. 211, 1362 Main. Salesman and Avents 33A AUTO SALESMAN local man about 30 with sand educational background, proven selling experience to represent one of otie fastest moving line of CArS And trucks. Salary commission. BYRNES STUDEBAKER AGENCY.

34 Sumner Ave. LEADS "'F train you to make big money. Apply 95 State Room 210. FACTORY SALESMEN -Sell Charles Chestor nationally known Cushion shoes direct. Complete line for entire family, Full time or side line.

Full time men earn up to! $25. per day 111 commission. Big repeats. And free to producers. La M.

Katon, 483 Atlantic Room 310. Moston, Mass. PERMANENT salesman exp. In calling ou retail stores wanted. stood opportunity for right person.

Write Box 2190, Union Office. IT MAY PAT you to answer this we will employ men to work in our customer contact dept. NO MERCHANDISE TO Earnings in excess of per week 10. Atari. Steady employment.

An A aget. Special. pret. given to former house to house men. Spe Mr.

Porter. 9-12. third Hadley's. 1090 Main St. NEW DEAL 4 an alesmen bonk wanted al Installment one.

Roofing. window aiding, insulation. fen sell fastest selling deal in country. U3 at once. American Storm Window, 11 Hampden St.

SONOTONE-Corp. Elmsford. N. Due 14 promotion nas opportunity for high! clasa salesman in vic. of Sprid.

see Sir. Raker. Rm. 315, 145 state bet. 10-12 or 2-4.

SALESMAN -Over 30 years. It you hare had selling experience and. 8 car. there ig HO limit to what you can earn our representative. Products used to create efficiency in boiler rooms of all Industrial plants and institutions.

Sold on unusually attractive terme. Liberal rates commission paid weekly on gales. W'e offer protective territory and personal, field training. Call Mr. E.

DeNault. tel Bridgway. Call bet. 10 A. p.

m. SALESMAN- -Over 30 years. 1f you have had selling experience and have a car. there is no to what vou ran earn A our representative. Products used to create efficiency in boiler rooms of all industrial plants and institutions.

Sold on unusually attractive terma. Liberal rates of commission paid weekly on sales. We Affor protective territory and personal f'ald training. Call Mr. F.

DeNault, Hotal Bridgway. Call het. 10 A. p. m.

PALESMEN! NATIONALLY known pharmaceutical manfacturer wants man experienced in dietailing physiciang and contarting drug stores. Adequate salary to start with opportunity for advancement. Must have car he hondable. Write Box U'nion fire. State qualifications, age, telephone number.

SIN SALESMEN- -Experienced in selling, to represent manufacturer of official legal detire. Large co.nmission allowed. This Item 14 now in great demand natinnally. Apply for interview. International Stampinc 446 Chestnut St.

Help Male or Female 31 MEN WOMEN wanted for modern poultry dressing plant. Apply in person, F. J. Zelazo, 1616 Riverdale W. S.

saleswomen sell easy tillk slip covers on time payment plan. Immed delivery. $12 commission per cent male. come ready to work. United Home Equipment.

41 Lyman St. Situations Wanted -Female A-1 ROOKKEEPER experienced and ficationa. All books, trial balance. pay. rolls.

Best of references. Box Union Office. CAPABLE girl wants to care for children 7-2114. EXP. PRACTICAL NURSE Available.

Ref. will travel. Tel. 9-1826. ENPERT TYPING.

letters done at home or over phone. Reasonable. Tel. A-9532. NURSE with car available June for varation or relief cases.

Box 268, Union Office. WOULD LIKE position as housekeeper for or adults. Good cook. 6-0451. WOMAN wants nousework by the day, carfare.

Box 275. I'nion Office. Situationg Wanted--Male 37 ARE YOU in hurry? I'll paint your I house reasonable. 2 Monmouth St. 7-7494.

CHAUFFER part. time or light deliveries, Atc. with new car. Tel. 3-0970.

ENGINEERING SERVICE engineer with broad experience in automotive. refrigerat'on and appliance fields wishes to act advisor for one or tivo smaller conferns. Expert on product design analysis for RAlA appeal and reduction pt manufacturing costs, Write Box 247. U'nion Offire Ou phone to Arrange discussion. EXP.

OFFICE -And personnel man desires part or full time position with opportunity for advancement. Age 27. Box 195 UnIon Office or Tel. Chicopee 241 M. MARRIED veteran desires part-time work after 8 p.

m. Will do anything. Tel. 3-5603. EMPLOYMENT Situations Wanted--Male 37 ODD JOBS of any kind.

Tile ceilings, carpentry repairs. Reas. 4-9196. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 38 A NEW DESIGN FOR '49 LUNCHEONETTE--Weekly profit $120. LUNCHEONETTE--Weekly profit $250.

PACKAGE STORE- Weekly profit $475. BEER WINE CAFE Weekly profit $200. GAS STATION Weekly profit $250 GROCERY STORE -Weekly profit $150, 6-3117 DOLAN-GRADY 2-3700 Springfield's Largeat Business Brokers 14 ROOM house in business loc. of W. 5.

for ronming house home. E. C. Bessette 2-5404. ARE YOU looking for A business site? Excel.

location. store 8 rm. house. Good investment. Reas.

Call 9-1287. RUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU BOWLING alley. Good paying business. CAFE In city, Reasonable price, terms, CLEANING business. Profit $20.000 yr.

CONFECTIONERY. Doing $1000 wk. Terms. GROCERY cash market. Profit $12.000 yr.

hotel with full license. Terms. TOURIST home with modern cabins. VARIETY store for man and wife. Many others not listed FOR BUYING OR SELLING OUR LONG WILT.

HELP SHAH REALTY CO. 1418 Main St. SMALL, trucking business suitable for owner operator Box 263 Union Office. ARE TOU Going to retire or are you afraid of losing your Job? We have A steady income VeAr around. Gas station.

lunch room soda fountain but must give up immed. hecause of Illness. Our bad luck your good fortune. Box 370 Union Oftire. sale.

GOOD Very investment. reas. Call Dry 2-1376. a gooda store for A REAL SACRIFICE Grocery cold meat bus. Main highway busy location.

Sar. $6000. WAll stocked 9 exc. fixtures. Tel.

3-3521 N. Wilh. 297-3. BARBER SHOP- -Exc. income loc.

Must Sell. liness, No reas. off refused. Tel. 2-0311.

BIKE SHOP Profit $4000 yr. Inventory price $1500. Box 274 Union Office. COMPLETE barbershop for BAle or rent 310 A montn. Tel.

6-4011. 340 Chestnut St. A CAREFUT, ATTENTION--To vour requirements either buying or selling. HUTCHINSON. Rm.

715, 1737 Main St. 7-8143. CAPI with fuil license. City. Good busiBox 235.

Union Office. THEM WITH CAPITAL- About $0000) Onnortunity to acquire Interest In nrofitahle downtown cafe restaurant operaMust he experienced and capable, take charge of food dept. Box 199 Union Offica. COUNTRY HOTEL -With full lirense. Stand invaligation.

Terms. Box 236 Union Office. DINER. new and completely equipped kitch. An.

SPATA so. near college campus. formation write Box 2187. Union Office. DOWNTOWN BUSINESS 26 zond location.

inventorv better than $16.000. Gond net. profit. Can he boucht helow inventory. S.

MARRIN 1938 MAIN STREET 3-3945 7-2163 FINANCIAL Business Opportunities 3S DRY GOODS STORE FOR SALE AT SACRIFICE. TEL. 6-1440. DRY (LEANING STORE FOR SALE Tel. 8-6394 'til 3 p.

111. Eves. 9-1558 ANY Buying or selling we can Shah Realty do. Main St. DRUG STORE for sale, cood area: reasonable price.

good reputation. Contact Miss R. A. Lupi. Tel.

Spfld. DRUG STORE in Berkshire County. Excellent location. stork and modern equipnent. Full liquor license, price $18,000.

Hox 2174. Union Office. APPLIANCE Store, wonderful location and one of the best known the city. carrying major brand tines. $23,000 to arrange financing.

Box 290 linion FULLY established businees. Rug. upholstering dry cleaning. Good income. pre.

location, low reut. with lease. Sickness reason for selling. 0. 0.

Box 14, Spr'd. FURNITURE LINOLEUM STORE ON MAIN ST. BOX 194 UNION OFFICE. GARAGE service fully equipped. 17 miles from Sold.

2-8246. (tire lease. Hox 332 linion Office. GROCERY cash market. P'rofit $200 WE.

GROCERY STORE for sale at Dwight St. forces sale. Reasonable. -Small but very profitable. 1.0- cated in Suburban Hartford.

Well enulpped for present and future Choire of renting or purchasing real entate. Low productive payroll with high unit sale and constantly increasing volume through exvellent quality work. Address replies to Laundry, Box Union office. LUNCH BUSINESS--On Route 9, Williams burg. doing a gond business.

Roadside stand connected with same business. Also beer and wine liceuse. 4-ru apartment connected to business, Cheap for quick sale. Hox 23. Williamsburg.

MEAT GROCERY STORE Walk in box. complete with fixtures. A real buy. Carry ice cream vandy. Priced under $2000.

Tel. ('hic. 4254-1 Sun. or 9-2553 week days. OPPORTUNITY for hair dresser operator.

Established business, 4 rms. beauty parlor all furn shed for rent. Mrs. Anita Ferland. 43 Roseland St.

PACKAGE STORE--WIth or without re est. te. Excellent location. Terms to responsibla party. ARIETY- cream And candy atore.

Well stocked. Good equipment. Lon rent. P'rice: tox shop. Real estate ineludes rood house.

Restaurant, bakery and confectionery. One of best locations, Large dining ropm. Excellent equipment. Alt propert shown by appointment only. PATAN AGENCY Westfield.

Tel. 335 MACHINE SHOP equipped. Standard Engineering 1162 Main Springfield. THREE STORES- 21 gAr. Grand chance for young person.

Box 293. L'nion office. VARIETY store. Excellent chance for man and wife. Terms.

Box 233 Union Office. SHOE REPAIR STORE Well located tr busy North End. Spfld. Finest equipment in attractive store. forces sale sacrifice.

Call Holyoke 2-7525 or Spild. TEN postage stamp vending mAchines. Roll stamp type, New, Deter used, Box 263 Union Office. Bus. Opportunities Wanted 35.1 CASH BUYER for complete stores, closeouts, machinery.

Liquidators on comm. basis. Young 4-7639-2-0471. ABOUT to sell your business? Let me bring you a cash customer. R.ta 372 Union St.

AUCTION SALES Entire business and surplus inventories In any field purchased for cash or sold on commission basis Low rates top returns. 706 Dwight st. Tel. 4-6525 AMERICAN AUCTION Co. CASH FOR STORE merchandise.

fixtures. Binsky, Dwight 1-0337 or 4-3733. STORE FIXTURES and office equipment for cash. Also merchandise. Acme Store Fixture 365 Chestnut St.

TO BELL your buainesa quickly, confiden- tially, for cash. Call Doian-Grady. 6-5117. Personal Financing 39 ATTO LOANS -And other type loans. Eight hour service.

SPFLD. ACCEFTANCE CO. 1490 Main St. 4-3193 LOANS -U'D to $300. Privately, quickly.

New Method Finance. 1562 Ma'n St. Tel. 4-2121. License 60.

PAY CASH FOR YOUR NEW CAR With a low coat loan. Security Bankir: 50 Vernon St. Tel. 4-5061. TODAY--I: the day for cash loars.

IDEAL RUDGET PLAN 1421 Main 6-2766. Lic. 125 Money to Loan 40 A 1ST Banks Loan. Refinans: Ing. No charge.

Mr. Gagnier 2-5129. A BETTER SERVICE In any type loan secured and unsecured. business bought. sold.

Financed loan to heirs beneficiaries. Seaboard Discount Corporation, 1563 Main St. Tel. 4-3191. AN OUT OF TOWN SAVINGS BANK WILL place 1st mortgage loans in Springfield and vicinity.

Liberal loans, no fees or commissions, modern monthly payment plan. 9-4791. John F. Quinn. Realtor.

P. M. A cured ABILITY to unsecured make 2d any mtges. type We loan buy, sell, finance businesses. real estate.

FreA appraisals. State Loan 1421 Main Ft. Tel. 9-3944. FEDERAL SAVINGS lat mortgage on homes.

No fees, Springfleld ofAce. Worcester Federal Savings. 6-4249. Third National Bank Bldg. I HAVE money to loan on second mortgages in Springfield.

7-2099. MONEY -For second mortgages, quick service 3-4434. MORTGAGE LOANS--I vou need money to buy, build or refinance your present house See Lomas 23 Elm St. 6-3687. QUICK mortgage money.

Evenings by pointment. H. E. Craft. Main St.

3-3272 or 3-5276. INSTRUCTION Local In -truction Classes 43 INSTRUCTION MALE--Reliable men wanted who would like to get into Air Conditioning and Refrigeration work. Pays hig earnings, chance for own business. Mechanically Inclined men with fair education given personal interview and shown practical training plan. Won't interfere with present job.

Write Utilities Box 2194. nion Office. PRACTICAL, NURSING Graduates in demand. Use spare time at home to get this practical training. Welcomed by dortors.

Many begin earning while learning. High school unnesessary. Get complete information--no obligation. Wayne School nf Practical Nursing. Box Union Office.

Musical, Dancing, Dramatic 11 MME. BEAUREGARD'S School of Music. Piano Voice lessons. Call 6-7473, LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pets AT GRISWOLD'S PET SHOP cute lot of puppies. collie German shephards, corker, crosses, fox terriera.

R- other. Hamsters. rabbits. guinea pigs. white rats mice.

31 S. Main St. F. Long. Tel.

628. BOXER PUPPY female. Fawn. 5 old. $75.

Tel No. Brimfield 3180. flarhos Kennele, North Brookfield. Marg. co*ckER--Spaniel puppies grown dogs.

Registered $25 11 D. Sheltles $15. For terrier grown dogs. Collies. beagles.

watchdogs. Lewis Farm Kennels. 1139 Allen Tel. 9-5322. BEAGLES 2-Black fork honey -boy breeding.

10 mo. old. Tel. Russell 74-4. DALMATION PUPPIES 11 re bred.

64 Vail St. 9-4484. males. 2 females. ANC papers available.

ENGLISH getter pupa for fall hunting. Excel. breed. Call Southwick 17-2 After 6 p. In.

or Inq. Smith Beach. Congamond. EXOTIC TROPICAL Ash. turtles.

tanks, plants. Lou's Aqua Gardens, 150 Linden Holvoke. Tel. 7619. FOX Terriers, amooth hair.

males. months old. 1 female years old. Must Tel. 7.9064.

GERMAN shepherd. mo. female. Ped. with papers.

4-7760 or 1-7531. Best offer. GUINEA PIGS (40)-Breeders for sale 4-2616. KERRY BLUE TERRIERmonths old. pedigreed.

innoculated against distemper. housebroken, likes children. leasonable. Tel. 9.4504.

TROPICAL FISIT. all kinds, lowest prices. A Aquarium supplies. Dave's Canary Farm. 21 Adam Willimansett.

4893. WANTED--RABBITS. 4-2616. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 ready market tor your old horse. WIRon Mink Ranch, Somers.

Conn. Tel. Thompsonville. 1183. ATTENTION- Horse owners.

T. J. White Son. 454 Walnut Horseshowing. Tel.

6-7511. STEADY market for old horses. Tel. Westfield 1043M collect. Stanley's Mink BRAND NEW--Holland hay bailer.

full guarantee. Below list prire. Call Arnold Southwick, Mass. 10. CLARK harrow, fertilizer sowers, manure spreader, other farin implements.

Joseph Zera. 43 North Suffield. Conn. UNPAINTED dreaging table. like new.

Annable. Tel. 4-0539. FARM TRACTOR rental service, drive system with ar without equipment hy day, week or month. Holy 2-7990.

GUERNSEY cow, 4 vre. old. Just frech. Good family cow. 177 St.

James Chicopee Falla. LIVESTOCK Horses, Cattle, Vehicles HIGHEST PRICES paid for calves, hogs. J. Maspo. 273 School Arawam.

6-7848. KOCH -Tractor used very little, blow wheel harrow, $1900. Joseph Yusco, No. Hadley, Tel. Northampton 75158.

COOLER used one year. Good ('all Bob Crowe. Tel. Westfleld 2890-W. P'oultry and Supplies 19 ALL KINDS -Of poultry wanted.

Top prices paid. United Poultry 3-0632. ALWAYS-Best prices offered for fowl and pullets. Superman Poultry 3-2371. ALL- Live poultry wanted.

Highest prices paid. Kaplan, 42 Essex St. 0-0883. NEW 10 ft. Counter cabinet.

complete, ready to install. Takes sink. Call Fixgerald 2-0013 after ti eve. ALUM. combination atorm indons doors.

Odd sizes of surplus stock price. Tel. BABY Taking orders for quality chix. turkey poults and ducklings. trie oil and coal brooders.

ING. 308 Tas tor Springtield. MARS 2-1194 ABY CHICKS -Started chicks. excel. quality and breeding.

Pitchs', T'rille. Conn. old. 300 Barred Hork pullet chicks, MA SALE A Red 9 days S. L.

pullet chicks, Also several hundred straight run' chicks, Mass. clean. 133 Mo Kinstry C'hicopee. Tel. 202.

large chickens wanted. 10 Globe 4-78SG. 4-309 Tues. egg bred chis. prod.

hy sel, pullorum clean breeders. Males or males. Hatchery, Fairview Av, LIVE BROILERS 34-4 Iby. each. lets 3 months old, $1 each.

Chartier. Furrowtown off Montgomery Westfield STARTED pullets. Ready for range. 1'hone T'ville 6404. WE PAT LOp praes for large roasting chick elS, fowls, broilers, turkeys ducks.

F. Zelazo, West Sprid. 3-2310 or 7-2327. 51MI BROAD Breasted bronze turkeys ready for range. Sickness reason for sale.

James 1. White. Ludlow 4135. G000 cross pullets 01 rinse. Sen castle immune, lay 8001.

each 111 large lots. Paul Lavitt. J'hone East Long. 2041. 2500 SENLINKED 19 Ready to lay.

Reasonable. Southwick 3R3. Wanted--Livestock 30; REST PRICES PAID for Eddie's Market, Tel. 7-4463. MERCHANDISE Articles for Sale 31 FEE ST.

GLASS.WARE.' ETC. AT NOWAK'S BIG LOTS 333 COLUMBUS SPFLO. 318 MEADOW WILLIMANSETT run paint. quart Si PAl 1.60 Turpentine, brinz container gal. Topsall Paints gal.

1.99 Frisco Paint sal. 2.98 White and all colors Rain Gutter, 10 ft. lengths 1.00 White P'orcelain sink Topsall Floor Enamel, gAl, Toilet Combination 24 04 Steel Rakes .90 Shovels, used. Exc. the, Each 1.4 White a dozen 0,5 Chino AF NAVY Gray panta Also picks.

garden tools, household plies. wearing apparel, sports equipment many other items, "'Tou'll save dos, br ins Joe. Sprinzheld store Open until pry Lots of parking space. Brinz the family and browse about. It's worth while.

ACETYLENE electric arr. used welding equlpment. Taft Weld'nz Equipment Co 3175 Main St. Tel. 4-5709.

ASH. RUBBISH -Garbage cans and packing barrels. 0: drum units complete. Dube's Switzer Ave. ASH RUBBISH water barrels, rang: oil drum stands faucets.

Phelan Barrel Rear 168 Eastern 2-2803. ARMY SURPLUS paint $1.90 gal. all colors turpentine 75c boats 6 ft. long 30c: garden hose. 10c ft: shovels, picks, sledge hammers.

axes 81 each: Post bole diggers pinch bars. box wrenches 50c: air compressor. h.p. 21, KW AC lighting. plant $150; chicken wire 6 ft, $2.30 roll: many other items.

807 Siemorial West Spild. BRAIDED RUGS -Just finished room size. for maple antique furn, 6 smaller sizes. Ready exhihition. New Material and perfect workmanship.

May be inspected at 35 Williams Williamsburg. Tel. 3101, CLOTHESLINE POLES made of and 3 inch pipe. and up. Tel.

7-7766. CABINET $115.03. Complete 42 cAbinet sink 20 gal. WAter heater Plumbers Warehouse. 2.

Lyman St. Tel. 6-8470. CLAPBOARDS. Red Cedar.

and In short and long lengths. For repairs or a house job. we have it! SpringHeld Lumber 15r Page BRITTANICA-A vol. Still crated. Will sell for $100.


GOOD QUALITY mutside house paint. For one week only. $7.19 all P. THIRERT LUMBER CO. 60 ISLAND POND RD.

TEL. 4-5601 LADDER RACK chairs (4) hall runners, candlewick spreads, Longine walches. Tel. LINDSEY portable compressor. ROod cond.

Brigga and Stratton motor. Thompannville METAL Tracy steel sinks. WIll sell at off list price. Miller Furniture, 1127 Main 3-6643. STOVE--S burner.

GRAPHIC ARTS MATERIALS (used) .71 Sanford St. STAINLESS STEEL $25 allowance for your old aluminum rook ware toward set of stainless steel cooking utensils. 1. and 4 qt sauce nans. coffee makers, roasters.

pressure cookers, tea kettles, tea pots. dat ware. Exp. cook ware salesmen wanted. Offer good for 2 wack: only.

Our good at the fairs. Write or tel. H. J. Major.

TI Spfld. Tel. 2024. WALL TENT 20 with poles, pegs screens. Coffee urn.

coca cola cooler. P. vent. fan 34 Church T'rille. Conn.

3716 het. 1-7 D. m. WALLPAPER--In bright. smart, clean.

new patterns. Nice selection of patterns. 19 centa roll up. Bring room Poole': 4th Ar. Wallpaper Shop.

GARDEN roto tiller Sunoco Gas Station. 304 Main Amherst. Tel. 1010. 150 GALLON copper tank stand, Williams automatic oil burner.

Tel. Cameras and Equipment 31A BARGAINS-20 New and used terms jectors. Our low prices can't be beat. Easy Warka Camera Shop, l'almer. RENTS- Complete 14 hour sound film program with shorts.

$3.97, WarkA Camera Shop. Palmer. WILL SWAP Groflex CAmerA with Tessar lens for 90 min. or 133 min Leica tons. Tel.

3-9070. Business Equipment 32 ATTENTION Auto service stations And gArages. Modern, attractive, 3 unit lubrication outfit, complete with rolling cabinet. $250. Baton's, 820 White St.

6-0623. CAKE MIXER. oven. divider, work bench. bread rank.

pan rack. donut atove. kettles. bowls. slicer.

pans, proof box. Terms Chic. 310-J. ADDING MACHINES $50 TYPEWRITERS UP sOLD RENTED. REPAIRED GUARANTEE TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 134 State 7-0996, 328 Worthington St.

BARGAIN- -Thoroughly reconditioned trically refrigerated cooler for bottled her. Capacity 12 sPA of quart hotflea in Addition to A ft. refrigerated for meats. cheese, Pte. will RACrifice for $195.

Terms to reaponsible parCoat nver Store Equipment Supplies. 8.37 Main. Springfield BIADGET Rake Oven. $127. Coiling fans, Gas Silex, $3 2-7120.

CASH rARER, greeting cArd diaplay cAbineta. Reasonable. 751 Liberty St. Call to 5 p. m.

CASI REGISTERS Priced sonable. Tel. 3-3398. 242 Walnut St. DESKS.

tiles. chairs. tables, aafem. visihle equipment. BOARDWAY OFFICE sur.

PLY EQUIPMENT CO. 4-2010. DESK mahogany, Axerutive type. Rn In. 34.

Excellent condition. Inq. Rm. 502. 1337 Main Spild.


wide 10 ft. high. Any length. per up a a 14. Location Sprid.

T'hone, write. or nite. American Tire Steel 0. Box 384. New Conn.

l'el. Now Haven STEEL WOODEN chairs for shop use, work henches, atrel DA bing and Nardex my time card racks. platform or counter scaler, salesmen and shipping room stencilling machine. everything in equipment for stores. offices and restaurants.

Holyoke Suction Holyoke. STORE for sale. Vol shoe cases, cash register. At sacrifice. 821 Liberty St.

WALK-IN box and 10 ft. meat 1:196 with compressor. Will sell cheap. Call 7-8874 Refrigerators, liner $395. bobtails showcases, potato peelers, fryers.

A rilts, ranges, gilet unite toasters. Cash or KITTREDGE FIXTURES 8-4462- 608-14 Dwight 1 RURDICK Diathermy Machine W. D32 D. with attachments, Therapy lamps. Hanovia Mercury Quartz and office furniAll practically new.

Call Eddings. 147ti. Boats and Accessories 38 AUTHORIZED JOINSON Sea liorse dealer. Immediate delivery on all models, includink the 01 to H. J'.

motor with gear shift control. Forward. neutral reverse. down, 12 months to pay. Repairs.

parta, need motora and rentals, boats $35.54, ear top. 30. Outboard Inboard paints. Open until 9 m. Bassett' a Rait and Boat 46 Berkshire Ave.

Tel. 1-8364. BUY Erinrude Elto motors. They're tops. Sales Service parts.

Hoats marine equipment. Schavina's Sport Shop, 993 Main W'. 8. Tel. 3-3203 Open eve.

CORRECT CRAFT-16 ft. in board H. Gray marine eng. 0-9 p. in.

CHRIS CRAFT BOATS, Evinrude motors. Len Preston, 470 Main St. Tel. 7-2453. 1.

P. and Sportster 5 11. I'. now on display. Evinrude-Elto Sales and Service.

Sales Co N32 State St. Open eves. til LYMAN. Old Ton ne. l'enn Yan.

Fito Century A kinseraft boats. Evinrude motors. N. king. Southwick 144.

Sales Service Parts. New used outboards at Eaton'a, 820 White St. NEW 12 ft. Marine plywood runabout more persons. $53.

Tel. 4-3903. OUTROARD MOTOR runabout boat. Call after p. m.

17 Shatwnut Holyoke. SPECIALS for the boatmen: Life SaVe cushiong $2.93: back rests 3-gal. cans $1.93: Cannes were now $130; Used guaranteed outhoard motors from up. no interest charge. one year $16.95 aluminuin yacht chairs New Evenrude motors, Century, Penn Old Town.

Wolvet boats. canoes. Te Nee Trailers: buce stock of ne sup piles. Reique's, 239 Holyoke. 14 FT.

PLASTIC -Craft 30 H. motor Tel. Nee trailer 5 to 9 p. m. Building Materials A-1 LUMBER BRICK PLUMBING OTHER BUILDING MATERIALS ALWAYS COST LESS HERE Surplus boarde, and op: surplus frames.

and up: surp us na boarda 870; new toilet sets. grade A. $23. APW fir and Anuthern pine frames: new C. roofns frames: piumbing nxtures: structural steel and lolly columns great Flagstones, good colors: roofing tap quality.

'west price. Sisny Other to Selert Open All Day Saturday SURPLUS LUMBER 0 30 Albany Ft. copp. St. Jame 1 ATTENTION HOME BUILDERS If J'ou haven't 100 much money.

don't worry. take your time don't buy in hurry. For really true values. in quality lumber all other bullding materials. The Union Lumber Supply Co.

and make your dollars really count. Tel. 3-5370. 16 Dale St. BOARDS and framing.

Good lengtha. vanel inshle doors (new) 6 4 window with arreens. Modern low thin tube raditors. guaranteed against leakage. Also new tomato poles.

WRECKING (O. 17 Heywood Ave. At Memorial W. TEA 7-6574 BUILDING materials at hie prices. Free estimates form your plans.


Labor, Save Money. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. STREET LUMBER CORP. 18 Lamb sTare So. Hadley Falls of Friendly Service" Tel.


BLOCKS TEL. 4-6533 DOORS Grade A-1. Fir panel. first quality. ins' 'de 83.0 outside $11.30.

Wholesaler's 9 Broad FENCE oak. And ft. long. 4 to 8 in. 4-2646.

READY MIN Concrete. Lally column CASe ment windows, celiar sash rock lath. Tel. Ludlow. 321.

Springfield 3-1662. STRUCTURAL STEELW carry angler. -bea sash. lintels. WEINIRON.

7 Logan. Tel. 3-6923. 17. VERMONT 14 SLATE 12.

1500. 11. 16 10 W'orthington. And 16 5 Kim Agawam. WELl.

TILE. 24" high, wide. Wells dug cleaned Tel. Ludlow 2173 or 699. and Feed 66 HAY for sale.

Standing. Call No. Wilb 197-2 Good Things to Eat FRESH EGG3-Native chicken 4 lb. average 30 Ib. Native asparagus Deliveries Fri.

and Sat. 2-4927. STRAWBERRIES- Pick your own 25c basket. W. Murphy, Dewey St.

at the end of Rogers West Spfid. STRAWBERRIES- Pick your own. 25c qt. Tuesdays. Thursdays Saturdays only.

Charles I. Brown. North FeedIng Hills. Household Goods 59 A-1 RUBBER TILE SPECIAL 11c EACH CASH CARRY 15c EACH INSTALLED BY US NO SECONDS--ALL FIRST IT TO QUALITY WORTHINGTON LINOLEUM RUG SPECIAL choice patterns only 83.95 COOPER'S. 2199 Main, (near Memorial Sq.) BACK TO PREWAR PRICES A LINOLEUM SPECIAL 9 12 heavy linoleum rugs, $3.90 PA, Buy all vou want white supply lA SINclairs, 10.74 Main St.

APEX WASHER- -With pump. Like new. Very low price. 7-8757. A BIG DEAl.

Electrolux Frigidaire $59.00 Pr. Leather -top Table. for Breakfast Nook 19.93 5-pc. Pore. Top Breakfast Set 19.93 Advance Stove 2-4 good buy 44.95 Mattress from Springa 2.00 Mahog.

Studin Couch 19.95 Medicine Cabinets 2.95 CLINTON FURNITURE COMPANY 1997 Main St. tor. Greenwond Years of Service" ALL WHITE cast fron combination range. 2 ypara old. Sacrifice.

7-8379. ARE YOU LOOKING I FOR BARGAINS in New and Used Occasional chairs $1.50: odd dressers and chests 2 pe. living room suites, like new $35. 1'lus of other it Will You to Visit THE ESSEX FURNITURE CO 1984 Main st. (North End) ANY KITCHEN LAID FREE 20 ROCKFELT Floor COVERING $15.90 LEWIS FURN.



SHOP MAX OKUN ALWAYS EELLS FOR LESS.I MERCIANDISE Household Goods 59 A BUY FINE Mahogany Berkey Gay Duncan Phyfe Dining room table (double prdestal) di shield-back chairs to match. in excellent condition. 190: Main CLINTON At. FURNITURE Cor. COMPANY Greenwood I Furniture at Low BAREE-TENDA SAFETY CHAIR--The Ideal meat for feeding.

Converta play table, folds compactly. Sold exclusively hy BabreTenda Sales, 118 Boston ltd. 9-2898. BUNK BEDS Army surplus with 2 steel springa $12.05. Coopera', 2198 Main St.

BENDIN Deluxe washing machine. Excellent 'Tel. 9-1743. BED- -Spring mattress: 2 dreasers mir1or. Portable closet.

$10. lives, ouly, 14100 Dwight St. suite. Waterfall. cond.

olit. Emmett Dennis, 149 Grove Falls. Special for 69c. Hoskin's, 029 regularly Main. Open 89c.

Sat. till 9. COMPETE and mattresa. bed Complete outfits. LegS $19 "Twin or full size.

Sinclair's 1004 Main st. STOVE Westinghouse. Excellent cond. $77, Tel FOUR--Ima. furn.

cheap. 13 Watt St. Air. Lapides, Take Whiting St. utt left turn.

FRIGIDAIRE cu. ft. Good condition. 'Tel. 4-6919.

FURNACES Coal or oil burning furnaces, mixes for immediate fuatallation. Air circulating blowers. Furnaces repaired and cleaned. Fire estimates. Lawrence Heating and Supply Berkahire Ave.

Tel. FURNACES -Coal. woud or burning furnacea, All mizex fu atock. Air circulating blowers. Furnace cleaning.

Repatra P'arta. wire estimating. Holland Furnace Taylor St. Tel. -4271.

FRIGIDAIRE-Washer, furuiture. typewriter cellar drainer. etc. Remia Sunnymeade Ave. Chic.

Falla. HOD-A-0 DAY store. Stighly used. $9. Tel.

4-3204. ICE BOXES -in very good condition. Changing to electricity. Call at 77 l'ear! st. KEL.VINA TOR- cuble foot with Deep Freeze compartment.

11-ell only months. Original DAre $360. will sacrifice for $273. Call 3422. DINING ROOM SET.


for kitchen only $15.08 2199 Main. near Memorial st. LIVINGROOM set. American oriental rug. Excellent condition.

Belmont Son. thru Fri. 8 P. M. MODERN- Comb.

gas oll range; new chrome pipe included. Tel. MAH. roll top desk, beds, tables. inner spring eves.

mattress. 6-3456. Miscellaneous articles. Sun or PHILCO FREEZER -Floor Sample Never nard. Reduced $100 Price now Carlisle Hardware, 1545 Slain St.

4th Floor Appliances. PLASTIC COATED fruitation leather. all colors, wide. suitable for kitchen and diningroom chair seats. Also for automohile Price $1.50 and up per Springfield Upholstery Awning Dwight St.

Tel. 7-2634. REBUILT--Repair home cleaner. Vacuum cleans, serubs picks up water. dusts. etc. Call any time. bed modern Lawson style with fringe. will sell for $173.

Halt of original price. Used months. Tel. 7-3422. SUPER DELUXE c.

range. Automatic control. Used only months. Excellent sell for $200. Tel.

condition. Original price over $300. will SERVEL gas refrigerator. Gas range. TINY TOT Safety chair for baby.

Styled tor Perfect cond a ton. Terma. Tel. comfort and safety. Used for feeding.

playing. auto travel. Tiny Tot Shop. 13 Catherine Winch.

Sq. 6-6979. USED REFRIGERATORS- Norge. 1 daire. mechanicallv.

Priced right See Mr. Redell. Steiger's Home App. Dit. 161 Bridge St.

USED FURNACES Cast iron. We Install for you. KALAMAZOO SALES SERVICE State Tel. 6-1234. One Evenings.

Fri USED ('onant ball solid maple dining net. buffet, table 6 chaire, Tel. 2-9579. TWIN BEDS--Springs and mattresses. Reasonable.

Call at 133 Allen St. VERY GOOD values in metal kitchen odd lot. 21x18x13 at $11.50: $13.50: 21x30x13 at 13 Used refrigerator from 1. washers from $3 $19.93 CombinAtion radios, $19.93. TP C.

J. Dwight St. VACUUM and rebuilt, tanks upright, hand vacs. Ideal for home. campo summer cottage D.

Main door rear. Vernon St. side. Forbes Wallace. bedrm.

art spr ng. $70. Tel. 4-9033. WALNUT BED Complete, Lawson Davenport, cheap for quick sale.

Tel. WESTINGHOU 1942 Spindrier washer, Needs part $40, Call F. Long. WESTINGHOUSE elec. refrie.

6 ft. cond. Cheap for quick sale. St. WESTINGHOUSE-Laundromat.

DemonstrAtion Model. First Class Condition. Reduced $30. Price now $219.95. Carlisle Hardware 1348 Main floor.

Appliances. WROUGHT IRON -Dinette set with plate glass top pale green with rose leather hardiv used 6 mo, Excellent conAltion. $75. Tel. 3 PC.

tapestry livingrm. Good cond. Call 2-1300. PIECE male bedrm. set.

To be sold at once. Tel. 4627 1. O. Chiropee 1932.

LIVINGRM. SET. TE rug. Call 3 inz RMS. FURNITURE for quick sale.

leavtown. Slightly used. 05 Frontenac off Fast Chicopee Falls, ROOMS of All modien furniture, $3000. Being ev.cted. must A real but.

Inq. 163 Meadow St. mansett or call Holyoke swelry and Watches 60 AGENCY FOR LONGINES- VIS. of watch. clocke Jewelry repairing.

Cash for solid gold. G. C. Grimes, 1383 Main, 2d floor. HIGHEST PRICES for diamonds, old gold.

jewelry. M. Jeweler. 1616 Main. Machinery and Tools 61 AMERICAN LATHE.

motorized. Flather Lathe, motorized. Logan Turrett Lathe, new Kalamazoo rut off hand FAW. $230: Drafting Pard, $25: Centeries. Grinders.

8970. Varsity MEg. 732 Cottage St. 4-9720. CHASE sawmill.

In good cond. Price $1100. Tol. 93-4 Hampden. DELTA-12 inch drill press.

8 inch circular MA 36 Inch hench lathe, 4 inch jointer. band saw, H.P. motors. Belt pulleys, 1 set wand turning tools. 2 bench vises.

All new, P'rice $300 cash. Tel. 8-1879 het. 6 7 p. m.

INTERNATIONAL BULLDOZER-1st class condition. Catt he seen at 1337 Carew St. Tel. REED PRENTICE Q. C.

Lathe 16 8 Gear Head. motorized: Monarch Q. C. Lathe 18 motorized: Robot-Reid R. S.

Surface grinders. with perm. mag. chucks: B. S.

Cincinnati Milwalke Plain Universe: I Millers, 8. Hand Millers: Gould Eberhart Shaper. motorized: Smith Stills 14; Shaper motorized: motors. switches. pulleys belting.

SPRINGFIELD AUCTION COMPANT 760 Dwight St. Phone 4-8886. 1 GARDEN roto tiller. Sunoco Gas Station, 363 Main Amherst. Tel.

1010. 65 STEEL LOCKERS--Air compressors. offire equipment. elec. chain hoist.

elec. time clock. Springfleld Machinery change. 20 Belle St. 2-2339.

Musical Instruments ACCORDIAN-120, 6 ince. old. Will well reasonable. Tel. 2-9706.

BASS DRUM-12 28, like Rear. Tel. 4-6759. -Epiphone, 33 Healy 1. 0.

3rd fr. PIANOS of quality. Made by old sellable makers. $495 up. Ternis.

C. C. Clapp. 70 Vernon St. 2-7918.

UP'RIGHT PIANOS- $30 up. ke-conditioned. 29 White St. Tel. 2-7831.

STRING -Very good condition, 100 vra. old. Quick sale. Tel. 8544.

BAS8-Rosetti accordion, in good condition. Tel. 2-4749 Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 BEST -Clean cultivated loam. 5 Yard load. $8.

Tel. 6-3936. GLADIOLUS bulbs assorted. All colora. 1339 Wilbraham Rd.

4-3343. AGAIN--Growing over million plants, roses, shrubs, trees. includ, fruit trees. Special this week. Heavenly Blue Morning Glory plants.

75c per dozen. Complete stork Save here on garden tools, insecticides, fertilizers, etc. Come or for catalogs. Watch this a for weekly apecial. BUILD YOUR SOIL FEED your planta, kill Any Anil pests AMAZE neighbors.

Be PROUD of your growing things. USA the astonishing new FMG for more growth Mostly organic solid building plant food, containing nor. BUILDS up sandy soil. AERATES heavy Get most. JAP' beetle gruhs, ANTS CUTWORMS.

Try it on lawns. shrubs A perennials. WON'T BURN $1.98 bushel bag. Mall orders prepaid. FRANK'E MARKET GARDEN 1308 Alien St.

Everything for the sardsn MERCHANDISE Seeds, Plants, Fertilizers 63 GERANIUMS, tomato, Hardy Bedding Plants. Judith'a Powell Ave. 4-0336. lIARDY CHRYSANTHEMUM PLANTS-25 varlettes and spring annuals. Johnson's Nursery, 391 Somers Id.

F. Long. 'Tel. 816. TOBACCO -Plants, broad leaves.

Boris Luta, Broadbrook, Conn. Windsor Locks. 1255 3. FREE--Clean fill off Si. James Ave.

Tel. 3-8476. VEGETABLE -Bedding potted plants. Highland Gardens, 844 Boston Rd. 6-2432.

Wearing Apparel 65 LADIES GENTS clothes. Inquire. Tel. 4-9224. Wanted- To Buv 66 BETTER 4'ASH L'AID FOR STOVES ANTIQUES.

FURNITURE CO. TEI. 45. BETTER CASH Always offered for Eques Ind hand furniture. Tannet Trading Post.

Tel. or 3-3730 A BETTER P'rice iron. stoves, steam. boilers. furnaces, lead.

copper. raga, or A BETTER PRICE FOR SINGER SOWING MACHINES. 2-0145. ANTIQUES AND MODERN collections Furniture, China, eto. ESTATES.

RobM. leid Sons, Auctioneers. Write or Tel. Leimlield 333 anytime. STANDING OFFER WA PAY.

More for used rugs, sewing machines, china. antiques. Call us frat. CLINTON FURNITURE CO. 1997 Main St.

Cor. Greenwood St. A boilers, VEr BUYS stoves, -Iron, Junk cara. metal, 6-8178 paper, anytime. rags, VET buys iron.

metal, papers. rags, boilfurn. old stoves. 9-5868. BABY WASHER WANTED -Rena.

W-ite Hox linion Office. CASE FOR FURNITURE, STOVES, ETC. LEWIS FURN. 7-8179. 3-0017.

JOHNSON'S (ASh URAd honks. antique furniture and antiques, 137 Main St. Tel. 2-6221. WE BUY, SELL- antiques.

will pay cash. Don't throw away those old hooks before calling 9-3648 or call at 179 State. WANTED by priv. party. Small, upright 5 or spinet piano.

Tel. 6-7982. ROOM AND BOARD 67 AVON NeXt 1 Javatory. Board optional. Tel.

ATTENTION Woman! Real home just out of Springfield on bus line. Rm. bd. or share exp. Giar.

Hox 261 t'nion Office. BITS. In priv. fam. Forest Park.

'Tel. FRONT--Rm. text to bath Woman over 60. Tray service. PARK- Quiet room in lovely home for 3pmiinvalid.

Tray service. PLEASANT room with board laundry for businesg or retired lady. Tel. 6-0083. WILL TAKE couple in In home 10 share WIll consider young baby.

('all Ronnis Without Board 69 ADVANTAGE IN ADDRESS WORTHINGTON AND MAIN STS. ROOM8 SO WEEKLY. WITH PRIVATE BATH. $12 WEEKLY lintel Worthy, 3-1161. A LARGE fur, rm centrally located.

Single or double. 6-8706. A cool room next to bath. Parking. 3 BusAPR.

Reasonable. ATTRACTIVE ROOM with garage in ne'v home. West Spfid. Semi priv. bath.

A NEWLY- DECORATED- Single or double room In heart of city. Mayflower Hotel. 234 Worthington St. Between Main Dwight. Parking space.

18 Harriet BEAUTIFUL ROOM. neat to bath. KeasonAble. Maple near State. Tel.

3-3634. BUCKINGHAM ST. Large front rm. in priv. fam.

Gentleman OF bus. couple. Separate entrance. BUSINE COUPLE- Very attractive ronm. Park Section.

Call after 6 p. m. 3-1786. BRADFORD ST. 46 Newly decorated rooms.

Reasonable. CLEAN sunny room cor. Aliendale Lwight N1. For counte or single person. Call Sprd.

7-7243 or COOLIDGE HOTEL MAIN ST. FREE parking. NEWLY decorated ALL. OUTSIDE rooms. AWAY from the heart of the city noise.

WEEKLY Rates from $8. CHESTNUT ST. (708). Large room. Fine location.

Refined gentleman. Free parkFURN. -Kitchen priv. entrance, ing. next to bath.

Near Armory. Tel. FURNISHED-Rm. off Belmont Ave. Lady.

Call 6-3381. FURN RoOM -Single double. Main St. Apply 43. HILL SECTION- Nicely furn front room, men, parking.

10; Northampton Ave. LOVELY ROD in nice family. Gentleman. Tel. 6-2933.

LARGE ROOM with kitchen privileges. Chicopee Falla 1233J. LARGE ROOM -Forest Pk. section to business WOmAn. Call LARGE furnished room 3 windows.

Phone Mr. Thompson. 9-0325. Two business men or business couple to share master bedroom. twin beds.

Breakfast and garage optional. References required. Telephone 7-1757. MULBERT 63 single rms. for bus.

perMASS. AVE. master st bedroom, twin beds. private sleeping porch. Adjoining bathroom.

Tel. MILNER HOTEL WEEK PHONE 4-6416 15 LIBERTY sT. MULBERRY Ft. (67)-Nicely furn. small near hath.

for misiness oman. NICE- LEe. front 3 windows. near downtown. Keas.

Tel. 6-2384. OFF MAPLE rat. In pleasant locality. weekly.

Tel. 3-3 or PARK pleasant ral. for business or professional girl. Breakfast. 39 Fairfield St.

PARK SECTION -Front room. quiet adult family. inc. gar. Tel.

7-2063. PLEASANT ROOM in private home for business man or woman. Centrally 10- rated. Tel. 2-4397, between 4 8 p.

m. QUIET. comfortable room. vicinity of Merov Hospital. Tel.

7-7164. RooM to rent. 19 Union St. Woman pref. Steam heat.

Tel. 6-4023. ROOM for business woman. Park section. Double rs.

with without bath. Conveniently located. wkly. rates. Colonnade lotel.

SINGLE AND DOURLE-Front room. connecting bath. for couple or elderly person. Tel. 3-8697.

STEAM HEATED-Furn. front room. $8 week. Riverdale W. S.

For appt. ('all Holyoke 2-6124. THOMAS 32-A nice rm. for gentleman. 6-8548.

UN FURN. front rm. 131 flr. or Turn, 2d fir. Nich home.

Business person. Tel. WINCHESTER SQUARE for middie age bus. woman or gentleman. 9-0739.

MYRTLE cOP State. Sunny room. Lady preferred. in ladies apartment. Eight dollars wkiv.

Mrs. Nahigian. Rooms for Hon pkeeping 69 A LARGE pleasant room. Everything turnished. 178 Maple St.

BEAUTIFUL-Large rooms, nicely turn. Living, kitchen. Ref. 4-1318 After 1 p.m. 9-0509.

ROWDOIN ST. -Small furnished ant. Frigidaire Working couple only. 2-9257. CHURCH 49- Large furnished room for light housekeeping.

COUNTRY-Rooms. Heat, Kitch priv. parking. Bus 13.30 Wilbraham Rd. DOUBLE ROOM--P'rivate bath.

Conking privilege. 19 Elliott St. IN -Near Westover Field. Furn. rms for light hakp.

Kitchen no sharinx. Holyoke 2-1971. MATTOON Ige. housekping rm. Next bath.

elec. URP of washing machine. Also single rm. $4.50 week. Inquire at 77 Pearl St.

Temperate counte. UNION 441-A room for couple. hot water heat, kitchen priv. Tel. 2-4233.

WASHINGTON RT- Rm. in fne residence, near bus line, kit. gar. Reas. 2-5600.

WALTER 13- Rm. for light housekeeping. Call Holyoke 2-1532. or call at prem. 1 RM.

WITH KIT PRIVL. TEL. 0-2920 Vacation Places THE CRESCENT- Box 92 Crescent Beach, Conn. Guppi rooms, open for reservations, REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments and Flats A 3 RM. heated ApArtment fn Greenfield in exchange for aprt.

or ten. in Spfld. 7-4777. LEASE--Centrally located 4 room apt. for professional or persons.

Newly renovated, range, elec. ret. incl. $100 mo. Tel.

2-1301. NICE rm. apartment for with home to sell. BOx 291 Union Office. R- RM.

modern tenement. Wking. or bus. people pref. Tel.

7-0715 Mon. morn. l'urnished Arts. and llouses 71.1 BEAUTIFUL apt. Private kitchenette and bath.

12 Melville St. 1-1364. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Furnished Apts. and Houses 71A Wanted-to Rent 81 AN EXTILA large living bedrm. 5 ADULTS urgertly need 4-5 rm.

apt. Refs. windows, bath. Priv. ent.

In one of Box 208. Union Office. the Pk. nicest Will extend homes 011 kitchen Sumner laundry Ave. prvl.

Opp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE to Box bus. 289 over 30. ref. in detail. Business Property 82 Union Office.

FURN. 4 rm. VerY nice $14 wk. FORt in investment. purposes with excellent FURN.

6 rin ten. Child. $25 heated opportunity for store or office space a 1 FURN. Trailer W. Spfid.

$15 wk. 5 brick, exarl. cond. well located. centralFURN.

3 to 5 rin. temporary mo. little cost to owner. 2 story heavilv INFURN. 5 rm.

ten. Holyoke $15 wk. ly. Containing 2 atores 5 office rms. INFURN.

6 fen. desir. $80 heated Approx. 424 MI AQ. ft.

floor space. UNFURN. 6 rm. lse. Agawam 1.26 mo.

burner. One car gar. Small parking Area. 115 STATE SP CONTACT SERVICE 2-5129 J. Grant, Realtor.

6-2462. p*rn. A 2 rooms, priv. bath, Frigi- TWO 24 APT. buildings that are gond daire.

linens. 903 Main W. S. The annua' income from one fs $10.560 would like girl or couple to share and from the o' her $11.000. Call 11 for anartment.

between 6.30 and details. STATE REALTY MIDDLE AGED- Cple live elderly lady, 115 State St. Dial 7-3164 rent free for meals. 12 mi. Spild.

elec. hath, tel. nr. bun. Mfrg.

Edward Larson, WALNUT 20S Desirable space for Hampden 9-4. manufacturing or for 5 cars. 1-4438. NEWLY furn. summer winter home, WAREHOUSE modern conveniences suitable for 2 fain- 3 story-solid brick mill type construction ilies.

bathing fishing. Crescent LAke, over 22.000 sq. ft. of floor space--lie T. 3089.

valor- aiding with loading doors WILT. my apt with young bus, girl. double loading fired-80 platform in front of bidz. Walk. dist.

downtown. 6-7959 bef. 8.30 a.m. will Stm. pay heat for oil this bldg.

in vents ten per years. square For Ad- font WILL Aublet my Cape Cod cottage for 8 ditional Information and appointments write weeks 10 counte. Must be to be Union IN Box 220. appreciated. 4-8706.

RIVERDALE W. Spfld. Exceptionally Business Places for Rent 13 good site for drive-in food spot, or AND retail business. About 1400 ft. from AVAILABLE July 'st.

Downtown space, lat out-door theater land on same side floor. very desirable. Excel. for light mfg. street).

Investigate At once. it's or offices. :8 flampden St. 0-4771. rare opportanity.

Phone owner 9-4777. -2300 sq. ft. in heart of city, eves. or Sun.

heuted, freight elevator. Call 4-6216. 10 CAR GARAGE -For sale. For DOWNTOWN--Large store available 6000. call Nuger's, 519 Memorial West $230 monthly.

Write Box 271 Union Office. Springfield. DOWNTOWN SPACE TO RENT Realtors 82 A Officer Light etc Inquire 4-4047. ACTION ELM West Spild. Desirable office 10- ADVERTISING cation.

ALERT REAL ESTATE SERVICE FULLAM CO. REALTORS MacMillan SON, REALTORS Elm St. West Spfld. 6-6351 134 BROADWAY AT 6-8338 GARAGE-124 Revere St. About 8 cars.

$85. LARGE small poultry, fruit dairy Inquire 310 Main St. farms. Land, homes, business summer GARAGE Aq. ft.

floor ADACP. 2nd property. Mr. and Mrs. C.

E. Allen. Ware ramp. Cor. Federal Taylor St.

Palmer. Phone 647-W or 291-W4. Tel. 3-0079. LLOYD HOOVER.

REALTOR REPAIR GARAGES (2)-One sinall, one HOMES HOMES-HOMESITES-FARMS-ESTATES large. Box 3000, Union Office. 446 MAIN WILBRAHAM. TEL. 14.: STORE for rent at the Dickinson Farms and Land for Sale 63 St.

3-5327 or 3-9067. STORE in Arcade Theater also t. A route FARM 20, in the -Approximately heart of 2(4) Jacob's acres, Ladder. facing 1048 Dwight cor. Church St.

2-6219. Suitable for business. Priced for quick STORE FOR RENT -Business location. 1135 sale. Inquire J.

F. Bloom, 11 Lyman St. State St. Tel. 4-9684.

Springfield. VERNON ST. Front offire 12x24. now BRIMF'ELD-40 ACRES with large pingle availahle. J.

Wurnick Sons, 7-0242. suitable for 2 family; newly decorated. UPPER STATE ST. -Valuable retail floor modern conveniences. new electric pump.

space for rent. Good display windows. Tel. 2-car garage On hard road just off Rt. 7-1441.

No. 20. Illness compels at drastically reduced price of 171-183 LIBERTY. cor. (Charles St.

and 203 THYBERG REALTY REALTORS 101,000 chestnut $0. ft. of buildings Maas. Any suitable part for of 1238 Parker AL Wilbraham 1-1027 manufacturing. wholesale.

distributing. acres. dair: farm. sidings. heat.

process steam. power, re- Cap. 8000 birds. ing Hystem. he (truck height).

ment stable, 26 tie ups, stock de tools, frizeration. elevators, aprinklers, convey- BONDEVILLE-! Acres. TEA house. Available imm. Contact 118 direct or $20.000.

through our own broken. Kaufman. BELCHERTOWN-90 acres. Good barn. 24 Chestnut Mass.

Phone 2661 tip ups. Other gond farm Or 4-3086. listed. Mr. and Mrs.

C. F. Allen. Ware 2 RMS. for rent, 3 big facing Main Palmer.

Mass or St. Suitable for office or Igt. fact. work. 50 ACRES--Of Land, all fenced on Fuller 1600 Main St.

Call 4-8335 or inq. Barby's, St. Ludlow. 4-2646. 10.00* or 18,000 well sq.

ft. Excel. light, con- Houses for Sale crete floor. located. Power sprinklered.

C. J. Grant, Realtor. 6-2162. AM -Very fine 6-room house.

Tiled Houses for Rent bath. Fireplace. 'Tried 2-car lavatory. garage MODERN kitchen. attached.

ALHAMBRA CIRCLE- New, mod- grounds. Prompt possession. $12,300. H. E.

ern 3 room single houses. Also modern Craft. 2-4737 or 3-3272. single 31 room houses in Springfleld. ATTRACTIVE homes at reasonable price ('all agent Mr.

Jones. 9-1404. 62 Alhambra throughout the city. Only small down pay. Circle.

Agawam ment. PART OF -My large nome to a family HAMPDEN REALTY, 12400 Main 9-2714 of adults. Attractive proposition to at- AT YOUR SERVICE ceptable 2144 party. For full particulars Write AGAW. 1 porches.

box Office sim. 2-car garage. only $7000. VACANT. MODERN--Home.

6 rins. porch, 16 ACRES- Modern 4-rm. home, gas zarages. 125 mo. 34 Meredith St.

between atta. 11,900. Belmont Washington. inspection Sun- AND A St. (off Ba 9 day.

Orstein St. Brooklyn. N. T. St.

6-6. 71. oak 1 car Offices and Desk Room ranged. 1st $10,500. Terms arDESK SPACE--In downtown office building.

LELAND STONE REALTORS $12 $14 a month. Tel 7-4110 or 6-1527. and 1-6326, DOCTOR'S desirable loca- RUSHING brook 25 acres on bus line. tion. Available immediately.

Tel. 9-002T. G. 1.. Collester.

2-2017. LARGE or small units for rent. State AT CASH IS ALL Buildings, Cor. State Main. Call 4-1181, Tou need with to buy a 5 I'm.

bungalow com1900 Main St. plete dowe. PLUS comb. dandy screens GAS REFRIGERATOR. winSummer Property for Rent 80 if you can pax' $75 mo.

incl. mts. AT CONGAMOND LAKE-: deluxe cottages. taxes. and HURRY you on do this.

NOT and have to CALL he A GI. A-6672 Completely after 6 furn. All modern conv. Tel. S.

D. PUTNAM Realtor 3-4947 p. m. ALDEN LAKE. a Alden Ludlow.

Small AN EXC. RM. Lge. liv. screen porch.

Inq. A. J. Dorval. Near sunroom, hur master 2 Fina new oil colleca colleges.

for CONGAMOND-Cottages for rent. North teacher or to rent rms. 2 car cond Pond. Fred Cole, Southwick, Mass. vard.

Call owner No agents. CONGAMOND- bus line. Lakeside cottages. Weekly or season. Warriner 9-1330.

A BETTER BUY FOR $1300 CARRIE'S-ON-THE-SOUND, Clinton Beach, 7 room cottage. McKnight fireplace, Section. car Auto Conn. Gueste. write or call Clinton 397.

matic' heat, oak gara24 BIG ALUM LAKE Sturbridge-Cottage, will Good Sunday G.I. buy. 4-4447. 9-4791 4-27231 Quinn Realtor (p. nt.

accommodate 8 people. furnished. nice heach. good fishing. By week or season.

Tel. Brimfield "I or write P. O. Box 491 A BI'T WORTH INVESTIGATING Southbridge. Large three family with two firs.

Vacant, cold CONGAMOND-4-rm. water, shower. Gas boat, toilet. hot Chic. entire house in good condition, located oft steam heat.

brass plumbing, two 1310M. Wilbraham Rd. by A.I.C 7-4791. Quinn Realtor (p.m. Sunday, EAST OTIS RESERVOIR- -Cottage 418 modern 4-4447.

conveniences 4 bedrooms Westfield HAWK'S NEST BEACH- Old Lyme. Conn. Cooper St "'heat Agawam suburban buy' cottage Waterfront cottages electrically equipned home. Beautiful grounds. Move in at once.

June and Sent. only. H. Garvin Fullam Realtors. 6-6371 Tel.

Hartford 3-0426 HAMPTON BEACI N. -Rooms cabins AN Land for OPPORTUNITY building in homes, or apple 01 E. Longmeadow. for Re people on ocean front. Cabins chard.

etc. About 11 acres with 6-rm, have kitchen. The 495 Ocean cottage and 1-car zar. City water and Blvd. low tAX.

Adjoine Golf Club. LAUREL, LAKE H. 3 rm. cottaze. 14.

E. JORDAN. 7-8143. Eve. 6-4250.

T. short walk to sandy beach. $200. For Phone LAKE--St. Catherine.

Wt. Ideal cottage for. ALL THE FININGS: children. in play yard. screens, sleeping porches.

All facilities. 4-1871 Barn- -red. yr. old. Lonameadow charmSpfld.

er at 47 Maple Rd, Lot 50' feet deep. Very LAKE Brookfield. At- fair price and terms. Inspection by A tractive 4 room waterfront cottage. fire- pointment.

place. elertric range and refrigerator. Available June and September only: re- MACMILLAN SON. REALTORS duced rates. 154 Broadway 6-8338, 2-5521.

L. Gladding. 18 Cottage Street, West Brookfield. Phone 2397. LAKE SIOG.

Holland. 3-rm. cottaze. all AN unusual home. 6 7 closers, many conveniences ideal for newly weds.

Sul- extras, gar. Real value At. the pric livan. Springfield. 6-2336.

G. L. Collester. 2-2317. 2-0113.

East MODERN Otis, -Shore front cottages, Great Lake. ABOUT TO VACATE kly. or for season. special Owner le vacating 4-rm. home.

in excelrates fol June. Tel. 2-4435. lent inside out. 1 car car.

Venetian Special rates in Tune Sept. after cooking. Labor ing to new location. Near schools church. NANTASKEI REACH -AI ho'ne TE blinds, range inc.

Sacrificing ag he is movDav. T'rite for rates reservation. P.O. M. Rowan.

Realtor, 6-7074. Eves. 3-5218. Rox Nantasket Reach. Tel.

Elizabeth 3-2744. Crowley, Hull. Mass. 5-0409. ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A HOME? SOUND VIEW Pon! Rd.

Waterfront 6-rm. 6 A rm. English colonial near cottage. 4-6 rm. apt.

Room privi. Tel. churches. stores. busses.

Oak Mrs. Pelton Hartford tile bath, screened porch. storm windows, ROOM BLACH COTTAGE- Phone Nian- excellent. steam-oil. Come gar.

and Owner built. will Condition discuss tic 433 evening price if interested. Call 2-0743 or 2-4774. Wanted to Rent S1 ASHLEY two family with A FAMILY of 3 adults desires 4 or 5-rm. and 5-car gars.

Large lot. Steam heal unfurn. apt. or ten. Box 291.

Union Office. JOHN F. TEHAN. 0-10 COURT HOUSE PIA ABLE WORKING couple desire 4-5 rm. apt.

AVAILABLE 1. 3 fam. houses. For Springfield. Mass.

Tel. 3-0217, 3-4434 Will -edecorate. Tel. 9-2264, MORE action with Moore. list A RELIABLE family being evicted, need Moore's Realty 6-7706.

6-7 rm. ten. Suburban or local. Excellent references. Tel.

3-4407. heat, MODERN- ins. immed. occ. Inq.

74 Carew stm. Ter. ADULTS (2)-Urgently need 3-5 rm. apt. or ten.

Box 197 Union Office. A VACANT TWO FAMILY FOREST PARK A QUIET COUPLE (adults). 3-4 unfurn. ASKING $0600 rms, 1st or 2d fir. Tel.

3-4300. 6 STEAM HEAT. GOOD ADULT COUPLE urgently need 3 or OAK NEW ROOF. G.I. INVESTMENT unfurn.

apt. Both work. Box 285 Union HOME. Office. QUINN REALTOR.

9-4191 (SUN. P. M. 4-4447- ished BUSINESS apt. or couple ten.

6-6674 need or room 4-9530. unfurn- A MODERN 5 RM. BUNGALOW PLUMTREE RD. (OFF) 1 CAR GARAGE. LARGE BEDROOMS.

LARGE LIVING BEAUTIFUI-6 rm. home, 3 1g. bedrooms. MODERN DINING RM. CABINET KITfireplace.

rumpus in cellar, 3 car HEATED EXPANSION A TRIO. gArage, Lake front, beautifully landeraped. MUST SELL SOON. Must 802 be Alden seen to be Off aporeciated. Wilbraham QUINN REALTOR.

9-4791 Rd. (SUN. R- P. M. CARPENTER rooms unfurn.

(VET) -Wife. to baby want 3 to A NEW BUNGALOW -FOREST PARK up $30 mo. Will decorate if nec. Ref. if desired.

Tel. 9-4561 OFF UPPER DICKINSON-4 ROOMS COUPLE- With one child living with in- EXPANSION 2ND WITH DORMERS. QUIET laws need 4-7-6 rm. apt. 3-3039.

TREE SHADED LOCATION. COUPLE and 10 months old daughter ur- QUINN REALTOR, 3-4791 gently need unfurnished apartment or M. house, Call Mr. Hopkins between 8.30 8. nt.


PORCH. 1 ('AR AUTOMATIC HEAT. references. Reward. Tel.

6-2410. NICK YARD. IF YOU HAVE A furn. or unfurn. apt.

to QUINN REALTOR, 9-4791 rent call CONTACT SERVICE. Desirable (P. M. 4-4147-4-2725) tenants Shown by appointment. A NEW RM.

finished. 2 nice Ine, No charge. Why be pestered? 2-5129. $8100. Small down payment.

E. C. MARRIED school teacher. family grown and 2-3404. away, desires ant.

or ten. Character ref- A 9 RM. rooming house. 7 fire alarm it desired. Box Union Office.

venetian blinds, gas ranges some turn, MOVING AWAY I'm. bungalow 1 I'm. lat floor. new hardwood firepl. Inin attic.

Areplace, breezeway Kar. come $175 a besides your 04 11 rm, vra. old. All landscaped 100 100. storm apt.

For quick sale $7100. At 33 S. enth windows, screen awnings. No agents. or call 3-7568.

Tel. E. Longmeadow 669. AGAWAM. Nuffield 8 room single, RENT WANTED Automatic hot water heat.

2 car gArage Four or 5 rms for 3 adults, willing to good location. Make mo an offer, Owner. buy some furn. Please call 7-1042! 4-9112. REFINED COUPLE, college urgent- ABOVE WINCHESTER SQ.

ly desire rm. apt. or house, furn. or gar. h.w.

A's, steam. brass, redecor. about June 15. No children out, Zoned bus. A 13t f1' vacancy $12,009 or pets, the Excellent ref.

IVe will give your Monre's Realty. 6-7706. prop. care that you would. Phone Spud.

P-1367 after 5.30 or write G. ATTENTION--New 14 rooms with fireplace K. Howard, 265 Doyle Providence and attached garage. beautiful, different. reasonable, 18 South Chattam Tel.

6-4161. SALES REPRESENTATIVE- -For Whitman's Chocolates room apartment for wife. daughter. self. Residential Area.

ARROTT -BUNGALOW within 10 miles of Springfeld. Now living OCCUPANCY in Boston. James J. Sullivan. 23 Colcheat- Owner built modern home Ar St.

Readville, Mass. every quality for economical maintenance. WEST SPRINGFIELD-4 rm. hungalor un- Large kitchen. bedrooms.

full size dining room and finished. Large lot $3750. Tol. 4-0910. 00..

large Realtors. Terms. 3-3147 EDW. J. MURPHY ment.

Tel child. 6-4171. 15 WAnta tone- BLOCK-6 apt. Good income. Owner and 10.

vAcatA immediately. Tel. 9-5792. YOUNG Landscape contractor. A wife.

want BRECKWOOD rms. eXp. attic Rot or 05.3 rm. Union ant. Office.

Priv. bath entrance. Ex. cond. Gas.

A cond. CHARLES P. MARTYN. $100 REWARD will be paid by young mar 5 COURT HOUSE PL. TEL 4-3231 ried couple with no children for someone EVENINGS TEL.

3-8485 who will find for them 3 or rm. un- BRECKWOOD room Cape furn. apt. In Spfld Reply Box 250 Union Newly redecorated inside and out. Office.

Ace 81500. R449. A A A A A ton. full E. 1.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

Phone: +18682428114917

Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.