The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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Hampshire County News uf NORTHAMPTON Humane Society (Conintied on Thirteenth Page) SMITH COLLEGE sentc 2 or 1 OBITUARY NOTICES will be 1 Clocks eatured LUDLOW who do CHESTER BrihainX'CTonipanD CHESTER CENTER De tained with grip EASTHAMPTON THREE RIVERS Beware the Moths Time or 1 CONNECTICUT SOMERS Driving Gloves I Easter Lily Plants EM TEED SOMERS MONSON or Men' and Women rom? At A Mantel Clocks Ct at in to the sanatorium and the this will be much greater $359fi0 asked for the con of the present highway Athletic Monday David Coe Tailor and Haberdasher TWENTY SIX VERNON ST are good looking and keep good A guaranteed that strikes the 26th take guests of Mrs street Mrs Maud Al Re convention nt MAN WHO RAN AT TIME RAID CAUGHT Light Weight Street and COLD STORAGE URS AND YOUR WOOLEN APPAREL REMODELING URS DURING THE STORAGE PERIOD The ClmenL Stearns Bldg Bridge Si Ptrrrtnri 1770 Washlnston St Boston 671 Broad St ruvideui I new chime clocks mahogany cases lection early scarcity at week Plants are all my own Green SAVINGS BANK MEN TO HOLD MEETING GEORGE CAMPBELL DIES AT HOSPITAL engine number is voting place as there is no other in the ward 'Three Rivertt April 9 The Three Rivers' fire department will hold its second annual concert and ball ri day night the 21st at Polish hall COUNCILMAN CULLEN TQ BE MARRIED are on Hi ah 7 CARD THANKS We wish to thank our many friends and relatives and also' the following lodges: Hampden lodge A A St Clan Murray 152: Burns Benefit club Auxiliary to Clan Murray Daughters of Rob bie Burns American Association of Britishers union and employes of Hampden Lumber company for the kindness shown us in our recent bereavement MRS A WARNOCH AND AMILY given and Hermann Markus bakfer roasted and sliced The guild of TJnion church cold meat supper from the church vestry to urriers Since 18Jf8 6 COUNCIL TO ACT ON St BUDGET TONIGHT 31y Lily Hewitt officiated many floral tributes Will1 Hear Addresses By GeorgeERrock of Bos ton Sylvester and Lovell Northampton April 9 The afficers and corporators of the Northampton Institution for Savings the Green field 'Savings institution and the NonotGck' lorence 'Easthampton Amherst arid Greenfield savings banks will hold a' dinner and business meet ing Thursday evening at the Draper hotel The speakers will be George Brock president of the Home Savings bank of Boston and the Sav ings Bank association of Massachu setts and chairman of the National Association of Mutual Savings banks Dana Sylvester executive secre tary of the state association and AV Lovell' who will represent the bank department un tne same be a rehearsal of Surprise Party be given at the be held on riday This is the annual the auspices ct xie preacher on Wednesday evening will Remodeling of furs can be done to the best advantage during the storage period making them over in styles now determined for next season Repairing 'can also be clone while your urs are in our We will gladly give estimate for either repair or remodeling work giving you advantage of our lower summer rates daughters Mrs i Clifford and The be held at the home clock Bur grown at houses City' Aid Not To Be Spent for Liquor Probation Officers Genest and other officials after a conference have announced that ex service men who lave looked upon the financial sup port received from the city as a kindly assistance in the purchase of moon shine' may find themselves cut off from the rolls There is no desire to hamper support of men needing it but the money is not to payfor liquor and movie entertainments The mat ter was developed in regard to some recent cases of drunkenness There was a full baseball pine brought in over Saturday night' up to Sunday afternoon and a few more for sub stitutes will doubtless be added to the by court Saturday night High ctijeet was a revel of drunkenness and the ward 4 dives and saloons showed more men at fhe bars than for many weeks Police Believe They Are The Heroes Police officials are looking with in terest on the report of Chief Huil'ey of' the police department re garding the life saving work done at 30 Lyman street March 17 It is asserted that the real work of look tenants I advise making your se There will be a the end of the of of Cincin A King ormer Resident of Turners alls Who Had Lived in Town or Past 21 Years Easthampton April 9 George Campbell of 19 Liberty street died at hospital at' 745 this morning He was taken to the hos pital Saturday suffering from an ab cess on the brain lie was born in Vermont May 5 1S77' and came to this town from Turners alls 21 years ago" He was first in i the employ of the Hampton company but for the past 15 years had been fireman tor the Glendale Elastic' abrics company He was a member of the Loyal order of Moose He is survived by 'his widow and three daughters Irene Dorothy WESTIELD gg urging new state "ROAD TO SANATORIUM uneral of James Greenwood The funeral of James Green wood the veteran shoe dealer took place at the home this afternoon with Rev Holmes officiating Mem bers of the organizations with which ne was affiliated sent delegations Burial was in Pine Hill cemetery Convivial Party Interiupted by Police A convivial party Saturday night on Monroe street attended by a num of the local Portuguese colony was responsible for three of the cele brators being forced to finish the party in the local police station George irm! Andriano Matus and Antoni erria werq bailed today and morning will be asked to explain to Judge Kellogg the reason for such a demonstrative affair Two other drunks James Morrissey ana Thomas Martin will also appear for an over indulgence in prohibition liquor Small Town Officials Consider High way Problems Highway problems of the hill towns in the vicinity of this city have become so acute and the de mands for better communication have become so insistent that officials of the small places are facing the prob lem of their lives Saturday various officials from Granville Russell and Huntington met in the New Park Square hotel and discussed ways and means to alleviate the condition Representatives of the state high way department were at the confer ence and as far as possible all aid that can be given will be forth coming in the present highway crisis Heath of Morton owler Morton owler 77 lifelong resi dent of this city a deaf mute died last night at Northampton The fu neral will be held tomorrow after noon at memorial chapel with Rev AV Ayres officiating Burial will be In Pine Hill cemetery Holy AYeek Services Symbolic and impressive services in honor of holy week will take place in the churches during the coming week Plans have been made ror special services at St church beginning holy Thursday and con tinuing until the solemn high mass of Easter Sunday that will be in the nature of a climax of the Lenten season Union services will be heid in the Advent Christian church Thursday evening with Rev A Page and Rev Arthur Kernen in charge On riday the union services will be held in the irst church with Rev AV Ayres of the Baptist church in charge Rev Watts of Northampton will preach the ser mon Rev Timothy Scanlon will de liver the Easter Sunday sermon at St church and masses will be said at' 7 915 and 1030 The 1030 service will be a solemn high mass ending with benediction of the Biessed Sacrament On Good CAST CHOSEN OR I WERE KING Somers April The funeral Mrs Heniy lathrnan will be held the chape! at the crematory Springfield at 230 Monday'' rank Combs Jr and Mar jorie Curtis will take part the speaking contest Tuesday at the new auditorium in the A Higgins school Thompsonville Holy week will be observed by the Protestant churches of the town with' two union services Rev William Cr Martyn of AVest Suffield Wi'ffspeak at the service at Somersville Tuesday night at 745 and Rev RoberHM rench of Enfield street wii) sneak at Somers Thursday night at 7'45 Judge 'C uller and his wife Dr Caroline uller have arrived from Orlando la where llrsy spent the winter These clocks time clock hour and half hour on a cathedral gong 3101)0 HE MOTH MILLERS ARE ALREADY at work and you can protect your furs against this danger by placing them in our cold storage vaults All furs in our care are handled by experienced men and every article is thor oughly cleansed by our vacuum process and placed in our storage vaults each on a separate hanger IN MTAtOUIAM HILLS ALICE Memorial services In memory of the late Mrs Alice Hills wilt be held at Grace church Amherst Mass Wednesday April 19 at 3 Opjn for relatives and friends Mrs Ralph uneial Somers April The funeral i of Mrs Ralph Eastwood was held at her home Wednesday Rev John Curtis officiating The bearers were Thomas Dwyer Charles Turner Rus sell pimstead John Eastwood Wil Hird and' Baker Burial was in the North cemetery II Healey secretary of the Con necticut board of agriculture and Garrett Stack one of the experts spoke at an entertainment given under the auspices of the local grange Wednesday night dn Problems of Mr and Mrs Ernest uller and daughter Charlotte Mrs II Kibbe and Mrs Anna expect to arrive from lorida Tuesday Mrs Clarence Moore and daughter Hazel of Newton Mass are visiting her sister Mrs Bug bee Charles McIntire 'of New Britain is visiting his sister Mrs Lull Elin? DIED in this Uy Mh William Cady 49 uneral services in tils home GOrt Sum ner avenue Tuesday afternoon at 2 Burial in Oak Grove cemetery CAMITELL ln city fith Edward Douglas Campbell 33 Son of the late Joseph AV and Louise tiiickinso'u) Campbell Notice of funeral hereafter HBRELL In this city the' sth Mrs Jen nette A errell bl widow of William Henry errell uneral from Byron funeral parlors Monday at 2 Burial in Springfield cemetery Tn this city TtH Lucy 24" Prayer at the home' 12S AVelnnt etreet Monday at 2 tn services at irst church chapel at 230 Burial in Springfield ceme tery In this citv 9th Mrs Louise Larw of 40 Main street uneral at the parlors of Sampson Tuesday at 815 a with requiem high mass following at Sacred Hearts church at 9 riends invited In Longmeadow 92 Kth of pneu monia Mrs Jane A Miller widow Of Josiah Miller uneral at her late residence 4t Belteclaire avenue Longmeadow Tuesday at 230 tn Banal in Oak Grove cemetery In this city 9th Mrs Nellie Newman wife or George Newman or AVcrthington street Notice of funeral here after Local Notices Easter cards bags and art novelties sale day and evening this week at hurst Studios Mrs A Mosely thorne avenue Chaster Center Anril 9 Mrs Witt DeWolf has so far recovered from her operation at the Springfield hospital as to be able to come home Raymond Bromley is recovering frem a severe attack Pf irimrips con Elsie DeWolg opeiied her school at the Center Mondayf or the spring term A Service for All People Reasonable charges Suitable financial arrangement if desired GRAHAM CORP a neral 3739 Howard St Springfield 838 Main St Worcester PALMER TO BEGIN WORK ON CEMENT ROAD to Start Construction job Between and Cor ner Palmer Work will be started tomorrow morning by Bros contractors who are to build 'the new cement' road from Shearer's Corner to Corner East Wil braham Tavo large shacks have al ready been built about half way be tAveen the two points where the labor ers on the Job will live Much of the equipment has arrived Including a big shovel The start will be made near the Calkins place and the road at this point will be straightened the shovel being used to cutthrough the hill at that point' There will be a meeting of the Pal mer Business club Tuesday evening after which a talk on how a daily newspaper is made will be given Miss Margaret' Crimmins of West field Normal school spent the week end atVhe home of her parents Mr and Mrs Crimmins Ouppn Vuith Ward 24 Trovis Edla Savage bury Ct Captain of the of Sewickley Montigny Helen city Casin Pa a Coeet Maud MeDuffee Gennert city Marjorie Boomer VI Jehan Eunice Slake rt Evelyn Craij wieh Ct Montjoye Beatrice Trecgc Tork ci tv Tolson Anna Otis Cleve land Poncet de Riviere A dee Parker Julesburg Col tr De Cheryl Crawford Akron Villon Barbara McKay '22 nati The chairmen of the committees for the production are as follows: or staging Celeste Terror of St Louis AIo for costumes Martha Morse '23 of Kewannee Ill: for publicity Hartwell AVyse 24t of To ronto Uan othca Davis manager Dorothy Kansas City Mo manager Cleveland Dtnis of Huntington To Be His Bride on the 26th Westfield April 5 Councilman Joseph Cullen recent recipient of a Massachusetts Humane Society medal for heroism and a former serv ice man will be married the The marriage ceremony will place in St Thomas's churchHun tington and he will marry Christiana Davis daughter of Mrs Hilary A Davis of Pine street Huntington Councilman Cullen is now serving his second term in the city council hav ing represented ward 2 from the be ginning of the city government He served for nearly two years in the navy during the war and is em ployed in the executive department of the Boston Albany railroad pass of roses and carnations from Bethel lodge of Masons and white carnations from Western college Ox ford The Masons had charge of the services at the grave The bear ers were Joshua Crowther Earl Crowther Samuel Richardson Stexv art Twibles William Lisk and George Hall Among those present from out of town were Mrs Branch of Lawrence Guy Branch cf South bridge Mrs Arthur Slater of North Andover Hiram elton of Greenfield Mrs McKendrick and Miss Nettie McKendrick of Bomlsville Mr and Mrs Marry Roehm and Mr and Mrs Morris Lendner of Staftvrd Springs Ct Palm Sunday was obsedved at the Congregational church today Rev George Hewitt having for the theme of his sermon King for a Day or a King The annual meeting and club tea of the Quabbin club will be held at the home of Airs Ewing Wednesday at 230 i The lectme given riday night at the chapel under' the auspices of the eighth grade pupils of the lyainmar school by Dr How ard A Bridgman of Lawrence acad emy diroton on ather's Ideals for His Boys and was well at tended The exercises opened with piano solos by Lyman Brqyvn and song by the pupils of the seventh and eighth grades Bethel lodge of Masons conferred the third degree on four candidates riday night gMuch or City Hall Appro priation Will Be Used or Changes in Second loor Westfield April An adjournedmeeting of the city council will be Jjheld tomorrow evening Tvhen 'final consideration of the 1922 budget willJitake place The members of th JJcouncil are agreed on the items of Sthe budget as informally passed to a viflrst reading Thursday evening S' An appropriation under general carries an item for city of $3217 The greater part of Ajithis sum will be used to pay for al iterations that have been going on for Ctsome time There is now a wish on 5the part ot the members of the com '34mittee to further alter the auditori on the upper floor so as to make I 'provision for extra office space It fewas believed that the district court JrAvould make use of one of the twoSsmall halls now constructed but Willis Kellogg of the courtstates that he will remain with court it headquarters tn the Morrissey block SChhis being the case all the space canstje used for offices A long hallway be placed In the center of the building with offices on each side and the council chamber 'can be located at the end of the hall If this plan is carried out an extra appropriation will be necessary If this is done it will be necessary for voters of ward 5 to use the council chamber for a IRE DISTRICT MEETING TONIGH1 Vote to Apply $100 To wards Clearing Debt Plan o' Raise Rest ATonson April 9 The Daughters met Triday at the home of the president Airs Charles A Eradway of Ely road They voted to apply $100 toward the fund for thri Home for Aged This will re duce the debt to $350 In an effort to Bring 'your urs With you If You Can Cohneniehtly If Not Telephone Rihcr yilt and We Will Call DAUGHTERS TO ASSIST HOME Death of Miss Blanche Lavigne Ludlow April 9 Aliss Blanche La vigne 21 died at her home in Stony Hill road Saturday after three illness She was born in Indian Or chard but moved with her family to North Wilbraham and was educated in the Pines sdhool She had been employed as' a spinner in the mills of Ludlow Alanufacturing associates for several years She was a member of thee Children of Alary' society of J5t John the Baptist church and four members of the society Alisses De lina Tardiff Anette Dumaine There sa Carpentier and Lena Deroche will act as honorary bearers from the so ciety Besides her parents Air and Airs Paul Lavigne she leaves four brothers Alarie Ona Phillip and Edward and four sisters Airs Cora Plouffe Airs Ada Lamonthe Bella and Pauline of Ludlow The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at 930 with requiem high mass in St John the Baptist church Joseph Gill of Pine street reported to the police today that his ord truck registration number 29S09 was stolen from his garage Saturday night The 2565464 The Scotch has planned a 530 to in morrow evening raise this a lawn party will be held May 28 at the Home for' Aged People arid a number of the members will earn $5 each The cafeteria supper Wednesday night nett' the society $70 The cream for the supper was the porinds of beef as 'his donation ing after the safety' of the cf the block was done by a police sergeantand two patrolmen not seem to' see any medals struck off for them The last of the winter series of dances by the Holyoke Canoe club will be held at the Nonotuck Easier Alcnday at 8 Tickets may be ob tained 'front members of cbm mittee in charge and a limited num 1 her at the door The junior Epworth league of 'the irst 'Methodist church has installed the followlngiOfflcers President Alice Afason first vice president red Pampel second vice president Hen rietta Butcher third vice president Ruth Stalker fourth vice president Alarion Pampel secretary Ernest Alger treasurer Charles Gillette The oreign Alissionary so ciety will meet Wednesday afternoon at 4 with Mrs Al Carter 136 Elm street Ernest Alger will lead the Junior Epworth league riday afler Jibon at 4 The JUplifters league of the "irst Baptist church will meet tomorrow' night at 730 A social hour will fol low The midweek' prayer meeting will be held Thursday evening at 745 The building committee of the Sec ond iBaptist church will meet tomor row afternoon at 430 at the smail chapel The standing committee will meet all candidates for baptism al the same place Tuesday night at 730 The league will have a col lection and sale of papers Wednes day Mrs Kelton Mrs Oliver and Airs Charles Ely are in charge' Donors are requested to hav the papers tied There will be a supper al 6 by the boys department given by the in a recent con test Alooney of the Springfield college will address the meeting The midweek prayer aricT Bible service Thursday night at 730 willvbe fol lowed by a church business meeting A World wide guild supper will be giffen in the Baraca room riday at 6 inal reports will be given oh the reading contest and 'the mite boxes will be opened City Engineer AlacCarthy has referred to the city solicitor the plans for a monitor building for three stores petitioned for by Abraham Adelson at Northampton street and St James avenue This is planned to cost $8000 The marriage Intentions have been filed of John Begley 167 Lyman street an! Bridget Leary 19o9 Northampton street Building hermits were issued Sat urJay to the AL Rogal company 702 South East street plumbing shop $1900 Goriest Valincourt 42 ran cis avenue one and a half sioty house $5000 and garage $300 Philip Whiting construction of a resi dence south" side of Madison avenue to cost $15000 A still alarm called the fire de partment Saturday forenoon about 10 to 35 Canal street Some omj thought there was'smoke coming out of the building but it had vanished before the department arriveS There was no fire Mayor John Cronin signed the contract for the second level cana bridge Saturday morning that waf awarded to Daniel Sonst The body of Joseph Patenau Je was taken to Winooski Vt Saturday1 where the funeral was held at burial took plact today Members of Oak lodge 'Odd cI lows and theirWives held a dinner party at 'the Orient last nightl About 45 were present Holy week set vices will be heid each day at the' Second Congrega tional church from 1230 to 1255 noon with the (following speakers Tomorrow Rev John L' indlay Tuesday James Gordon Gilkey Wednesday Rev John Newton Lackey ThursdayXRev Oscar ord riday Rev Burford Parry The girls choir will hold an important rehearsal ATonday evening at 7 Tire Lenten children service led by Rev Air Bailey will be held in Skinner Memorial chapel at 4 The subject is God Know The ouarterlv meeting guild tobe held the Jlh at 3 will be addressed by Mary I Hussey of Mount Jlblyokc college on Discoveries in Bible The union communion serv ice of the Grace church and the Sec ond Congregational church will be Held in the church Thursday at 73G ml Every member of the churcn is earnestly invited to be present on night to receive a company of 'nearly 200 people fellowship There will be motion pictures in assembly hall on Saturday at 2 ni The 'Men's Bible class of Grace church will hold an important meet ing tomorrow evening evening mere win the entertainment at to junior carnival to evening the 21st niT'iir eriv(n under the junior Christian Endeavor picavutx v't a be Bev Jesse Nichols of South Had ley His work in the Christian En deavor ariufemenf lias greatly en deared him to the young people of Grace church where the Christian Endeavor movement is strong On Thursday evening the chorus chon will rehearse its Easter music On the same' evening there will be a union celebration of the holy com munion sat the Second Coagregativnai church to which Grace church is in vited riday afternoon at there will be a service of meditation on Seven Words on the Cross" The auxiliary will hold an Easter food sale at delicatessen store 'on High street on Saturday from 2 to 5 The junior carm val will be held on the 21st and the May party on Thursday and ri lay May 18 and 19 A pageant Resurrection of Peter" will beme sunciay evenma me THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY APRIL 10 1922 Knodel Takes Exceptions 1 Otto Knodel it member of the board of public works takes exceptions to the board applied to the town counsel for an opinion as to whether the action Of the tbwn meeting was effective in reducing the salary of members of the board from $400 to $300 Air' Knodel says that the opinion of the town counsel was asked by ore member of the board William Chipman acting on his own initiative Although the opinion of Town Counsel Hitchco*ck was to the effect Ssfliat the town meeting action did not legally reduce the salary Air si Baseball Meeting The Monson Baseball and association will meet at 8 slight at 'Memorial hall About $55 a "week for 15 weeks has been pledged I toward the expenses of a semipro team rom $75 to $100 will be needed' ind Gypsy Moth Nests The gypsy moth exterminators found 35 egg masses on the Wales triad near the' Howard King property Thursday the first da'y of the cam paign 'Work was done at this place last year an isolated brood having been found at that time The No 8 schoolhouse will be sold at auction at 2 nt the 22d The ortnightly club will hold its annual meeting Tuesday at the home ofArs rank Beckwith of Main street The oreign Missionary will meet at 3 Wednes dayivith Airs rank' Rees pt Bridge street The Marcus Keep Woman's Relief corps will meet in Grand Army hall Wednesday night A union Lenten service with com munion will be held at tne Methodist church 'Thursday night Rev George AV will preside Masses will be celebrated a 730 Thursday riday and Saturflay morning at St Patrick's ciurch A service will be held at 3 riday afternoon and sej vices at 730 Thurs day and riday nights Air and Airs William Driscoll aiiufiuu ui umunare Lizzie Lull of Lincoln Mrs Arlen Hale and drich will attend the lief department Boston this week as delegates from Marcus Keep corps Aliss Minnie Stacy will attend as well The club will meet at the Congregational church Monday night Robert Squier will speak on his i ecent trip with the Lunbermen's as sociation Antoni Holewa ined $125 1 in the District Court Northampton April 9 Antoni Hole wa of Clark avenue who disappeared through a window when the officers entered the doofc to raid his house three weeks ago was arrested 'ri day night at his home and charged in the district court yesterday with violation of the liquor laws Holewa told the police that he had been in Holyoke' ever since his disappearance from Northampton He was fined $125 for violation cf the liquor Jaws and a suspended sentence ot one month in the house of correction on a form'er similar charge was made( effective Joseph Alieckzowski of Amherst was charged with nonsupport and the case was continued Tuesday fpr hear ing George Harlow is moving his furniture stock from a block on Center street to the block at the corner cf Court and Gothic streets where he will occupy the store in which Daniel Sullivrin has a bowling alley itts Son will occupy i the' Center street block moving from the block at the corner of Alain and Center streets which has been bought by the Co operative bank 'Charles Albert Case tenor of Smith college will give a farewell song recital to the public at John Al Greene hall Wednesday evening at 8 Air Case has resigned froin the faculty of the college and will go abroad in June to study for onera Mayor Harry TJ Bicknell will speak on Northampton at the regular lunch eon of the Kiwanis qlub at Boy restaurant tomorrow The Northampton and association will hold nual banquet at the Draper hotel the evening of the Rev Thomas Lutman preached at the Methodist church this morning in place of the pastor Rev Ambler Garnett who is attending the annual meeting of the New England confer ence Rev Air Lutman recently re signed the pastorate of the Shelburne alls Congregational church to accept a lecture engagement Maj Hammond and Maj A Beckmann were leaders of a large group of veterans of Co 104th regi ment who went to Lynn yesterdav to attend a reunion of the regiment 'The last of the Lenten good fel lowship services was held this eve ning at the Baptist church and the pastor Rev Dr preached There wasspecial music under the direction ef the organist Aliss Caro line Cluk who is substituting for Aliss Clara Lord Jerusalem lodge of Masona and Nonotuck lodge of Odd ellows attended Devotion sans an original three act comedy by Alts A Afer ritt will be presented at Carnegie hall the' 21st by the Nous Autres Dramatic club Airs Caroline Alanning of New Bed ford state regent of the Daughters of Isabella an organization auxiliary to the Knights ot Columbus at Knights of Columbus hall this afternoon with a view to the forma tion of a local circle The Baseball association has organized' forthe coming sea son by electing John Delaney and Robert Miller managers and Glenn Mack treasurer Alayor Bicknell at the request ct Eugene Hultman state fuel adminis trator has appointed AV Alan flcll local fuel administrator The lorence Congregational Alens club will take supper' at the church tomorrow evening at 6 J) and alte supper will visit the telephone ex change on invitation ot Manager Shaw 4 Rev Griffith the pas torate of the Unitarian church at AVaterville Ale today but will lic move there until the parish has cont pleted negotiations for a new Rev John Wriston is attending the meeting of' the New England confer ence The committee ot tne Chamber of Commerce has mendc'd that the stores be closed GOcfl rklav from noon until The holy week union services win be at the Unitarian church to morrow evening at 7ofl at the Medio dist church Tuesday the Baptist church Wednesday Edwards church Thursday and irst church riday Communion will be observed Thins dav evening at the Edwards chui and there will be' singing of a Part of at the church riday evening An Easter pageant will be given by the churches at Carnegie hall' Saturday evening The Edwards church pastor's train ing class will meet 'tomorrow after noon at The Boy Remits will meet tomorrow evening at toO at tne People's institute The Boy Scouts of the Bapist church will meet Tuesday evening at 7 o() The conference ot tne Westfield Baptist association will meet tomorrow morning at 1030 at the Northampton Baptist church' I New and Attractive I I Styles in Banister Shoes Question of Street Lighting the Most Important to Be Considered Chester April The warrant for the annual meeting of the Chester fire district has been posted Th? meeting will be held tomorrow night at 7 in the town hall The warrant contains 10 articles Those of most interest are related to the repair and building ot sidewalks the relaying of the sewer on Alullen avenue and the lighting of the streets Since January 1 the streets have been unlighted except for the bridge lights owing to a disagree ment between the commissioners and the Chester Electric Light company This article is to see it the district will instruct the commissioners to contract for the lighting of the streets and it so whether for this year or a term of years Death of Leverett Harris Leverett Harris 84 di at home in East Becket Saturday morn ing Air Harris was the last of 12 children and was a lifelong resident of Becket' Both ot his grandfathers Daniel Harris and Jonah Cushman were among the first settlers of the town and served in the Continental army Besides his widow Minnie he 1mvp two and Mr s' Jones and two sons funeral will Tuesday afternoon at ial will be in Pine Hill cemetery Aliss Myrtle Van Rensselear of Dal ton a former school teacher is the guest Mr and Mrs Lyman Wright Irene Harris eldest daughter ot Mr and Mrs Edward Harris is se riously ill with diphtheriain Pittsfield hospital Aliss Alice Alurtough has returned from St hospital in Pittsfield greatly improved in health Services will be held at St church Good riday evening at 7 o'clock 4 Special services beginning Tuesday evening at 730 will be held in the United church The topics of the ad dresses of the minister 'Rev A errin will be "Christ our the Great "Christ the Conqueror of and "Christ the Pilot of the On Easter Sunday evening the choir will render the cantata "Our Living A i County Commissioners Op pose Plan to Have County Pay a Share Westfield Apr1 0 Influence that ffirvill be used toward securing a mod highway from the Springfield C'i highway underpass to the state sanatorium has developed since ths hearing given by the' legislative cont J' it tee on highways and bridges fCuunty Commissioner George Cook took it upon himself to express op position to the plan to the members i of ilhe committee The county com missioners' are opposed to the cou si ruction ot the highway out cf 6un(y funds and the question was Liaised by Chairman Ensign if the j'rmqnty had a legal right to con gj tribute toward the construction of a I highway that was not a county road I'rolluwing the meeting Chairman £l'isign entertained the members of 1the committee at his home but Dr Chadwick went him one better Nitd conveyed the committee over the i proposed route of the highway to the 'sanatorium While Mayor George Searle was opposed to the levying of $6000 upon Tthe city fur its part in the construc he was finally that Jitanasmuch as a small part ot the pro f'posed highway was city property at lilcast one sixth could be contributed matters now stand it will be ncc fressary for representatives from to go to Boston and urge the Viileglslature to construct the highway Law a matter of economy as the largest Jii'siretch ot highway' would be over the instate sanatorium property The Hatute health department will ask that Wan entire new state road be con JJIatructcd xlcost for1 than the cfstruction business manager Dor '23 of Kane Pa stage Braley '21 of assistant stage Pope of Justin McCarthy Play to Be Given By Dramatic As sociation May 3 Northampton April 9 I AVere therornantic four act play by Justin' AIcCarthy was chosen for the spring production of the Dramatic association will be given Wednesday evening Alay 3 at the Academy of Alusic The scene of the play is rance during the reign of Louis XI' The Dramatic association is making a special attempt to haye the scenes not only artistic but also historically' correct The tavern scene and the scene in the roito garden will be elaborately represent ed The production is being coached bv Page Williams of Brookline who is the director of the association Margaret Clough of South Orange will coach the mob which occupies a' very important part ii the play The cast has been chos en as follows: bonis Jane Griswold of Syracuse Jean Morse of Seattle Wash Amy leck of Brooklyn Noel Atarv Barry of Evanston 111 Lucy Barnard of hew BochelleKatherine Josephine Garrett of St Naomi Lauchheimer of ar Rockaway Mother Mary oss of Boston Petit Jean Ruth Tester of New Katrini Schuyler ot PortlandDenise Evelyn ruchtmann of Bronx Patricia Brown of New Lon Gnillimute Helen of Minne aplis' Minn Elizabeth Wanamaker ot Greenwich Ct lt OL NLlllUll 23 of water Priscilla Brown Pa Crystal 21 of New York itxfferald 25 of Pitts ew Sorts cf' 25' of New Haven 24 of Careen of New Hampden County News Ji ynhcral of John Crqnllicr Enfield April The fiipera! of John Crowther was largely attended nt the home this afternoon at 1 It 4TX rax 47 Rev George fritne'A wftrA among them being a square and com riday at mass will be said in the mcrning for the children twitn aMn structions and adoration of the cross In the eevning ati 730 the mass wilt be held for the adults with adoration of the cross In the Church of Ute Atonement the usual tarce hour service will be held on Good riday from 12 3 'A special meeting of thf Luerty ife arid Drum corps was held in their rooms this morning Whriri ipre liminary arrangements for the state association of lifers and drummers field day were madel hTe following executive Committee was appointed: Chairman red JiUHpS Dineen rank Ives Ellsworth Co mins Charles 'eBst Edward Bos worth Arthur iRalplj' Doug las Each member of the executive committee will act as chairmen of one of the committees that will have charge of the field day program The next meeting will be held Tuesday evning The directors" of the Tekoa Coun try club will meet with Al ay or George AV Searle tomorrow night In office Continuation schooD classes be held in the begin ning tomorrow Heretofore the boys whh are employed have been com pelled to attend the school i in the afternoon ft St guild of the Church of the Atonement "Wil meet at the home of Airs Stanley Healey of Cortez street Tuesday afternoon The eighth grade of the Normal Training school will present a playlet entitled "Dolly Thursday morning under the direction of Miss Augusta Tappan Examinations for persons desiring or licenses will be conducted at the city hall tomor row morning Announcement Js made that Ala sonic minstrel show tickets may be exchanged at the Strand theater box office Monday the" 17th from 9 a nt until 9 On other days of the week after Athat date tickets may be procured from 2 until 5 and 7 until 9 The management have de7 elded to place the tickets on sale in the theater so as to entirely eliminate the idea of partiality being shown in securing the desirable seat locations The show will run for two nights and there will be seats for everyone' Mrs Afargaret Eggleston of Boston university will address the Christian Endeavor society meeting the 30th at 6 The subject will be Call of the Alaster to the Young People of The meeting wni be in the nature of a general rally for this city vicinity Oscar Phelps will" address 7 monthly meeting the Oth jti the irst church His subject will be for Easter Sunday will be ushered in at the Alethodist church by a recep tion to the new pastor who it is expected will be Rev Mr Meyers Chelsea The Home and oreign Alissionary societies will hold a fou sale in Memorial building AVednesday at 2 in the interests of the continuation fund The contract for the street sprin king will be awarded by the board oi public works AVednesday The two bids for the job were: Edgar Allyn $1075 and red Reed th present holder of the contract $loUV The directorsof the Westfield Baseball club will meet in the office of Arthur Green tomorrow pignt rwcra th tlon State inspectors of the labor de partment have made an unannounced visit to employers of labor in this city and it has been ascertained that several warnings have peen issued particularly against the em ployment of minors The funeral of Michael Hart will be held at St church tonlor row morning at 9 Buria will be in St cemetery Clock for $13L75t Another very special value wlpch we are featuring at this time Chime Clocks Some with and silver dials are spe cially priced at S55 and S65 Mounted on Posts Another npv item is clock mounted on two posts In running down it runs down the posts To wind it you simply push it up a little each week A handy little clock and only S15 CHARLES HALLE THE HAU 3VRDIHS and Jeannette all at home He also leaves his mother who lives in Tur ners alls and two brothers and) three sisters The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at 8 at' the Church of Notre Dame JXBtiriab will be in St cemetery? 4 I i I tf.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.