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- Publication:
- The Suni
- Location:
- New York, New York
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- 6
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1l I 1f I 7 cI 1Id JV 1 uTi A WCIY VLW 7 ir ili JJifJi it tJi I 1 ir 6 THE SUN 1RIDAY FEBRUARY 151889 I 4 4 I SEALSKINS AT RETAIL SPLENDID BAItQAINPTh following tlzei ot Sealskin FaeiHies 34 38 IM 40 42 and 44 lt 3t 3 3 42 tail measure 30 33 30 40 42 bol meaur 8 33 0 40 42 and 44 Inches lone will bo old at from 2i to leu than the I dual value Theie tooill are all made ot genuine Alaska Sealikln London dyed Although sealskins I I have advanced theweather haft been so mid my stock tot large and ai I mate II a rule top i never carry over manufactured good from one season to another an opportunity to bur such elegant goods at such low prices may never occur again ow If I the time to buy Fashion nook SIIAYNF maied tu Manufacturer 103 trlnce SIKCIAI HAIItlAlf8 IN Ml Mi LINHD CMCILUISI all sizes and lengths leal iiluih sarnuf seal Ilumli 1 Jsckets and Newmarkets lined and finished like our per lectnttlng sealrkln gtrtuenls will be sold AI cents un Hie dollar Over I vi elegant garment tu selicl I front our F30 MO and 30 plush II garment are said to bo the belt In America at the prices I BHAVNn 103 Prince IALRKN MUFFS I OAPt IILOVKS AND IIOODH I StALSKIN OIYb Illack Hear llobes Wolverine llobes nine Fox ami I Wolf Itnbesnrlces i marked down In fact I am of Turing furs ofevery dencrlpilim at retail at lower i iii I for the superior quality I make and finish itch has II been known for years or will be aitnln I Any lady who I wishes I furs ul anv kInd nr asealvkin garment should takn ad anlege of this splendid otter i1 HHAlNB nlr 1 103 Prince at west ofjliroadway VI A FFW BKAISKIS JACItrTS LFFTl will sell I lfor Jrr 8S iI181I tt I for fun Sid and i fllll also I sealnkln wnuii an at 411 bust measure choice for LI formerly JI leE nur Sealskin paletot Newmarkeli 84 SU 4 41 and 44 bunt measure Z2 r4 Ml and 1 IOS Indies long will be sold II on an average 7 i leq I than grln mliio I have on hand over CII sealskin garment but I do not want to carry them over so If you Intend to buy take advantage or the splendid I biiriralns yon can now secure of sllAYNh I manufacturer m1 Irince st KMV lllNLINK I HUDSON UV OTTKIl BACQUIM i A 1 lift at fJVi J7 Slim Midland sealskin ac iue jaV Itvi genuine lludion Hay otter I wraps lil If i f7 trimmed I I 1 lynn or sable ra Inches long I marked down to 25 Ilio same style In Alaska sealskin marked KM Irince dun street tot7r i stlAYNC manufacturer SIIOUIDFrt CAIKS all sites 1 In sealskin Persian IIL I lamb monkey Alaska sable natural and colored IAmb mnnkr It I I Ivnt marked down toJN 115 tl f2T wu In and KHV SIIASK IUJ Prince st I SIHISKIN MUFFS RKALSKIN CAPS MJALSKIN gloves sealskin hoods for sleighing I Prices all I Lli lnarkil down IlIac bear robes wolverine I robes blue i rOn uuif robes Prices mnrked down miAYNB 103 Prlnca St I JOO Vtll lILlY mainincent Alaska Seal Paletot SIOn 411 bUlL 7 inches lonj cults mil onllar i irliniiiid with genuine Hudsons Kay table marked Irlln ailAYM liu Prlncast 4 WIII IllY elegant Alaska I Benlkln Paletot I Vl Jl7 cuds ant color I trimmed I trI sea otter oJ bast A7 Inches long marked fTiHi i hllAVXH 10 Irince st I il tmalrjj I I I The 1265 Sun BROADWAY Uptown Office Ilclviccn 31st and 32d St i i ADVERTIsem*nTS RECEIVED UNTIL MIDNIGHT I Brooklyn Office AT JUNCTION OP Ev I Fulton and Washington Streets MOKKISEYS PJIAU3IACY AIWAfH OIEJf fl Advortiscmcnls Received Until 9 fjiltEE SewIng Machine Bchcol open dotty from 0 toe a 1 nl clrlii LuilcliiK lleuae7 I St Marks place Mint OIKKATllKS I I nn herler llsnn and Wlllcoi llbbs on iIulte und colored cblldrena line dretset In and uutuf house week pay bUMMMl I llCII A CO 38EasIloumtonet tEIUTOK on the I noodtear welt and lock stitch ma chluo will pay JU per week to the rIght mm bux lOl Suuoillce TRrcinlATJlFTis Wanted7roodTewersTweM I paid llfftTINO 1 MAZ lTlC 37 West 4th si Wantri jI i A UNSURPASSED RAROAINa In elotbtog40 1 3 Ji overcoats lz JTO overcoats gs fa overcoats liovercoatsf4 CAMERON 2uSVlatbushavH kY A A REDUCTIONof im percent on suitsoFeven vey I 1 description CAMEltON to Flatbush I klyn I PHOOr READER wanted on Job work steady the year round union man only I BLROOYNE 140 Centre St I UIOOYNE I 0 PROOF READKR Uood position 1 one thoroughly competent state rfarsnca RELIABLE box 135 Bun offlcc I IJ PRl IXESEinerlenced cutter on Clark ron I chin nl once YEIKEI IBa Duane st PALIvINO BOX MAKERHwrnTed JOSHUA 1OUNG3 S2 Marlon st PIIKMX HOfSP S3 llowery nearranalst 23 men I 1 I wanted Lodgings cj spring beds free baths WANTED A competent snap maker who under itnndi maklnv plain laundry soap a young married I man preferred AIHI one who can furnish Al reCn i ence from last cuiployor tnav address SoAP PJJ box 172 naltlmore Md fANTEDtnmelishely marl canvassers for anew article of continuous need In every otllce For particulars aidr A 1 A ricKlTT 31 Exchange Boston Mais I I ANTED A neat en riietlo boy to feed Cordon or lodoll UnhvrtalpreaealiUlltJtTh box ITtl sull nRlce i ANTED An engineer Apply to I fk tt 1 1 1 CJEO 1rl West FBrms ti WANTED A wool turner Apply to I I A ASh LU 182 1 ntre st ANTED A Ilrstcln wliei rlnlit and 1 black I I suiltlijielper Apply at Vestry st WASTED young man lo attend bar Apply 13 Prince st I Jihmtol 7tt1 nM COMPOSITOR lennan desires a situation In the tIJ South tltliir In city ur ountry AddroshTKADY i box ll I hun oiilce I CJHIMAN lit ti for liouscwnrk nr cook wnh and Inuii City or country 41K Vest 3Jth at itt store IlMTilK fornnntiousei will 1 ilk a Itoh and pay rent I AiiKirliun family llrttclass rtfereuue AdilresiD I Ifix II bun utllci PAINTINd tinting rollIng to by a good reliable 1 pjlnier all to title etunrce iif work city ur cuun tri JUMIA1TAN I box lul I Bull uptown ollte 1Jui II Iud ar 1v ANTiiiIy a lotion girl a pn ition as rmnpinlon ton lady or Ilitlit iluiles Onul referdicistur Ullieil A I box ltl hull up town onlce lJttO ll uy ANTKDKini1oyment by Al custom clutter div or vv touiitry refirvliLe lo priBent 1 empnyer Address I TAIIOII box nil Hun offlcc niLM MAN aired ii nf gool i Imbllli Intrlllirence I and good all I nsa wlheit the cant of an IntnUdnr Iniane prrsnn Is I cnpililu ur trallillm the feeble mliiled fliy oiiNirr ddreii II box 174 hun uinoivn irliiT iani I itrntdiMiy I 7 I I IIIUI I I I dealt cc a pice ge net at house wnrk lately hauled 1U1 eel lull 1 I nrJk hc Ewf I CLIFTON HAfTH I MorAY tliDKHnAY AND FRIDAY rraln IaVo by Erie I 2Jd su and foot Chambers II OW YorL 1 I tJIA lrnldenL JAmH elWAI cerlnry 100PIIt UNION rjlHK SATUUDAV NWIIT I 1 LICnIlR In the great hall at oclock reh 11 the lecture will be delivered by Mr JOHN ASPINWALL of Barrjto wi Subject lleekeeplng Illuilrated No adml Clot after aoclock no tickets required i i oIu1 I 3ofict I LUELLLAS CREAM OK ROSK8 this only genuine I A woulerful preparation hat will obliterate and I nreent wrinkles I warranted harmless Price 10 cents hold by all druggist II II KOSA 1 UIU and Brown its Philadelphia Ia t1attltr icwcIrij I SPECIAL nAROAINriA very line Solid ylverTek et 4 pIeces 11 hulld BUver Water Pltohsr Mf 011 slicer Mugs gj I I A COIIIMAN 180 Orand I Trnuin ittrmhmtor I i I COSTARS kills Roaches Bedbnga Rats Mice Intel tibIa exterminators not poisonous At all stores 40 Clinton place 4uuu beets or I rolls toilet paper i i ni ltt ARIIIM AND IKANITE yimuMoiament ARIIP IANT 11 I Dnyitops pedestals Ac A KLABEIt 2US UJ44 is11571hi su at zd av elevated station I 1 galrnw I PATIINTS inventions procuredjrompthylowratee I 1 ItoeUer A Urleseu BJ Nusaust NY Ksubllsl 1t 1 A IILIMITON HOlHK 1113Ih it two doors west 1 Jl of llwuy looms ac coo and 150 newly relltud r1 ctlnlcou lift A tCOIN 7 wsjes and elalaa eolleoled aocldenta 011 1 UVO mart TDoiiNLBr Ccoaiellcri Part rowS A tJcn drr kTIt ST 43 EASTFronl room newly fnrnlshe4 1 OTc n4121 boardi also I rooms 4th noori referscces 1 TH ST Itt WKHT Square and hall room I suite 1 OT or singly 1 I with first Jm board 1 4 CIIAKLIA RT Nicely furnished rooms with or 11 without board In private ramllv for gentlemen O1STHT 54 nfHT Nicely furnished rooms to let 2 1 on sernnd Ililrd atKl fourth floors ample clout room with lIretclasi board references eicnanted JOD i2hm WR8T Large room second ro 1t hall room fliU upi excellent table boaril per week H1r57T WKHT Large on room also hall OD sunny rom alo hal 2 1HT without board meal llckeu room with or lhoUI bAr cae OJI PT21i nKSTLarge and mnall rooms with first Chits toarite I table board reference SJIHT iil7IISTit4tl5stit furnished looms with Ol board i specially ilalnty tablet references sinii HWI 11I Larirw and small second story 0 rom nlth board teruie reasonable references evclianged JOD ST i4i 1 wrstT Comfortablefront i unnnr rooms board hall clotets running water nice block table si 4 RAM KITH HT Pleasant rooms tieated excel Ofc ArOTI terms moderate also table board 5 JI8T7l21 I tt I NT A lady hlllk to beirut two 1O respectable girls employed during tho day second bell IQTII ST CAST near Lexington nv Desirable 40 large and small aunuy rooms ample cloSets good board reasonable bUI1 4Q TII ST 2HI WIsT Elegant rooms with 4Ol without hack parlor ploslclau 49 terms HOHATIO moderate ST Pleasant rooms with good boards WISTanil STCholce elegantly furnished bach 11 elor apartments parlor bed and oalli room breakfast oWIr Nrisiuencc KQ wrSTilirHT Ronmilo Icl with board all con uU venicnce reference ro MACDillHAL STtloard single or double rooms Improvement also i table boardi I terms moderate rrf lj nirwli sT Handsomely furnished back I a parlor with or without board also room on third tluor front mar nation I lnr rroll alon 4 IACT 2ITH ST Furnished room with or with 11 14 1 I4t outboard llrstcla table board 1 0J 1A8T 1 20TH sfiA large room to rent fur board 10 tilstied also 10 single rooms excellent table 14 TKT I mm STtorro nud small rooms to let 1 4 with or without board WKsTMTII ST Private family can accomtno 14 0 tmnhA mIIlm Ii L1 tame gentleman i and wife with nicely furnished alcove room and board i reference Oli EAST 14TII TIaral and mol rooms nicely xlU furnished board desired heal gas reasonable 011 HAST IJnril srPecondstory back room to 17 let nicely furnished all Improvements with bottrd for two gentlemen OO II EAST I21TII ST Wanted two young men to A board also a few table boarders f1 OQO WEsT 4iTlf sTDeslrable roof with superior a JJ bfiiiril near Broadway table board 4 EsT 22D ST Large and small rooms with it board terms I moderate WEST KID ST Double front room p14 others 25 1 412 laDle board table and housn first 14 class 1 OO4 HTII AV corner 2lith st Warm rom wi 3 4 taunt fur two ladles employed In private family near elevated station i3 EAST KITH STA few respectable young men can hate good board and pleasant rooms i WhST 2DTII Unfurnished front parlor and Sll I others with or without board 40 WFST 2STH ST Hoomsto letsingle or en suite fJ i newly carpeted elegantly furnished hot and culd water gas and healed also table hoarders wanted 1 termS moderate I 1 HAIIROW Al WKST32D ST Wanted a mechanic to board Vtf who can apprecIate the comforts of a homer i ill AY top floor Wanted two oung ladli JU to board lOr I quiet family tuflItcI1 OOfl lo tt QD AV a43a Comfortably furnished rooms to let lo two gentlemen otilv first class accommodatlous 7 EAST 40TH ST Newly furnished suite of rooms fort I gentlemen Ot EAST24THST Well furnished connecting rooms with bath references Jk WisT 31111 HTA large pleasant roots second OU story frontnlc ly turuuiuea lucutlouunurpassed liomellKC und agreeable a JO EAST 20TII HTlland omely furnWisd rooms toro gentlemen only reiluced terms to permanent parties of quiet habits with tlrst class relereures f4 CLINTON PLCKLare room for light 34 Ji I 34X housekeeping I low rent I permanent parties a WKST Mm I Ilan0nnmely furnifilieJ uitc of OU rooms also Urso and small NoIr for gentlemen Ai Til AV near 14th I srIarcc lenwnt I room for 46 i ni ll rlVr two KArs lire 4 fI oJm 48IEST a TH ST Uandsumoly furnUlioJiioora toO 1 Aether or tcpirately KA LtNTCNPLtO1Nicely furnished rooms Ink first close residence low prices hay JQ one HORATIO or two ST Large furnished room suitable for 77 TI hT 3 RASTNlcly tlrnlhe halt bedroom I reasonable WALKER 103 WEST NTH ST adjoining 1 Ith Street Theatre Nice large front room furnished SO monthly others weekly 107 EAST I IIHOADWY Furnished rooms for gen JU I tlenien or light housekeeping mWEST 40TI STEhlry Protestant lady living alone han very comfortable lodglnir NI liege or cooking for respectable steady woman engaged during the day 10H EAST Kin ST Warm well furnished square 1wCJ rooms Hand 5 grate fire references 4 1Of WhST 22D ST Handsome comfortable square Oly room and hal room held most accesslbli location moderate urms 1OQ WEST 2 iTtl sitarm cheerful room to lei JU In quit house f5 Itikery mCHAIIHhllS bTDouble and single furnished family roouis to 101 with cooking stoves German 17 i WEST 4TH ST Furnished room private house A I a I aol bath references required 1 94 WEAl IOT1I 11 ST to for three rooms gas water and wash tub first class house neighborhood reference OH1 WiT 2IST sf FieBniit furnished rooms In Wrt prtv tn lon with all conveniences terms moderate references exchanged 9 II Hat RAST I iFllI Htiali room gas heated first Oll tiEol2fl ST Mcely furuUhed large room I Will clods for gentlemen only references private I hoibte OO7 WEST 321 BTA respectable widow would 9 like 1 to let I furnished i room to one or two young fins with Ilreaul light 4 1 IACT i I7TII sf furnished room to let well 1 locate In private house Jf7 WKST iITII STMcely furnished large room second Moor all conveniences larl room IOQ siTu AVNeatly furnished let to I if exchanged grtheror separate lu a French family references 555 MTII AV Furnished room to le on top lioor QK HTH AVA pleasint room to let with fire and vJ kis terms modtratc 1 77 fm AV near Elrvntcd onTwo gentle 0 men for a oleo trunt furni lied room a joungcouple Mrs iiOAIl lats and aiwrtmcnts To i 1VIIMUKT IVKVIS Kciil Eclair I HUH lit ta ntlir lOOtli St lull it Cl llil I UM slfir dicnrateU mitdelliouiieiif 4UNj tiniirr 1 II I I Ith I at alit Minllin I nv Large hOIfu I iL4 I lurk av sith i Hiiudsome il Iron lInt 123 1U2 I iot llftli i bLruioiG lrolla al Im fl3 ITotuarnu fzn Vmlldiiiiv iiwi 1 lair lltlist I 82itorj3 Sinlelbit nil i dIll otut tapered iilllnliroeuicnts IH 1eii I i 4th HI nil llvlu rmin fu to In I MUM 11 iv 11 iiklt IUperid rooms fl llu1 I 1111 nn nud kl fuili iiiiu papered mains iutoSl I 14 221 1 list juliet eLOnll light rooms did 117 I KastlnrihaLAall lulu rooun sii tul Lat HHIin liinciill I light ruumnsteirO to t14 CRESCENT TPARTMENTS Om ecgant large suite of 0 rooms facing nth av eomliijnii or 2 pnrhirs a drool bulb room saloon Hour tvlih pier mirrurs liauiixiiiiely decorated Apply 10 HAIIHMAN PKCK A co Piano Uareroonni l3s 1 Stli av AIAKTMrNTr 4 and rooms decorated i near Cen 13 Iral Park and I station plenty water good neigh borhoodj HI till POffliU A Illtll uth avi and Bid at lntt mil wrtmrntis roo1l rpo LKTDeslrablo flats I In 1 llrooklyn 144 Nassau st Tlt blocks from the bride 1 literoom flats with hUIruluI IlK und titi Juuitor on premise wilt themKUSTIN A I101IHINS 4 Court Hrook Ij Sivdltofl lrt i DE8IRAIILI llotSKS uufurulshud and furnished In all arts of the city furnlbld FOLoll IIIIOTHLIIH Kast 13th st near Oroadivay tl I 200 llK THf aiil 4atoryitnblnelnnlsh II1JJ IRinen ilvelllng near Central Piirk first eliot lulglitiorliiiod irlialpaU only Addrris A box 101 1 Sun ufllce lo for fltt inpor A VAIUA1ILE Slh iiv corner below 50th st to letS a lease and lUtures for fm rd feet frontage U1AN UliUH Ji McOOWAN Ill Uroadway rOHNEK OFFlCus atid lofts also a large COIINEK BAsem*nT high celling for restaurant tc 10 leise I Apply on prunlsea tl7 llrondway comer 4lh st rpo LIrA factory ra7lrTiiiit Kid st between ld ani a1 ace ronialiilngflve floorm about 4xliu and 1 two doors cofineuing with this I one lifeet on the street front fo and eW feel Inside vultuble fur bookbindery i or publlihing houte light I all over In both factories team heat and power formerly I Mounts cigar factory entire or separate floors Poisesulon now ur on May I Inquire of owner euwiisr KAlDBNBFRO 371 Broadway rpo I HaniliiimeHiilieof onices four rcotus fully furnlthrd Ililrd I floor uncut biillillng 41 I iiUHljll strict 1iaftt bat III ill troll iiiontlis St to run uilh ofllctt furniture ilieap Apply iixiiuupanu cho lET Two ticuce each wV feet with steam I power for inaiiufacturlng parnoici Apply to UUihhILhil 4 FAUdEL UW EuHTlli IU 4 I tclOt rolet pETER MEYER Auctioneer EXFCUTORA RAII rSTATB 01 JOSIUA JII8 USCHABED ValnaWs Improved and Inlrnprored Heal Estate In New York city BY oni i7n or OHO WILLIAMS I Olm IOCKMAK AND AH THUn MASON JONM EXFCIITIIKS OF Till TIUR TTI ut JOSHUA JONLN DhCEASED ADRIAN MULLKR A CON ADnN I trill sell A auction rm TUKslu*t Hl 1U 11 At 12 oclock noon al the IteM I state Exchange Nua it tout Liberty st rbUIOuLbUII No44WATKIsr 10 44ATFR nCon TIBBBLIP ONE IILIIDINII 14 AND POLTII ST nnd llulklieud rights fronting same lEt lithNT 141 13 ItN 1G SOUTH ST 241 PliONT ST live HnlMlnti 2l Iv 248 AND2VJ RONT ST2il7 2il7 AND 271 I WATER RTH 31 CIIHPItY ST Twu butt dlnra AMlf 7 ririRRY STANl 3 ANWJIAIDUN LANR I 121 IIIIER1Y RT Iour Ililllillngii Jf 3 UPUADWAY 101 IM AND 108 PfLTON ST AIIIOH 30 WAltREN STOne Iiulldinr 01 AND 0 CHAMBERS ST 73 AM 7 2 RKADIi RT AI 270 WASIIINllTON ST 2K WASAINUTON ST 03 READE NT Too lltlltdlngii IlldlOI 72 AND 74 DUAM ST Running Ilirough to Manhattan place Ht DIANI sr 120 DUANC ST RLNNINO TIIRnUnll TO 04 TIlOMAtl ST Five story Hulldlug Ml AND Oil IltD ON ST AND Il II i1 AND Ill THOMAH TOn Large Stone front store Iajo 1U7 1UH lit AND 113 FRANKLIN ST UM5 CANAL ST Two Hnltdlngs Sit CANAL ST AND 13 RENW1CK ST One itulluhing 34 AND 34M flOWERY Two Etulhulingi Dlldln 7flu St I AV 81I nUlm IOUI VACANT LOTS PuiminAST CORNER OT11 AV AND 7TI ST MANSION AND FARMER sllOUSE WITH GROUNDS ON IIICIIMOND TlltltACIC NICHOLAS ST AND CAltltlILL PLACE Klaten Island New York Fnrhnokp musts and particulars apply i to DM ITT LOCK JIAN i IHt ITT Attorneys KM NASSAU ST or to the Auctioneers I Pine it OlIN II DnAPEB AUCTIONEER a lOlS 1 I URAIEI FIFTiI AVENUE AUCTION KOOM3 1lrTI AElUB AUCTIN ROOI9 2403th arC WETMOHK PltOPRIRTOIt ON KREH KXHIB1TIOK Until hour of alTO OB SOLD ON FRIDAY AND UATlnDAV ob 13 and It at 8 oclock I THE DHUVVETTER COLLECTION OF IIIOULY VALUADLE OIL 1AINTIMiS ot the FRENCH BELGIAN PUTCII AND AMERICAN BCHOOLS In which are Included many admirable examples by Ileauquesne Ullerbo Leon lllchter Iterchere Jacque fichaefels I I Urlttsotiv doors Euff Vat Leemputten lllrney Vf Koekkoek Ilrny oek Carpentlsr Lobrlchon Van Slur Col David Marie Adren VerboeckhovenE Corcos I Tasini A De Haas II 1 Portlelje Verboa Jao lie Pratere Itoelofa tV pETER MEYER Auctioneer EXECUTRIXS SALE BY ORDER OF SARAh LYNCh EXECUTRIX OP WILLIAM I IYNCII UECEARED ABSOLUTE SALE WITHOUT KKBtUlVB ABSOLlTE IALH WITlUUT ADRIAN MULLER A SON will sell at auction on uelon TIIUKHUAl FEW il I In at 12 oclock at the Heal Kstate Exchange No smlnerty st 1 IDS CHOICE ANt VALUABLE LOTS located on SPIt AND EIMIKCdSlDE AVI IWTII IJHTII nTII I TII IIIVKIt AMI I FATKItlnit KTS bill AND tlTII AVU STATION lSTH ST AND HTII A ALONG TUP KNTIItl KUONT OF THIS PROPERTY AM ALSO TUB mlLI OF EXTERIOR hT EJgv IIUIjKllins HAVK JIST jIbES TOllPLETtD AND Till IIAHLLM lllVhlt IMPKOVhMfcM NOW BriNII timE IY TiE UNITED STATES OOVERNMKNT WILL VKB I IT ONE OF THE MOST VALUABLE VTllt HHINTH IN I THE i CITY tjUper cent mny reimln on tportmge at per cent Title jrimrinteed by the Lawyers Title Insurance Com Fany hooks maps Ac al the auctioneers ole 1 lite st A ROBERT SOMERVILLK AUCTIONEER AltIEIT ACCTIIII BY OPTtICSl CO 5T1I A ART U4LLERIE8 3CM bIll AV NEAR 34TH ST SALE THIS FRIDAY EVENI OAT 8 OCLOCK PAINTINGS IN Oil AND WATHR COLORS BY CHARLES II MILLEIt A Comprising views ofLong Ilnd at East Hampton Ros lyn Far Rockaway alley Stream Creedtuoor and PatcuoKue iiagara In 1U Entiretythe American and Canadian Falls AI Together with many examples In oil and water colors by other artists wiihch have been selected and purchased by Mr sillier as representative specimens of their work A JAMES I SILO AUCTIONEER cJNmJ lJ CONTINUATION SALE THIS FRIDAY EVEN IMi AT 8 OCLOCK AT TiE AlIT IJALLERY 817 BROADWAY TWO rOLLHrTIONS OK IAINTISGR RY 01 TKLLK IF IIITIIIEIIEM IA ANIMVM I I JACKSON OF MW hAVEN ONS ITII AHOUT EIGhTY CANVASES IllUM STOIIAUE WAKE1IOU3E THESE COLLrOTIONH WITHOUT ANY IF FKKVi Olt LIMIT AND WlIh HE AIJSOLlTfcLY boLl TO 1 lIE IHlillKST It III III It EXHIBITION ALL DAY PKhVlOUS TO SALE AI JAY ItiVNIi AUCTIONKKIE baksruumi 01 I NUBSAU bt near Maiden lane Kill sell at imlillc auction Tills HAY riley al luclock I A the auction hi on Nafsiu stan extraordinarily large assort merit of very choice lloufDhotil Furniture Rosewood Upright Ilaiin iuy Bradbury Kn enood Hflliare 1Uno by llascltlue Carpets Ruifa Pier and Mantel Mirrors lureUn oil Ialntlnirs Ar Ac Every article on the culalnirue was new less ih in a 2 ear Since aU ereinptory ou actuuntuf departure for Moscow Ladles especially invite or cnr I niiPAIKA luriTAin Webb iert rtlnz rreutt lit 1 itOloainiiiroileBiii hour iuni leie stereotyping tLtft caalintr bcjiee IOU uitttri chaytug wacbiuCs Mall twiki Ac Ac AI lr brf HAIMMfelArJU core ofTlm SUN RISTAUUANT and furnUlioil rooms near new Stcst WuNhiinon Market Call 4VJ test 1LhL I HIMXIAI I Cash pull I for SKCONDIIANH or IIKOKKN copying IH 101 CopjIngPISOslft repaired A Ilolial carl will recche prompt uiiiiitlun Jl i liiilNsTKIN I 24 Ann 01 FjH lli told und exchanged repaired urod or luII Innsirit luIIll ii wr 1 4 ioinrr llioiiiliiuy mill I loili 1 I CI dstate or IIC II EAi I Lot KM t1e rrlinti rtwellliigs erparate or together 1 ltiirnble 1 and tot ml location prlncl nl only AdilreiM A bn Ihit Hun ofllce JTVtIKWOOD i KLSIDLNClZ nenrlv two acres for sale Jr lease CONVKHSP 1IIa a8t ttltt tilltCI1 TANTEflFioor for fine tin win A kin if between J3 IT und 44th fU rufofr near Otiu nv iII Btatliitc hlroadway iirlce rtiul location I box Wl bun ohioan inline lOJ tiIttr Chaucer RAKK riA CH to 1ructlcil rriniirIriulliuof nee liiulcr iiinl jnh prtiteR 8 eiirflno fcooti inca liun i low price If oJJ iuimetlinttii JHAACfl all 1 ncekDian rt lirA TIl rapitfll to join nuihiniftnufarlurlujraiiftw if tciidinir rniriine sell bi Jdltifrciil nrlltle as Wet cc all kinds itt rtlrlnks very ilinplHi 51 111 i hulld tliem AiMreti INVIMUlt i 21 1 inborn nl New 11 men Cciiu rANTRIl floor for tIne tlrrKinaklni btnefn 231 lIT miiH4tti ate on IT Ira rth lie Aililrffx i ttlntr ihroulway irce tout locttilon bo JV rll up town i rU I mU5rltt KOSTER BIALS CONCERT HALL HAHEIKIM IIOSA i JUTAU Ventriloquist I Qieenof the tir hDNISIVMATlNnibAriIIDAV rplll I I I Il illAND 1 Muieum Mtiiugorio 1nl Theatre I an I nmt3l7lirili I I it llarlielln I ir I in2 1ll lloiuiMv llui I ib I ei nrd iouuuuhi I cello 1 i cr Oi em lilus Ii core Muti Uin I iAuuiJ I lllltd ur Juul I lul I ltd animals iiicenta I UCKsTADFK THIATIir DItI T1utI AII 511 I Mat in I KELLAR SD WIJFIC I IlKANIl SPrCLs I tirlglnal sIAMsll I hllDliNIJ I INDKOlt THKATItK llowery near Canal st tIQryI fWisyr WI ANNU PIXLKV I MATIXKH In hersurceottiilpliy I SlirilDAY Till llhlluN DU i 1111 II I T2 Nextwiik Saivlmr IP I nilmirs iirre ITII Mud I 11111110 Till All ill I Iru I lug iiiaiu 11111 I I lit A lu night ljiunla Manure tilL iriilni Matlillde Cottr In I the latent metis Ml SA JNTUIOLKKIN ROOKLYN ACADEUT OF JILblC FED teM Ft11 uaoLQfJfffJI tE JHrFED JlCJCOACOJO I 1 tI tnltlt UKTitoroiiTAN OPTITA IIOCHE CIRANI OiEItA IN OE1tPlN TOlmrI0Ifi 1r 11 13 FIrst renresentatlon this season of nrolroCrenIIUOlllhl lh St RIrOIINnr IIIIMANN istnr4yFb Ill TANiMIABBn ASJ MATINEE I Monday Feb 18 Ij4IEaIIt1II I A I First production this season of Feh Ifl I EIlDP3 MARTKItOUK All A I AIII A Friday I WAllNEnH OPKIIA Feb 2A I I niKSIIlMTEHMINOER tf NKATH AN nn HI IIIIII AT fm flux OFFiCE DAILY PEON TILL tt unt performances oT liii i Nlhrliinitrn Uliitt will take place on the evenings of March t5 Sainl I Kpiil4 Ini llipuB mill iirifiiriimiiccK ran be I hail at the HOT unite on and After reb Is or by letter enclosing Otis price Prior to 1 eh 2H 1811 be old for the lour prrlnrinnnctH only ST VALENTINl MARKET FOR THE llfNtFIT OP THE Miinlialtnii Dispensarys Hospital I8IST ST AND 10TI1 AV WILL liE HELD AT TilE POTTIER STYMUS BUILDING 489 Fifth avenue FEII 4 TO 10 INCLUSIVE JIIIS IV 50 CNiVra SYMPHONY SOCIE1YQF NEW YORK MrTHIIPOllTAN JPKIIA llOLSli I WAITrrt HAMIIIKCII Muilril Director THIS I ill lilA 1bI 10 I nil 2 PlHIH HlIMHAIt I I IU SArUllllAVEVLMMl rob 1H 1 nI8lr CUVULKT MIIOIfTS FEAt 1111 KAII LiilMANV Soprano Mr ALIlXAMIKIt IAMIIKItr IlanUU IItOli itt IJII Srmphonv Leonoro rtAPP ft Air of IJonna Anna Don Illoiannl MUZAHT HIAlTKALISCIILIIIMASV Klezfrled I Idyl VAXKFl tl rw Unlace Macabre MhT Mr AlKXANUKK LAMIIK1IT SongThe trl King SCHUIIKKT HUt KAMSCIILEIIMANN Symphonic loom Mareppa Liszt Heserved seis SO cents 10 i now on eale JOU TIIKAT1IB SIECIAL CUiiiNul NEXT WEEK A TORNADO hi FUN AND FROLIC TIILOTMINS MKItllV COMKUV COMPANY In the 1i tplltttiiir fArce romedv ZIG ZAG See the loelr ihotoitlcal Ballet Hte tlie emit if ul Turkltli Uince See tlto Urutesque IJunceR In the rr amlnclT funny zu ZU KEATS I NOW OX HUE ATADKMV Of IIEHII1V 4tll av and 21d SI 1k Twenty second Annual Exhibition of the America WATER COLOR SOCIETY Everybody should see Maynarda beautiful picture SIRENS which drew the Vm Ivan price of three hundred dollars for the most meritorious water color In ibo ex bullion open from 0 A 51 ton PM I 1 and from 7 so to 10 Adm iim only 25 cents TlTi 7IIErfKie ti Corner of Jut nv I Matinees ednesdav and Saturday Tilt I FAMULh I DMKIUhNNK MAGGIE MITCHELL IN MW 1let RA YO Gallery 2ac llencrveil 33c hOc TSe I lINt Xtxtneek THE IIAMONS IK VOVMii KN lISI ACADEMY OILMORE A TOMPKINS Proprletoraand Managers iENMAN rl1I0 1I OWl THE NJ tOLD TO DAY 111X1 TdDA OLD HOMESTEAD aic toe 75c 1 Sal ready to April I NIBLOS Mr OllMJIILe an Ianlllr ItOiOSiY IIIIA11 KIltALFVS A 61fcCTACLE AV A JJ MATINHB VTINEE TO MOUIton AT 2 TnMOItPnw AT 2 Sunday Evening ll trlyrici eland MlnnreU DALYS TIlIiTIIE im nl5ht at I TIlIiTIIEAc lf I AUUUSTI iuAlYS NEW C01IBu AN A reiuspicuooo mcccli In XNTEIcNATtONAL Itirht conic lyTrituune lATCII 4 ouiotnrut ucclon ot charming tictireuTlnuea An insured euccessIoit PIATIoEt ATUlIUA MATINEE WASIIINGTThS IIRTIIIJA IIAICRinANH PA Hit T1IKATHI I MDwAiiJi4vRIaAN Proprietor HANLKY Manager SJKOWJIKII noisis MK JDIVAK It Alt lOANS TRULY NAT I IHL PETE CHAKACTER ACT1NU OF SATPETE I Dave Rrnbam and Ills jtonular orchestra WK 1 1 A ATlNliK TlrRJ SlASlNO Broadway and SOth stT si 1OlIln aiR Matinee Saturday at i Nothing like It seen In yearb ChaiiaUnea suarLliug operetta ADJY Admlollof cents feats reserved 2 weeks In advance special Matinee aslilnglon Ulrlhday WORTHS 11111 PALACE MUSEUM BW BUNTING The Smallest hone Living IMCINCESH I UCV OSSIFIED MAN lMLHs TIIPATHlH I1II11AI WAY AND JTII NT I MTH TO rVTII and LAhf PlltlollMANCEs OP Mrs I POTThli I Mrs IOTTKII IVIII I NOT I I nccnmpnnled bv Mr KVRLE II KL AtIilOit IN lK I and complete dramatic com NEXX YORK I pliiiv nijlir the I 1 eimiiof AH JxmK I lllV MMIOKPFEU i i I mini eWt THIS I HK4 nx II I HM 1 lllllhl I I PliltlllltMAM US OF AS lI UIA1IIA I A Oro I AND C1IOIAf 11 JJALJIEIfs filliATEII ComicUnlladlr7gT Coiiiineiiciii Monday evening Feb IH I FAIthttELI AIIIAIUNCIN ton viteks only of coyUlIIS HIM Mme lANE HADIMI under the direction Henry i I Abbey and 1 Msnrice ilrau Single nUiit sale now In progress llAlJii SOUAItE TllEATIli 1 Mr A PALMIlt Pole Manager Lvenlngg atHwtii Matlneo Saturday at 2 3U I 4 Superior 10 urrlor CAPTAI SWIFT fsw TIlE PIONTII 1 iJAT ill II I III PhNMAN A OiAt UCCIHUUJI lieu 2141 EDrr i AWl OUtIl 110111 LIl MUSE JIklYII undue Os I ErIii I I OacI 0111 11 10 II UHY HAND A I1IMI I AilS Till RUSSiANS MIVIITY I I EV I A CEll tho Mtlfyllu I liens Aillomntnn TAR UATINhIN i WFDNTMlAV AMI BATIHDAY I vrouliln i mlfl It for nina doll ire A crnMled house irreelnil lie I rnnrtillans lIt fIJN 0 ttt its iiii11 hA ItT In their Iouo FIlly In their IMW plav II rlI it iATnn HS i iArrit i New Macun ocw llure Fib 1KTIII hrUIAA 1n IJI HARDmAN HALL Ilfll SI A OIl Oil AV Featlngcapacity rmi fcnllable for com trK teclureft meetings I Ac Appty lo Jr IJ 1r IIAIIIMVN Pit A CO IM5 isv jJIIIJl irnrAy TIIIA1ll Milt Ud andSnt aflTT IUoadiai tor 4lltit lMNUM at Mllliagtl Mr rilAMJ I SANOIH LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEBOY IASTOEuONEu UTI Iir TUtuATRE 110M I HARRY KEItNELLS TONY NIU tlkhii uPliANV PASTORS I MATINEE TODAY MID llTlUTIti IITII I I PIItroltMANCE STAND IllCIlV I DIXhVS rolll I IPLIU CO 1IMIII I ISfllODLCIMI IIP I I LOtls IIARIilsOX llKIV I und UJ artists leo II JIIRAII Lvctiihl TIIEATIC IoIWmI LtIflIIg fll he emit i4 I it I I no 11t Jt IjN It iic HegHisjits I i i I JJjJi AVJX HEld I Ii 1 iii it hltIC MATINIH STlRIYlHU I iT IA VtiMIIIK Net Holiday I pl I Iru i SHill I ttMVnojtI I tttNIu I OIKII Hill I KiJiirfil MMIH I IliKlrn i Irrlenild I Itolce jut Vic PluG Huh 1 I I I MINNIE PALMER I SWEFThhiAhlT I uly Ncxi okmIS 1in Ihll ftANibOIlIIA lIueSI hiNiAv 7 ihlElANi I I nv IUOP IIII tIlli I isir I I I CROMWELL Almlalun ii cents KesorVfd Seats 2iteti1octte 1 INEis IKupih un I irii i JINhiis I The Tigsress Hit JAf oitvs ITIII 11 chd Itmvrrr The lire 1 Jlatiuffrt lomJity II filuimlsy uiiU hoturilay lUtILIh hA OVI VOIIIH VM ClAIM Feb lie I THE STIIIKTS dKMiw Yoitk 1 1tIII mIme ItIIJTIIITIII I nil I I htuue I MiluU II out mimic i nlilsilurilsy I ItI i i i I 11 ill lit 1ln 1 i I ihiuii ti I i iviNi ii liEN i lou It Wo HI riTH AVLNlK TIIIATlllC MliS LANdfia Fciday an1 alirds Fveniire 111101 bOlurdy 11111 ke4 Oil IIKI IT Next llJout 1lldtf 1ji ij VOnl I I Liberal measure in a double sense is offered in the Mens Trousers we are selling at reduced prices 383 buys those formerly 6 and below 553 those formerly 650 7 8 and 9 Few of a sort chiefly large sizesover 36 inches waist We are again well stocked with Mens Linen Collars VirgoeMid dletons best 25 cents our own 5 Home Ruler fiveply linen through and through as fine quality as the English But without side tabs 20 cents another exactly likethe usual twentyfivecent collar except that buttonholes are machinemade 12 12 cents still another and a very good collar 9 cents Cuffs proportionately low Such neckwear as our 35cent I Tecks and 50cent II Puffs deserves frequent mention Rogers Peet Co CLOTHES HATS AND SHOES nnOAnVAT AND rmvcB ST I1ROADWAY AND 3BU ST Prices Samo at Both Storos SHOES OUR ANNUAL SALE IN ALL DEPARTMENTS REAL BARGAINS ALEXANDER 6thAv and 23d St NY rgnilrou11 N1 YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RAILROAD CHEAT FOUR HACK IRlNK LINE On and ufter Fob Jl trains leave I iRAND CENTRAL SfATUlN Largest fluent passenger nation In America is A 1 Rochester and Montrbal Ixprevii drawing room earn New iurk to AlbAny and Albany to Moureal via and II iL tr also ba Albany to nfLI Albaus via Central Vermont line IAI tN 0 OA rAMOlSKTEAM HEATED VESTIBUIED CHICAGO CINCINNATI AND ST LOUIh LIMITED composed excluslvelyof bullet smoking car dinner car drawing room and sleeping curs for Albany Utica Syracuse Rochester Bmlnlo hrie I clevelnnj Toledo I Ac arriving at hlcain it tiM A Indianaoils II I I It St I JUH 7 401 next day foimejlsat gei illl Clevclund vllli train 1 for Columbus and tlnclnnall Jlum A 1 I Incagi Lxprens for Niagara hulls Toronto lotelaml I tiiiLiunatl i Indltuiapdliv Detroit and tlutago I drawing i room tarn to Candndalgua and Koch ester til I I 111 i A Western New York and Northern Ex lure for Saratoga LaLo eorge Kutlaml lleunlugton North Adaniti Ac Drawing room cars tt Troy atill I Albany Troy anil IUCA I bpeclul with draum root cars to Tnv and Itlca JS rltIulII aM Accommodation tu Albany ant Troy Con nicK for llllnniiuuA North Adams and inicrmedinie points 1 on itiliburir I It in I iut blcngo I Clnclnnall anl st Louis Hx prio for Nlignrn hiiiin Hinlnlo Su i en lon Bridge To lolr gl IIJI run i den 1 lninl 1 rinclnnitl I IlidlaiMlrallii St IxjuU Jietroit and hlcago wills tcstlbuled und fcleduiheated Mreplngnnd dining earn Jnvi Montretl I 1 and Canandalgua Expresa sleuplng rare to Mnntreal via RoufreM Point and vui St Allan dally and to Syracuse and tAnamlnlguu I ially except IJ1yn Sunday train does nut run west lIli Albany Special Mall Limited arrives at Rochester 74 IAM I llnrralnli3t A and Cleveland USA ItIO I I 1 nit Night Kxprrrs for Kncliester Hullnln Magara latin Toronto lleeland Cincinnati Indlaimp cults SU Loulv Detroit ant I Incagu witll sleeping care 1e Sleeiiiiig I cars lu atertown in then dally except Saturilny also to runaiulalgiii DII Sundius only 12 Mldnuht for I irntnxa liltehall I and Rutland No connection 1 Ia tIlt train lent Inc sutiinlay sleeping cars fg II 7hi tu Albany Coniieils at Albany with train tot the West Tickets and spucit In ilraH ing room and 1 sleeping cats nn ate nt 1 nani Central stullcin ill 7uuI and h43 Brot lwiy 12 turk rlaco uI I Ilatt ry placenj West 121th St and IWIhM stutliin Now York JJI Warhlngtonit an niton ut ollj 114 llnlfurJ av I II I liruiikVyn Webiciitts Expresft falls for and check bjgga from hotels utld rtbldflicro Kim dally others daily etcepl Sunday ISlop i at Killi st 1 mution to take UI pnweiigirs I for North And WL i TOUCHY EJ 1 RICHARDS ticnl supirltitrn Asst Tenl IMstenger Agent rW YiJIIK7NI lUVlN I A MriTAIiTKORD It L1 Nuw ork and llnsion ula I New Haven Leave fly wnynf Due fIOI A Hjirlngneld mid Worcester S3 I MIll 1 IO A New liiiloii and Providence 4W II Si A ijucltigluld I 0il ttorueoter Uhs I Pt I JI I 12151 Jul tiartrurt amid I and lJui I I II IM I Iow 110111011 and hrivhdeuie 1 04 I Pta 1 I WIII1II1 lId 10 allI I 1oJ I 4 I 31 1 Sprimuiillvlh and lIorrler HU i I II 1 0 I I Sw lonlon 111101 rldnee IIlt I i I Pt I II mil1 I pringlleldand Worceiter Ii ILIA I Wc 1t Haul Niw Condon unit IrcvUlence 7UUAM Runs dally Including Sundays Return service samo hours and by mute routes Leave Fur Due 1 154 i I 31 Newport via Wlckford 72n I I Iurn i I 2 UP i Northampton Div Slielburne rail 730 i IIJ I I Huuiatonla It It PltuneldHiU ttfll 1 1 Naugntuck Div 1 hunted SilO I 1 Through Parlor or sleeping Cars by each train Iaof il UmilATIJAI rIM Agent NiivvoiiK ONTARIIIANDWKSTHRN RAILWAY Trains leave from ferries at West 4M and Jar sts as follows West 4ll 7i10 A ilt 1 Jay st 73S A 1 for Middle port rulliburg Montlcello Liberty Walton Delhi Nor wicli I tiri Rome inside niton Oswego Bullalo Ds Irll I lilcagn I leot 4Jd 4PM I Jay St S45 I for Walklll Valley nill iiii taLes Muhnnk Wlunettaika MMilletowu Klooinlngburgh Lllcntllle Mt Dale Moiulcello hulls burr Liberty lulls Lake and Rockland II cot IJd 1 stil2 I lay st lullS dully for MldilleliiHii I hallnburg I lii I arty Ualtiui Nor lci inch dv wrgi Stii i enlnn llrlugo Delrnll I Chicago n1 ImilH Iliiftel fcepers 1 In Niagara oailc llecllninir rlinlrn fren lu suspension Bridge lmf Ird lime tables I lUUels I tc ill Ji7 37 IM4 1321 Broadway 7i7ijliuv in Kan lltlist ml 1 West juli st Newark 1 AMIrHMIS II I I A IH Exchange place New York IJMIIE i RAILWAY 15 YTlIlnT TICKET OhriCliD 401 317 711 and Hriiaduay lviM Iuua err I Battery lilace Clminbersst nnd 251 I St I berries I New tork ill ami ui Kiiltou ln I I 107 llrimhuiy Ullluin 4 I rb curner Ncwntk I au i iliulhun i I I vu I Hnbiiklil ililNin fUllon Jersey Itv vhire lUkitM and Iurlor or seepln nr Itteer all tIc Jind I rdere for ctierk loin anil transfer of liiggnje THII tie I ibtslntd inirsa 1 I nilns lea IIt live minutes earlier than time SIIUMII trout Cnamltrs sufi A 4 iJ A on Sundays Day Express buffet drawing room cuiuhes lu llutlma I03H A 1 4 eel Iou Delaware Valley Expreis parlor car lo Illngljitmton Oa ego Llinlra Hornellsvllle and Iornniif IP I 1 lUiiy I hid go nnd St Mills Limited a sMId uHiiiiin tr in iif i i 1 iiitil I I ii I filing i aches 1 tn lulfilu Nin Jta 11 0 1UIlL i uuliic Clin lunull all1 Ijiii Nu rlt chirc Icr fit home 4 1 i italIc fnlrtigu Express Pullman ImiTet Bleeping coachns tu I Illnubsmtun Oweao Blum 1UHU ester BuBalov Cincinnati I ant Chicago ror local trains sinus tatls In ucket offleis Milinir rAfciiBR Otural IupsrtaUndsut OtmiaTPauinut Ajtit TUB talk ANNUAL STATEMENT OF TUB Equitable Life Assurance Soctefy OF THE UNITED STATES For the Year l1lr Dc mbcr Jut 888 AMOUNT of LEDonn ASSETS JAHIAKT 1st 18S8 7920705540 Income frfmlnirn JS2CnrR18 Intercut Itcnls etc 4nllHiM fyiMor7fJ 10o5560330 Disbursem*nts Claim by Peath ami MMtirnl Endowment1 srZGroV08 DlUdetiJi Surrender Values AunullJci anil Plrcouiitcd Kndowmrnis 1II II Total paid Policyholders n88445744 i 0 Dividend Capital roo LomnilMlon Ailtertlslmr IodaROanil Exchan re 2 lIOItJ7 Ucncral IxpcneiS 8U tctountr anul City nice 2I2hi7lul I6Rfig00e13 Net Ledger Assets December 31 iSSS I R9P70269 Assets 0 Hand and Monsarcs 2GGO86M Itcal Kliilc Incliiiilni tIm Equitable llulldlngn anil piirchawa under forcxlonuru of inortgnccs IO4Slfih4o 1 United Htntea SUickn Slate Slocks City Stocks In Trust Companies nnii ilhtT IiniStmcnlB 313flSI94R Loam Kcttriil by lloiiile and ShuCkS Market Value MOIJSOT roJ1 I Ittal I Istatu unipldo tho stale IIr New York Including tiurcnases tinder fcmclosiiro of InurtiraKci r4722RI PaMiln llitik mill In irnnelt Mucorrcrlvcd and Invislnl i4ifU flT 13 Duo from Agents on account uf Premiums 49790345 E943TOMM Market value of Storks anil Ilonds er book value Interest I ami ItcntH due ami nccrtied 2e7ir16511 1rcmlunis detent and In tiautit H6800461 20761300 Total Assets December jr sSSS 9504292296 1 hiretiy certify thai after a fifrionat examination of the lecviiUu ana account tltterititd In Alt etattment I Jlnd ttit tame to tit true anuS corrtct ai itatea joni A JTCJ i bwy4flee Total Liabilities including legal reserve on all existing Policies jpcr cent Standard 7424820781 Total Undivided Surplus over 4 Reserve 2079471515 Of which the proportion contributed 1 an computed I hr Policies general cltsi Is I 1600173111 Of which the proportion contribute 1 as computed by Policies In ontjDS clau Is I 13 SlilSw jIVe certIfy to tAi correctness of the aool caroallon oj the rrr IInlf urplUl From Ma surplus the utuat dlvldllld will be made 1J60 tvIl1rtUPSI IX CISI New Assurance written in 1888 153933535 Total Outstanding Assurance 549216 I 26 Increase of Income 3718128 Increase of Surplus four prr cent tails 2690460 Increase of Assets 10664018 BOARD OF DIIIECTORS HENRY II IITTIE Pewiev lUllS ALEXANDER Vic PiistBar 1011 FIT7IERALD KUOJSE KELLY lOll A nwAnT CIIAIIILI lItm isiluy A iilttltIUT JOliN lONe tkVI I oIORTO lIonE 8TUUr hichny hi IIARQUAND JOltS SLOANE yJ3 lAGmmtlN A YAK atRongs WM nI WIIELOCK I IC ImOItROWE hi gENOA JgJi IliNIIY nAY II WILLlUISiJN ImANIgLI l05D OiJYEk A18 I Ii IIARTLFY CARIFTON vh AI rxasrrk lUHTACE nn I II ALFXANDER 1 LAMIIYItT 1I00tAC rORTU 1 II fIllLUPI CIIAnNCEY DErYw II RBIIL ALEXANDER IIENRY woXft CIIARIFS II IANrWN TIIOIotAS YOUNG gEn I VAr CUSTAV FONt COIIFIICR RLISS WillIAM 111181 I NAVARRO JOliN A UcALL AlAn4 111050 JOltS MrCOOK Jonfllt 1 LOW 3AMF If DtINtSAbl tl AiJLT 3r i IrwLOS tiOUI3tNOl COil 5 RANLumilPul ttWAitl SCOTt rIIIRD SOTM London Liverpool I CLOTHING CO 86 88 BOWERY COR HESTER ST WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 10 TONIGHT giattoforte3 rflait AMJMHUt of slightly uncil gruel upright aol a Fqiinru planoa or our uutkc uliUhwere epecinlly tclfctvd ana ucii by tho iirtUtH ol tlie Metropolitan titers louse I rotnpany durlntf ills past opera ncasoit wilt te coM at a liberal reduction from our regular price Uil KNA1IE it CU llnliav above luittoat THIS OIIRi 1ldYO Wo are still offering great inducements In our popular Upright Piano Elegant styles all latf sllniproveiii nta superior In tone Some ured feu months at remarkably low prices flu monthly one iiimrterti music lefcsou free rlliK A SON 21B Wett 47th St cor Broadway 1tCiflE gumUmi WALT taught rapidly lessons nil hours classes forming terms moderate CAKIIFHH HO Slhav tiIrOflLF PENNSYLVANIA RAILIIOAI Ou and lifter an 21 IRAn IIIKAT THINK LINK AND IMTlD TTK MAIL ROUTE Trains heat New York Ia Dobruises and Cortlandl Streets rerrlen as followS i harrisburg Pittsburgh tin the West with Pullman Palace tire attuclud A I in I Dining Car and I luhiy New York and Cliloauu Limited of Parlor Dining Smoking and sleeping Vestlbuled Cars at ti I A every diy Wllllamsport Lock Ilaen ii A Terry and Erie at I connecting at Curry for Titusvlllo and Ohio III Iteglons For Lebanon it I A 3 20 1 nnd 1213 night For oorriatosn Ilm nlxln Poltstown and Heading 11 I A I 2 tint 4 tUuulaye ii13 and lu A hi Italilmore Wu liingtnn nril the sooth Limited Washington hiprt i Pullman Parlor Can dally except Sunday in A i arrive Vuslilugton 4 and dully wllli Dining ar at 34D I si arrive XVashlnv ton 1 regular at ll OK amlHau A 12 411 audit i and IJ 15 night Sunday 015 and DA tW and i and 113 night FOR ATLANTIC CITY 1250 week duye Tnrough Parlor Car lands I week daj trioiue May I I week days Long llranch Ii hsy Head Junction and Intermediate stations via Itahwa and Atnboy ulu A 12 noun 421 mid to I On Sunday U45 A JL and 5 do not stop at Asbiiry Park For IIM Point ami Norfolk via New York Philadelphia and Norfolk liul road dally via Baltimore ad luy Line I week days liiatsuf Hrooklvn Anuei connect with all through trains at Jersey city affording a speedy and direct tcanaCer for llrooklyn travel FOIl PHILADELPHIA lipresa trains leave New York ru Desurojses and tortandt streets Ferries as follow 0211 7 215 IS ii Ii Chicago Lhnuiheul Wilti l1httrg Cronut 10 tsahiiulItiutu tirnitodl and hi A 3 1220 1 II lOt 4 4214k 1 im tieh attui ii 1 Pt an l2I tuluhit uccoiioiodalion 14o and 1110 A Pt 4411 and 7 i Suuilajs hiiirist IS DIULImltedl and lu A 4 4 SU ft il 0lJi HTaud and 12I2 nlgbU Accommodatlou I Trains leaving New York dally except Sunday at 9 MIIJ II tuu I A Mt 211 I 4 4 a and IHAM andu on Hundays connect at Trenton for Cam urn Ticket offices Nos I 4M 849 and 044 Hroadway 1 Aslor House and foot nf Desbrotkes and Cortlatult sts 4 Court su and lirooklrn Annex union foot of iuiiluu i Mrnukbn 70 II ul mi it liuboken claims Jercey i My emi raiii ticket otHce Ohio arden rh New orb iMnifer Coiniiiiy will call for and check ifwiy frmp liitels and residence iHAIIIIh I fl I ITllll It WOOD iiuiicral Manager Central Passr Agent 11011 PIIILUIKIPHIA AM TIIIINTdN A hut Ii HIIOOK UOUTi Tlnift Tu le of Nov IH IHHM RIIOHTUST AND gUIChKST HOI fli FOR VIA flSTIIAL KUIKIUH Op MXV JEKSIV AND PIIIIADUPIIU AM ltlAIIu IUIIimAl Lean New Xorl foul i Ltlirrty FI at 4 7 i II A 31 1303 I 4 i 0i2Il sund4S A I ih h2I ti I Iljve Pliiiiilflilin oh and reene su 7 Os i 3 0 i 4 II A Jl 1J 1 415 1 7 i i i MjuJan Ii St am ji i Pt Ikkeu and parlor jr Scala can lie i procured at 71 4lt HI I J4H I Liil llraailway 717 IHI nv 21 I I cut liith si lUIait lJtlikt New York I iourl st Bou Kultuii I ktUI llrniKlMuy llrooklyn DHAXHSlMtOOM AM hlEEPIMl CAllS IdlJpiIlfl Rhll STAB MM lOU ATXtLKIANIUAml I eoiiiur fru ow suri aiii I Antwerptirryoeek KHVNLAND Saturday bell lu at 0e A ii I WEHTKHNLAND Saturday FebSA at 13 Cabin rates First cabin and upward excursion I finoand upward second catlo 140 excursion C7J to I tan iteeragsai tsry low rats tlirXB WAIOUT bOMi Ufa AfU JswllBf Otlia I SOHEN MfNTiRAT rAHTlITEV which were awarded the hIghest distinction by a medical Jury at the International Exhibition at Brussels hire prove to be a flratclaas remedial agent lu all catorrui of the organs of respiration and digestion S0IFN JflN KAiIiiPA JTjriIE arepra scribed by physicians In dlsoasea of the lungs and obeal and asthma The beneflt derived from their UMUnn surpassed and even In the most chronla claM tttsy soothe ease and stlmolau HODEV IIINEIIAI rASLIEar crable to all similar preparation because they are a natural remedy an nnadnlterateft product off tba springs containing In an tmdlmlnlahed degroa the sanative principles of these springs KOTtEN MIXKIT 1 AKTIITF3 are pr pared exclusively under the personal npervialoa saul control of STOKLTZINO II Sanitary Connolllor HiODIV MINEHAT PASTILLES ace Tm equalled a solvent In coughs and CAtarroa even us 1 the most obronlo cease Their mooes is unsurpassed HOIIFN MlNKItAT 1AHTIIIE are 4 uperlor remedy In whooping cough and diphtheria the former they lenten the paroxysm ot the attack while preventing the latter dUease which cannot tale bold In a throat not affected by catarrh KOl iV MIVFUAT IAKTITrrB derive Increased value from the fact of having a very favorable Influence upon the organ of digestion sonrN 11 INI it A i iAHTirrKS ought to bo kept In every home All mothers are recommsnl ed to urge their children during the cold season to allow Pastille slowly to melt In their mouths while out on errands or going to school S4UHV MIXIIIAT ASTITTEB are tit sale at nearly all druggistsat SOc a boy Should yottt druggist not keep them kindly addreu the SOLE AQEVCy FOB TUB UNITED STATES budcn ailnerul Sprlnc Co Limited 15 CEDAR ST NEW YORE I DEAUTIPUL 7R1Thu 4 1A4l yea IlOej 1 ltndanO gold DbysIota tilhituga 41 ut othera aoo repel jnglli cork carratited JSTA1 CoD OhtSdav UM Dimal Iarlora 74 Varlck st car hal llrsi clasn work guaranued at moderate prtei I tttaic8I 1 A TTENTIONIDlSEABEa Of MEN TgHECIALrr htuuliurtonl cases recent or olul ipeeduly sad nsrtn tieiitiv uured eohiuitaiion free Pr fhiliMiLR PH VsL h2him ci bee tub and 7th ave A I htliEAuhue OP lIEN whatever the it hr out cause quickly rursuli lowest lenin adtice frs hur 4 ill i04 luruoumuc ci near flowery hioursOtou5 I 5 1 It IluuXeli Ill ii lVet 2 Ott at New Yorks lead iSIS enuaubat icr all ilhsetsia or Into quickest tiahlelit sre reeetut cases 4 to Ill days SCieUc per sod pull only mo gatelt coiiluoul4c htoura to a 7 to It I hiOHNEiOElperlenced ebiifui Itiuc oulineunsu4t treatment dump lifauls Lust 514th ct adopts ConfldeohJt 341 1511 IIAMlCFht 54 13th 1 All disease satiefji5 mired ur no CiiarWe tuuothcine SI eltvirefrehpto II iII1Eil 1i I ow rk creuleeo expert on 1 iia uiui uluia ill 1451 4uii si tear 44ev I hhleliopC iuts cured In a few days or 5105 macge Islet nen write for book Ira PIEhJItAI on meaty rigor hhSTiTLr IlI IcatI 18th ci NY A A YEAIIS practiceDr 1154UOI1TON It btUsy Weakness cuIeegInt dissass of the li Ch keegI ilOagh flyer kidneys bladder HWsa1ftI I a ILq itbUe jotkcu POST OFFICE NOT1CELetlersfor foreign countries I need not be specially addressed for despatch by any particular steamer except when It la desired tattaA duplicates banking and commercial documents let tern not specially addressed being sent ly the fan tt Veeaeii available ForeIgn mails for the week ending Feb 18 will oloM promptly In all cases at this offlce as follow i bATUftDAYAt ltu A for Norway direct par steamship Island lettera must fee directed M6er Island ttt 139 A 31 for Franca Swluerlaria Italy Spain and lomtugah per teamsWp La 0 owgne via ulayret at 2 A Pt for Europe per steaun hlp Umbrha vIe Qaeenstown Iettsns or Franca Switeriand Italy Spen and Voglugel most be ihirecled per tYmbria at 2 A II for I4iglam direct per steamship Kbrnland via Auutwerp Oeutpr inmost bo directed per Ithynland at 24 htor the Netherlands via Rotterdam DeL Uamafil eendam letters must be directed per VeendamT at U30 A for Great Mrltalu Ireland lYslgTain Netherlandi Germany Austria Denmark swdsn Norway Iluula and Turkey per sU3 initp Bib via Southampton and Ilremen letters mutt hi tb a reeled per blbei at 0 A for Fortune Island and Jamaica per steamship Atho letters for acre iillla Ac must be directed per Athosi at 19 A Pt for Portu Rico direct per stnamithlp Dope vita at lo A for St CroIx and HI Thomas vi ht crolx also Windward Islands dlroctper steamship llarracouta at 1 for Carnpecbo Chlapaa labasco and YncitMii per steamship SaratogaOev tore for other slexUun states niunt be directed Saratoga i at I for San Douilugo Cape HaflL and Turks island per fteamshlu Ueorge Clyd SUNDAY A18P 1 for IlluerJelds per steamship liar Ian from New Orleins Malls for China and Japan per steamship City of Rladsi Janeiro from Han iticlscn clone here Feb ai 7PM I Malls for the Hawaiian Islands per steam shin Australia from sun rranclsoo close here ftb JO at7P I Malls for the Society Islands persui Talilta from Han Francisco close liere Feb 22 atT Mails for Australia New Zealand UavalUn Kijl and Samoan i Islands per ateamshlp ilariboa from san FranciscO close here March SL at 7 PVuT or on arrival at New York of steamship Anrania KIth lirltuh malls for Australia 1411 for Cuba by rail lo Tampa VIa and thence by steamer vie Key 1 teit i Ia cloe at this ohlice Is I at 1 ZJLT 11 Tiue aclrIile of rlosimog of Iran celtic mails I as tj ranged on Otis preotntttoii of their unlntenrepte over land iraliMl lo nan raucisco Malta from the East AT rlvlug on time al Sun Franclico on the day of aalllnar of steamers are despatched thence the earn day Briu tered mall closes at aM previous day.
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