The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)

THE SHREVEPORT TIMES Mar. 26, 1978 3-C fija (5) ANNOUNCEMENTS 1 (16) EMPLOYMENT (16) EMPLOYMENT jfjj (16) EMPLOYMENT (16) EMPLOYMENT M1 (16) EMPLOYMENT 1 1 (16) EMPLOYMENT fj (16) EMPLOYMENT (3) LEGALS A BIDS (9) Personals WANTED Service Station At-'. tendant Must be willing to work." Local references. Apply in per- -son. 5109 Monkhouse AMERICA'S Oldest and largest Jewelry Party Plan Company needs an experienced Party Plan Manager for Shreveport and vicinity.

Phone Mr. Rav at 214 757-4511 after 5PM DELIVERY PERSON Local deliveries In great EXPERIENCED Swimming Pool Serviceman $200 week. Must be reliable, willing to work, and not presently employed at a local swimming pool company. References will be checked. Apply: Pool Specialists SERVICE SALES and MANAGERS Good Pay Company Benefits APPLY IN PERSON Attention COUNSELING.

All ages. Reasonable fees. Confidential. Box 3401, Shreveport 71103. CONFIDENTIAL resident care, counselina.

education. Retired NCO's We Will Employ 2 PEOPLE AT ONCE for our ap-' pliance work! Hospital, Life pension, and stock pur- chase plan available. Earning opportunity $250 per week Vo-T, start. For personal interview: Call 861-3518 private hospital for unwed CPO'S and Vpfpranc Dreanancv: licensed Dlacement rKJ veieranS services. Toll free NvwapafMr Production Co, AGENT FOR (Che Shttocport (Eimta MORNING AND SUNDAY Shmjrport journal EVENING Jo Pfacm Ada: CaUDimct Phon9 424-0373 OFFICf HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY A.M.

to 6 P.M. CLOSED SATURDAYS CLOSED SUNDAYS CLOSED HOLIDAYS CONSECUTIVE COMBINAMQN "WANT AD RATES 1 4 10 15 30 Day Day Days Days Days 1.08 .64 .50 .47 .44 3 iMJM 1600 21.15 39.60 4 4.32 JO.24J20.o6 52.80 5 J.4012.8026.00 35.25 66.00 6 6.48 15.36 30.00 42.30 71L20 1 TIME SUNDAY 1.00 a Una 1-800-433-7004. 518 t. 6Vth 51. EXPERIENCED Plumber And Air Conditioner KELLY'S IF YOU HAVE A Drinking Problem Call 636-9388 West Employment GAYLE WEST, OWNER Wit i I ina Aua A7A.Vnr Motor Route For The Shreveport Journal In Mansfield, La.

Call 1-800-282-8810 Circulation Dept. Motor Route For The Shreveport Times In Bernice and Junction City Car allowance and commission Call 1-800-282-8810 Truck Terminal Due to rapid growth of Non-Commission Officers Association, many openings exist for a rewarding career. If accepted, you will be trained in conductinq interviews, counseling a select group of Americans, licensed, and sell life insurance under a unique and innovated program 746-5456. I 20 West Shreveport would you like to make ICC DIESEL TRUCK DRIVERS COMMERCIAL LICENSE REQUIRED Good PAY Excellent Group Insurance Company Reltrement Credit Union Liberal Paid Holidays and Vacation Hunting Club Privileges CONTACT: TEMPLE er snreveport area. Must be at least 21 years old.

Class license and physi cal paid for by store. Outstanding company benefits. Uniforms furnished. For interview appointment Call 687-7311 JCPenney South Park Mall Equal Opportunity Employer For the Protection Of Our Readers And Advertisers! Care is exercised over ALL ADVERTISING or Display accepted for publication in this newspaper. The Shreveport Times never knowingly publishes advertisem*nts that are untruthful or fraudulent or detrimental to the best interest of our readers.

All advertisem*nts are accepted tor publication on the premise that they are factual, that products advertised are properly described at the advertised price and will be willingly sold to the customer at the price and conditions in the advertisem*nt. If any reader ever encounters anything other than faithful compliance with these conditions, we would appreciate your calling or writing- ADVERTISING DIRECTOR NEWSPAPER PRODUC TION COMPANY Agent to THE SHREVEPORT TIMES P.O. BOX 222 Phone 424-0373 SHREVEPORT, 71102 Repairman For part time work References needed. Write Apartments, Box 5533. port.

La 71105. Experienced, Inexperienced Auto Glass Man, Exp Glazier Apply In person, ACME GLASS 1060 Grimmet Dr. money in your spare 4 742-4884 WRECKING YARD MAN Must have own tools 4048 Mansfield Rd. YOUNG MAN With carpentry experience. Start $3.50 an hour.

636-0919. i Polygraph Service 742-7303 PREGNANT GIRLS Confidential care, home atmosphere or out-pat ient. Adoption offered: 318 221-2669 Volunteers of America 354 Jordan, port. PRIVATE COUNSELING 227-0512. Martial, Family Divorce or Intimate problems.

PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR Licensed, Experienced 227-0307 PROBLEM PREGNANCY? Call 425-5433 Confidential Pregnancy Tests Pregnancy Referral Info SERVICE STATION MANAGERS NIGHT AND DAY ATTENDANTS GOOD SALARY APPLY OFFICE 3108 HOLLYWOOD Guys and Gals TRAVEL OPPORTUNITY Unique young business group can place several sharp single young people. Free to travel, major U.S. Resort area, no experience necessary. Local training furnished. Transportation furnished.

$150 per week plus expenses to start. Apply in Truck Leasing Co. Needs truck mechanics, Shreve. port shop. Your qualificationsj determine your wages.

teed 40 hours plus Paid uniforms, paid paid holidays. ,4 As for Circulation Dept. NOW HIRING LABOR FOR on and offshore. $3 Per Hour, time Ami Vi Ciuor.time Rnnm anrt Service Station (10) lost and found Attendant full -with board avaiable. No collect calls.

Age 20-35. Only experienced Truck. Leasin? BT Oil Field Services Inc. nX, nniw penmcco maintenance Teasin. need 3DD v.

ROOM 1077 HILTON INN DOG POUND is located 1866 Kings Hwy. 222-9595. If you Experienced Optical Dispenser Doctors Voss and Lewis, Optometrists 617 Texas St. 425-3491 EXPERIENCED Service Station Attendant age 30-50 to work part time, evenings and Sunday. 25 hours per week.

Above mint-mum wage. Apply WHITTEN'S EXXON, Hearne at 1-20. EXPERIENCED Truck tire changers company benefits, apply in person only. Hope and Western Street Moore's Fire-stone. EXPERIENCED TRAINEE (dipper Baker OF ELECRTtC MOTORS Progressive electrical motor shop.

Only those willing to work hard need to apply. Call: Charles Corder 8 to 5 222-9431 over 600 vehicles under lease in' and Ark. If in- 4 terested call collect: -V. OUR ECONOMICAL 15 DAY PLAN with cancellation privileges gives you The best rate. You are billed for exactly the number of days you run at the rate earned.

SEPARATE NEWSPAPER RATES Shreveport Times 8' a tine less than combination rates. Shreveport Journal 10 a line less than combination rates. Contract rates on request. DAILY COMBINATION ADS appear first in the Shreveport Times and then in The Shreveport Journal the same day. don't find your dog there, use a Dress casual, come' prepared to ad here- oesin local training today.

EASTEX Personnel Dept. Pineland, Texas 75968 AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 424-0373. Ask for Mr. Graham 3100 First street Berwick, La. 70342 504 384-8557 PART TIME Male Grocery Help Over 18 years old.

Evenings and weekends. 631-1421 for appoint-ment between 10AM 2PM. dewey IF YOU SEE a pet in distress, call the Humane Society at 929-2066. If you have lost or found a pet use a classified ad HERE Call 424-0373, 8 to 5 (5) AWHOUMCEMENTS jf1 AUTO GLASS INSTALLER Apply in Person. NALL'S AUTO GLASS 718 Crockett.

AUTO PAINTER SOUTHERN HILLS MOBIL 9180 Kingston Rd. tm Service Station ATTENDANT To work morning or evening. 686-9013. Service Station Attendant Mechanically inclined, honest dependable. $2.65 per hour, after 40 hours time and a half.

221-9476. SERVICE STATION THE Newspaper Production weekdays. IN REMODELING PARTS MAN amrjle DRIVER, Young high school sSXSZrt TArSWJZ "!S 'J 'JW necessary 747-2980 MAN With some exDerience in pur journal Reserves I ne mono. 222-5584 work, top pay, benefits. graduate with valid driver's li- Greater Lufkin Ford Sales cense for errands.

EOE, 4460 Lufkin, Texas month. Call PATTI, 869-3364 Painting and Must be able to read a tape. Good opportunity For Automotive Parts concern, for the right person. Call Give experience, references, wigm lo Properly Classify. AndOr Edit Or Refect AH Ad- LOST: REWARD Off Lake- 713-632-6611 rsfcT rtKauwHbl, 747-0314 between 8 and 4:30.

222-6349 After 6, 47J-1776. venising copy Submitted To w' o'uumine, wnue Them Whpn frtnv It DoomoH male Help needed. 18 or older. Apply in person 934 E. 70th St.

Obiectional. Or Contrarv To 631-1515 PARTSMAN, experienced only motorcycle experience BCAI ITIr-l A DRIVER: City delivery. 25 up tAU I ILIAN Class license. Good record, with following, great location. Call JOE 869-3461 Spelling.

Manager Trainee The Public Policy Now Or Her- LOST: Small reddish-brown fe FACTORY BRANCH $5.85 Per Hour eafter Established. male Mixed breed doa. 14 years Call Dora at 865-7196 40 hour work week, Call for an PowerCycle Honda 222-3454 DUNHILL TEMPS Sheet Metal Man 2 to 3 years exp. Must be willing to work. For appt.

Deaf and partially blind. Benton-Plain Dealing Area Area hrPVP Citu Office Park f-Kfcfc HUHbtbACK TRAIL oci.ri Broadmoor area. REWARD. Professional Log Cutter. Per Suite 314 865-2369 RIDES AND CAMPING be PHONE WORK Call 746-6878 861-1850 or S65-4B53.

ton or contract basis. Good tween Gilmer and Quitman, Texas. 700 beautiful acres, v- Call Penni Lynn REWARD for return of person- man, good pay. 929-2650 Good Opportunity For Line Mechanics We need 6 sharp men or women to start immediately in various phases of our company. No experience necessary.

Will tram. CALL 227-1060, 10-5, TUES. ONLY. Work from our office. Good pay plus daily and weekly bonuses.

Call 865-7870 press' Creek Estates. Call al papers, identification cards, 318-326-5405 appointment 861-4732. Squires Formal Wear Manager Trainee Career for recent grad with national retail firm. Good benefits. up Call GOERGE 746-7721 Snelling And SHOP FOREMAN ttfjvt-tvif eic.

rurse snaicnea trom owner Skaggs Albertson's on South- BLUEPRINJ Equal Opportunity Employer Turn Your Free Time Into Wanted for Ford Tractor and Libbey Glass REWARD PROFESSIONAL RECRUITERS. Locally owned with New Holland farm and industrial dealership. Must have man- Join the growing family of Dun- MACHINE OPERATOR Grocery warehouse print shop. more than 135 afftttates nation- Factory Outlet open Tues. thru t05 lrisrJ Setter in La-Sat.

10 a.m. -5 p.m. Tierra Subd. off Pines Rd. wide.

We receive new iob orders andim' chanical ability. Many in i i cm ipui ones anu nuiK Liiintt nan uiifbiei (VlUil when you want to work. It's the have some following. Also Mani- ArtanaQer I TdlnOe ana canaiaaies in an proression Company benefits available, Lignt experience required, fcx- rpllent frinna benefit nrnnram modern way to work. Tempo- curist to take over established tin 400 No exDerienced needed al fields daily.

6124 Hearne Ave. Shreveport, La. 71108 636-3313. (-an or write: Call Gary Kendrick 222-3201 forrar" assignments following. Apply in person only variety ot duties.

Past promo- for KEY PUNC (11) Travel Shan Glamour Beauty Salon, 738 Aza- interview appointment. tions, expanding company. Call incll iAb-fu aneinng Programmer To $17,000. Firm is upgrading With 7 years experience. Must have own tools.

Salary open. Plenty of work. 5 Day Week. Profit Sharing Plan. Insurance.

OIL CITY TRACTOR INC. Mr. Monkry P. Box 710 Beaumont, 77704 713-842 3666 PIGGLY WIGGLY OPERATORS WAREHOUSE Manager Trainee their system. Rapid advances, raises, good benefits.

Call CALIFORNIA. Cars furnished to responsible parties. POST MOTORS 86S-2234. lea ur. Female Swimming Instructor Year round, must be 21 or over.

Strong background, prefer previous teaching experience, cur $9600 start. Fast advancement GEORGE 746-7721 Snelling Cni.H riii ruiirir uin LOS ANGELES. Cars furnished BOOKKEEPER $12,000 LIS 746-7721 Snelling Retail Grocery Cash register experience. Male. Call 865-7378 or 222-3963.

Male or female. Full charge through financial analysis. to responsiDie parties. BOB FRENCH MOTORS 814 Grimmet Dr 222-5784 STENOGRAPHERS SECRETARIES BOOKKEEPERS High Rates NEVER A FEE! DUNHILL Shreve City Office Park Suite 314, Shreveport, 71105 Call 861-3576 Kathy Christian or Lee Hale Shreveport Rent-Alls ROIITP nRIVPR (14) Cemetery lots, Monuments rent w.s.i. sena resume to.

YWCA 710 Travis St. Shreveport, La. 71101 Fence Foreman No dead beats, no goof-offs, only those who want to work need to apply, $3 to $12 per hour, depending on one's ability. Hospi- MANAGER TRAINEE That is sales oriented. This is an opportunity to get in on thp around floor with a ACCOUNTS PAYABLE $700 Experience a must with this industrial firm.

Packaged benefits. FOOD SUPERVISOR 1650 8 to 5. Experience helpful. Age no factor. Call A.

B. Harville or Philip Hanco*ck Hanna Ford 222-1131 Need hard working man to drive Deivery Man and Laborer, bob tail tank truck picking up Must be clean-cut, settled indi-waste oil in Shreveport and Ark- vidua, wjth good reCord. La-Tex Guaranteed hourly Must al50 have knowledge of wage plus commission. Must light contractors equipment. 40 have 1 year driving experience hours per week, 6 days.

Call Mr. on 2 speed and know Shreveport McCallister between 1-4 p.m. and local area. Interviews start (0r aDDt Monday, March 27 at 8 a.m. Call 2 CEMETERY LOTS Forest Park East J500 861-2306 idiiidiion ana prom-snaring in the heart of beautiful East lex- PAYOFF PAYOFF PAYOFF the classified PAYOFF works two ways PAYOFF NO.

1 Minimum ad space 3 lines No misclassifications permitted Only standard abbreviations allowed Blind Box $2.00 Held; $5.00 Mailed plus one line extra for address CANCELLATIONS CORRECTIONS Accepted up to 5 p.m. daily for next day publication. A cancellation or correction cannot take effect untrl the advertisem*nt has been published once. ERRORS: Newspaper Production Co. assumes no responsibility for errors after the initial insertion.

Errors not the fault of the advertiser which clearly lessens the value of the advertisem*nt will be adjusted or credited by not more than one gratis insertion'' INDEX (5) LEGALS BIDS (5) ANNOUNCEMENTS (7) Special Notices (8) Greeting Cards (9) (10) -Lost and Found (11) Travel Share (12) Card of Thanks (13) jt Memoriam (14) Cemetery Lots, Monuments (16) EMPLOYMENT (18) Administrative 119) Technical, Industrial (20) Sales (21) Medical (22) ClericalOffice (23) Restaruatns Clubs (25) Domestic (26) Job Information (27) jobs Wanted Misc. (28) Jobs Wanted Domestic (30) INSTRUCTIONS (31) Schools (32) MusicArtDance (33) Foreign Languages (35) BUSINESS OPPS (36) Minerals Royalties (37) Stocks and Bonds (39) MONEY TO LEND (40) Real Estate Loans (41) MortgagesNotes (42) Wanted to Borrow DIRECTORY FOR SERVICE (44) Air Cond. Refrigeration (45) Appliance Repair (46) Auto Re pair Service (47) Beauty Services (48) Brick Concrete (49) Business Service (50) Gabinet Work (51) CarpenterRemodel (52) CarpetFloor Service (53) ChitdCare (54) Detective Agencies (55) Dirt Sand Gravel (56) Electrical (57) Exterminators fS8) Fences (59) Florists (60) Insurance (61) Insulation Interior Decorating (63) Janitorial Services (64) KindergartenNursery (65) Lawn Service Landscap- as. Tom uavis, ill-nil or tor inter-view appointment. S700 Snelling Snelling (16) EMPLOYMENT AMERICAN FENCE CO 5010 W.

Marshall. Ave. Longview, Tex. 1 214 759-3917 1650 to S650 S6S0 FIRE SPRINKLER company needs men tor fabrication de-VoO partment, experienced in pipe large national home building organization. Excellent advancement opportunities fringe benefits for salaried employees, includes 12 year retirement, profit sharing program, stock purchase investment pro gram, life and hospitalization insurance.

Apply: Jerry Gomillion 4215 East Texas Bossier City, La. Jim Walter Homes 745-2944 DIRECTOR S15.000 Senior Secretary Administrative and public rela- Fee negotiable tions. Male or female. Deal with Accounts Payable politicians. Will train.

AccountingSecretary SALES REP $12,000 Up Legal Secretary Electrical knowledge helpful. Executive Secretary Car and expenses furnished. Fee Paid Fee negotiable. Executive Secretary RECEPTIONIST $500 Stat Typist Fee paid. Age no factor.

Accur- Receptionist ate tvPin9" Receptionist EXECUTIVE SECRETARY General Off ice $750. Fee paid. 8:30 to 4. Good Policy Typist office skills. General Off tee Policy Typist SALES REP $800 jwal Office Plus commission.

Fee paid and Receptionist SbUU iraae prererrea. salary negoua- 1630 Barksdale Blvd. 746 7721 6910 Mansfield Rd. 636-4983 310 Ockley Dr. 969-3461 Sprinkler Fitters Woiit in Louisiana, Arkan ble.

Contact David Sullivan S550 Royal Employment 619 Lane Mg. Jean Blackwell 424-7141 1500 1525 1475 1525 1450 1450 12 65 Hr. a a a a GARDENER for apartment complex. Some yard experience preferred. 865-1493 Mon.

thru Fri. 9-4 GENERAL LABOR CAR AND PHONE REQUIRED sas and Texas. Open shop. Good salary, travel pay and insurance. To 1850 Mature Woman Manager -experi expenses.

Male or female. Will Excecutive Secretary train. Monroe area. Fee Paid r-, Royalities Clerk DELIVERY $500 Fee Paid MUbl Bt 18 YEARS OLD For part-time help. Afternoon enced only-local $12,000.

Industrial Fire Protection Co. Call 318-396-2486 NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS The Shreveport Times and Shreveport Journal do not knowingly accept Help Wanted Ads from employers covered by the Federal Wage and Hour Law if they pay less than S2.65 hourly minimum wage $2.65 an hour newly covered persons OR if they do not pay time and a half for work in excess of 40 hours in a workweek, if required by law. Nor will this newspaper knowingly accept ads from covered employers who discriminate in ads which discriminates against persons 40-65 years in violation of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Contact the Wage and Hour Division Office of the S. Department of Labor at 8809 Federal Center.

Phone 226-5028 Accountant Use the classifieds to sell items you no longer need. shift. Apply. WOODY'S CAMERALAND 599 Creswell (No Calls Please) 861-2489 Simpson TEMPORARIES PROGRAMMER-managerial ability, fee and salary 1700 up $700 1700 up 1675 1650 1650 TWO A-1 Body Shop Workers WANTED Immediate position available tor 7 experienced A Body Shop Workers. Excellent working conditions, good salary and full fringe benefits program.

Please provide references. Call MECHANIC GENERAL TIRED OF 9-5 DRAG? BOOKKEEPER strong accounting experience-computer ability. Open. Chrysler-GMC dealership CALL: WILLIAM PATTISQN Cr a1 it Flukie We have openings for Art Store Payoff No. 2 Use the classifieds to buy items you want at bargain prices.

HA 3UN WU I JK t-U. area. Finance Secretary taryLand WHOLESALE REP $700 Keypunch Night Plus expenses. Sales oriented. Will train in this field.

Senior Secretary Rate Clerk CREATIVE $550 Secretary 3 9 to 5. Appreciate art. Work with affluent clientele. mgnts Secretary 1 GIRL OFFICE $500 General Office Aqe no factor. Light typing.

Able to supervise, will tram. Secretary Dictaphone Typist Store Manag- inti Sales-electronics Manager, Thi Maturity and good work record Mansfield 872-1653 COUNTER er, Hou! i rainee. field. 17200. Rnrtv Gust rd valet-Cashrer, J575 with good raises.

Call Diane MECHANIC have own COST Accountant-degreed and fl Snack ar Onager and S565 1 Light duty. Must GOOD career opportunity for tools. Apply b-k' .3 cooks. Maintenance Manager. 1500 right man.

Trainee, 19-24 years, Phone 1201 Marshall St. $500 permanent, all extra benefits, 1 $500. growing business. Chance to FINANCE Managers and as- Must live in, work with and su-sistants To S10.000. pervisor alcoholics, other drug addicts and persons with relat- MECHANIC SERVICE STATION ASSISTANT ENGINEER v-K I I ypist tit lymQi-ianrsnr lerhniral ItalH learn.

SJ35 424-0373 ACCOUNTANT degreed-know- lr. ifltJ'lSZr ledgable all phases Oil and gas CaM "Ktor- up. Excellent growth degVee helpful. Excellent com- rH opportunity. Local firm.

FEE pany benefits and future. DAin ill rcnDAC Liri mice McClamroch Machinery Company Inc. 939 Louisiana Ave. Apply: 101 Southfield Rd. MECHANICS nnncirv I n.n (r Red River Motor Co.

742-3411 Ext. 21 746-7721 Snelling ing Ask for Classified GOOD ROOFER NEEDED Fort 3 12 to 8'12 NOW 635 8352 SALES-experienced in heavy JL equipment Potential U0.000. Tnmnrrow Whpn You additional exDerienced truck train, aggressive GO TO WORK HAIRSTYLIST vV -N A. -j AIRLINE ELIZABETH COX CENTENARY EMPLOYMENT 221-4179 320 Ricou-Brewster Bidg. Milam and Marshall BUILDER SECRETARy S700 Fee paid.

To manager, subur-ban area. Excellent future. Brick Layer Sub-contract work. 746-5754 CABINET MAKER Experienced. Apply in Person: Beauty Oueen Cabinet Co.

2 spaces for rent David Kut "ST'a" GO TO WORK FOR -it -tr tr -Cr TCrHKl I A I TrainM-ninn and Kurl, 8037 Jewells Rd. Call IUVL.I ft- 686 1535. 742 5436. Craig Equipment Co. schooi-entry level International iruCKueater 1104 Grimmet Dr 221-2681 IEXPERIENCED North American can show you North by becoming a partner in one of the nation's fastest growing businesses.

EXECUTIVE Secretary-offlca oriented. Fee paid. $700. 6707 W. 70th St.

EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1413 Airline, BC 747-2975 -Female Public (6) Business Service REASON NO. 3 From Income Tax Return Hassle you'll be FREE Dodson 86S-6272. Heavy Duty Truck LIFE INSURANCE bookkeeper-experienced all phases. $700. Even though you never thought of owning your own busi-ORDER Room secretary-good ness northAmerlcan has $8500 Cabs for Lease Relations Men-Women For Service Station Work, 6 days, 8 hour shift, $2.65 plus per hour, Morning or evening shift available.

Apply 8AM to 10AM 909 W. 70th St. TRUCK TIRE INSTALLER Jointhe Yellow Cab Team. Full TrUCk DlSpatCh $800 one for you 1 typist. $550.

SS50 person: 4j i-onson. $800 $750 GENERAL Office-type-10 key-math ability. $550. Mechanics See our ad in the Business Op-portunities Section of today's paper. oo CARPENTER ft it it it it it.

it it it it it it it' it it it. it ft. ft' TAX RETURNS PREPARED FLOYD M. SCOTT JR. 746-3828 YEAR-ROUND Bookkeeping AND INCOME TAX SERVICE Floyd Bookkeeping Service Tax Corporation of America Counselor Phone 746-3728 $750 Cummins.

Detroit and general Good salary, excellent company benefits. Apply In Person Mobile Home Serviceman and Truck Driver Secretary Real Estate Cashier Finance Exp. Executive Secretary Legal Secretary Sales Rep Clerk Typist Bookkeeper Collections truck experience. 5 Day. work week paying up to $350 a week.

Company benefits. $750 $700 Trainees Montgomery Ward (9) Personals Contact Bob Murphy Peterson Truck Sales SALES-Servlce-high type ag- gressive lady. Carexpense open. PUNCH-experienced-day work. $550.

GIRL Friday-Some college-good work record. $550. RATE Clerk-Experienced only. $600. LEGAL Secretary-must know Louisiana law.

$800. STAT Typist-prefer mature-need car. $550. ANYONE WHO WITNESSED an accident or saw either vehi Legal Typist Inside Sales Accounting Dictaphone Medical Secretary Dictaphone Collections Keypunch Receptionist Office, B.C. Office-South Type-File Doctors Asst.

Sales, Mature S600 IS00 Up 1750 $520 ssoo $500 $500 $525 $500 $600 $500 $2.65 hour $500 Dental Assistant Must be experienced, married, and have references. Apply at DON KILLINS TRAILER SALES INC. 2916 Cypress, W. Monroe, La 318-387-5846 Days 396-8810 PM No Collect Calls Motor Route For The Shreveport cle prior to the accident which tm South Park Mall Egual Opportunity Experienced in Remodeling 746-5754, 2107 Shed Rd. BC CARPENTERS Large housing project $10.10 per hour 687-6460 CARPENTERS FIRST AND SECOND CLASS RESIDENTIAL.

686-6149 CASH PAID Blood and Blood Plasma Donors it it it it it it i it it it it it it it it occurred on Sept. 16, 1977 8 30 PM on Hwy. 167, 3 miles North Receptionist of Wmnfield, La. This accident involved 4 Arkansas State coeds general unice in a 1974 Datsun and 1970 blue Credit Clerk Dodge driven by Anthony Hill, Fort Polk, please contact Accounts Payable Hugh Bernard Farm Bureau in- Casualty Rater $650 $600 $600 $600 $575 $550 $550 $550 $525 $500 $475 $460 $215 (18) Administrative FOR Offset Rotary Business Forms PRINTING PRESSES and COLLATORS Opportunity to learn top trade. Must be willing to produce.

Apply in person Castle Printing Co. 1618 Marshall TRUCK DRIVER For ready mix concrete truck, tnri rioiiuerv aaod DAV. Must surance, kj. dox wuicni' toches, call collect, 318 352 8111. ACCOUNTANTS $550 $S50 948 N.

Market 425-4481 HERITAGE PERSONNEL SERVICE Confidential Coast to Coast 2220 Justice FORSYTHE BUSINESS PARK MONROE, LA 71201 IMMEDIATE OPENING for experienced meat counter person. Apply in person. T. S. Cotten Gro 3656 Lakeshore Dr.

Installation Person needed immediately with growing company. Con-struction background helpfuf but will train Benefits. 40 hour week. Will interview Tues and Wed. For appt call 861) 3706.

INSURANCE RATER Must have experience. Earn $65 per month as a blood Dpliverv Billing Clerk Title Clerk-Auto Exp. Driver Tractor Trailer exp. Sales Rep-Top Company Manager Trainee Inside Sales Plus Commission 2 positions available, grants and auKtharyathlettc. BS degree ori and equivalent combination of education and experience.

2 years of experience in account-' Live-in Nurse Journal and The Sunday Shreveport Times Carthage, Texas Call 1-800-551-8892 Circulation Dept ROYAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 619 Lane Bldg 424 7141 SCRAPYARD TORCHMAN Truck Driver, Laborer 520 Airport Dr. (Agurs) Security Guards Between ages 405, retired military preferred, full or part-time needed. BURNS INTERNATIONAL Security Service, 627 Crockett Room 107. EOE. lOl'iin uuiw tv sary.

Mon. thru Fri. $600 INTERSTATE BLOOD BANK 209 Milam hash 9 tojir nn lAndem axle ma is oreferred Send apptio truck. Minimum age 27. Build- tion, resume and references to: ers Supply Co.

3rd street ott 1300 block of Marshall. 222-5721 (67) MovingHauling 68 NursingMedical Services (69) Paint'PaperPlaster (70) Plumbing Heating (71) Roofs. Sheet Metal (72) SewingAlterations (73) Storage (74) Tutoring (75) TV-Radio Repairs (76) Upholstering Furniture finishing (77) Misc. Services (78) AUCTIONS (79) ARTICLES FOR SALE (80) Garaqe Sales (81) Household Items (82) TV's. RadiO'Stereos 83 Pianos, Musical Merchandise (84) Sewing Machines (85) Wearing Apparel 186) Good Things to Eat (87) Gifts, Antiaues (88) Guns SDOrting Goods (89) Cameras, etc.

'90) Coins Stamps etc. (91) Mobbv Arts (92) Boats Motors 'Bait (93) Bicvcles Motorcycles (95) Auto Truck Parts (98) Dogs Cats Pets (99) Livestock (100) Poultrv Feed (102) Plants, Landscaping (105) Farm Equipment (107) Building Materials (109) Typewriters Business Machines (110) Office Eauipment (112) Heavv Machinery (114) Sell or Swap (115) ARTICLES FOR RENT (118) Bridal Formal Wear (120) WANTED TO BUY (122) ROOMS FOR RENT (123) Motels Hotels (124) Room and Board (125) Wanted Rooms (126) APARTMENTS (127) Furnished Apts. (128) Unfurnished Apts. (129) Wanted Acrts. (130) MOVING AND STORAGE (131) -REAL ESTATE RENT (132) Furnished Homes (133) Unfurnished Homes (134) Wanted Homes 1 (135) Storaqe Space (136) Business Prooertv (138) O-fices Desk Soace (140) Suburban M4i Resort Lake-Summer Home (142) Farms Acreage (145) REAL ESTATE SALE (146) Homes (14) Townhouse Con dominiums (148) Residential Lots (149) Suburban Prooertv (15) Lake Prooertv (151) AOts.

Duoiexes (152) Business Commercial (154) Sett -Rent Trade (156) Houses to be Moved (157) Out erf Town. State (160) Wanted Real Estate (162) FARMS AND ACREAGE (165) Farms Acreage Wanted (166) MOBILE HOMES (168) Recreational Vehicles (170) Mobile Home Parks Lots (172) TRANSPORTATION (174) Auto Truck Lease (175) Auto. Truck Repair -177) Wanted to Buy 1791 Airplanes and Service (180) 5 Wheel Drive (181) Trucks Trailers (182) Foreign Soorts (1831 Antioue Classic (1B4) Vans Buses (185) American Motors (186) Buicks (187) Cadillacs (188) Chevmiets '189) Chryslers (190) Dodoes (191) Fords (192) Lincolns (193) Mercurvs (194) oidsmobties (195) Pivmoiths f196) Pontiacs (197) Volkswagens EE TON EXPERIENCED MECHANICS We are expanding our operations. We need 2 experienced Welder $6.35 hour up HiJ Exp. Major company.

Steel Fabricator SMJ CASHIER TWaior Company mechanics. Guaranteed salary. Heavy equipment Sales $30,000 working Vice President for Fiscal Affairs Gramblmg State University Drawer G. Gr ambling. La.

71245 ACCOUNTANT SERVlCfc bl ai iun vacation hospital benefits Excellent salary and $3.25 hour $2 65 plus per hour Opportunity 1 workng'condltlon conditions Appt 746-SS07 Excellent salary and good working condit Warehouse Pit iw, i in or early advancement Motor Route Carriers Security Officers Needed Applications being taken Maior company. f-ee negotia- ne ai. Investigator up. Car Fast raises. Will train in industrial accident Needed DESK CLERK TRUCK DRIVER For dump trucks, local delivery good pay must have 2 years experience on single axle trucks.

Minimum age 27. Apply Builders Supply. 3rd street off 1300 block of Marshall. 222-5721 Voluntary Fireman Need one Fireman from each town in Northern La, to show Film on early warning Fire Alarm system. Only one Fireman from each town Make over $100 a week parttime.

Write: Bud Williams, Master Guard Co, 1157 Prospect, Shreveport, La. 71104, 318-221-9080 investigation. Call CEOROE M. Classified Advertising Has the unique benefit of reaching your best prospects the people who have already made a buying decision and are reading the Classified Ads to decide WHERE to buy. No Matter how large or small your business, you, too, can profit trom Regular Classified Advertising.

Let one of our experienced advertising consultants plan a sound Classified Advertising program for you Just Dial 424-0373 Ask for Classified 746-7721 Snelling JOBS AVAILABLE oie. We also have many job openings in other fields. AIRLINE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1413 Airline Dr. BC. 747-2975 HLMM SIDING Matranga-Subaru AMC JEEP 2400 Linwood See: Roy Matranga EXPERIENCED Alignment Brake, Tune-Up Mechanic Part Time Full Time Evenings APPLY IN PERSON ONLY NEW ALAMO PLAZA 2136 Greenwood Rd DESK CLERK for carriers to deliver Shreveport TimesShreveport Journal in West Cedar Grove and Southern Hills area! 424-0373 CIRCULATION DEPT.

Ask for Mr. Lockwood Or call 6S7-0662 NO FEES CHARGED Tne LA OFFICE OF EMPLOYMENT SECURITY, 2331 Airline Dr BC and 2400 Dowdell, Shreveport. $12 000 Fee Paid Entry level spot with LOCAL firm, requires degree, good attitude, hard worker. DUNHILL of Shreveport, Inc. Shreve City Officie Park Suite 314 71 IPS B61-3ST6' ACCOUNTANT CPA firm needs now.

To $15 000 for CPA. Fee negotiable. Call Monday ODESSA HORT MAN. 869 3461 SNELLING. Accountant To $70,000 Diversified industry Young, growing company.

Call JUDY 746-7721 Snelling. for Security Officers, starting pay $2 72 per hour. Must have transportation and telephone. Retired military given preference. Apply in Southern Research 627 Spring St.

SERVICE STATION Attendant Experienced, local references. Charlie's Texaco. experienced NCR 42 for 7 to 3 and 3 to 11. Riverboat inn off KEY PERSONNEL INSTALLERS Ask for Mr. Crank Monkhouse ur.

iot t. rj nour ween aiary plus com- t.r Youree Dr 869-3364 or Nanry mission. Pad vacation, other Port Polk, la. New work. Over tv? years work DESK CLERK Aruiiw in Pprson Warehouse $600 month start.

Good compa ny and benefits. Call JUDr MICHAELS 746-7721 Snelling. company Denems. WESTERN AUTO 25 Heart Of Bossier Call 746 0806 MAINTENANC MAN for rental properties. Must be able to do carpenter, electrical and plumbmg work.

5 days a week. NEW HIGHER PAY For distributing advertising mail part time for Ten Toe Ex 5701 Monkhouse Dr Kickapoo Motel press, can m-vjii- Eaual Opportunity Employer Lail 74MMU. Call ASCO 901-642-1404 2141 Texas. BC CLASSIFIED VAI1T ADS DEADLINES MOM COMMERCIAL 5 PM Can Start in In nevl day IMP ERRORS Errors should be reported to the Classified Department on the first day. We will not be responsible for more than the cost of one incorrect insertion nor for more than the cost of that part of an ad rendered valueless by an error.

OFFICE HOURS, Monday Thru Friday 8 AM TIL 5 PM CLOSED SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Soace WKCELL6TI0SS NON -COMMERCIAL: Straiqht Clfl cancelled up to pm Monday throuqh Friday for loHovymq day. once ad has appeared. Be sure you receive a cancellation number when cancellmq your ad. No adjustments can be made without this number. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: Same as deadline for ads Soace CLASSlf KD DISPLAY Adt To Appear On Ad To Appear On Monday 3 PM Tuasdsy 1 PM Thursday Frirtav Saturday Thursday 17 Hoc Friday 2 PM Friday 4 PM Sunday Monday Tuesday.

The Times from Shreveport, Louisiana (2024)


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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

Phone: +9418513585781

Job: Senior Designer

Hobby: Calligraphy, Rowing, Vacation, Geocaching, Web surfing, Electronics, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.