THE TOPEKA DAILY STATE -SATURDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 15, 1919 5 TRY KING MONDAY Both Sides Ready for Murder Farm Case. Three Skeletons Found on Defendant's Maple Hill Place. K. U.
SCIENTISTS TO TESTIFY First Prosecution To Be Based on Woody Evidence. King, in Shawnee Jail, Master of "Classic Cuss Words." Lyndon. Nov. 15-When the trial of Rufus King. charged with murder in connection with the finding premises formerly occupied at Mathree skeletons on or near the net ple Hill, is called.
up in the Osage county district court here November 17, it is expected both sides FOR COLDS Medical Book mailed free. People often say "My Grandmother used Dr. Humphreys' Medicines" this may be a great tribute to age and stability but unless you follow in the footsteps of your Grandmother it does not help von or 119. Bezin with for Coughs. Grip.
Influenza. Catarrh and Sore Throat and you will bless the memory of your Grandmother forever. At all Drug and Country Stores. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co.
156 William Street. New York. will announce ready. The case will be given preference, according to attorneys and court officials. King is charged with murder on three counts, but he will be tried November 17 on that involving the alleged murder of John Woody, Maple Hill.
Woody disappeared in March, 1909. One of the three skeletons unearthed about King's livery barn and home at Maple Hill, Wabaunsee county, is alleged to be that of Woody. change of venue was asked by King's attorneys, who declared King could not receive a fair trial in Wabaunsee county because of excitement over the finding of the three skeletons. This was granted and the case was transferred to the Osage county court. Follow Eskridge Evidence.
Evidence to be introduced by the state will be similar to that presented at King's preliminary hearing Eskridge, according to Maurice MeNeil, assistant attorney general. The defense, it is said, will maintain that King has no knowledge of the burial of the skeleton, alleged to be that of Woody, just outside the door of King's livery barn in Maple Hill. The defense also is expected to contend that sufficient proof has not been brought out that the skeleton found is that of Woody. In addition to evidence introduced at the preliminary trial, expert testimony relative to the skeleton will be Mr. Prospective Car Purchaser This Means Something to You Mich US INVESTIGATE ITL.
F. BUTLER MOTOR CO. Distributors for CHALMERS and WINTON Cars 117 E. 7th Street Phone 5842 offered by men of science from the University of Kansas. The three skeletons found on the King premises were sent to the university for inspection.
A separate case has been made of each of the three murder charges and those arising from the alleged murder F. Ringer, an itinerant jewelry peddler, and Reuben Gutshall, a young farmer, will not be brought up during the pending trial. Ringer disappeared Alin December, 1906, and Gutshall has been missing six years Skeletons alleged to be those of the two men were found near King's home at Maple Hill. The discoveries were made! nearly a year after King had moved to Colorado. Arrested in Colorado.
The skeleton alleged to be that of. Gutshall was the first of the three to be found last summer. King was immediately arrested in a small town near Pueblo, Colo. Since his arrest. King has had little to say, contending thruout that he has no knowledge of the disappearance of the three men, King has been confined in the Shawnee county jail since a few days after arrest.
He was brought to this eity to escape possible mob violence. King during his confinement in Jail in Topeka has won admiration of his companions in the "bull pen" by his wonderful mastery of English cuss words. Probably no man in jail in Topeka has been able to swear SO often and so fluently as Rufe King. His daily remarks on the food furnished him are looked upon as masterpieces. King always has been willing to talk on any subject.
He has proved himself a capable nurse for "dope" heads and other patients. He has proved also that he sticks his pals and went into solitary confinement once rather than to tell what he knew about an attempted jail break. It is expected he will be taken to Lyndon, Sunday night. IMPROVE AT NEODESHA Standard Oil Company Starts 000 Bullding Project. Neodesha, Nov.
million and a half dollar building project will 1 be started here immediately by the Standard Oil company of Kansas, it was announced today. The program of construction will include 42 additional stills, a modern boilerhouse that will develop 5,000 horsepower, tanks with a capacity of 30,000 barrels of oil, a mechanical shop for the manufacture of pitch drums and a tinners' shop. Increased business in the oil fields of Kansas and necessitates the improvements, officials said. With the building program completed, the company will operate 167 stills, while in 1911 it operated only 13 stills. The refinery present employs nearly eight hundred men and it is estimated the construction work will add three hundred employes.
proposed, It is expected the building program will be completed by next July. More than eleven hundred car loads of engines, steel and materials will be used. LEASE HOLDS GOOD Oil Land Owner Can't Void It by Refusing Rentais, Court Decides, Eldorado. Nov. 15.
One of most important cases ever filed in the Butler county division of district court was decided by Judge A. T. Ayers when a ruling in the case of Paris versus the Arkansas Oil Cas company and George A. Shryock, as was given in faver the defendant. Its importance lies in the fact that a land owner who leases his land for oil and mining purposes cannot void the lease by declining to accept rentals.
FrO VA AV Practice Putting on- 5A WEED TIRE CHAINS in the Garage It only takes a few moments to attach them when you know how. No jack required. Study the directions. Practice makes perfect. No danger of injury to tires.
THE careful driver regularly gives his car "the once over" every few days before he the takes it brakes, out of the that garage. there is a He gives sufficient a turn supply or of two oil, to water the and grease gasoline cups tests and that out Observe these th sees fundament the batteries are in good condition, etc. By so doing he is assured, barring accidents, that he will have no trouble on the road. ButHOW few there are that pay the slightest attention to the proper method of attaching Weed Tire Chains Rain comes on, the road and pavements sud- annoyances on the road- -learn how easy it is to denly become slippery and treacherous -the put them on correctly- practice in the garage Lay chains over wheel car slips or skids the Weed Chains, carried in give the with books toward rear, and women instruction. It will nearly every tool box, are hauled out and a amply repay you in security, satisfaction and and tuck the slack under hundred to one the driver has only a hazy idea comfort.
front part of wheel. how to attach them. He fumbles around, gets hot under the collar and falsely accuses them Printed instructions for attaching of being a nuisance. Weed Chains are packed in every bag--If you desire a copy write are very numerous all us and we will gladly mail it to Women drivers nowadays. out into the country over you.
They are driving sorts of roads they surely need protection. the dangerous skid. How many of Weed Chains are also made to meet the them know how to put on Weed Chains? demand for an efficient traction and anti-skid against Have you ever instructed your wife, your sister device for trucks equipped with single and Start car forward just or your daughter. dual solid tires or with the very large pneu- ends. enough to run over slack matic tires.
They are so constructed that The directions for attaching Weed they satisfactorily meet the requirements of are simple yet most important. Avoid heavy truck service in mud, sand or snow. AMERICAN CHAIN COMPANY, INC. BRIDGEPORT CONNECTICUT WEED ON POO EVEN Largest Chain Manufacturers in the World The Line -All Plumbers' Hook chains as tightly Complete Chain Types, All Sizes, All Finishes -From Safety Chain to as possible by hand. Ships' Anchor Chain WELD General Sales Office: Grand Central Terminal, New York City Do Not Anchor District Sales Offices: Boston Chicago Philadelphia Pittsburg Portland, Ore.
San Francisco WANT BIBY TO RUN Topekan Urged as Candidate Against Congressman Anthony. Opposition Against Incumbent Like Insurgency of 1910. "PROSPECT" IN CALIFORNIA Well Known in District Was Prominent War Worker. Will Take Shawnee Man To Unseat Anthony, Claim. Wm.
A. Biby of Topeka, former national treasurer of the Knights and Ladies of Security, 'may be urged his friends to enter the Republican by primaries against Congressman D. R. Anthony, next year. Several Biby supporters who are strong in First district politics, today discussed launching a campaign for, nomination of the Topekan.
Biby California. Not since the memorable insurgent campaign of 1919 has Congressman Anthony encountered real opposition in party. That was the year which marked the defeat of Senator Chester I. Long and the downfall of a long line of Kansas congressmen who had seemingly become strongly entrenched in Washington. That was the year C.
F. Scott lost to A. C. Mitchell in the Second; while Fred S. Jackson defeated J.
M. Miller in the Fourth. R. R. Rees unseated W.
A. Calderhead in the Fifth and I. D. Young mowed down William Reeder in the Sixth. Narrow Escape in 1910.
With thee returns from the 1910 complete, Congressman Anthony was barely saved from the wreck. He polled 11,380 votes in the district as against 10,807 cast for T. A. MeNeal of Topeka. The margin of 573 saved Anthony's job.
time such opposition as has confronted Anthony has been from outside Shawnee county and the efforts to retire the Leavenworth man been weak and wobbly. The politicians have figured that a strong Topekan may turn the trick which was not quite completed in the primaries of ten years ago. For this reason there is a real possibility that the Anthony opposition may unite on Biby-if he will consent to run. Biby is well known in the district. Few men in Kansas were more active or effective war time campaigns than the Topekan.
spoke in alevery town in the congressional district, as well as in scores of towns outside the district. He knows the party leadership and has a personal acquaintance with thousands of voters. He has spent the greater portion his life in Kansas, having lived in Herington and Wichita for a number of years. He is acquainted with Kansas conditions and needs in the judgment of the men who are starting his boom, would be a strong contender in the congressional race. "Anthony will not be retired from congress," one, Topeka political leader said today, "until Topeka provides a candidate." Davis Only Opponent.
At present Hearted" Jim Davis, mayor of Leavenworth, a candidate against Anthony. He is expected to divide the Leavenworth-Atchison county strength with Anthony, who in the recent election was defeated in the general election in his home county except for the saving grace of the soldiers' home vote. MARYSVILLE GROWING New Hospital, Bank, Business Institutions, Dwellings Being Built, Marysville, Nov. -The population of this town has increased 1,200 during the last year and a large program of improvement is being carried Five miles of streets are being paved, and a new $50.000 opera house is under construction. Other improvements under way are a $60,000 bank.
a $50,000 hospital and $50.000 cold storage plant for handling poultry and eggs. There are now under construction more than 100 new homes and an equal number were built during the summer. FLU FOLLOWS STRIKE Workmen Living in Steel Plants Contract Diseases. Youngstown. Nov.
Spanish Influenza has broken out among workmen living in steel mills here on account of the steel strike, according to announcement by Youngstown hospitat officials today who said that six cases had been taken to the hospital front the Ohio works of the Carnegie Steel Co. and three from the Brier Hill Steel Co. Several hundred men have been living in each plant during the eight weeks of the strike. Legion Boycotts Nonpartisans. Stafford.
Nov. Stafford county chapter of the American Legion has passed a resolution binding its members to refuse to work for or aid any farmer or other person krown to be a member of the Nonpartisan league or any disloyal organization. Members of the local post further pledged themselves to discourage others from working for members of the Nonpartisan league. The resolution asserts that officers of the Nonpartisan league have been proved disloyal. 25 YEARS AGO IN TOPEKA From the columns of THE TOPEKA STATE JOURNAL November 15, 1894.
The deed to the Kansas Medical college property WaS placed on record today. The deed is made by Mrs. Lizzie A. Snell and her busband. J.
B. Snell of Clay county, and the consideration named is $12,500. The property is the old Higginbotham piace at the corner of Twelfth and Tyler streets. Topeka people who are interested in science. completed 11 organization last night which will be known as the Topeka Philosophical society.
Among members enrolled are the following: J. T. Lovewell, John Guthrie. Horace E. Horton, Wm.
Smith, H. Armstrong, A. Downing, Z. F. Riley, Luther C.
Bailey, G. A. Lall. M. Gee.
D. Hale, Mrs. Mary E. Stewart, M. C.
F. Menninger, M. F. H. Ayers, T.
B. Jennings and others. Mrs. E. B.
Merriam entertained friends Inst erening at her home, 1621 College avenge. Mrs. W. A. Stanford whe has been risitinc ber danghter.
Miss Vivian, and also Mrs. J. F. Carter, returned to Marion today. DEATH OF JOHN NICOL Topekan Was Engineer of the City Waterworks.
John Nicol, 316 Harrison street, Friday at 9:45 p. m. after an illness of two months. Mr. was born af Kirknewton, near Edinburg, Scotland, June 24, 1844.
He came to America. in 1873, settling at Louisville, Ky. He went to western Kansas in 1884, and came to Topeka in 1886, and lived here continuously ever since. For practically all of his life in peka he was connected with the city waterworks in the member capacity of of the engi- 0. neer.
He was a I. 0. F. No. 40, and had a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Mr. Nicol is survived by and three daughters. The latter are Mrs. Searcy Marlowe, of Tuscaloosa, and Mrs. Carl P.
Bolmar and Miss Jo Nicol of Topeka. The funeral arrangements will be announced later. PLAN LAND BANK HERE Mullaney Secures Federal Charter for $250.000 Institution. Topeka will secure a joint stock land bank, according to E. E.
Mullaney, well known Topeka and Hill City banker, who has secured a charter for the bank from the federal department RUPTURED? TRY THIS FREE Wonderful Invertion Sent on 30 Days' Trial Before You Simply seud me your name and I will send you my new copyrighted rupture book and measurement biank. When you return the blank will send you my new invention for rupture. When it ar. rives put it on and wear it. Put it to every test you can think of.
The harder the test the better you will like it. You will wonder how you ever got along with the old style cruel spring trusses or belts with leg straps of torture. Your OWIL good, common sense and your ewn doctor will tell you it is the only way in which you can ever expect a eure. After wearing it 30 days if it is not entirely satisfactory in every way-if it is not. easy and comfortable -if you cannot actually see your rupture getting better and if not convineed that a cure is merely question of time- just return it and you are out nothing.
Any rupture appliance that is sent on 30 days' trial before you pay is worth giving a trial. Why not tell your ruptured friends of this great offer? We refer you to any Bank or Trust in Kansas City. EASYHOLD 156 Koch Kansas City, in Washington. The bank, which will be authorized to handle farm and livestock loans in Kansas and Missouri, will be capitalized for $250,000. Two additional stock land banks have been located in Kansas- one in Wichita, another in Salina.
Under the federal law the bank will be permitted to issue bonds up to fifteen times its capitalization to cover farm mortgage loans. Among incorporators of the new institution are: E. E. Mullaney. a Hifl City: E.
Ames, Kansas City: J. R. Burrow. Roy L. Bone, George A.
Gulld. Topeka: R. B. Garnett, HIM City: Charies W. Campbell, Norton; and James Walsh, Hill City.
Approaching winter does not seem to deter dealers from taking on the Liberty line. LIBERTY They know territory is going rapidly and they are laying the foundation for the big business in sight for the Liberty the coming season. KANSAS LIBERTY CO. 1017 Kansas Avenue, Topeka, Kan. Pay.
Demountable Rims and Rim Parts (All Kinds) Shawnee Tire Repair Co. Call 1298 Home of FISK TIRES 116 E. 7th 300,000 Maxwells How they created a demand for the Post- War Maxwell that cannot be fulfilled THERE is a demand for the Post-War Maxwell that eight great plants cannot fill More than 40,000 persons who set their minds on having one will have to go without. The cause for this is due largely to the magnificent performance of the 300,000 previous Maxwells. They delivered such excellent mileage at such low cost that the great American public learned to know this car.
This unprecedented demand is evidence of its deep rooted appreciation. Then when the Post-War Maxwell came out, with its score or more of refinements and improvements developed during the war, the demand for Maxwell reached a new peak. 100,000 are being built during the current year. Thousands 40,000 more are readily priding could themselves be marketed. on pos- Maxwell sessing one of these Post-War models; thousands more will have their hopes filled; thousands will have to go without.
More miles per gallon. Which class will you be in? Price, $985 f.o.b. Detroit Capital Auto Supply Co. Phone 162. 119 E.
7th St..