Elk City Sun from Elk City, Kansas (2024)

City Sum ISSUED EVERY FRIDAY L. W. DAVIS, Editor and Owner Entered an second-class matter Jan. 4, 1907 at Elk City, Kansas under the act of Congress of March 8, 1879. SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Year 81x Three Months ADVERTISING RATES Church, lodge or other notices where benefit la derived, 5c a line Obituary poetry and resolutions, 5e per line.

Display advertising, 10c per inch. OFFICIAL CITY PAPER FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1916 SOCIAT SOCIAT ONE HUNDRED ITEMS. Isaac Saunders was an Independence visitor Monday. Tom Elliott and wife of Elk City visited Sunday with the latter's par ents, Jess Dodson and wife. Miss Mollie Amiseigger went to Lafontaine Saturday to visit a few days with Miss Lela McKinney.

Fred Kelly, wife and baby Moreen came up from Independence Tuesday for a few days visit with J. C. (Kelly and wife. Miss Ophie Degarimore came home from Kansas City last week where she spent a month visiting her brother, L. A.

Degarimore and wife. Charlie Morris and wife motored up from Havana Sunday to bring home Miss Nora Degarimore and visited with John Degarimore and family. Henry Eaton of St Joseph, Mo. left fast Friday for his home after several weeks visit here with his daughter, Mrs. Riley Horton and family.

Mrs. Nellie Davis and baby returned to their home in Dewey, Ok. Saturday, after a weeks visit here with her parents, John Hanford and wife. Alva Kelly suffered a slight injury Friday last, when coming down the stepe from Dr. Robinson's office in Independence and broke a couple of ribs.

A Mr. Jay from West of Elk City has rented the old Saunders farm for the coming year now owned by A. Metzgar and has been plowing, getting ready for the next crop. 100 School opened Monday with an enrollment of 20 scholars. Miss Bessie Kelly as teacher.

The school board having added much to the appearance of the school house by painting the inside and outside of the building also painting the new coal house they recently built. The 100 Sewing Circle met with Mrs. A. J. Logsdon on Thursday afternocn August 24.

After a 80- cial chat and business meeting Mrg Logsdon treated the circle to Fruit Salad and Cake. All enjoyed themselves very much. The Circle did act meet st week on account of the Star Sunday School picnic and will meet this week with M'es Maud Loving, Sept. 7th. We hope those who have had sick ness in their home will soon recover, and be able to attend more regularly and help to make our Circle what we intended it should be.

A cordial invitation is extendd to visitors. This means out of 100 district as well, FARM RIDGE RIPPLES. Mrs. Ivy Kenworthy was an Elk City visitor Tuesday, School commenced Monday with Miss Verna Fields as teacher. Miss Bessie Harbour went to Independence Sunday where she will attend High School, George Anderson and wife and Charles Shue and family were Neodesha visitors Saturday.

Hardiman went to Neodesha Monday to accept a position as clerk in the White Grocery. His family will join him later. Mre. M. Bingley returned home Saturday from Leavenworth where she has been visiting her daughter, Mrs.

May Hughy and family. Miss Nora Pliler who has been visiting her uncle, E. D. and family returned to her home near Quapaw, Okla. Word was received that George Hurst died Thursday morning at his home in Dewey, Okla.

Burial was In- Mount Hope cemetary at Independence. LAFONTAINE LOCALS. J. Starn returned home Friday from Benedict, where he had been visiting and taking in the Old Settlers Reunion. B.

H. Jeter and family of Wann, Okla. are visiting old friends here this week. Mr. and Mrs.

Joe Van Buren and son, Von are visiting relatives in Missouri this week. The trip being made in their Metz. Leonard Sanderson and family are moving from the J. E. Decker farm to the Billy Wilson property In town.

Mr. and Mrs. Drumbeller of Wickita are visiting the latter's brother, Harry Risenger and family, F. M. Brockway left Thursday for Wellsville to join his family on a visit with relatives.

They returned home Monday, Claude Shue is moving onto the J. E. Decker farm which is being vacated by Leonard Sanderson. Miss Libby Dean went to Fredonia Friday from which place she will leave for Ohio to make her future home. C.

D. Gibson came over from Moorehead Sunday to take up his duties as prinicpal of the Lafontaine school. Alby McKinney and Buster Wright were business visitors at Fredonia Wednesday. Mrs. Homer Decker and children came home Saturday from Wheaton, Mo.

where they had been visiting her parents, J. T. Johnson and wife. Miss Lucy Morris of Morehead, one of our former primary teachers came in Saturday for a visit with Mrs. Ira Fink.

Miss Mollie Aemesigger of Elk City visited Saturday and Sunday with Miss Lela McKinney, A. N. Smith and family of Neodesha spent Monday with Homer Decker and family. R. F.

Dirst and family are movothy in the city school. ing to Fredonia to place Miss Dorothy in the city schools. Mr. and Mrs. Alby McKinney visited the first of the week with O.

D. Wright and family at Elk City. The Parcel Post sale, Saturday night was well attended. The receipts of the evening being about forty-eight dollars. FORGET YOUR ACHES Stiff knees, aching limbs, lame back make life a burden.

If you suffer from rheumatism, gout, lumbago, neuralgia, get a bottle of Sloan's Liniment, the universal remedy for pain. Easy to apply; it penetrates without rubbing and soothes the tender flesh. Cleaner and more effective than mussy ointments or poultices. For strains or sprains, sore muscles or wrenched ligaments resulting from strenuous exercise, Sloan'g Liniment gives quick relief. Keep it on hand for emergencies.

At your Druggist, 25c. HALE ITEMS. S. G. McConnell was in Sedan Monday and Tuesday on business.

Mrs. Ivan Seeth of Sedan visited her parents, A. Tanksley and wife this week. Mrs. Esther Gregory of Chautauqua Springs is visiting her parents, Allen Tanksley and wife.

Mrs. J. E. McConnell is spending this week in Sedan visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Grace Blair.

Mrs. Geo. Burris of Sedan spent the week-end in Hale with her parents, A. B. Blair and family.

The Hale school commenced Monday, the fourth, with Miss Lizzie Borders of Moline as teacher. Misses Margaret Tanksley and Vesta Oakley went to Sedan Saturday to attend school this Winter. Wm. Mantooth went to Bartlesville, Okla. Saturday to work on an oil lease.

His family accompained him, George Hoover, wife and daughter came in from Bartlesville, Okla. Tuesday for a two weeks visit with relatives. DON'T NEGLECT YOUR COLD stead of better. A stuffed head, a tight chest must be relieved at once. Dr.

Bell's Pine Tar Honey is Nature's remedy. Honey and glycerine heal the irritated membrane, antiseptic tar loosens the phlegm, you, breathe easier and your cold is broken up. Pleasant to take, Dr. Bell's Pine Tar Honey is an ideal remedy for children as well as the grown-ups. 'At your Druggist 25c.

Fire, Lightning, Tornado and Life Insurance -WRITTEN ATSLOCUM'S AGENCY OR Establisned 1886. Notary Public -OFFICE ATThe (las Office PRAIRIE PICKINGS. Lee Kelly began teaching school at Central Monday. J. H.

Goodwin and son Emmett were Independence visitors Saturday Ross Philippi went to Independence Saturday to accept a position. George Phillip and family visited Sunday with Wm. Bishop and family Jack Whistler and family moved to Elk City the latter part of the week. Mrs. S.

A. Coleman is very Ill aiti the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ed Slater. School opened Monday with Oscar Owen as teacher and an enrollment of 28 scholars. Amos Bishop left Monday for Independence where he will attend the County High School.

R. O. Davidson and family and Geo, Hamilton and family Sundayed with L. J. Steele and family, Several from this vicinity attended the Star Sunday School picnic at Drybread's grove Thursday.

John Saunders and family and Guy Colling and wife visited Sunday with H. A. Merritt and family. Mary, Allen and Nettie Saunders spent Saturday night with their grandparents, H. Merritt and wife.

Mrs. Steele and daughter, Miss Marie, visited Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Mattie Schwatken and children. J. M.

Merritt and wife visited from Saturday until Monday with the latter's father, E. L. Hadley of Coffeyville. Harry Blackmore and family of Independence and George Blackmore and family visited Sunday with Joe Blackmore and family. STOP THE FIRST COLD A cold does not get well of itself.

The process of wearing out a cold wears you out, and your cough becomes serious if neglected. Hacking coughs drain the energy and sap the vitality. For 47 years the happy combination of soothing antiseptic balsams in Dr. King's New Discovery has healed coughs and relieved congestion. Young and old can testify to the effectiveness of Dr.

King's New Discovery for coughs and colds. Buy a bottle to-day at your Druggist, 50c. BELL NEWS. Lloyd Waddell was in Fredonia Monday. Mrs.

Harry Goff and children were Elk City visitors Monday. Emmett Moyer and wife visited with John Enlow and wife Sunday. Miss Inez Dodd of Lafontaine visited Sunday with Miss Leota Wadde) Mrs. Emery Waddell spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Will Waddell.

Jessie Elrod of spent Wednesday with Miss Grace and Ruth Hoover. Mrs. Dwight Moyer of Neodesha spent Sunday with her parents, John Enlow and wife. Guy Collins and wife visited Sunday with the latter's parents, H. Merritt and wife of Prairie district.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bobbitt and little son visited Sunday with the latter's brother, Carl James and family of Elk City. Mrs. George Risinger and children spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of her brother, Clint Baker and family of Fredonia.

Clear Bad Skin From Within. Pimply, muddy complexions are due to impurities in the blood. Clear up the skin by taking Dr. King's New Life Pills. Their mild laxative qualities remove the poison from the system and brighten the eye.

A full, free, non-griping bowel movement in the morning is the reward of a dose of Dr. King's New Life Pills the night before. At your Druggist, 25c. SALT CREEK. J.

B. Davidson is building a new barn. A nice shower of rain fell last Thursday. Myrl Davis is on the sick list this week. Loren and Miss Hattie Elmore and Edgar Stark are attending the High School at Elk City.

W. A. Stucker made a business trip to Sedan Tuesday. J. C.

Davis left last Thursday for Johnson, Ark. to visit relatives. W. O. Horton, wife and daughter Mise Ethel of Independence visited their parents, G.

W. Fowler and wife and Mrs. M. E. Horton the first of the week.

TRESPASS NOTICE No hunting, fishing or trespassing allowed on my premises. All violators will be prosecuted. -L. Antle. 44tf (First published in the Elk City Sun September 1st, 1916.

PUBLICATION NOTICE. NUMBER 16168 In the District Court of Montgomery County, Kansas. C. E. Bowen, Plaintiff.

ve. Wendlin Linder, and his wife, if he be married, if living, and if dead, then all unknown heirs, devises, administrators, executors, trustees or assigns, Defendant To Wendlin Linder, and his wife, if he be married, if living, and if dead then to all unknown heirs, devises, administrators, executors, trustees and assigns. You are hereby notified that you have been sued in the District Court of Montgomery County, Kansas, and that you must answer the petition filed by the plaintiff on or before the 13th day of October, A. D. 1916 or the petition and the allegations therein contained will be taken as true and judgment will be rendered against you, which judgment will bar you from any and all right, title or interest you may have in and to lots One and Two of Block Twenty-three of the city of Independence, Kansas, as shown by the duly recorded plat thereof.

By Hal R. Attorney for Plaintiff, Attest: W. R. Hobbs, (Seal.) Clerk of District Court. First published in the Elk City Sun, Friday, September 1, 1916.

PUBLICATION NOTICE. In the District Court of Montgomery County, Kansas. Alfred E. Watts, Plaintiff, VS. Maurice S.

Bell, Pluma B. Bell, Minnie M. Bell, Margaret Tilton, Hettie Larson, Hettie E. Larson, Allice McLean, Alice McLean, Daniel McLean, D. McLean, Donald McLean, William C.

Tilton, and Wm. C. Tilton, if living, and if dead their unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns; Nancy Bell Conner, James B. Talbert, James Carey, Oscar D. Talbert, Charles J.

Talbert, Alice V. Hazlett, Mary A. Talbert, T. E. Lancaster, Theodore B.

Snyder, Maria L. Buchanan, Ada V. Beam, Ada V. Loomis, Addie V. Beam, Mary Bell Jewell, Nora Ella Maple, Nora Ellen Marple, Nora Ella Marple, Alice V.

Talbert; the unknown heirs, executors, adminstrators, devisees, trustees and assigns of Mary J. Talbert, deceased, Mary J. Lancaster, deceased, Amelia A. Snyder, deceased, Nancy J. Talbert, deceased, John Talbert, deceased, Frances M.

Talbert, deceased, Josiah D. Talbert, deceased, and Willie C. Talbert, deceased and Cudahy Oil Company, a Corporation, Defendants. The State of Kansas to Maurice S. Bell, Pluma B.

Bell, Minnie M. Bell, Margaret Tilton, Hettie Larson, Hettie E. Larson, Allice McLean, Alice McLean Daniel McLean, D. McLean, Donald McLean, William C. Tilton, and Wm.

C. Tilton, if living, and if dead their unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns; Nancy Bell Conner, Oscar D. Talbert, Alice V. Talbert, Alice V. Hazlett, Mary A.

Talbert, Theodore B. Snyder, Maria L. Buchanan, Ada V. Beam, Ada V. Loomis, Addie V.

Beam, Mary Bell Jewell, Nora Ella Maple, Nora Ellen Marple, Nora Ella Marple, and T. E. Lancaster; the unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns of Mary J. Talbert, Mary J. Lancaster, Amelia A.

Snyder, Nancy J. Talbert, John Talbert, Frances M. Talbert, WillieC. Talbert and Josiah D. Talbert: You, and each of you, if living, and if dead, your unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns, are here by notified that you have been sued by plaintiff in the above entitled court and action; that you must answer the petition filed in said action on 0.1 or before the 14th day of October, A.

D. 1916, or the petition filed in said action will be taken as true and a judgment in favor of plaintiff will be rerdered against said defendants, if living, or if dead their unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees, and assigns; that said judgment will bar and exclude said defendants from any interest in or to the following described real property, to-wit: The Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Twelve (12), Township Thirty-three(33), Range Fifteen (15) East, Montgomery County, Kangas, and said judgment will forever bar you, or any of you, or your unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees or assigns from setting up or claiming any interest or title in or to said premises and plaintiff's titie to said premises will be quieted as against said defendants and their unknown heirs, executors, administrators, devisees, trustees and assigns. Alfred E. Watts, By O. L.

O'Brien, Attorney for Plaintiff. ATTEST SEAL: W. R. HOBBS, Clerk of the District Court of Montgomery County, Kansas. 0.

K. HAYDON, M. D. Physician and Surgeon ELK CITY, KANSAS Phone 7. Office upstairs over Nyal Drug Store.

"Quigg's Store News" Nearly everybody is aware of the fast changing merchandise market. There is scarcely anything bought wholesale today that is not much higher than one year ago. This applies not only to Hardware and Implements, but what you eat and wear also. Like a great many retail stores we have tried hard to avoid the necessity of increasing our selling prices on staples by buying early in nearly all lines. This has taken an extra effort to take care of these goods, and pay for them when due, but we can feel confident for awhile at least that we have the goods and the price that should get your business.

For some things we sell, as with all other lines of trade, higher prices have been paid and will continue to be paid, as they are for such goods as cannot be had by early purchasing. However we want to impress upon our customers that now as never before in a great many years, you should be sure and get your home dealer's price on anything you are going to need. A. R. QUIGG Established 1878 "Everything in Hardware" John Deere Implements.

BROWNSVILLE. BROWNSVILLE. Lone Chery school stated Monday with Miss Alberta Garr as teacher. 23, pupils were present the first day. E.

A. Brown, wife and two children returned Monday morning from a weeks visit in Oklahoma; they made the trip in their car. L. R. Douglas and family were visiting in Havana Saturday with their sister in law, Mrs.

Treva Doug las and children. Miss Verna Robinson, who has been working for Mrs. May the last week returned home day. Henry Aiken and family motored to Seneca, Mo. Thursday; returning home Saturday.

Mrs. Lizie Meadows, who has been visiting her daughter, Mrs. Zelbert Darbro in Western Kansas returned home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.

N. Raney went to Chautauqua Springs Friday; returning home Monday. Schuyler Pierce came up Monday to visit home folks a few days. G. F.

Hill and family moved to Sedan Thursday for the girls to attend High School there. Thera was a party at J. C. Watson's Saturday night; all report a fine time. Mrs.

Ed Farris returned home Saturday from a visit in Oklahoma. PLEASANT HILL PARAGRAPHS. Glen Losey of Sunnyside district, spent Saturday night and Sunday with his uncle, Pitt Stong and family. H. E.

Hendrickson, wife and sons, Paul and Alvin, spent Sunday with Mrs. Hendrickson's sister, Mrs. Burch Newton and family. A fine rain visited this vicinity last Thursday. Mr.

and Mrs. Pitt Stong and daughter, Roena and James Mott motored Independence Monday in the latter's car. Mrs. C. L.

Moorehead returned home Sunday from a few weeks visit with relatives in Joplin, Mo. Christian Church Notes. I. N. Jett, Minister.

At the regular monthly' meeting of the board of elders and deacons last Sunday it was decided that the church conduct an evangilistic campaign of about three weeks durataion beginning about Oct. 8. As extensive preparations as possible, in the time, will be made for the meeting, and the church uliitedly expect success. Do not forget that services are announced for each Sunday. Some extra preparation is being made in the choir and something good is in store for you from them.

Our annual State Convention of the Kansas churches is to be held at Independence this year, Oct. 2- 5. Every member of the church here should attend at least a portion of this great convention. Don't forget the time and placeChristian Church, next Sunday. The Bible School Supt.

has designated Sunday, Sept. 17, as the Rally Day and request that everybody having any interest, direct or callaterial in the work of the Bible School be there upon that day and bring some one with you. MONEY 64 per cent on Farm Loans. No waiting for the money after the loan is accepted. Citizens State Bank.

Master Key, 30 Reels, Sept. 11 to 16. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. CHENEY Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F.J.

Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his Bank of Commerce, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.

Take Hall's Family Pills, for constipation. THE BUSINESS MAN Feels himself secure when "Uncle Sam" guards his money. The National Bank Law offers absolute security. We shall be glad to explain its advantages to you as a depositor. This bank is a member of the Federal Reserve Bank, the strongest bank in the world.

First National Bank Captial and Surplus $75,000.00 O. T. HAYWARD, President W. D. MYERS, Cashier L.

W. MYERS, Vice-President T. M. BOSTON, Asst. Cashier.

Elk City Sun from Elk City, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.